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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
The list is pretty exhaustive, and yet any one local group does not honor every ritual date on the calendar. There will be several per month, but not every date mentioned.

Meetings take place at night while the person (front alter/s) have gone to sleep. A cult-loyal alter switches out and they go to the meetings, or rituals, getting back home to their bed before about 4 or 5 am. The front alter wakes up, often still tired, maybe with a bit of a headache ...thinking they slept all night, but have no idea why they're feeling so tired.

For some (or many), there are family members in the house, or a spouse, who cues out those alters at night, and then they are taken to meetings or rituals. Meetings are very often on a military base or some other government facility, even underground. Many of my earliest memories (from ages 2 and 3) are of military bases and underground bases. They are massive, like a whole city underground.

Cult-loyal alters are conditioned from the time the person is very young to believe they are "special" and "chosen" ....and that what they are doing has great importance. But when they begin to realize they've been lied to, and often they will begin reaching out to God ...and the programming begins to lose hold ever so little. That's when the front alter/s usually begin to get memories, and become consciously aware of some things ....like odd phone calls, or threatening messages, or (like you mentioned) being in a public place and a stranger calls them by another name, etc. Or, they'll begin having "dreams" that tie into their day time experiences. (The "dreams" are things that cult alters did during the night that ....if ever remembered, the person is conditioned to repeat, "it's only just a dream" or some similar phrase to cover and redissociate those memory-dreams.) That is something that happened to me all my life. Maybe this is something I should post in my other thread to keep this one more on topic.

It is all against the will of the person, as they were an infant when trauma began, often in the womb. So they are broken and shattered before they are given a chance to develop their sense of self (as a whole). They are placed into impossible situations and forced to choose (the lesser evil). That's why I so hate the mantra people use about voting for "the lesser evil." That is so totally a cult tactic .... it's unreal. (Votes don't count anyway. Our leaders are chosen by the committee of 300 that sits under the council of 13.)

Sigh .....this is a lot, and not a complete answer.
Let's continue this discussion here.

I'm curious about your understanding of responsibility before God for the actions of an alter personality.
Not really an act of the "front" person? And what are those alters? Is the human soul/spirit splintered?
Rather than the alters being demonic entities living in the person.

Pretty scary that the military is involved. Or perhaps the alters only have access to military bases?
Washington DC as well. Seems to be lots of involvement there.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I'm curious about your understanding of responsibility before God for the actions of an alter personality.
Not really an act of the "front" person? And what are those alters? Is the human soul/spirit splintered?
Rather than the alters being demonic entities living in the person.
No, alters are completely 100% broken, shattered parts of the whole person God created. And I know that because God Himself brought me to realize I had alters, and He would call me to be in His presence (co-present with alters) while He ministered to their pain/trauma and they readily accepted Him. There were countless very powerful times with Him as He poured His love into my/our wounds like healing balm and just ministered deeply, revealing what was at the root of the pain and bringing truth that I/we needed for healing and freedom to come.

I know the difference between demonic and human. There's no mistaking.

As far as salvation and responsibility for what alters have done ....
When we (or any part/alter) hear His voice and accept Christ as our Savior and confess that we are a sinner, He cleanses us from ALL unrighteousness. That means, we are washed, cleansed ....not by anything we've done, except that we believed on Christ and trusted in His finished work. We have been clothed in HIS righteousness because of ..... faith. (Just like Abraham who simply believed God, and it was imputed to him as righteousness.)

What comes after that is a process known as mind renewal and sanctification .... just like every single Christian, we must submit to His process and not run from Him .... because HE WILL go deep, to uncover hidden things. He wants us to live a life of freedom, and knowing the truth makes us FREE. So ....and hidden root of sin or pain, He will poke and dig away, and put His finger on things and say ..."What's this? Let's take a closer look at this." It's up to us to surrender and submit to that process ..... or hold onto our brokenness. And sometimes in the midst of the process, we will appear to be more "fallen apart" than ever. And that can be scary ....like losing control of our facade. It can feel very vulnerable to fall apart while He is bringing the pieces back together.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Pretty scary that the military is involved. Or perhaps the alters only have access to military bases?
Washington DC as well. Seems to be lots of involvement there.
I'm not sure I understand your question. Yes, the military is 100% involved .....and the CIA, FBI, etc .....presidents are programmed as well, and handled. But they also have their "slaves" that they handle, as do senators, etc. I was used and handled by several presidents.

