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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
How do you know if they are still accessing you, they will make sure that there are no bruises on the body as that would be a telltale sign, but how do you know?
How can I as the front alter stop it?
Is there a way for me to stop it?
The rest of my alters will not abide by my prayers as they are serving darkness, so how do I stop them?
Keep praying. Keep clinging to God. Entrust your whole being (with your will as the Christian front) under the covering of the Lord Jesus Christ. Have regular discussions with parts that you are fighting for their freedom and safety ....and keep loving them. Stay in the Word. Cling to His promises.

1 Thessalonians 5:24
[24]Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.

2 Thessalonians 3:3
[3]But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.

Philippians 1:6
[6]Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

See? According to His Word, it is God who began this work in you and I. And He is faithful to bring it to completion.

Trust in God's faithfulness.

You asked how do or how can we know we aren't being accessed. The truth is, unless there is adequate deprogramming, there is almost assuredly accessing going on. Keep on the path with the Lord, and pray daily against all cuing of alters and switching. Install locks on the inside of your doors, including bedroom door. This makes accessing more difficult, as any alter who switches out to leave has several obstacles to get theough. Eventually, maybe they'll rethink why they're leaving the house just to get hurt.

I'll go ahead and post and come back to this tomorrow, as it's getting late. ❤️


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
How do you know if they are still accessing you, they will make sure that there are no bruises on the body as that would be a telltale sign, but how do you know?
How can I as the front alter stop it?
Is there a way for me to stop it?
The rest of my alters will not abide by my prayers as they are serving darkness, so how do I stop them?
As I stated in my previous post, you can just about guarantee accessing is happening until one has enough deprogramming and co-consciousness and/or alters have merged/integrated. Usually, in the final stages of deprogramming, alters will have shared with you their cues as well as who their handlers are. And although it's true they do mot like to leave visible signs of accessing ....it usually isn't necessary to use physical force when alters are obeying cues. But when alters begin refusing to respond to cues, there is often more force used in order to access, and often, attempts (successful or not) to reprogram.

For me, they began stepping up the game with threats left on my answering machine (anonymous or non-working or "unavailable" numbers). Then, stalking, following in person and online, breaking into my home (not breaking doors, but somehow they were able to gain access without signs of breaking and entering to leave messages to let me know they were there) ....threats via email, etc ..."street theater", then it escalated to going more vigorously after my children, threats against them, my grandbabies, loved ones....pets. They at first hope the threats will get alters to comply. But they eventually often carry out their threats.

I have been retaliated against and punished in many ways .... rapes, tortures (dislocated limbs, electric shock, etc), shot at, run off the road, my grandbaby stolen, and worse. I have had bruises, puncture wounds from cattle prods, head injuries ....sigh. I believe and have confidence that although they do sometimes succeed in hurting me, they are frustrated that they can only do so much and they know that.

There comes a time when it is what it is and alters decide their freedom is more important than life. But it's a process. God is able to keep you through the process. Keep clinging to Him. He is faithful.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Did you watch the link about South America (Timothy Alberino), was there anything that triggered you, you found interesting, or made you think about your own memories?
I didn't know about the copy of Macchi Pichu, I still want to have a look at it sometime.
Yes there was things that made me think about things I remember related to South America and also Mt Shasta and underground cities. I've always had memories of those from childhood. I am relistening to it because I fell asleep before it was done.


New Member
Feb 8, 2023
port elizabeth
South Africa
Was it the cult or government, or both hounding you? I guess both.

So, since I never had formal counseling apart from pep talks and self-study, I am as open as a book to them.
My next question is how effective is prayer then against them calling up the body for "outdoor excursions?"
Is there a way for me to pray that the body must stay put since all the alters serve the dark side?

