What is Mystery Babylon?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
You deny the Holy Spirit and the authority of God to try pushing a human agenda based on a misreading...or a non-reading ...of the bible. A common scheme to deny the faith. (You can google that)
You deny the Holy Spirit and the authority of God to try pushing a human agenda based on a misreading...or a non-reading ...of the bible. A common scheme to deny the faith. (You can google that)
Misinterpreting or ignoring the Bible leads to denying the Holy Spirit and God’s authority:
Acts 5:3–4 (NIV), as mentioned earlier, demonstrates the consequences of lying to the Holy Spirit due to misguided beliefs.
Pushing a human agenda contradicts the Christian faith:
Misinterpreting or ignoring the Bible leads to denying the Holy Spirit and God’s authority:
Acts 5:3–4 (NIV), as mentioned earlier, demonstrates the consequences of lying to the Holy Spirit due to misguided beliefs.

Pushing a human agenda contradicts the Christian faith:
Galatians 1:8-9 (NIV): "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, if anyone preaches any other gospel than the one you welcomed, let them be under God’s curse!"

Emphasizing the importance of reading and understanding the Bible correctly:
John 17:17 (NIV): "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth."
2 Timothy 2:15 (NIV): "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."

Warnings against false teachers and their tactics:
Matthew 7:15 (NIV): "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."
2 Peter 2:1 (NIV): "But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies..."

Consequences of falling for false teachings:
2 Corinthians 11:3 (NIV): "But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ."
Galatians 1:8-9 (NIV): "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, if anyone preaches any other gospel than the one you welcomed, let them be under God’s curse!"
Emphasizing the importance of reading and understanding the Bible correctly:
John 17:17 (NIV): "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth."
2 Timothy 2:15 (NIV): "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."
Warnings against false teachers and their tactics:
Matthew 7:15 (NIV): "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."
2 Peter 2:1 (NIV): "But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies..."
Consequences of falling for false teachings:
2 Corinthians 11:3 (NIV): "But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ."
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Babylon is the Kingdom which was established under Moses.
It is Israel in all it's glory and all it's sins.
It was created as a protytpe upon the earth to lead man to God.
But it was overtaken by Satan and his minions and those that only think evil thoughts and devise evil scemes upon their beds.
God gave them time for repentance but they would not hear. So they lost the governor ship of Israel and God gave it to Jesus.

Now we are that Kingdom which God place Jesus Governor over. And he is building his Kingdom with those who have faith and believe in him.
Babylon is long gone even though the residual carnal flesh still remains scattered throughout the earth.
God will find those precious stones and gather them as lost pearls to place within His Kingdom.
Which Kingdom we are.

Babylon is the power that holds many believers captive...to this very day. It is man-organized religion...purporting to be serving God by their efforts and schemes. These projections of Babylon have human given names...they are making a name for themselves. They are looking for legitimacy...from men. They seek not God for His approval and empowering.

Babylon is a great evil...but one that is as natural and common as any other human activity. But any mixture of holiness with our evil ways is iniquity.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
It's me! That's my name. During Covid I was constrained to write a book...which I never thought I would do...since, how do you know when there is enough on any given point.

But the Lord directed me and helped me to get through the endeavour. (I think I burned out twice from the effort ;)) But there is now a framework on the deeper life in Christ....laid out like the pieces of a puzzle that come together to form a proper understanding.

What you will find is that popular people and popular books are such because they are already understood by the majority. There can be some depth there...but ususally these conform to opinions that are already shared by the majority. The pieces can come across as disjointed...no semblance of the bigger picture that the pieces are supposed to fit into.

My book is the coming together of the aspects of the truth to form an understanding of the gospel, and the New Covenant that will stand up to the rigours of experience.

To go deeper into the Christian life, you need to go off the beaten paths...to rediscover the ancient paths...that people normally avoid like the plague!

Check out the podcasts. Judge for yourself.
What are the ancient paths? It is speaking of the Tree of Life in the Garden. Which Adam and Eve had not eaten of, but should have. It is actually a well worn path of the risen Christ who became a quickening (life) spirit....the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world. We are to eat of Him, His fruit. And battle our way back to Him...hacking down the overgrowths and obstacles in our life, as it were, and having to pass through the sword of FIRE to get to Him, the Tree of Life (it is through much tribulation we enter the kingdom of heaven). We have come to Him, but there is the paradox of having to make our way back to Him at the same time. I mean if we hadn't already come to Him we wouldn't know He was there to eat of would we? To obtain more of Him.

