Deaths spike after covid vaccine graphed for multiple countries

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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
I get it. You approve of killing babies if Big Pharma says it's ok. Big Pharma is as corrupt as politicians, maybe worse. The fact that you're against Trump who is against abortion and for Biden who is PRO abortion tells the story.

And again misrepresenting me once more.

I will not respond to you if you don't respond to me, okay?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
And again misrepresenting me once more.

I will not respond to you if you don't respond to me, okay?
I've made my point and stated FACTS. I HATE killing adorable babies because doctors want a big paycheck!

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
Schools were shut down because they are disease vectors and schools cesspool of disease.

Kids bring home illnesses from school, I'm just now getting over the flu that my son brought home from school before Christmas break. My fiance's son last year was diagnosed with Covid and mono at the same time over Christmas break. He thankfully didn't get anyone sick, including his dad who had the immune system of a 2 year old with vaccinations after going through chemotherapy and radiation for two different kinds of cancers.

So, while kids weren't dying per your words, they would still carry it home and infect their parents. They shut down schools for that and because teachers and staff would get infected.

You have to think outside of the kids themselves to understand why it was done. It wasn't political, but I have a feeling that is the only reason you will accept.

I agreed with schools shutting down, just as I agreed with churches shutting down and had no issues with it. It was the right call. I know you will disagree with everything that I have said, just remember that I am not a liberal. I am a moderate independent politically.

Oh, and I agreed with everyone being masked. I am a moderate to severe asthmatic and had no issues wearing a mask for sometimes 13+ hours a day. Different masks mind you, but my face was covered as an EMT.
Then your mask worked?
But they only worked in restaurants when not seated.?
Because the virus somehow backed off once a chair was invoked? So it was safe to remove the mask due to the power of the chair?????
And democrat leaders everywhere went to salons and such when we could not.
Plus antifa gatherings were ok, but churches had to shut down.
Oh, and if you had a bag of chips on the plane, you could take off the mask.
Twice i was made to wear a mask or leave the store, and i was handed a mask to wear. BOTH TIMES, they handed the mask to me BY THE BLUE PART. So their Germs went DIRECTLY to my mouth.

You are emt, and are not aware the virus EASLIY PASSES THROUGH THOSE DUST MASKS WE WERE MADE TO WEAR??????

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
Actually I did a LOT of research for 20 years before covid became popular....thisxwas back when SARS virus was popular...and it too still kills people today. Even during Covid global pandemics.

Remember who and where the SARS virus was finally isolated? (Hint: I was working in the neighborhood at that time and met the researcher himself who isolated the virus)

Then I became acquainted with PhDs of epidemiology. An entire team of them. All were working on various things that affect populations like cancer, diabetes, and other diseases. Including one lovely lady who pioneered internal biome research that is on the cusp of solving colon cancer causation.

So....where you can claim that I have somehow swallowed some sort of propaganda....that would be a lie.

The "inexpensive" horse dewormer and quinine "cures" for coronavirus were extensively tested in spite of obvious pathology that proved they were absolutely ineffective....I wanted to participate in the blending of single malt scotch with zinc and hydroxychloroquin study....but we couldn't get anyone to fund the study.

Every bit of raw data to extrapolated data demonstrated that they had zero effect. Not as a prophylactic (preventative) or as shortening the life of the disease(cure). In fact just the reverse was slightly true. With 4 separate independent reporting agencies overseeing EVERY aspect of the studies of tens of thousands of individuals from every ethnic background and environment (location)....none reported anything significant of which to warrant the use. Meaning that there were over 100 independent 3rd party contractors with a minimum of 10 employees overseeing everything. All capable and able and incentivised to report positive results. None did so. Literally thousands of people testing on hundreds of thousands...

Which brings us go the schools and children. As has been previously mentioned schools are an infection point. Any and all gathering locations are. But what's especially troubling with children is their endocrine systems. Many are in process of maturing and a disease at the time of maturity will destroy future generations. And this in addition to LGBTQ, birth control, and other damaging medications. We, as a society, are currently in negative live births in relation to deaths. Meaning our population is already shrinking. Killing it off completely a covid disease is not exactly a good thing. Just because the children didn't die doesn't mean that the disease is not causing permanent damage.

This is precisely how the historic nations and communities had periods of urbanization and de-urbanization. (They become extinct and abandoned civilizations)

This is not a political post or have anything to do with politics but yet YOU KEEP BRINGING UP POLITICS....get this through your head....I Dont care about any politician anywhere at anytime. I'm not ignorant of them it's just that they do nothing except lie.
And now 90% of the American people are not ignorant enough to submit to that killer vaccine (uh,that is not a vaccine and did not work), closing schools ,and dust masks that a virus easily passes through.
Your position that Government saves you is a fantasy land.
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rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
what most folks also dont know is , what the body also does when exposed to more boosters
plus what the body does if the vaccinated continue to be exposed to certain viruses . THIS AINT GONNA BODE WELL my friend.
THEY IN IT FOR THE LONG haul too . Time and preparation , preparation and time , exposure and continued exposure
will produce the desired effects they desired . People actually think the elites are for us . MOST GOT NO IDEA .
Thank you for defending truth.
Some here that are depending on evil to save them, got a poison in their bodies that is killing those that ignorantly trusted gov. leaders.

