Deaths spike after covid vaccine graphed for multiple countries

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Trump wants to build back up the Constitution.
The Constitution is one of Freedom and Responsibilty of one's self and their role as a citizen under it.

A lot of the Uniparty only want the Freedom for themselves without the responsibility of serving the people.

These people are nasty.
There was a trial yesterday I forget which case in what state, maybe Georgia or NY..
Anyways, Trump showed up but a member of the jury and some of the court staff apparently got covid so it has been rescheduled to today.
Today is the NH Primary which Trump needs to attend.

So first they tried to make him default by missing Melania's mother's funeral. Now they trying to make him default or miss the Primary.

How anyone can be a champion for the democrat party at this point, they removing people from ballots, not putting names on ballots, not doing the normal primaries... election interference. And they say the republicans are putting up roadblocks?
They should look at their own party.

I don't care if your a democrat, but you got to get your DNC to play fair for you the constituent.
We have a problem with Rona McDaniels which leads the RNC, and we tried to get her removed because she wasn't listening to we the people. But the "establishment" kept her in.
She lost us the 2022 mid terms by not supporting the candidates We had chosen.

Democrats want an option for Biden, I would suggest looking at Dean Phillips.
I been watching him lately, and though I'm not a democrat, I agree with a lot of his platform.

You want to change the way congress works, you have to change the way you vote.
I would really like to see a true bi-partisan government that works for We the People.

In fact, I would rather there were No parties at all, and everyone ran as an American only.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I follow this guy Robert Gouveia. He is a defence attorney who follows all the lawsuits and subpeonas and shenanigans going on in the congress and in the courts.

He shows the documents, the application for the lawsuits, Judges decisions, whether small court, Supreme court.
Yesterdays show was amazing.

Trump Trial DELAYED; J6 Committee DELETED Evidence; Fani FIGHTS Divorce Subpoena​

I follow him on Rumble but he is also on YouTube and other platforms.

it's 2 and a half hours long, but it's far better than watching the mainstream clown show.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Party is a central organizing principle.
I would think the organizing principle would include all Americans. Not divisions.
I understand the money behind the organizing. Money wouldn't be needed if there were no PACs
RNC and DNC are just an allusion to steal your money.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
I would think the organizing principle would include all Americans. Not divisions.
In the real world there are divisions among people at every level.

It goes without saying that for every geographical area - city, county, state, nation, continent, hemisphere, world - any law would apply to all. This is true even if it benefits a subset of all, e.g., use of a bridge, retirement, military base, etc.

So, given that people have things in common, besides things that separate them, the question becomes one of economics. How to pool resources for common cause? Identity politics is divisive but does not translate to political fundamentals.
  • One group wants the country to go to the left.
  • Another group wants the country stay the way it is.
  • A 3rd group wants the country to go to the right.
The classic have's v have nots. In the above 3-way analysis, the middle group is the have's; things are the way they want them to be. They, currently have their way. The other 2 groups are the have nots; they currently have not things their way. This is the genesis of the central organizing principle, political party.

Of course, things get a lot more complicated with each additional public policy topic. This motivates splintering into governing coalitions. Many groups develop in-group preferences which have an advantage over groups that do not have an in-group preference.

In the end, those engaged in such identity politics eventually become cannablistic. This can be seen in the tyrannical alphabet people splintering over the rainbow flag including brown and black due to intersectionality. (In the real world, rainbow's do not have brown or black). This is why the Founding Father's were against democracy and for a republic, rule by law. Hope this helps.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
In the real world there are divisions among people at every level.

It goes without saying that for every geographical area - city, county, state, nation, continent, hemisphere, world - any law would apply to all. This is true even if it benefits a subset of all, e.g., use of a bridge, retirement, military base, etc.

So, given that people have things in common, besides things that separate them, the question becomes one of economics. How to pool resources for common cause? Identity politics is divisive but does not translate to political fundamentals.
  • One group wants the country to go to the left.
  • Another group wants the country stay the way it is.
  • A 3rd group wants the country to go to the right.
The classic have's v have nots. In the above 3-way analysis, the middle group is the have's; things are the way they want them to be. They, currently have their way. The other 2 groups are the have nots; they currently have not things their way. This is the genesis of the central organizing principle, political party.

Of course, things get a lot more complicated with each additional public policy topic. This motivates splintering into governing coalitions. Many groups develop in-group preferences which have an advantage over groups that do not have an in-group preference.

In the end, those engaged in such identity politics eventually become cannablistic. This can be seen in the tyrannical alphabet people splintering over the rainbow flag including brown and black due to intersectionality. (In the real world, rainbow's do not have brown or black). This is why the Founding Father's were against democracy and for a republic, rule by law. Hope this helps.
Between the lobbyists and the NGO's, sparking fires where there was none, I believe the nation as a whole could come to a consensus what is good for one is good for all.
I believe everytime we get on the edge of that being a reality, movements are created to cause divisions.
Because more divisions means more programs and funding for each cause. Making more fraud possible by funding the admimistrations or managers behind them. Most of the time the funding never makes it's way down to the average citizen.
And it puts more power in the hands of the governors rather than the ones being governed.

We the People are the Boss. The government is made up of our peers who we feel represent our voice and our best interest.
They work for us not over us.
And maybe someday the people will take back their power and things may begin to change.
Let's fix the things we can agree on. Homeless, mental illness, VA, elderly, children...
But not to the point where government dictates what we must do, but what we the people is the right thing to do.

I know how it should work, I know how it does work, maybe someday we can find a middle ground.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
It is a mild drug for most people that has no side effects. It is used for pregnant and nursing mothers.