And I believe we need to tie everything to God's word and that way He gets the glory, because it is His truth. The bible puts it as being weaned from the breasts (of mother church). To whom shall He teach knowledge?...to them which are weaned from the breasts....and thus we grow.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
What are the ancient paths? It is speaking of the Tree of Life in the Garden. Which Adam and Eve had not eaten of, but should have. It is actually a well worn path of the risen Christ who became a quickening (life) spirit....the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world. We are to eat of Him, His fruit. And battle our way back to Him...hacking down the overgrowths and obstacles in our life, as it were, and having to pass through the sword of FIRE to get to Him, the Tree of Life (it is through much tribulation we enter the kingdom of heaven). We have come to Him, but there is the paradox of having to make our way back to Him at the same time. I mean if we hadn't already come to Him we wouldn't know He was there to eat of would we? To obtain more of Him.

And I believe we need to tie everything to God's word and that way He gets the glory, because it is His truth. The bible puts it as being weaned from the breasts (of mother church). To whom shall He teach knowledge?...to them which are weaned from the breasts....and thus we grow.
It takes faith to go through the door. Jesus has already made the way clear for those seeking entrance.
All we have to do is knock.
And remembering that while we battle our way back to him, that battle belongs to the Lord. And it is he which goes before us and it id he which is our rereward. In other words, he has our back.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Misinterpreting or ignoring the Bible leads to denying the Holy Spirit and God’s authority:
Acts 5:3–4 (NIV), as mentioned earlier, demonstrates the consequences of lying to the Holy Spirit due to misguided beliefs.

Pushing a human agenda contradicts the Christian faith:
Galatians 1:8-9 (NIV): "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, if anyone preaches any other gospel than the one you welcomed, let them be under God’s curse!"

Emphasizing the importance of reading and understanding the Bible correctly:
John 17:17 (NIV): "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth."
2 Timothy 2:15 (NIV): "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."

Warnings against false teachers and their tactics:
Matthew 7:15 (NIV): "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."
2 Peter 2:1 (NIV): "But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies..."

Consequences of falling for false teachings:
2 Corinthians 11:3 (NIV): "But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ."
God's word is a light unto our path and lamp unto our feet. The living word that is alive and active through the Holy Spirit. How can we live and grow without it? We are eating of the Word made flesh, the Tree of Life!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Babylon is the power that holds many believers captive...to this very day. It is man-organized religion...purporting to be serving God by their efforts and schemes. These projections of Babylon have human given names...they are making a name for themselves. They are looking for legitimacy...from men. They seek not God for His approval and empowering.

Babylon is a great evil...but one that is as natural and common as any other human activity. But any mixture of holiness with our evil ways is iniquity.
Yes it is. And they are scattered across the face of the earth.
And they are making names for themselves like Nimrod attempted but God fixed that problem.
And the one Pharoah tried to build, and God fixed that too.
The he put Moses in charge and showed him the pattern, but they could not see the spiritual kingdom at that time.
They lived behind a veil of ignorance and secrecy. And they ruled it by their own understanding. And they left God a long long time ago.

Jesus came and removed the veil and he showed the Apostles what God had shown Moses.
And if you notice the floor of the kingdom is made of glass. And it is this glass that Paul says we still see through darkly.
Because our carnal mind is at enmity with the spirit of God and tries to keep the veil intact.

The world can not see it, but it is here. And those who believe are a part of it, even though we can't see it yet,
We walk by faith and not by sight.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
God's word is a light unto our path and lamp unto our feet. The living word that is alive and active through the Holy Spirit. How can we live and grow without it? We are eating of the Word made flesh, the Tree of Life!
Amen @Lizbeth -

Indeed, the Word of God is a powerful and transformative force in the life of a believer. It serves as a guiding light, illuminating our path and directing our steps in alignment with God's will. Here are some key points to consider regarding the significance of God's Word in our lives:

Guidance and Illumination: Psalm 119:105 (NIV) affirms, "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." The Word of God provides clarity and direction in our journey of faith, helping us navigate life's challenges and make decisions that honor God.