Why is it that there is no one to help us (all the millions of us worldwide), and while I typed those words, HOLY SPIRIT said: "What have you done to remedy the problem?" And here I sit with no answer. Do you think we put ourselves in a cage and then blame others when we can't fly away? Sometimes I think our voices get lost in the void and then something happens and you know that GOD is there listening. I think HE shakes HIS head and is always there to pick us up, dust off our knees and set us on our feet, and tell us to fight the good fight of faith, not just for us but for others as well. I think because of what we have gone through we have some much empathy for others, I often found people confiding in me and then I just listen and if possible give them advice and it is mostly ladies who have faith that have an understanding and their feet is firmly placed upon the ROCK of all ages.

I don't have conversions with my inner parts. I have wanted to talk with them from the start ± 20 years ago, and I am still waiting.
I don't hear any sounds coming from walls etc anymore either, no more knocking on the windows at night, why is that?
Do you think that if I can get to a good counselor that my parts may be inclined to listen and then make a choice without duress?
I hate being stuck without any options, the story of my life!

I evangelize in my dreams to "people," is it to inner parts? I honestly don't know! How do I turn some of them?
Surely, by now, there would have been one, who has seen the miracles that GOD did in my life that may have made them ponder their circumstances of serving the wrong master.
I am so sorry for what you have gone through and still going through. Somehow we survive, we battle on, it is the only way out and through it all JESUS had been faithful.
I appreciate you and thank you for talking with me.

It is raining and I just love the sound, it washes away dirt, brings life, and calms the mind.

We are blessed, it doesn't matter what angle the world tries to shove into our faces, the fact remains we are blessed and it is undeserved. My heart is overflowing with gratitude.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Was it the cult or government, or both hounding you? I guess both.
Yes ...both, as they are one and the same. And yet, there are more/higher people and organizations involved than the government.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
So, since I never had formal counseling apart from pep talks and self-study, I am as open as a book to them.
My next question is how effective is prayer then against them calling up the body for "outdoor excursions?"
Is there a way for me to pray that the body must stay put since all the alters serve the dark side?
Pray each day and evening, binding all demonic tactics working in handlers, programmers, etc to access you/parts.

Matthew 16:18-19

[18]And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

[19]And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

I have experienced times of protection, but there have still been times of persecution. I leave that up to Father to decide. Keep declaring and proclaiming that with your will, you choose Christ alone and that you renounce all cult involvement in Jesus' name. Then, spend time in communion with Him. That's the best weapon I know ....worship.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Why is it that there is no one to help us (all the millions of us worldwide), and while I typed those words, HOLY SPIRIT said: "What have you done to remedy the problem?" And here I sit with no answer. Do you think we put ourselves in a cage and then blame others when we can't fly away?
God's design is that the body of Christ function together.

A lot of survivors have sought help within the church(es). It never felt safe for me to go to a church specifically for help because I knew the level of infiltration. At the same time, my first Christian Biblical counselor did some of her ministry from her church office. But most was done in her home or at a retreat...usually long distance by phone, email, and text. I didn't find her by going to a church and asking, in other words. I found her, after much prayer, on a website database for Christian (theophostic) counselors.

Survivors should be able to find help within the church. I believe that is God's desire and design for the church...and how the body of Christ should function.

Ephesians 4:15-16

[15]But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
[16]From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

But this is the very reason satan sends people into the churches ...wolves in sheep's clothing.

So many have lost or never had a sense of discernment. The spiritual gifts aren't in operation ...otherwise, they'd detect the infiltration. And some ...many churches are just infested from the top down... that's been my experience.

But when God leads, then we can know we're where we need to be. When I asked God in 2006 if it was okay for me to seek Christian counseling, I told no one. I was so afraid of getting misled, I didn't even verbalize my prayer to anyone. And God answered me in an unmistakable way..

When I found my former counselor, Lisa, God gave me a dream ...in my dream, I saw her and her prayer partner, Teresa. I dreamed I went to a church and 2 blond haired women met me at the door. They were wearing nursing uniforms and stethoscopes. They didn't say anything, but led me inside and as we turned down a hallway to the right, the church began to resemble a hospital. They put me in a room and I had to put on a hospital gown. When they returned, they put me on a hospital bed. The woman with long blond hair laid on the bed to my left, side by side ... shoulder to shoulder with me. She never said anything the entire dream.

