Tucker Carlson in Moscow to interview Vladimir Putin

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Nothing new. Regardless of WHO the speaker is, world-wide.

Any man who is “unpredictable” is often labeled a “danger” to the one who can not find the man “predictable”.

Putin may see Carlson as a “danger”…but to whom? Russian’s or Some American’s sitting in (political and media) ‘power seats” ?
I think in context, the latter.

Biden has a long “political” panty-waist, history; riding the hems of other politicians and a 50+ year for his livelihood burden on the American People.

Trump is not a “politician” thus of course he is “unpredictable”, only being able to be measured, according to a few short years of “government” service, uninterested in the American people PAYING for his livelihood, as he Donated his 4 year Salary as he was required by law to receive.
Didn't President Trump donate that salary? Veteran causes,if not mistaken.


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Aug 10, 2012
Here are some of Putin's comments about the interview... He also mentioned that he would rather have Biden in charge, rather than Trump-- because Biden is the old-form politician.... predictable.

I'm thinking it is reverse psychology as he actually wants Trump back in office. But he knows his endorsement would have a negative affect in America. Back in 2016 Putin expressed concern that Hillary would start WW3 if she became president. The concern is legitimate that the Democrats would want to start WW3. Seeing as they are driven by a destructive spirit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
I'm thinking it is reverse psychology as he actually wants Trump back in office. But he knows his endorsement would have a negative affect in America. Back in 2016 Putin expressed concern that Hillary would start WW3 if she became president. The concern is legitimate that the Democrats would want to start WW3. Seeing as they are driven by a destructive spirit.
That's likely.

Remember when Hillary was running the first time? May have been the second.

It was discovered she had promised a $donor who gave her campaign millions.
In return? She promised him a seat wherein he'd have access to our nuclear arsenal and their codes.

He had no experience in that area whatever. After that made news his seat was withdrawn. She kept the money.

I wouldn't doubt she leaked the information to the press just so she could keep the money,knowing he could never actually assume the authority she promised.

The root of all evil is love of money above all else. That's absolute when it comes to the C's formerly of Arkansas.
Whose environment WJC destroyed while governor. And for money.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Didn't President Trump donate that salary? Veteran causes,if not mistaken.

US Presidents by Law are Paid a quarterly Salary (4 times per year). By Law the President is required to take/receive his Salary. So, Trump received his Salary 16 times in 4 years.
I have heard varying reports…that he took one dollar each of the 16 times and donated the remainder….and/or
That he donated the totality of his received Salary.

It was Trump’s money and to his own choice to where he decided to donate it to…
In actually where Trump made donations is his personal business (same as for any other citizen)…

Some information has been discovered, some not…as the following.
You can look up the acronyms if interested… ;-)

Q1: NPS (Dept. of Interior)
Q2: Dept. of Ed
Q4: Transportation

Q1: VA

Q2: Surgeon General
Q4: don’t know

Don’t know

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
The story you've been sold by Biden, the mainstream media-- worldwide and the globalists is this>>>

Vladimir Putin woke up one morning and decided to invade Ukraine and commit unspeakable acts of evil on his closest neighbor.

He's either a sadist or simply insane. It was entirely unprovoked.

--And so the US has pledged unlimited amounts of money and massive quantities of it's most sophisticated weapons to stopping him.

--That's the narrative.... As much as it takes, for as long as it takes, as the saying goes.