Living and Active: Hebrews 4:12 (NIV) describes the Word of God as living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, the Word penetrates our hearts, discerns our thoughts, and transforms us from within.

Nourishment and Growth: Just as physical food sustains our bodies, the Word of God nourishes our spirits and fosters spiritual growth. Matthew 4:4 (NIV) reminds us that "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."

Connection to Christ: John 1:14 (NIV) proclaims, "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us." Jesus Christ is the living Word incarnate, and through Scripture, we partake in communion with Him, drawing closer to the source of life and truth.

Tree of Life: Revelation 22:2 (NIV) speaks of "the tree of life bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month." As we partake of the Word made flesh, we are nourished by the Tree of Life, experiencing spiritual renewal, growth, and abundant life in Christ.
In essence, immersing ourselves in God's Word allows us to walk in His light, be transformed by His truth, and find sustenance for our souls. It is through the living Word that we encounter Christ, grow in faith, and bear fruit that glorifies God. May we continue to feast on the richness of Scripture and abide in the presence of the Living Word who brings us life eternal.

Stay firm and rooted in Christ Jesus.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
You deny the Holy Spirit and the authority of God to try pushing a human agenda based on a misreading...or a non-reading ...of the bible. A common scheme to deny the faith. (You can google that)

People need to avoid the unbelief that you espouse.

The Headship of Christ is testified to in the bible and the bible does not supersede the authority of God. It supports it. The bible is not God.
It is a ruse of the devil to get people to make an idol of the bible...thus eliminating the Living God from the equation...so that the devil can then mislead people by a simple manipulation of the text to have them believe in fables and schemes already being promoted by false teachers.

And the key to this is to make all that sound reasonable. Entire careers in ministry are being offered to those who would peddle the words of the Lord for their own gain and purposes. We should not be surprised that people can be duped into backing up such schemes.
Hey there, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me. It sounds like you're really passionate about the importance of the Holy Spirit and God's authority in our lives. I can see how misinterpretations or neglect of the Bible could lead to pushing a human agenda instead of following God's will.

I agree, the Bible serves as a guide to understanding God's will and His authority in our lives. It's interesting how you mentioned the danger of making an idol out of the Bible, which could potentially lead us away from the true Living God.

That's a valid point. We need to be cautious about falling into traps set by false teachers who may twist the words of the Lord for personal gain. It's unfortunate that some may exploit faith for their own purposes.

Thank you for sharing your perspective with me. It's clear that you have a deep concern for upholding the truth and avoiding misleading interpretations of Scripture. Let's continue to seek wisdom and discernment as we navigate our faith journey together.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Goin back and looking in the book of Exodus, Pharoah was building a Kingdom.
He set his slaves to gather straw to make bricks.
If you notice what Pharoah was having them build was his treasure houses.
And I found that interesting, because Jesus says where your treasure is that is where your heart is also.

So after leaving Egypt and wandering through the wilderness the children began to murmur and tempt God by saying they would of rather died in Egypt than have to eat the light bread which God provided.
The they cried for water and Moses struck the rock when he was only to to speak to it.

Moses was frustrated. Specially when he went without food or water for 40 days and nights to get the words of God for the people because they didn't want to hear his voice.
Only to come down and find they had made themselves a God to follow after their own liking.
God wasn't very happy about that.
So as he had done in the wilderness by giving them so much meat it made them fat and lazy and left them open to attack by their enemies which slaughtered them.
God gave them a kingdom made of stone and wood, if you look at the pattern according to Moses, which God told them that their gods would be made of wood and stone. So much so they had to carry a wodden ark made solid with gold and put on staves to carry around for 40 years and if you touched it you would die.

If you don't see the irony and the justice God gave them for their own lusts and desires. then I don't know what to say.
It's clear to me. The more I study the more I see it.
Israel is Babylon. But God destroyed that Kingdom and translated it into the hands of Jesus. His is now the Governor of the Kingdom in which we reside.

Isa 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Isa 9:7
Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
Isa 22:21
And I will clothe him with thy robe, and strengthen him with thy girdle, and I will commit thy government into his hand: and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah.