In my dream, my heart had been hurting. The woman with shorter blond hair was to my right and she leaned over me putting her stethoscope to my heart. She then looked at the woman next to me and said, "She was born with this. This has been drom birth."

End of dream.

Not only did that dream from God demonstrate God's desire of how the church should function (a hospital for souls) ... but it also gave me insight as to what I was dealing with ...multigenerational SRA, being born with a shattered mind, birthed into this. I didn't know that before the dream. And too, I had never seen Lisa or her prayer partner and was still planning our first meeting. When I met them, they both were blond ...Lisa was longer blond hair, and her prayer partner with short blond hair.

Neither of them, of course, were nurses. But God was showing me that we are His ministers (or nursing staff), but HE is the Great Physician and source of healing.

And that isn't all ....

When I met Lisa and Teresa her prayer partner, it was in a church. And when she met one of my child alters and an adult alter that very first day, she was concerned that she wasn't equipped to minister to me. So that night, I went to a hotel and we were to meet the next day again at the church.

That night in my hotel room, I was praying and reading my Bible and God gave me a scripture.

Psalm 32:8
[8]I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.

I knew in my heart this was from Him and I wrote the date and Lisa's name in my Bible next to the verse.

The next day when we were to meet again, Lisa suggested we meet outside under a pavilion (fresh air, less intimidating or triggering for me, she hoped) ...and she began to explain to me her reservations, as she had never ministered to someone with DID, let alone SRA.

When Lisa was trying to express, very gently, her concerns ...that she didn't want to do me any injustice or harm by not being trained or experienced with SRA/DID ...out of my mouth came the words, "The Lord will teach you."

She pauses ...and looked amazed. She looked at Teresa and Teresa looked at me and said.... "We just want to listen to your heart." (A very clear confirmation of the dream God had given to me ....as it was Teresa in my dream who put the stethoscope to my heart to listen. lol)

At that point, confirmations were in abundance and I had zero doubt God was leading and still to this day, I know that was God's leading.

So then, Lisa explained to me how that the night before, she was so troubled and in prayer ...and while in prayer, God led her to Psalm 32:8 ....and she showed me she wrote my name and the date in her Bible next to that verse.

I have zero doubts ...that 3 years was fast track ....healing after healing ....God alone, and much of it was just myself and God working with alters, in between weekly prayer and counseling. I'd say 90% of the work was alone with God.

I specifically asked God to lead me ...and He did. And He is faithful to answer our prayers. When we ask for a fish, He won't give us a serpent... If we ask for bread, He doesn't give us a stone.❤️

We need each other. That's why we're a BODY ....with many members. The hand can't say to the foot I don't need you, or vice versa. We were never meant to be alone. It's satan who wants us alone. God said it's not good for man to be alone. He said two are better than one, and a threefold thread is not easily broken.

That doesn't mean we give the reigns over to someone else and shirk our own responsibility to do the legwork with God. But we very much need each other....

Galatians 6:2
[2]Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

It's true that there is great infiltration in the churches....but God still has His people. He still has a church.

Matthew 16:18-19
[18]And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
[19]And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.


New Member
Feb 8, 2023
port elizabeth
South Africa

I hope you are doing well.

I have to ask you this, have you ever come across the color of people's eyes changing over time?

My mom and late brother had the same eyes, hazel, and about two years before my brother died, his eyes had changed to a muddy blue, and the same with my mom's eyes, it's so weird. Honestly, I don't know what to make of it. I didn't see my mom for a couple of years and then when I saw her again, her eyes, freaked me out, and then the same with my brother hadn't seen him for years and their eye color was the same - how do things like this happen?

Another question, if you are fully integrated, would you counsel people like "us" to get them to the point where they could integrate. If not, why not? I know of people saying it would re-traumatize them, but if that is the case, they would not have dealt with all the negative "things" which means they haven't healed completely.
Am I wrong?
We all see things differently I guess, what is your take on it?

How are you coping?



