Warning about vaccines from doctors and scientists

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
i am glad you said this: "You cannot trust doctors" and "You have to draw your own logical conclusions."

That is exactly what i did the moment they began crying "pandemic" and "experimental vaccination"

God's word tells us not to place our trust in man - especially men who know not God.

Peace and blessed health to you dev553344 - and thank you for the prayer support when i had my hip replaced and became ill
Well I know that the AG of Florida spoke out against the new booster because it has not been approved and they are pushing it with force on the population.

I did get the initial vaccine as I was directed to do so by God. But He then told me not to get boosters.

About 22 years ago God told me to see the doctors, and He used the Holy Ghost to do it so I can in no way deny that. I saw a doctor and got put on meds. Then I just started trusting doctors, but that is not what God told me. It was about my schizophrenia and getting diagnosed and medicated for it so I can function without paranoia and hallucinations.

Many years later I have decided that doctors cannot simply be trusted. If they make a diagnosis and prescribe medications it is up to the person to research that out and pray about it.

I'm starting to see class action law suits coming from all over where they have put me. From Camp Lejeune water conspiracy and toxins back in the 80's to Zantec cancer problems and recall. Those are both trusted and approved areas that later caused serious damage.

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Well I know that the AG of Florida spoke out against the new booster because it has not been approved and they are pushing it with force on the population.

I did get the initial vaccine as I was directed to do so by God. But He then told me not to get boosters.

About 22 years ago God told me to see the doctors, and He used the Holy Ghost to do it so I can in no way deny that. I saw a doctor and got put on meds. Then I just started trusting doctors, but that is not what God told me. It was about my schizophrenia and getting diagnosed and medicated for it so I can function without paranoia and hallucinations.

Many years later I have decided that doctors cannot simply be trusted. If they make a diagnosis and prescribe medications it is up to the person to research that out and pray about it.

I'm starting to see class action law suits coming from all over where they have put me. From Camp Lejeune water conspiracy and toxins back in the 80's to Zantec cancer problems and recall. Those are both trusted and approved areas that later caused serious damage.
We are both looking forward to the LORD'S Return and the Resurrection - Amen
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
We are both looking forward to the LORD'S Return and the Resurrection - Amen
david never forget one thing .
And i am not saying this about or against devin either .
But many are looking for love in all the wrong places .
Many be looking for love and unity in all the WRONG places .
NO truth there but UGLY doctrines . Just had to , remind us is all .
Never forget a giant table has been prepared . It cometh in the name of common ground
but this table i speak of and about , HONORS EVIL . no lamb gonna sit at that table .
Just felt this gentle tug to remind us all about this .
Cause i know how it begins . real small . first the leaven cometh in under feelings .
It it aint checked the soul end up wrecked . EVEN the muslims look forward to the coming of what they THINK IS GOD .
ONLY , they dont follow GOD .
WELL so too do some denominations i know of . Thus correction must always be a necessity .
Thus any doctrine , belief , feeling or etc that contradicts GOD , HIS HOLY WORDS , it gets corrected .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States

God gave us a Heavenly Designed immune system for our Good!

Satan and his magicians(pharmakeia) know this and that is what they are targeting.
Many be looking for love in all the wrong places . They seek a love that has come of the dragon
and is ushered in through the flesh of men . It came not and it cometh not OF GOD or CHRIST
though even many within christendom sure BELIEVE IT DO .
So allow me some parting words .
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH, looking for love in all the wrong places
not in GODS words but in men filled spaces
OH looking for love , IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES . I never seen the delusion i see today and most and many more


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
You need to rewrite that . Any vaccine can be legally PRODUCED even if their are drugs already on the market to support it .
YOU MEAN TO SAY IT CANNOT BE ENFORCED . THEY cannot FORCE a vaccine on anyone IF their be known drugs that can treat it .

Produced to the end that it can become enforced by the government I think was what RFK Jr. was saying. So yeah I think you're right on that's what I meant when I said cannot be produced. I meant cannot be produced by the government who then made it their law.

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Produced to the end that it can become enforced by the government I think was what RFK Jr. was saying. So yeah I think you're right on that's what I meant when I said cannot be produced. I meant cannot be produced by the government who then made it their law.
i would vote for RFK Jr. over Trump

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
i would vote for RFK Jr. over Trump
KING JESUS . That alone is who we must learn and follow and heed .
BOTH SIDES of politics , serve they papa the dark one .
That might not want to be what anyone wants to hear . But a fact it truly is .
I watched . I watched them all . examining them against the WORD and words of ALL MIGHTY GOD .
NOT a one was even close . AND that should scare the daylights out of folks .
OH I AM DEAD SET with an iron forehead against the false progressive movment .
THE PROBLEM IS , ITS INFECTED BOTH SIDES . THEY SELL its ideals to a liberal as though they liberal ]
and to a conservative as though they conservative .
THIS IS A HARD BUT GOOD TRUTH . THE SOONER we realize it the SOONER the church
can get back to preaching THE DIRE NECESSITY OF JESUS and stop falling for a ruse .