I suppose some people are allergic OR they overdose on it.
hundreds of millions of people including infants and children take that drug everyday to prevent malaria.
Yet the MSM published doctors telling people it is a dangerous drug, do not prescribe!

But give them Remdesivir, which shuts down bodily organs and kills people and Midazolam which suppresses their ability to breath. Those are what to use.

Makes you think they want you to die....
Ho no ! i remember being told them drugs will kill you by the MSM and out Health Minister, who was coming across as a dipstick and now is the Governor General of our State. she looks like trash and comes across as a total idiot. and ran away once from a questioning.
Good to know we are all in good hands !

Maybe the Government people were in fear that they themselves could run out of such drugs, so that's why they took that stance ?

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
Ho no ! i remember being told them drugs will kill you by the MSM and out Health Minister, who was coming across as a dipstick and now is the Governor General of our State. she looks like trash and comes across as a total idiot. and ran away once from a questioning.
Good to know we are all in good hands !

Maybe the Government people were in fear that they themselves could run out of such drugs, so that's why they took that stance ?
Like i said, we are ripe for the new world order.
Just trust government!!!!
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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
And look at the comments, very telling.
Like here
ICU nurse from Norway here. The combination of virus and vaccine is exactly what I have been observing. The patient is admitted after recently having gone through a mild Covid infection, then progress to a serious bacterial infection, often as necrotising fascities. Massive clotting with D Dimer off the chart and lymphocytes almost non existing. The patient is temporarely in a state of AIDS, at least. Susceptible to whatever bug circulating. Surgical removal of tissue and amputation next. Horrible, happens to teenagers and athletes now. Spot on Dr Mcmillan!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
So I admitted dad into the hospital over a month ago. And they tested him for covid the first day. He didn't have it.
He spent two weeks in the hospital in and out of ICU and I went to visit him daily.
There was a patient in the bed beside dad when he wasn't in ICU that was diagnosed with Pneumonia.

They brought dad over to rehab a little over 2 weeks ago and they said he had covid. He must have gotten it in the hospital.
Fot the last 2 weeks I been sick with a chest cold, stomach problems, fatigue. I haven't been vaccinated.
I been taking cough medicine, vitamin D and zinc, and the symptoms are just hanging on.
I don't want to go visit dad because I don't want to infect him again with what I got or anyone else.
The insurance company called me Friday saying time was up for his rehab unless I wanted to appeal for more time.
Originally the rehab had told me a tentative date of the 9th of February. So I appealed and was confirmed until that date.
I know dad wants to come home but I don't think he is strong enough yet. He has only just begun using his walker.
And I'm afraid if he comes home while I'm sick I will just have to readdmit him to the hospital.

They got us good with this bioweapon didn't they?

Thank you for sharing


rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
So I admitted dad into the hospital over a month ago. And they tested him for covid the first day. He didn't have it.
He spent two weeks in the hospital in and out of ICU and I went to visit him daily.
There was a patient in the bed beside dad when he wasn't in ICU that was diagnosed with Pneumonia.

They brought dad over to rehab a little over 2 weeks ago and they said he had covid. He must have gotten it in the hospital.
Fot the last 2 weeks I been sick with a chest cold, stomach problems, fatigue. I haven't been vaccinated.
I been taking cough medicine, vitamin D and zinc, and the symptoms are just hanging on.
I don't want to go visit dad because I don't want to infect him again with what I got or anyone else.
The insurance company called me Friday saying time was up for his rehab unless I wanted to appeal for more time.
Originally the rehab had told me a tentative date of the 9th of February. So I appealed and was confirmed until that date.
I know dad wants to come home but I don't think he is strong enough yet. He has only just begun using his walker.
And I'm afraid if he comes home while I'm sick I will just have to readdmit him to the hospital.

They got us good with this bioweapon didn't they?

Thank you for sharing

You and dad need colloidal silver for the lungs.
Big time
And look at the comments, very telling.
Like here
ICU nurse from Norway here. The combination of virus and vaccine is exactly what I have been observing. The patient is admitted after recently having gone through a mild Covid infection, then progress to a serious bacterial infection, often as necrotising fascities. Massive clotting with D Dimer off the chart and lymphocytes almost non existing. The patient is temporarely in a state of AIDS, at least. Susceptible to whatever bug circulating. Surgical removal of tissue and amputation next. Horrible, happens to teenagers and athletes now. Spot on Dr Mcmillan!

This is a sidestep of the facts of what the jab did to people.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Just when I was starting to relax around you, you had to go and say something like this.
What did I say?
I'm talking about China, WHO, CDC, Fauci. Anyone who created or made a profit off of infecting people with this bioweapon.
Unless you believe this virus came from bats in a wet market?



Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
No lab leak?
No china involvement?
No democrat involvement?

No, I do not believe it was intentionally released. Yes, it was done in China, but I do not think it was intentional. No, I don't believe that the Democrats had anything to do with this.

I will not debate this any further. You believe what you want and I will do the same.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
What did I say?
I'm talking about China, WHO, CDC, Fauci. Anyone who created or made a profit off of infecting people with this bioweapon.
Unless you believe this virus came from bats in a wet market?


I honestly do not believe it to be a bioweapon. I'm sorry, but I don't believe that and never will. I have my reasons that I will not share here because people on here will pick them apart.

I have had peace since deciding not to endlessly debate things and I will not start now. So I will not respond anymore.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I honestly do not believe it to be a bioweapon. I'm sorry, but I don't believe that and never will. I have my reasons that I will not share here because people on here will pick them apart.

I have had peace since deciding not to endlessly debate things and I will not start now. So I will not respond anymore.