Jesus came to save that which was lost. Salvation is for the Jews, and the Gentiles are the other sheep which he gathers also.
And we hear his voice.
And we are grafted into the branch, and the Jews that were cut off, if they have faith will be grafted in again.
One vine, one root, one spirit, one kingdom, one people,one faith, one hope.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Babylon is the power that holds many believers captive...to this very day. It is man-organized religion...purporting to be serving God by their efforts and schemes. These projections of Babylon have human given names...they are making a name for themselves. They are looking for legitimacy...from men. They seek not God for His approval and empowering.

Babylon is a great evil...but one that is as natural and common as any other human activity. But any mixture of holiness with our evil ways is iniquity.
Yes, it's mixture and that is why it is so deceptive. Also what features very prominently with mystery Babylon, is that it is a house of merchandise. The call to "come out of her" has been echoing down through the centuries from the prophets since before the Babylonian captivity. Spiritually, the Babylonian captivity is a picture of what Israel had sadly BECOME. She had BECOME Babylon in effect......mystery Babylon. And Egypt, and Sodom.....God's people need to come out of these...they are all picturing the need to come out of false religion before it gets judged/destroyed, lest we receive of her plagues and punishment.

And it's very important to understand that this was what Jerusalem had become back in the first century.....in order that we be admonished and learn from her example....especially since I believe unfortunately it is going to happen a second time and ensnare many Christians in her net. People need to be warned.....so that they be sober and alert! Evangelical Christianity is already so full of mixture and merchandising and false doctrine and sin in the camp......she is ripe to receive a strong delusion and it is already happening with this move towards ecumenicalism.. We better be clear that friendship with the world is ENMITY with God......and that we are not to be unequally yoked, joining arms, with unbelievers....and that includes unbelieving Israel.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I was working on Esau last night, and the verse in Malachi about how God hated Esau and love Jacob.
That was a long road.. anyways..
I found what had displeased God about Esau was his mocking his brothers (Jacob's) demise.
He not only sat back and laughed in the day of their calamity, he took part in it as well.

How do you love you brother or your neighbor while your watching them get slaughtered and laughing about it?

So we see in Revelation Babylon is falling and we are sitting on the edges watching it's calamity...
which will be ours in the not so distant future..

How should we behave about this?
Are we happy, pleased, mocking?
Or are we sorrowful and prayerful and compassionate, that those who are going down with it, will be saved out of it?

Jesus says to pray for our enemies...

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begooten son, that whosoever shall believe shall be saved.
And then Jesus sent his disciples into all the world to spread the Gospel, that God's Kingdom is at hand, and that everyone must repent, believe and have faith, that God has already given the Kingdom into the hand of his son Jesus.

I have to get ready to visit dad, but I will be back later.



Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Yes, it's mixture and that is why it is so deceptive. Also what features very prominently with mystery Babylon, is that it is a house of merchandise. The call to "come out of her" has been echoing down through the centuries from the prophets since before the Babylonian captivity. Spiritually, the Babylonian captivity is a picture of what Israel had sadly BECOME. She had BECOME Babylon in effect......mystery Babylon. And Egypt, and Sodom.....God's people need to come out of these...they are all picturing the need to come out of false religion before it gets judged/destroyed, lest we receive of her plagues and punishment.

And it's very important to understand that this was what Jerusalem had become back in the first century.....in order that we be admonished and learn from her example....especially since I believe unfortunately it is going to happen a second time and ensnare many Christians in her net. People need to be warned.....so that they be sober and alert! Evangelical Christianity is already so full of mixture and merchandising and false doctrine and sin in the camp......she is ripe to receive a strong delusion and it is already happening with this move towards ecumenicalism.. We better be clear that friendship with the world is ENMITY with God......and that we are not to be unequally yoked, joining arms, with unbelievers....and that includes unbelieving Israel.
You are trying to shut the barn door when the horse has already departed. I think your rosy picture is off the mark by a large margin. The corruption of Babylon has been in the church for well over a thousand years...to the point where there is a normalcy in the captivity of the flesh...so that most modern believers have no clue about the freedom in Christ...free from sin...free from the carnal limitations of the flesh.