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
Actually I did a LOT of research for 20 years before covid became popular....thisxwas back when SARS virus was popular...and it too still kills people today. Even during Covid global pandemics.

Remember who and where the SARS virus was finally isolated? (Hint: I was working in the neighborhood at that time and met the researcher himself who isolated the virus)

Then I became acquainted with PhDs of epidemiology. An entire team of them. All were working on various things that affect populations like cancer, diabetes, and other diseases. Including one lovely lady who pioneered internal biome research that is on the cusp of solving colon cancer causation.

So....where you can claim that I have somehow swallowed some sort of propaganda....that would be a lie.

The "inexpensive" horse dewormer and quinine "cures" for coronavirus were extensively tested in spite of obvious pathology that proved they were absolutely ineffective....I wanted to participate in the blending of single malt scotch with zinc and hydroxychloroquin study....but we couldn't get anyone to fund the study.

Every bit of raw data to extrapolated data demonstrated that they had zero effect. Not as a prophylactic (preventative) or as shortening the life of the disease(cure). In fact just the reverse was slightly true. With 4 separate independent reporting agencies overseeing EVERY aspect of the studies of tens of thousands of individuals from every ethnic background and environment (location)....none reported anything significant of which to warrant the use. Meaning that there were over 100 independent 3rd party contractors with a minimum of 10 employees overseeing everything. All capable and able and incentivised to report positive results. None did so. Literally thousands of people testing on hundreds of thousands...

Which brings us go the schools and children. As has been previously mentioned schools are an infection point. Any and all gathering locations are. But what's especially troubling with children is their endocrine systems. Many are in process of maturing and a disease at the time of maturity will destroy future generations. And this in addition to LGBTQ, birth control, and other damaging medications. We, as a society, are currently in negative live births in relation to deaths. Meaning our population is already shrinking. Killing it off completely a covid disease is not exactly a good thing. Just because the children didn't die doesn't mean that the disease is not causing permanent damage.

This is precisely how the historic nations and communities had periods of urbanization and de-urbanization. (They become extinct and abandoned civilizations)

This is not a political post or have anything to do with politics but yet YOU KEEP BRINGING UP POLITICS....get this through your head....I Dont care about any politician anywhere at anytime. I'm not ignorant of them it's just that they do nothing except lie.
MIAMI (AP) — Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis said on Monday that schools will be required to remain open despite the rise in confirmed COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, arguing lockdowns and closures have not worked.

DeSantis also said the state was not considering any further restrictions on businesses that could lead to layoffs or financial loss.

DeSantis said countries like Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland all kept children in schools with positive outcomes, and argued that some studies show the virus can spread more when children don’t go to school because they socialize off campus. DeSantis criticized those who are pushing again for closures as cases rise.

“Closing schools due to coronavirus is probably the biggest public health blunder in modern American history,” he said at a news conference. “People who advocate closing schools for virus mitigation are effectively today’s flat-earthers.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, also told ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday that the spread of the virus among children “is not really very big at all” and is now advising to get children back in the classrooms.
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rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
Actually I did a LOT of research for 20 years before covid became popular....thisxwas back when SARS virus was popular...and it too still kills people today. Even during Covid global pandemics.

Remember who and where the SARS virus was finally isolated? (Hint: I was working in the neighborhood at that time and met the researcher himself who isolated the virus)

Then I became acquainted with PhDs of epidemiology. An entire team of them. All were working on various things that affect populations like cancer, diabetes, and other diseases. Including one lovely lady who pioneered internal biome research that is on the cusp of solving colon cancer causation.

So....where you can claim that I have somehow swallowed some sort of propaganda....that would be a lie.

The "inexpensive" horse dewormer and quinine "cures" for coronavirus were extensively tested in spite of obvious pathology that proved they were absolutely ineffective....I wanted to participate in the blending of single malt scotch with zinc and hydroxychloroquin study....but we couldn't get anyone to fund the study.

Every bit of raw data to extrapolated data demonstrated that they had zero effect. Not as a prophylactic (preventative) or as shortening the life of the disease(cure). In fact just the reverse was slightly true. With 4 separate independent reporting agencies overseeing EVERY aspect of the studies of tens of thousands of individuals from every ethnic background and environment (location)....none reported anything significant of which to warrant the use. Meaning that there were over 100 independent 3rd party contractors with a minimum of 10 employees overseeing everything. All capable and able and incentivised to report positive results. None did so. Literally thousands of people testing on hundreds of thousands...