It's a lie. And it, in and of itself-- is insane.
Well, I do agree. Putin did bring up some truths, that the Elites control the mainstream media - which feeds us lies.
The present government of the USA is run by thieves and liars.
That said, I would not trust Putin, who is blatantly a murderer. He was evasive, not answering questions as if all classified conversations between heads of state was off limits. He controlled the interview. We didn't need a history lesson going back 1000 years - just the last hundred would have been enough.
Listen, history is just filled with empires gaining control of territories and taking what they want, they all did that. To the Victor goes the spoils. We took the Americas. God owns everything anyways and God ordained it btw. God Blessed America ...now we are being judged and so is everyone else.
So, Ukraine has valuable land, raw materials, wealth that Russia wants. I am not doubtful that former agreements with Russia were just trashed by countries/ Nato and the USA.
We are financing this war, so why would he want to negotiate anything with Biden or even let one prisoner go? That was Tucker's plea? Let one person go! Lol. I do like Tucker but he seemed out of sorts - his head was spinning.Tens of thousands of deaths and he is asking for the release of one person? Tucker was weak ... trying to be polite and respectful with a guy who murders anyone who gets in his way.
Putin put on a good show, appeared to be friendly, cordial, a gentlemen - and likely many bought that! He was talking about his faith, Christianity! Really? As he targets hospitals, kills civilians, women and children, 500k killed or wounded ... and he is doing that why? Because of the threat that Ukraine will join Nato ... surround Russia with bases and then go after them? Liar and deceiver like Satan. Putin is one of his puppets and so is Biden.
Another revealing comment was that Putin didn't think God had anything to do with what was going on, in others words He is not Sovereign and it is our will that shapes reality - which is not a Christian perspective at all. It's sort of like the Mafia leaders who went to church on Sunday, asked for the Priest's blessings, then murdered, and lived lives of crime for the rest of the week.
Putin did say if we stopped funding/helping Ukraine, it could be over next week.

Don't really trust Zelenskyy either. We should stop funding their war and instead secure our borders and let them settle their own battles.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I'm thinking it is reverse psychology as he actually wants Trump back in office. But he knows his endorsement would have a negative affect in America. Back in 2016 Putin expressed concern that Hillary would start WW3 if she became president. The concern is legitimate that the Democrats would want to start WW3. Seeing as they are driven by a destructive spirit.

Both Trump and Hillary have met Putin…

Trump has had poor American “so called News releases”….endlessly about his looks, his food, his private lifestyle, blah, blah…insignifiant things….and very little press on his accomplishments.

Hillary has routinely received shining press coverage and down-low coverage on her back-door dirty dealings…her tried to hide but revealed interest in Saul Alinsky’s tactics, and particularly trying to involve Russia in her scam. I am sure Putin is well aware of how Hillary operated (ie IS predictable) and whose tune she marches to.

Hillary has been fairly silent in the news….until a recent highlight being on even the Democrats not seemingly willing to give a wink and a pass to Biden’s obvious mental decline….All of a sudden, Hillary seems to have seen an opening to promote herself against Trump in an election, if Biden is removed from running.

It is pretty well established Harris is an embarrassing joke the minute she begins to speak……aside from the fact, she LIKE Obama are NOT legally per the US Constitution qualified to sit as President or VP, since the founders Knew, and certainly any attorney claiming to be a Constitutional lecturer should KNOW…
A Natural born citizen has TWO Parents (mother and father) who ARE citizens at the time of the child’s birth.)

Obama’s father, was NEVER a citizen.
Harris’ mother was applying for a Green Card, after Kamala’s birth.