Ecumenicism? What about the thousands of man-made doctrinal divisions based on the religious egos of men? Ecumenism is only a human remedy for a problem that is so obvious that even religious clerics who instituted the divisions now see it as a problem. Even the blind can feel the walls they bump into.

So then the mystery of iniquity is fully rooted in those who may also be captive in Babylon. And often those who have escaped Babylon have only doubled down on the mystery of iniquity in a search for legitimacy...listening with itching ears to every and all false teacher that promises them life and happiness for a continued affront to God in His holiness.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
The corruption of Babylon has been in the church for well over a thousand years...to the point where there is a normalcy in the captivity of the flesh...so that most modern believers have no clue about the freedom in Christ...free from sin...free from the carnal limitations of the flesh.
Firstly, the notion of the "corruption of Babylon" in the church can be understood as a reference to the influence of worldliness and sinfulness within the body of Christ. The apostle Peter warns us about our adversary, Satan, whose desires are contrary to ours, seeking to enslave us (1 Pet. 5:8).
Secondly, the "normalcy in the captivity of the flesh" suggests that sin has become commonplace and acceptable among believers. Romans 6:12 reminds us that we are slaves to righteousness instead of sin, and Galatians 5:17 highlights the battle between the flesh and the Holy Spirit within each believer.
Thirdly, the lack of awareness about "freedom in Christ" implies that many modern believers fail to grasp the full extent of their deliverance from sin and the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Ephesians 1:7 states that we have received forgiveness of sins and redemption through Christ's blood, making us free from condemnation.
Lastly, the absence of knowledge concerning "freedom from the carnal limitations of the flesh" signifies that many believers remain bound by their physical nature, failing to experience the supernatural transformation promised by Christ. Romans 8:1-11 speaks of the renewal of our minds and the adoption as sons of God, enabling us to walk in the Spirit and bear fruit unto holiness.

Guess this is what you are harping on.

Ecumenicism? What about the thousands of man-made doctrinal divisions based on the religious egos of men?
While ecumenism addresses the challenge of doctrinal divisions, it is crucial to acknowledge that some of these divisions arise from human pride and ego. Throughout history, theological debates have resulted in fractures within the Body of Christ, leading to numerous denominations and sects. Examples of such divisions include the Great Schism of 1054, which separated Eastern Orthodoxy from Western (Roman Catholic) Christianity, and the Reformation, which spawned countless Protestant denominations.

Ecumenism is a movement aimed at promoting unity among Christians, recognizing the need for cooperation and collaboration in areas such as mission, social justice, and theological exploration

Ecumenism does not aim to erase doctrinal differences but rather to build unity around the essential tenets of the Christian faith

The motivation behind ecumenism is often driven by a desire for increased spiritual vitality, deeper fellowship, and a stronger witness to the world

The Bible does not explicitly discuss ecumenism, but it does call for unity among believers (e.g., John 17:21) and encourages tolerance and patience in matters of belief (Romans 14)

The Bible also reveals the consequences of doctrinal divisions, such as the loss of focus on the gospel (Acts 15) and the potential for spiritual complacency (Jude 1:19)

Scripture calls for unity among believers, but it also acknowledges the necessity of maintaining orthodoxy in the faith. Therefore, ecumenism should not come at the expense of sound doctrine but rather should be built upon a foundation of agreement regarding the essential tenets of the Christian faith.

For instance, consider the following verses:
Acts 15:24-29 describes how the Jerusalem Council addressed the issue of Gentile inclusion in the church, affirming that salvation is accessible to both Jews and Gentiles, provided they accept the essential tenets of the faith.

Romans 14:1-15:13 outlines the importance of tolerating differing opinions within the church, focusing on the centrality of Christ and the Gospel.

Philippians 1:27 exhorts believers to stand firm in the faith, working together with others who hold similar convictions.

These passages suggest that unity among believers should be pursued while maintaining a commitment to the essential tenets of the Christian faith. As followers of Christ, we must balance the need for unity with the importance of remaining steadfast in our beliefs.

So then the mystery of iniquity is fully rooted in those who may also be captive in Babylon.
The Mystery of Lawlessness (2 Thessalonians 2:7): This passage introduces the concept of lawlessness, which is closely connected to the mystery of iniquity mentioned in the given statement. According to 2 Thessalonians, the mystery of lawlessness will only be revealed once the restraining force (presumably referring to the Holy Spirit) is removed.