New Member
Feb 8, 2023
port elizabeth
South Africa
Something else, what happens on our birthdays, have "they" planned something special for us, to keep us in line?
An update to the system, how exactly decide "they" we are not worth the "upgrades" and we become a liability and not an asset.
Why do some peoples programming not break down? And the newer models actually do start breaking down?

What are men used for? Usually it is only "female" survivors stories that gets published and hardly any male stories.

Have you ever made a list of all your memories, the things you have recalled?

I have a Ferris wheel running amok in my mind tonight, wanting answers and finding none!

I have what soldiers get PTSD, when I hear sounds at night it releases memories, I could say I am used to by now, sometimes I wish the memories would just continue but as soon as it stops it leaves me and if I didn't focussed on just one thing, the memory is gone and most of the time I just don't remember them, except to know that I had them.

How do I break the "silence barrier" and get my alters to speak with me? How? Would it make counseling easier?

I would appreciate any help you can offer, thank you!



Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Was it the cult or government, or both hounding you? I guess both.
Yes, both ...one and the same, basically. When I say "the cult" I'm referring to those who are part of the beast system who runs the world.... from the very top, all the way to the lower/local levels.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
have to ask you this, have you ever come across the color of people's eyes changing over time?

My mom and late brother had the same eyes, hazel, and about two years before my brother died, his eyes had changed to a muddy blue, and the same with my mom's eyes, it's so weird. Honestly, I don't know what to make of it. I didn't see my mom for a couple of years and then when I saw her again, her eyes, freaked me out, and then the same with my brother hadn't seen him for years and their eye color was the same - how do things like this happen?
As far as I know, I've not noticed this happening. But I don't doubt it. It can happen for various reasons ...one would be medical or genetic experimentation. Another might be spiritually rooted. I'm leaning toward it being medical experimentation or altering of some sort.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
What are men used for? Usually it is only "female" survivors stories that gets published and hardly any male stories.
There are so many different ways men are used, tbh. Trafficking, handling, assassins, spies ....almost anything women are used for, with obvious differences. More men are handlers than women. Men on average do not usually have as complex alter systems as women because it takes less torture for their alters to agree to identify with a perpetrator role. Women/females on the other hand, resist a a lot more, and also have a much higher pain tolerance. So they will be tortured and shattered over and over and over until they get alters who are compliant. This is not always the case, but the majority of the time, it is.

I heard from an older survivor who (she and her sister) knew Billy Graham. He was an exception. They said it took a lot of torture and shattering to get alters who would do the cult's bidding. (Yet still not as extensive of shattering as most females.) And yes, BG was a victim of SRA/MK and was programmed ...a freemason.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I have what soldiers get PTSD, when I hear sounds at night it releases memories, I could say I am used to by now, sometimes I wish the memories would just continue but as soon as it stops it leaves me and if I didn't focussed on just one thing, the memory is gone and most of the time I just don't remember them, except to know that I had them.
I also have been told by a doctor that I have PTSD.

The thing you're experiencing ....of hearing sounds at night, with memories that come and then disappear ....that is the mind's normal process of releasing and bringing memories to the surface. If at all possible, go to sleep with some soft praise and worship playing. Keep a pen and notebook near the bed so that if you awaken remembering even an essence of a memory, try to journal it before it disappears completely and your mind redissociates it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
How do I break the "silence barrier" and get my alters to speak with me? How? Would it make counseling easier?
Was there ever a time when you had better communication and connection with alters?


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Clues of MPD/DID & Possible SRA and/or MK Ultra