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Almost everyone (who isn’t blind, deaf or really dumb) knows someone who got the Covid jab and died soon thereafter.

There’s even a name for it. Look for it in the headlines. All over America people are “dying suddenly.” And almost everyone knows someone who got the Covid jab… had no health problems in their life… but now after the vaccine, they’re very sick…

They’ve had a heart attack… or stroke… or blood clots… or sudden fast-moving Stage 4 cancer… or a terrible outbreak of shingles. Or here’s the really obvious thing everyone is seeing… someone they know was never a sickly person… but after getting the Covid jab they get sick nonstop… they get every flu bug that comes around because their immune system no longer works.

If you pay attention, the die-off we experienced after the Covid jab was introduced, is now accelerating at breakneck speed. The media won’t tell you. They’re bribed. They’re bought off. They’re in the bag. They took the money from Big Pharma to stay silent. They were bribed by our own government to stay quiet. They’ve been ordered by the FBI to change the news feed.

But the biggest conflict of all is that Big Pharma pays the bills and salaries of the media with their billion-dollar ad campaigns. Take that Big Pharma advertising money away and half the newsroom gets fired. Half the hosts and anchormen get fired. And how many of the top media executives and hosts own stock in Big Pharma?

Nothing like this has ever happened in world history. The entire American media is bought off. The entire media is owned by Big Pharma. Millions around the world have died, or are dying due from the side effects of the Covid vaccine… and tens of millions have been injured, crippled, or disabled by the Covid jab.

And we must ask everyone who is sick now… immune compromised… or suffering from major illnesses like heart attacks, myocarditis, strokes, blood clots, turbo cancer, shingles, Parkinson’s, etc. the same simple question…

“Are you vaccinated?”
I’m 100% certain we’ll find a pattern. The overwhelming majority of everyone who is sick, or dying, or dead in the past two and a half years was vaccinated.

The overwhelming majority of specifically heart attack and stroke victims were vaccinated.
And the overwhelming majority of the unvaccinated in America are completely healthy. Not everyone. But most of them.

WAYNE ROOT: This is “SCIENCE.” I Can Solve the Covid Vaccine Debate in One Week with This One Simple Question. | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor
Though not many professing christians see it, most all born again Christians discern and understand that COVID is nothing more than the common cold/flu. They have learned to trust the Lord with their health and daily needs, and often approach the world of doctors and today's pharmaceutical* medicines with extreme caution.

Jesus revealed a very important reality in KJV Luke 10:19 that ties in with the symbolism of Rev. 9:1-11. The facts to know in Rev. 9, is found in verses 3 and 4.
Luke 10
[19] Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing [from the enemy] shall BY ANY MEANS hurt you.
Rev. 9
[3] And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.
[4] And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads [aka the Holy Spirit of God].

I might also include this scripture that supports all the above:
1 John 5

[18] We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one [satan] toucheth him not.

*Note: the word "pharmacy" is derived from the Greek word "pharmakeia", which means "witchcraft".

DO NOT get in line for their medical "scorpion sting", by the "witch doctors".
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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
I would say that RFK Jr would easy win.

But if i could i would still vote for Trump, but happy if RFK won.

I am not happy with Joe Biden at all in fact, he is a monster !
Trump pushed for the VAXX with 'Operation Warp Speed'.

Trump has never, not once, spoken against the VAXX for he is part of the Agenda.

Do you know what the symbol of Ying/Yang looks like?
"Yin and yang, yinyang, or yin-yang is a Chinese philosophical concept that describes opposite but interconnected forces.
In Chinese cosmology, the universe creates itself out of a primary chaos of material energy, organized into the cycles of yin and yang and formed into objects and lives."

BOTH parties have given themselves over to EVIL/SIN/SATAN for the destruction of the USA = including Trump

One Part is Black/Yin the other is White/Yang = one Part is obvious darkness/Democrats the other is seemingly 'good'/Republicans.
They are the Two Wings of the Same Bird constantly at war with each other to demand their philosphical power of control.

The Founding Fathers hated the idea of a two party system and warned us, that should we devolve into it, it will be our undoing.

The TRUE LIFE giving BLOOD of this nation is LIBERTY under the US Constitution with the FOUNDATION being the 1st & 2nd Amendments.

These TWO Amendments are which our Liberty, as earthbound citizens, grant us the expression by which we can:
#1. Freely, Publicly and without oppression seek God, speak of God/Jesus/Bible and speak publicly and critically of Government.

#2.) Right to bear Arms = WHY = Should our Liberty be threatened by external or internal forces that seek to remove them.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I would say that RFK Jr would easy win.