Captives in Babylon (Revelation 18:2): The book of Revelation uses the metaphor of Babylon to represent the corrupt and oppressive world system. Believers who are spiritually captivated by the ways of the world are likened to captives in Babylon.

Spiritual Captivity (Galatians 3:23-24; Colossians 1:13): Both of these passages use the language of slavery and captivity to illustrate the state of humanity before coming to know Christ. Once saved, however, believers are set free from the dominion of darkness and transferred into the Kingdom of Light (Colossians 1:13).

Overcoming Sin (Romans 6:1-14): This chapter explains the process of dying to sin and living a new life in Christ. By identifying ourselves with Christ's death and resurrection, believers gain victory over sin and are freed from its power.

Avoiding Deception (2 Corinthians 11:13-15): This passage cautions believers against falling prey to deceitful schemes and false teachers. By staying grounded in the truth of God's Word, believers can resist the temptation to follow after lies and error.
By considering these biblical themes and concepts, we can better understand the idea of the mystery of iniquity being deeply rooted in those who are captive in Babylon. We can also learn how to combat this spiritual captivity by relying on the power of Christ, studying God's Word, avoiding deception-and a firm reliance on the Holy Spirit-for WITHOUT the Holy Spirit NONE belongs to Christ Jesus.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
You are trying to shut the barn door when the horse has already departed. I think your rosy picture is off the mark by a large margin. The corruption of Babylon has been in the church for well over a thousand years...to the point where there is a normalcy in the captivity of the flesh...so that most modern believers have no clue about the freedom in Christ...free from sin...free from the carnal limitations of the flesh.

Ecumenicism? What about the thousands of man-made doctrinal divisions based on the religious egos of men? Ecumenism is only a human remedy for a problem that is so obvious that even religious clerics who instituted the divisions now see it as a problem. Even the blind can feel the walls they bump into.

So then the mystery of iniquity is fully rooted in those who may also be captive in Babylon. And often those who have escaped Babylon have only doubled down on the mystery of iniquity in a search for legitimacy...listening with itching ears to every and all false teacher that promises them life and happiness for a continued affront to God in His holiness.
If your looking for the root of iniquity it is found in the heart of Adam and Eve. The first root.
Their lust and desire in their heart to be as gods knowing how to be independent of him and doing things their own way, is the iniquity of coveteousness and lust in the heart.

Who put it there? Where did it come from?
Whoever the Kingdom's was who God took the earth from to form the man.

So Christianity comes from.... Judaism.
Adam and Eve comes from ... the earth, earthy.
God took man from the dust of the earth, put him in the garden, and when he sinned God took the man and put him back in the earth from whence he came.

For some reason the proverb the dog returns to his vomit comes to mind.
And getting spewed out of the mouth is where vomit comes from.
So Adam had to first get cleaned and washed, before he could be brought in. Kind of like washing of the feet.

Everything regarding the Garden and the in the beginning, is found in the book of John and the Gospels.
In the beginning, is the same in the beginning. And again a new beginning in the book of Revelation and the New Jerusalem.
3 days, or maybe four with Noah.
Does anybody really know what time it is??

Hos 6:2
After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.



Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
I was working on Esau last night, and the verse in Malachi about how God hated Esau and love Jacob.
That was a long road.. anyways..
I found what had displeased God about Esau was his mocking his brothers (Jacob's) demise.
He not only sat back and laughed in the day of their calamity, he took part in it as well.

How do you love you brother or your neighbor while your watching them get slaughtered and laughing about it?

So we see in Revelation Babylon is falling and we are sitting on the edges watching it's calamity...
which will be ours in the not so distant future..

How should we behave about this?
Are we happy, pleased, mocking?
Or are we sorrowful and prayerful and compassionate, that those who are going down with it, will be saved out of it?

Jesus says to pray for our enemies...

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begooten son, that whosoever shall believe shall be saved.
And then Jesus sent his disciples into all the world to spread the Gospel, that God's Kingdom is at hand, and that everyone must repent, believe and have faith, that God has already given the Kingdom into the hand of his son Jesus.

I have to get ready to visit dad, but I will be back later.