Just speculating …. I think Hillary is trying to squeeze into the spotlight, IF Joe is out as election time nears.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Well, I do agree. Putin did bring up some truths, that the Elites control the mainstream media - which feeds us lies.
The present government of the USA is run by thieves and liars.
That said, I would not trust Putin, who is blatantly a murderer. He was evasive, not answering questions as if all classified conversations between heads of state was off limits. He controlled the interview. We didn't need a history lesson going back 1000 years - just the last hundred would have been enough.
Listen, history is just filled with empires gaining control of territories and taking what they want, they all did that. To the Victor goes the spoils. We took the Americas. God owns everything anyways.
So, Ukraine has valuable land, raw materials, wealth that Russia wants. I am not doubtful that former agreements with Russia were just trashed by countries/ Nato and the USA.
We are financing this war, so why would he want to negotiate anything with Biden or even let one prisoner go? That was Tucker's plea? Lol. I do like Tucker but he seemed out of sorts - hisbhead was spinning.Tens of thousands of deaths and he is asking for the release of one person? Tucker was weak ... trying to be polite and respectful with a guy who murders anyone who gets in his way. Putin put on a good show, appeared to be friendly, cordial, a gentlemen - and lokely many bought that! He was talking about his faith, Christianity! Really? As he targets hospitals, kills civilians, women and children, 500k killednor wounded ... and he is doing that why? Because of the threat that Ukraine will join Nato ... surround Russia with bases and then go after them?
Another revealing comment was that he didn't think God had anything to do with what was going on, in others words Henis not Sovereign and it is our will that shapes reality - which is not a Christian perspective at all. It's sort of like the Mafia leaders who went to church on Sunday, asked for the Priest's blessings, then murdered, and lived lives of crime for the rest of the week.
Putin did say if we stopped funding/helping Ukraine, it could be over next week.

Don't really trust Zelenskyy either. We should stop funding their war and instead secure our borders and let them settle their own battles.
To be fair, Putin is an Orthodox Christian .

Given the state of present day Russia and the world for that matter, I can see why he'd say it is human responsibility that has brought us here.

Because if God is sovereign,following Putin's thought,then what does this present reality say of God?

Further, there are many a Christian that are adamant our will is responsible for this world. Which,if that then is denying God's Sovereignty over his creation, is in line with Putin's same observations.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
To be fair, Putin is an Orthodox Christian .

Given the state of present day Russia and the world for that matter, I can see why he'd say it is human responsibility that has brought us here.

Because if God is sovereign,following Putin's thought,then what does this present reality say of God?

Further, there are many a Christian that are adamant our will is responsible for this world. Which,if that then is denying God's Sovereignty over his creation, is in line with Putin's same observations.
We certainly are responsible for our sins and accomplishments and so is he.

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
I'm thinking it is reverse psychology as he actually wants Trump back in office. But he knows his endorsement would have a negative affect in America. Back in 2016 Putin expressed concern that Hillary would start WW3 if she became president. The concern is legitimate that the Democrats would want to start WW3. Seeing as they are driven by a destructive spirit.

I think putin, for his own preservation, would rather see Trump as prez since Trump would at least try to have some peace by removing our nose from other country's business.

The liberals appear to be making moves that in the long run will benefit the CCP

To be fair, Putin is an Orthodox Christian .

He's actually Russian Orthodox and they teach false doctrine similar to reformed theology but with a Russian nationalistic twist

Among whatever other sins he may be guilty of, he's a murderer so currently he's on the highway to hell.

In this world it would be very very difficult to be a leader of any country and be an actual Christian.

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
Russia and China both have satellites armed with nukes in violation of international treaties.

Biben is going to take a nap and get some ice cream concerning this issue... nothing else.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Estimates now are that more than 400,000 Ukrainians have died in Biden's war. So far.

As they try to ram through another $60 Billion to keep the killing machines rolling--
Average age of the Ukranian soldier is 43 years old.

I am disappointed at how many people have been fooled by the propaganists, by the indoctrination, of the NWO the globalists yearn to create. Even among Christians, proving Spiritual discernment remains elusive.

There is a manager in my firm who had a mocking spirit. I'm convinced it is demonic. The malovolence is apparent to me. How can people fall for the obvious malovelence of the propaganists? They've been conditioned to think evil looks and sounds a certain way when it is not that way but apears "normal," sympathetic, clean and enticing.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Unlike Wrangler, I don’t have a problem admitting when I have been wrong about something........ Again, you’re wasting your time trying to talk to someone like him. His debate skills are very poor.
I agree. I have noticed that about @Wrangler also :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
You have been asking Wrangler to answer that question again and again, and he continually evades answering it. The guy has poor debate skills, isn’t intellectually honest, and lacks the humility to admit when he has been wrong. Why bother trying to have an honest discussion with him when he lacks basic debate skills? I noticed these things about Wrangler; hence, I don’t bother to write back because he doesn’t want to be honest.