But if i could i would still vote for Trump, but happy if RFK won.

I am not happy with Joe Biden at all in fact, he is a monster !
Well i do have to agree with you about the doctrines of ol joe biden and i would farther add HE follows his father in word and in deed.
But ya better beware of both trump and RFK , they too follow the voice of their father .
As for this lamb he will follow the voice of his FATHER . The question that now begs and pleads to be asked is this .
HOW come two of the fathers were lower case and only one of them CAPTALIZED . for more info
read the eight chapter of john when JESUS was speaking to the jews who denied Him and yet all the while were claiming
we have one FATHER , EVEN GOD . Be sure and take heed to who JESUS said their father was . take real close heed . .


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
I would say that RFK Jr would easy win.

But if i could i would still vote for Trump, but happy if RFK won.

I am not happy with Joe Biden at all in fact, he is a monster !
AI-"Alexa" says that there will be no US Presidential election for 2024 (??)
See video time track 43:10 of the actual question to "Alexa", answered with the reason.

Just as we all have been in deep with the COVID "scorpion sting" of Rev. 9:1-11 (post# 1,513), right on it's heels will be WW3 Rev. 9:12-21.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
AI-"Alexa" says that there will be no US Presidential election for 2024 (??)
See video time track 43:10 of the actual question to "Alexa" answered with the reason.

Just as we all have been in deep with the COVID "scorpion sting" of Rev. 9:1-11, right on it's heels will be WW3 Rev. 9:12-21.

What total and utter bull excrement! It was fake and you're falling for it. People like Alex Jones and Donald Trump are scam artists. You keep sending them money or going to their sites though. You go right ahead and keep supporting them. They are the reason this country is the way it is. You have named the wrong enemy. They are the enemy!

You all have been bamboozled by grifters!

Don't bother responding. I will be putting you on ignore and from now on anyone who shows support for people like Alex Jones, Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump and their ilk will go right on ignore.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
AI-"Alexa" says that there will be no US Presidential election for 2024 (??)
See video time track 43:10 of the actual question to "Alexa", answered with the reason.

Just as we all have been in deep with the COVID "scorpion sting" of Rev. 9:1-11 (post# 1,513), right on it's heels will be WW3 Rev. 9:12-21.
I am sure that is Jo Biden will. No one could be so stupid !
Who cares about that part disputed over in Ukraine, it could all been solved with a Vote and not a shot fired at all, but their is Oil and Gas involved here, that's the real big issue and 2ed is that if they can steal the Russian Military Base ? But that will never happen because Russia said years ago that who ever try's that stunt will be Nuked !
The Warning is their for all to understand the Russians are not going to give away their number one military Base !
But is the West world that stupid to try that game on, i think so ! But the West will regret it like they could not fathom.
Are we in the West so stupid ! That we want to see whole city's blown up by a Nuclear Bomb ! i meant really ! That's what a twat Joe Biden is pushing to come about, for what, that part of Ukraine Forget it ! Such could of all been sorted with a Vote in fact years ago and all would of been great not a problem.

I totally despise Joe Biden and Zelensky totally, for they are both totally corrupt evil loonies. Lives do not matter to them at all, that's clear ! it's all about the Oil and Gas that's the number one reason in fact. Do the MSM mention that ? No ! why not because the world may wake up to the real reality.
Ask the majority about the Oil and Gas issue in Ukraine and they would not have a clue, they have found huge amount under ground, that's what this is truly all about in fact ! and nothing but truly.
Plus Biden has to reduce Oil being sold by Russia because Russia can supply cheap fuel and that is not what Biden wants at all, he wants high fuel prices in fact, for the push to electric cars etc.
Why are we paying high Fuel prices in fact, it all comes town to Joe Biden has set that in play and that's a fact ! High inflation and bankrupting the USA is his game.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
AI-"Alexa" says that there will be no US Presidential election for 2024 (??)
See video time track 43:10 of the actual question to "Alexa", answered with the reason.

Just as we all have been in deep with the COVID "scorpion sting" of Rev. 9:1-11 (post# 1,513), right on it's heels will be WW3 Rev. 9:12-21.
I saw a Smart car yesterday wearing a bumper sticker. GIANT METEOR 2024.


Wait a minute. :ummm:


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States

God gave us a Heavenly Designed immune system for our Good!

Satan and his magicians(pharmakeia) know this and that is what they are targeting.
And God expects us to take care of our immune system. Eating right, exercise, fresh air--how ya doing, so far?
Ever take antibiotics? What? your immune system didn't prevent whatever you took them for, did it?
And what about all of the people whose immune systems aren't as good--born that way, etc.?
Here's the thing--we are copies of copies of copies. You cannot say you will be protected if your immune system is not good to begin with. And not taking care of yourself and expecting God to work miracles because you are covered with Jesus blood etc, is extremely presumptive.
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