Amen. Obadiah is a good read on this too. In Ez. 9 God put a mark on (sealed in their foreheads) those who sighed and cried for their fallen brethren, and we see this again in those who were likewise sealed in Rev. 20. This is the right heart attitude of God's remnant, His true church and bride, New Jerusalem, who escape the judgment.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
You are trying to shut the barn door when the horse has already departed. I think your rosy picture is off the mark by a large margin. The corruption of Babylon has been in the church for well over a thousand years...to the point where there is a normalcy in the captivity of the flesh...so that most modern believers have no clue about the freedom in Christ...free from sin...free from the carnal limitations of the flesh.

Ecumenicism? What about the thousands of man-made doctrinal divisions based on the religious egos of men? Ecumenism is only a human remedy for a problem that is so obvious that even religious clerics who instituted the divisions now see it as a problem. Even the blind can feel the walls they bump into.

So then the mystery of iniquity is fully rooted in those who may also be captive in Babylon. And often those who have escaped Babylon have only doubled down on the mystery of iniquity in a search for legitimacy...listening with itching ears to every and all false teacher that promises them life and happiness for a continued affront to God in His holiness.
It's a kind of spiritual principle that has always been true, and we see it manifest first in the Garden of Eden. I think it is important to identify today's manifestation of it and warn against it. Not sure where you see me painting a rosy picture with these things...?

We in the church should not be dividing over many of the things we divide over...that is what happens when we are in the flesh and not in the spirit. However, we cannot link arms with false gospels....that needs to be corrected and warned against. Linking arms with the unbelieving world and their belief systems and religions is yet another matter, and that is the deception that is taking the church down the wrong path these days. We are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers but to be separate and come out from among them. That doesn't mean to be unloving and unkind and feel superior, of course not...we were all likewise of the world and devil at one time and we desire only that they should be saved too........but now thankfully we have not received the spirit of the world, have we. What fellowship can Christ have with Baal? This is bible truth and I think the Lord knows better than what may seemeth right to man.

And brother I have to add this, it's very important. As we are talking about Mystery Babylon, another characteristic of her is that she is riding the beast, in bed with the world!
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
It's a kind of spiritual principle that has always been true, and we see it manifest first in the Garden of Eden. I think it is important to identify today's manifestation of it and warn against it. Not sure where you see me painting a rosy picture with these things...?

We in the church should not be dividing over many of the things we divide over...that is what happens when we are in the flesh and not in the spirit. However, we cannot link arms with false gospels....that needs to be corrected and warned against. Linking arms with the unbelieving world and their belief systems and religions is yet another matter, and that is the deception that is taking the church down the wrong path these days. We are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers but to be separate and come out from among them. That doesn't mean to be unloving and unkind and feel superior, of course not...we were all likewise of the world and devil at one time and we desire only that they should be saved too........but now thankfully we have not received the spirit of the world, have we. What fellowship can Christ have with Baal? This is bible truth and I think the Lord knows better than what may seemeth right to man.

And brother I have to add this, it's very important. As we are talking about Mystery Babylon, another characteristic of her is that she is riding the beast, in bed with the world!
Obscurantism. Obfuscation. (google them)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I believe the book of Revelation is focused but not only, on the time of the generation in which Jesus lived and walked among men.
There is the before, the during and the later..
The former and latter rain.
If I look at Israel as the beast "Kingdom" which was wounded with a sword.. (The word of God) and yet lived,
the demise of that kingdom was in AD 70. But even we see in 1948 it was revived, but it doesn't have much strength.
From the demise of Judaism came the birth of Christianity which in itself is an unequal yoke between law and grace.

And from Christianity rose the Roman Catholic church which were in no wise friends with Judaism. It was Rome which conquered Israel and brought it under subjection to itself, to become the Universal Kingdom of God on earth in the form of a man we call the pope.
And from there, that church birthed many children through protestanism, and it multiplied ... thorns and thistles.. comes to mind.

Jesus tells us that His Kingdom is not of this world. It is spiritual and carnal flesh and blood can not enter into it.
So that about wraps up 99% of the churches we see today. Including the beast that was and is and is to come.