Which brings us go the schools and children. As has been previously mentioned schools are an infection point. Any and all gathering locations are. But what's especially troubling with children is their endocrine systems. Many are in process of maturing and a disease at the time of maturity will destroy future generations. And this in addition to LGBTQ, birth control, and other damaging medications. We, as a society, are currently in negative live births in relation to deaths. Meaning our population is already shrinking. Killing it off completely a covid disease is not exactly a good thing. Just because the children didn't die doesn't mean that the disease is not causing permanent damage.

This is precisely how the historic nations and communities had periods of urbanization and de-urbanization. (They become extinct and abandoned civilizations)

This is not a political post or have anything to do with politics but yet YOU KEEP BRINGING UP POLITICS....get this through your head....I Dont care about any politician anywhere at anytime. I'm not ignorant of them it's just that they do nothing except lie.
So....where you can claim that I have somehow swallowed some sort of propaganda....that would be a lie.

The "inexpensive" horse dewormer and quinine "cures" for coronavirus were extensively tested in spite of obvious pathology that proved they were absolutely ineffective....I wanted to participate in the blending of single malt scotch with zinc and hydroxychloroquin study....but we couldn't get anyone to fund the study.
You just proved my point.
ALL YOUR "RESEARCH" Is via big pharma.
How amazing you leave out that Quinine is used massively in tropics to cure malaria.

But it is priceless that you are totally unaware that IVERMECTIN is the premier dewormer.

I wonder if you or a loved one, had a raging infection, and all you could get was amoxycillin at the feed store, (Psssst that is for animals, but doctors prescribe the same thing humans)
In your superior wisdom, just skip the amoxicillin because your "reseach" would automatically take a "animal med" off the table.

That is how unlearned and duped you are.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
Then your mask worked?
But they only worked in restaurants when not seated.?
Because the virus somehow backed off once a chair was invoked? So it was safe to remove the mask due to the power of the chair?????
And democrat leaders everywhere went to salons and such when we could not.
Plus antifa gatherings were ok, but churches had to shut down.
Oh, and if you had a bag of chips on the plane, you could take off the mask.
Twice i was made to wear a mask or leave the store, and i was handed a mask to wear. BOTH TIMES, they handed the mask to me BY THE BLUE PART. So their Germs went DIRECTLY to my mouth.

You are emt, and are not aware the virus EASLIY PASSES THROUGH THOSE DUST MASKS WE WERE MADE TO WEAR??????

The whole time I wore a mask out and about and at work, I never got Covid. The minute my fiance stopped wearing a mask and I would never wear one around her, she got Covid from a non-masked co-worker and then gave it to me. That was the first time I got Covid.

Wore a mask to work every day even after ai changed to working in a Plasma center as an EMT. The minute I let my guard down and not wear a mask, I get Covid again. That was the second time.

Believe what you want. I believe masks work. I am also using surgical masks or N-95s and these are properly fitted as I know how to use a mask and how to fit them properly.

I never agreed with unmasked Antifa gatherings or politicians not wearing masks. I can control what I do however, not what they do. I can voice my opinion that people should mask up, that schools and churches should be shut down, but thatbis all my voice is, an opinion. What others do, I can not control.
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
The whole time I wore a mask out and about and at work, I never got Covid. The minute my fiance stopped wearing a mask and I would never wear one around her, she got Covid from a non-masked co-worker and then gave it to me. That was the first time I got Covid.

Wore a mask to work every day even after ai changed to working in a Plasma center as an EMT. The minute I let my guard down and not wear a mask, I get Covid again. That was the second time.

Believe what you want. I believe masks work. I am also using surgical masks or N-95s and these are properly fitted as I know how to use a mask and how to fit them properly.

I never agreed with unmasked Antifa gatherings or politicians not wearing masks. I can control what I do however, not what they do. I can voice my opinion that people should mask up, that schools and churches should be shut down, but thatbis all my voice is, an opinion. What others do, I can not control.

Seems your vaccinations and multiple boosters did nothing...... weird.
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rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
I am totally amazed, at this late hour, that some are actually are duped, that they do not know that hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin are in fact the premier drugs against covid.

A shotgun was given them to shoot the barn, and they missed from 2 ft away


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
Seems your vaccinations and multiple boosters did nothing...... weird.

You assume much. I have only been vaccinated. Never went for boosters.

The vaccinations actually did what they were supposed to do and keep me out of the hospital. As a moderate to severe asthmatic, Covid could have quickly put me in the hospital where I had seen countless others end up as I had transported them.