By the way, I bet Wrangler is going to quote my post, and he still won’t bother to answer your query. He’ll dodge the question again and give some other answer that is irrelevant to the subject. As stated, he lacks the humility to admit when he has been wrong about something.
100% correct about @Wrangler :Thumbsup:
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
I think the point is that if Ukraine is a semi-fascist and deeply corrupt country, it is not so innocent after all and raises the question as to why the west would be obligated to interfere there.
I completely agree with you Lizbeth. I have completly failed to understand why the United States is involved in this war. I can understand sending medical units to care for the wounded civilians and soldiers. I can understand sending food, medical supplies, generators to keep hospitals operating when power goes out etc. But I don't understand the excessive amounts of weapons we are sending them.



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Word games?! What a shame our generation lacks moral clarity.

Let me say it again. I am on the record opposed to war with Russia.

If these 2 dictatorships want to fight, let them. It is not in our national security interest to intervene. In fact, intervening threatens our national security on a number of fronts.

It's not semantics! Wake up people.
Got it. You are opposed to war with Russia, and you believe we shouldn't intervene. I agree with that. :)

AND you believe "Russia invaded for very good reasons and are totally justified,"! I disagree with that. Just because they are corrupt and have some Nazi's that make up a small percentage of their population does NOT give Russia the higher moral ground to invade and kill innocent women and children. SOME Nazi's living in a bordering country that are doing no harm to Russia is NOT a reason for the slaughter they have caused.

Thanks for the clarification.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
I completely agree with you Lizbeth. I have completly failed to understand why the United States is involved in this war. I can understand sending medical units to care for the wounded civilians and soldiers. I can understand sending food, medical supplies, generators to keep hospitals operating when power goes out etc. But I don't understand the excessive amounts of weapons we are sending them.

Yes I think there's a big difference between humanitarian relief and military involvement. But I honestly dont feel qualified to be on one side or the other in this in any certain way....however, I wouldn't be surprised if it is all just corruption...follow the money trail and find out who benefits from this war monetarily... war is big business....and/or to make any paper trail of their questionable business dealings in the Ukraine disappear in the fog of war and bombs. Or am I just being cynical? This world is so unspeakably evil, nothing but nothing surprises me any more. Horrifies me yes, but not too surprised. Can't wait for the Lord to come back and end all this wickedness.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
To be fair, Putin is an Orthodox Christian .

Given the state of present day Russia and the world for that matter, I can see why he'd say it is human responsibility that has brought us here.

Because if God is sovereign,following Putin's thought,then what does this present reality say of God?

Further, there are many a Christian that are adamant our will is responsible for this world. Which,if that then is denying God's Sovereignty over his creation, is in line with Putin's same observations.
Except that he is also a cold blooded murderer and habitual liar..? There is no-one righteous in this situation, no not one.......or in any situation regarding the concerns of a divided world for that matter. As the bible says, we just shouldn't get too caught up and entangled in these things if we want to please our Commanding Officer. I'm learning to leave these things to our sovereign God who is judging and ruling in His manifold wisdom that I can't begin to fathom, and is ultimately leading everything to its final conclusion.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Just because they are corrupt and have some Nazi's that make up a small percentage of their population does NOT give Russia the higher moral ground to invade and kill innocent women and children.
What does justify peace?

You may not realize it but speaking in the negative does not help.

I’m not even asking what justifies war. I’m taking war as the default position. What could possibly justify peace?

Rather than condemn Russia, condemn the West for provoking the Bear then claiming victim status! Said differently, you are saying the reaction is wrong while giving the provocation a moral condemnation pass.

Did you watch the vid with Vance? You spoke about innocent Ukrainian women and children. Do you think the decision to keep fighting is NOT killing innocent Ukrainian women and children? About 400K Ukranians have died. Only the war lords benefit from this - not the common man.