Interesting how Jesus is also that which was and is and is to come..
something about the night rising with the day.. I'll have to find it..
But they both working to build a Kingdom in it's own image and likeness..
hearing,, and the Light he called Day and the darkness he called Night, as if each of these entities have their own government.
We are children of the day and not of the night...

So where is Israel as far as rebuilding it's kingdom today?
I read or heard something about a third temple being built and finding a red heifer...
We got the catholics and lots of protestant churches leaning towards diversity and equity and inclusivity which is a lie in itself because it excludes people they don't agree with. DEI is a plague, beware of it.

So where is the true church Jesus is building, His church which is spiritual?
Can we know it? Can we witness the members by their fruit?
Are we only looking to justify our own "kingdoms" , or are we working together to build the one Christ is the masterbuilder of?

I only come to this forum. I find a lot of good fruit here. Some not quite ripe, some real ripe and sweet, others hmm not so good.
But everybody is trying, and that's a good thing. Better than not looking and hoping and waiting for the truth.

This is the only church and I know and I feel good here.
I feel the spirit of the Lord here moving through the posts, listening, watching, prodding.
Watching our reactions to how we interact with eachother. Watching the garden grow and sometimes thorns to keep us actively cultivating the hearts.

It's awesome here.
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David H.

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
Why do you post such nonsense?

“Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.” Jer. 6:16

Is this about tea?
I know you probably know this, but the adversary always fights from 2 towers.... (Think Lord of the Rings here)... When walking the singular path.... "The way", The adversary wants us to fall to one side or the other and get entrenched therein, instead of walking the path before us. Satan fights from two towers legalism and lawlessness, one is overt evil the other covert. They appear opposed to one another, but are in fact aligned with one another. Sarumon the "white" being aligned with the forces of darkness...(Spirit of fear, as opposed to the Spirit of power, love and a sound mind) This the dualism of the elites of this world, the principalities and powers we wrestle with. The yin and Yang, the checkerboard, as above so below.... And in some cases Luciferianism. Many do not know they are fighting for the adversary they are so indoctrinated into their way of thinking. This is the to and fro Paul speaks of in Ephesians 4:14 which many fall into fighting rather than walking the path.

Like i said, many do not know they are fighting for the adversary, they are merely regurgitating their indoctrination from churches of men, which are unwittingly on the side of Sarumon because he is the white wizard.... it is only with godly love that we may rescue some of them from the fire to come.

Hope this helps...God bless


Active Member
Jan 21, 2020
United States
The overarching reason that i believe this happens is the spirit of fear overtaking our Love.... fear leads to creeds to protect the youth from falling instead of trusting God to build His church, creeds leads to the death (Quenching) of the vitality of the Spirit and the anointing (Unction) of the Spirit that this vitality brings.... It is like fear overtakes us when we truly let the Spirit take control of us.... that fear leads to us taking control back from the Spirit and minimizing the anointing and man taking control again by way of creeds and doctrines of men (Conformity).
Man????.....You said a "mouthful" there!!
Amen! And AMEN!!
Tis this constant WAR betweenst Spirit and flesh that causes (how can I say) this "PRESERVATION of the species" so to speak!
Whether the fear of death of the flesh (which in all actuality is what satan feels! As he has ALREADY been "sentenced" to death! And using that fear by instilling this AGAINST every God fearing believer!)
Call it "vanity?" Call it "tribal eldership?" This instillation of fear can be given many handles and monikers!

And THIS is where satan wins! By polluting or corrupting (this is why he has been labelled "the destroyer") believers into causing US (yeah? myself included) to FEEL "his" fear of death!

"Like Lambs to the slaughter!"

Is it "hard" to carry on this hope in eternity to come EXTERNALLY?
ESPECIALLY during these days of "Constintineism Christianity/Churchianity!!"

Having expressed a truth here?

Not EVERYONE "can?" Or is able to embrace this!

And THIS is where "patience" is called for in the Royal Priesthood!

As well as ALL the fruit of the Spirit which we "earn" (as Living Stones) by offering Spiritual Sacrifices ACCEPTABLE to God by Jesus Christ of Nazareth Our Lord, Saviour, and Kinsmen Redeemer!

In whose "Name" I offer this prayer to Our God AND Father of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the (this) present earth and heaven age who is WORTHY to "open the seals!"

Amen! And AMEN!!
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