So, the vaccination did work so far as keeping me out of the hospital.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
I am totally amazed, at this late hour, that some are actually are duped, that they do not know that hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin are in fact the premier drugs against covid.

A shotgun was given them to shoot the barn, and they missed from 2 ft away

I'm sorry, but as someone else in this thread has said, they don't work as well as you were lead to believe for Covid.

My fiance takes hydroxychloroquine every day for her auto-immune disease and had Covid twice. It is also a drug that has a dangerous side effect of ruining ones eyes, specifically at the retinal level. She has to go every six months to look for damage to her retina from it. So far, so good.
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rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
The whole time I wore a mask out and about and at work, I never got Covid. The minute my fiance stopped wearing a mask and I would never wear one around her, she got Covid from a non-masked co-worker and then gave it to me. That was the first time I got Covid.

Wore a mask to work every day even after ai changed to working in a Plasma center as an EMT. The minute I let my guard down and not wear a mask, I get Covid again. That was the second time.

Believe what you want. I believe masks work. I am also using surgical masks or N-95s and these are properly fitted as I know how to use a mask and how to fit them properly.

I never agreed with unmasked Antifa gatherings or politicians not wearing masks. I can control what I do however, not what they do. I can voice my opinion that people should mask up, that schools and churches should be shut down, but thatbis all my voice is, an opinion. What others do, I can not control.
Does the virus go through the mask??????
Look it up please.
...and remember a neck gator was "approved". Which is DEFINATELY only for looks, as it did nothing
...ask yourself why faucci wore 4 or 5 masks, if your mask worked.
We could have been just as protected wearing screen wire on our faces.
You really do not understand the size of a virus???
5 of them holding hands go right through those masks we were forced to wear.
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
You assume much. I have only been vaccinated. Never went for boosters.

The vaccinations actually did what they were supposed to do and keep me out of the hospital. As a moderate to severe asthmatic, Covid could have quickly put me in the hospital where I had seen countless others end up as I had transported them.

So, the vaccination did work so far as keeping me out of the hospital.

Well it certainly didn't keep you from getting coronavirus.... wasn't that what it was supposed to do? How can you say it worked?

That's self-delusion.

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
I'm sorry, but as someone else in this thread has said, they don't work as well as you were lead to believe for Covid.

My fiance takes hydroxychloroquine every day for her auto-immune disease and had Covid twice. It is also a drug that has a dangerous side effect of ruining ones eyes, specifically at the retinal level. She has to go every six months to look for damage to her retina from it. So far, so good.
Thats like saying one in a thousand has sinus attacks from lettuce, therefore salads are dangerous.

I have a friend from south Africa that took hydroxychloroquine for years.... AHEM, like everybody he knew as preventative for malaria.
ZERO side effects,... NADA

Your position is easily defeated friend.
You are not knowledgeable.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
Well it certainly didn't keep you from getting coronavirus.... wasn't that what it was supposed to do? How can you say it worked?

That's self-delusion.

You say it's self delusion because you think I always thought it was supposed to prevent me from getting it. I never really thought that, but I knew that it would lessen the effects.

You guys always seem to go for what you think will discredit the person or you go and try and put a person down. This is what is wrong with posts like yours. Rather than keeping it to the actual subject, you make it personal.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
Does the virus go through the mask??????
Look it up please.
...and remember a neck gator was "approved". Which is DEFINATELY only for looks, as it did nothing
...ask yourself why faucci wore 4 or 5 masks, if your mask worked.
We could have been just as protected wearing screen wire on our faces.
You really do not understand the size of a virus???
5 of them holding hands go right through those masks we were forced to wear.

Masks don't catch the virus itself and the virus itself doesn't travel on its own. It needs a vehicle so to speak. That vehicle was droplets from sneezing, coughing, etc. You know what a mask is very good at doing?

Stopping those vehicles.

As I said, believe what you will. I choose to believe that masks work as I have seen them work.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
Thats like saying one in a thousand has sinus attacks from lettuce, therefore salads are dangerous.

I have a friend from south Africa that took hydroxychloroquine for years.... AHEM, like everybody he knew as preventative for malaria.
ZERO side effects,... NADA

Your position is easily defeated friend.
You are not knowledgeable.

I am extremely knowledgeable, the problem friend is that we are on different sides of the fence.

You do you, and I'll do me. Deal?

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
You say it's self delusion because you think I always thought it was supposed to prevent me from getting it. I never really thought that, but I knew that it would lessen the effects.

You guys always seem to go for what you think will discredit the person or you go and try and put a person down. This is what is wrong with posts like yours. Rather than keeping it to the actual subject, you make it personal.
Just the opposite.
read through the thread, And see that we are the ones being called radical crazed conspiratists.
IT is really bizarre at this late hour that such pure evil has been totally exposed.
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