But if I missed what your question was, please elaborate and ask again.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
The alters, or the front personalities? (or both)

I'm sorry, I don't understand exactly what you're asking. Are you asking if alters are involved in the military? Or .......?? .....I have no idea what you're asking. Maybe use more words. lol
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
I'm sorry, I don't understand exactly what you're asking. Are you asking if alters are involved in the military? Or .......?? .....I have no idea what you're asking. Maybe use more words. lol
I guess I am asking if the military and government are consciously (willingly) involved,
or are they "puppets" without knowing what they are doing.

Basically, does everyone involved in Satanism have DID from trauma?



Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Basically, does everyone involved in Satanism have DID from trauma?
It depends ....if they got into satanism on their own in their teens or adulthood, no, they wouldn't have DID .....UNLESS they also had severe repeated trauma at home before age 7. These local dabblers usually don't have a lot of alters unless they had trauma before age 7. It takes repeated trauma before age 7 to have even one or two alters.

There are levels where it comes to the amount of shattering and alters. A person who experienced "just" repeated physical and sexual abuse before age 7 may have 3 to 10 alters depending on severity. The more severe and more repeated, the more alters there will be. A person who experienced sadistic abuse (involving some type of physical and/or sexual torture) will likely have more alters ...maybe even 20 or so. This is DID.

A person who is born in, often bloodline (illuminati and/or masonic) will have experienced severe ongoing trauma from birth, or from the womb, involving SRA and MK Ultra. They will also have DID, and not just a few alters. They will almost without fail have hundreds, if not thousands of alters. This type of trauma is studied and perfected by programmers since the days of the camps during the Holocaust. It has only become more and more sophisticated. They know specific ways to manipulate using tortures and trauma from the womb, up ....in order to get the most splitting and the most complex alter systems.

My main programmer, Michael Aquino, was one of the most sadistic there is, and considered a "disciple of Mengele." He programmed and charted alters on a 13x13x13 grid (which is the illuminati grid for programming). That means, alter systems were 13 layers deep. The deepest laters are those who hold End Times programming. Most people never get that deep in their deprogramming.

Anyway, someone asked me back in 2006/2007 how many alters I had. I had no clue, but a number popped into my head ......2,197. Little did I realize, that was 13x13x13. And it gave a clue to the type of programming I had. That number was not representative of the number of alters, but the number of alter systems/groups that were charted by my programmers. Each of kf those 2,197 systems could have anywhere from a couple dozen, to a hundred or more alters. So I have roughly (low) estimated 50 in each system ....which comes to.ovwr 100,000. But then those are only the alters charted, not fragments (which would be in the hundreds per system). They serve mo purpose but to hold trauma. And they don't chart them all. Some are deemed "throwaways" and put into internal "dumps." And then also, often the victim will create alters to deal with day to day life, and also in an effort to keep part of their humanity hidden from their programmers. So the number of alters, plus fragments can be upwards of 200,000.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I guess I am asking if the military and government are consciously (willingly) involved,
or are they "puppets" without knowing what they are doing.
A high percentage of those in the military are also victims of SRA/MK. I'm not saying all of them are, but a large percentage. The military from the top are knowingly involved in MK and that includes SRA as well, as they go hand in hand.

Note: Not all SRA survivors have experienced MK. But most, if not all MK survivors have experienced SRA. It's part of the "MK" package.

So there is a mixture of those who are consciously aware, and those who are programmed just as I was and have dissociative barriers between "knowing" and "not knowing." I hope that made sense. But .....daytime alters are almost always not aware they are shattered, let alone that they have alter personalities involved in cult activities or being used by the cult.
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
... My main programmer, Michael Aquino, was one of the most sadistic there is, and considered a "disciple of Mengele." He programmed and charted alters on a 13x13x13 grid (which is the illuminati grid for programming). That means, alter systems were 13 layers deep. The deepest laters are those who hold End Times programming. Most people never get that deep in their deprogramming. ...