❑ Missed periods of time; amnesia or blackouts (in the absence of substance use)
❑ The person referring to him or herself as "we"
❑ Darkness may surround them
❑ Sudden changes in behavior, voice tone or handwriting
❑ Gothic clothing
❑ Making contradictory statements such as, “I don’t like blue” ...and then saying, “Blue is my favorite color”
❑ Emotional in personality
❑ Knowledge of parents, grandparents or other relatives that have been involved in psychic or occult practices
❑ MPD/DID diagnosis in the past
❑ Removal from the home as a child by the state
❑ Emotional flare-ups and unusual behavior at certain holidays or times of the year
❑ Unexplainable scars, bruises or injuries
❑ Demonic/occultic tattoos
❑ Hysterical reaction to a seemingly non-threatening event, comment or situation
❑ Bizarre, irrational behavior
❑ Family member with a history of mental illness or severe chemical imbalance
❑ The person being told that they did certain things to don't recall. The person may find unfamiliar objects or samples of strange handwriting.
❑ Sleepwalking and automatic writing (such as those in fugue states)
❑ Rapid change of moods
❑ Difficulty creating close emotional bonds
❑ Intrusive mental images or flashes, and auditory noises or hearing voices in the head
❑ Problems trusting others
❑ Phobias; fears, often undifferentiated
❑ Unexplained issues with hostility and anger
❑ A sense of betrayal
❑ Increased levels of sexual behavior and acting out; promiscuity; addictions
❑ Prostitution
❑ Substance abuse; alcoholism
❑ Facial and vocal changes observable by others
❑ Exaggerated startle reflex
❑ Dreamlike memories
❑ Having skills of unknown source or without memory of learning them
❑ Photographic memory
❑ Derealization and depersonalization
❑ Finding items (clothing, food, personal items) with no memory of purchasing them
❑ Often unable to locate vehicle when emerging from a store
❑ Frequently feel the need to change clothing several times before going out; frequent change of clothes, styles, preferences

❑ Abnormally high pain tolerance
❑ Irrational, unexplainable response to a current situation
❑ History of eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia) or extreme fluctuations in weight and/or digestive disorders
❑ Sensations of rapid spinning with feeling like passing out

❑ Sensations of rapid dropping or falling
❑ Fear of going crazy or losing control
❑ Periods of struggle with depression, guilt, shame, intense anger, rage, loneliness, or hopelessness
❑ Compulsive thinking, counting, repeating words or rhymes

❑ Suicidal thoughts, feelings of not wanting to live
❑ Very watchful and guarded, while other times very spontaneous and open
❑ Experiencing migraines, severe headaches, ulcers, severe allergies, sexual dysfunction
❑ Seizures, pseudo seizures, or blackouts
❑ Inherent sense of being tainted or evil

❑ Relationships marked with distrust or overdependence; struggles to give and receive love
❑ Experiencing panic, phobias, sleep disturbances, or sleep disorders
❑ Random variation in vision, despite being fitted with glasses; random variation in hearing

❑ Mind goes blank when asked direct questions
❑ Occasional or random sensations of electricity shooting through the body; frequent, often severe muscle cramps
❑ Self-hatred, self-loathing, or self-mutilation with no remembrance of why or how

❑ Dreams with ritualistic or occultic tints
❑ Fear or discomfort around of mirrors, cameras, televisions, etc
❑ Affinity for Disney, dragons, occult-themed movies or books, Star Wars, or other science fiction... or extreme dislike of them
❑ Military involvement (oneself or parents, close family members)
❑ Close family members involved in freemasonry (or religions rooted in freemasonry)
❑ Family members or oneself working high level government jobs
❑ “Busy mind” or hearing lots of thoughts in the mind, often contradicting one’s normal character or mindset or beliefs
❑ History of “UFO/alien” abductions or encounters

**These have been gathered from multiple sources on the internet as well as books/reading over the years, plus personal experience.**


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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
A common trauma perpetrated against victims of SRA (satanic ritual abuse) and MK Ultra is to impregnate the young girl in ritual rape and then take her child/ren as a sacrifice. The testimony shared here in this video is representative of so many of us.



New Member
Feb 8, 2023
port elizabeth
South Africa
Thank you, the anger is real, I turned my anger on FATHER GOD and then had a LOT of repenting to do. I remembered it was in the winter time about this time of year (maybe 13/14 years old) and I realized I picked up weight and couldn't understand it, as I was always active athletically. So yes, I got rid of all my photos because it felt not real or perhaps I just wanted to delete my "life" and in getting rid of everything (school certificates of achievements ) I thought I could start a new chapter of my life.
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