... So the number of alters, plus fragments can be upwards of 200,000.
That is quite a lot of work, Not to mention all the R&D (research and development) that went into creating the system.
To what end? How could they possible need, or even manage up to 200,000 alters or fragments?

And how would an alter be called to a regular group meeting?



Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
And how would an alter be called to a regular group meeting?

Every charted alter is given a code, a cue that pulls them forward. Handlers are given a record of all the codes, cues, and all pertinent information needed about the person/s.they are handling including their programming.

Idk what you mean by "a regular group meeting." Every programmed person is required to attend cult meetings, trainings, etc. Many of these take place on military bases on vast expanses of government lands. If they don't show up, they are reported and punished, and if it happens often enough, they will be reprogrammed.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
To what end? How could they possible need, or even manage up to 200,000 alters or fragments?
Every person born into the program is a government asset. To what end? To help move the world toward NWO and set the stage for the antichrist.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
That is quite a lot of work, Not to mention all the R&D (research and development) that went into creating the system.
The Babylonian system that runs this world is more vast than you realize. I've found more programmed people than not in my day to day life. That's a bold statement, but it's the truth.
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Every person born into the program is a government asset. To what end? To help move the world toward NWO and set the stage for the antichrist.
In your view, how far back does this go?
Before WWII certainly. All the way back to Christ and before?
Have their attempts been frustrated by God?
Since only the Father knows the times of the end.


St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
The Babylonian system that runs this world is more vast than you realize. I've found more programmed people than not in my day to day life. That's a bood statement, but it's the truth.
So, odds are, I was programmed but don't even realize it?



Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
In your view, how far back does this go?
Before WWII certainly. All the way back to Christ and before?
Have their attempts been frustrated by God?
Since only the Father knows the times of the end.

As far as the official government attempts and programs .....the oldest survivor I know is in their mid 80's ...and their parents were involved, grandparents were nazis, etc.

But it goes way back to Genesis when God gave this word of prophecy.

Genesis 3:15

[15]And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Here, God is speaking to the serpent. He mentioned "seeds." Her seed is Jesus. His seed is the antichrist. There has been a battle since the fall. But as far as MK Ultra type programming ....maybe 100 years. It wasn't as advance in the early days. It is extremely sophisticated now.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Have their attempts been frustrated by God?
Since only the Father knows the times of the end.
When someone cries out to Him, He hears and answers. God doesn't manipulate and control men like puppets. But He does work within the hearts and wills of men. He can certainly put up roadblocks in various ways. But He knows the time of the end because He knows the end from the beginning. He is all-knowing.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
"....it shall bruise thy head,..."
Interestingly, this just stood out to me like never before.
"It" is the woman's seed (Jesus) ....bruising the head of the serpent. I wonder if this is some sort of reference to.....

Revelation 13:3

[3]And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

Maybe....maybe not? Just a curious thought.
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
TLHKAJ said:
"....it shall bruise thy head,..."
Interestingly, this just stood out to me like never before.
"It" is the woman's seed (Jesus) ....bruising the head of the serpent. I wonder if this is some sort of reference to.....

Revelation 13:3

[3]And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

Maybe....maybe not? Just a curious thought.
I'm used to the "crush your head" translation of that text in Genesis.
But "strike your head" is an alternative reading.
And aligns with the Revelation text, as you noted.
I suppose "crush" sounds more like a fatal wound.

Genesis 3:15 NIV
And I will put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring[a] and hers;
he will crush[b] your head,
and you will strike his heel.”


  1. Genesis 3:15 Or seed
  2. Genesis 3:15 Or strike

Revelation 13:3 NIV
One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound,
but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with
wonder and followed the beast.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I'm used to the "crush your head" translation of that text in Genesis.
But "strike your head" is an alternative reading.
And aligns with the Revelation text, as you noted.
I suppose "crush" sounds more like a fatal wound.
The Hebrew word translated "bruise" is this:

Hebrew: שׁוּף
Transliteration: shûph
Pronunciation: shoof
Definition: A primitive root; properly to {gape} that {is} snap at; figuratively to overwhelm: - {break} {bruise} cover.
KJV Usage: bruise (2x), break (1x), cover (1x).
Occurs: 4
In verses: 3
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