Unethical treatment of LGBTQ humans / Understanding LGBTQ - 101

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2024
United States
Homosexuality (Immoral sexual perversion) was destroyed by God, 2X

1.) Noah

2.) Sodom and Gomorrah

It IS a special category... regarding sinful behavior.
Ah, so you're good Catholic! I had no idea. Little Sins, Big Sins, Venial Sins, Mortal Sins ... And Then There's Homosexuality.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
And you know this how? There is both a homosexual orientation and a variety of homosexual practices. The orientation is no more "within their control" than my heterosexual orientation.

Oh yeah? Then how come you married the pretty girl istead of the fat one? Couldn't control yourself? I sure dont buy what you sellin' but it sure is funny!

Maybe you did marry the fat one? I dunno. Just an example. I assume you're heterosexual though.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Oh, dear, @Behold, if you didn't exist I'd have to invent you.

Trying to sound smart, didnt work for you again @O'Darby

The "Gay Manifesto" you cite included a DISCLAIMER by the author, conveniently omitted from the Congressiional Record, making clear that it is SATIRE, specifically "outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor."

"disclaiming" or otherwise denying what you are actually doing, is a precept regarding the Gay Agenda.

Even you should be able to recognize this... @O'Darby

Let me give you another example of this type of deceptive "spin", that is actually MOCKERY.

In Gaza, you have the Hamas Butchers who build their underground chambers, right below hospitals and schools, and from these locations that are right under their Gaza citizens, they fire rocket launchers into Tel Aviv.
And THEN.. when Israel "hits these underground murderers, many civilian casualties, occur"
So, Iran and all supports of Jew Hatred run to the internet and to the TV screens, and Shout...= "Israel is killing Palestinian babies".

Never let facts or humor get in the way of your self-righteousness, eh?

Well, you are not familiar with how the Homosexual agenda uses courts and legislation.
They are so successful with their deception, that its becoming "hate speech" to disagree with their immoral sexual lifestyle.

Perhaps your church is already performing "Gay marriage", as that would explain your rejection of how the Bible defines their deviant lifestyle.


The Gay Agenda is so profoundly successful that so called "christians" come to forums and defend the Homosexual lifestyle.

As you know..


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Are homosexual practices sinful? Sure, but they aren't in some special category of Hideously Sinful. The willingness of "Christians" (love those quotation marks!) to wink at heterosexual fornication, cohabitation, divorce, adultery and all variety of Weird Sexual Practices, while singling out homosexuality as though it were The End of Civilization as We Know It, just always strikes me as rather weird.
Let me explain why. Homosexuality is in a special sinful category. That's what you don't get. There are only 4 actions that are in this category, which result in extinction if everyone did it: murder, abortion, suicide and homosexuality.

The first 3 take life. The last prevents life from forming corrupting the only way humans survive over time.

Because of this, homosexuality is far worse than other types of fornication you mentioned. (Now, I suppose you could add other perversions into that category but then we plunge into increasingly evil acts that are often regarded as unspeakable. Fortunately, they apply to an exceedingly small % of the sexually perverted community).
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Ah, so you're good Catholic! I had no idea. Little Sins, Big Sins, Venial Sins, Mortal Sins ... And Then There's Homosexuality.

I was actually thinking about starting that thread. Because from what I can see in sripture, there might be up to 5 different types of sin that is spoken of in scripture, and with different words. Like...

1. Sin.
2. Unrighteousness.
3. Tresspasses.
4. Transgressions.
5. Iniquity.

That's what I have so far. There's sins unto death and sins not unto death, right? Maybe that's why it describes different punishments in scripture. Like one guy gets cast into outer darkness, while another guy gets the lake of Fire. Outer Darkness does not sound good but somehow it doesnt sound as bad as the Lake of fire! So there may be something to this.

I dont know what all yet, I'm still chewing on it and studying it. I've prolly missed something already, lol.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2024
United States
Oh yeah? Then how come you married the pretty girl istead of the fat one? Couldn't control yourself? I sure dont buy what you sellin' but it sure is funny!

Maybe you did marry the fat one? I dunno. Just an example. I assume you're heterosexual though.
There must be a point buried in there somewhere, but it escaped me. Like most extremely thin people (ectomorphs), I'm attracted to thin women. I had no "fat orientation" to control. I find homosexual practices viscerally repulsive - at least in the male context - so I had nothing to control there either.

I will leave the thread to the wild-and-crazy progressive liberal LGBTQ apologist @St. SteVen who started it because the issue is barely even on my radar screen. I'm just always kind of amused at how, on every LGBTQ thread on every Christian forum, any view other than that of a knuckle-dragging literalist inerrantist Dark Ages Inquisitor is greeted as though the person expressing it were an ungodly, unbiblical, faux Christian. All of these hot-button issues are a little (lot) more nuanced than the Dark Ages folks are willing to acknowledge.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Ah, so you're good Catholic! I had no idea. Little Sins, Big Sins, Venial Sins, Mortal Sins ... And Then There's Homosexuality.

Im not a "cult of mary" member.
No worries.

Im just a born again devoted student of Paul's Theology.

So, @O'Darby ....Let me show you another verse found in a real Bible.
Do you own one?
I can send you one, as ive given away so many....over the years.

Notice what Jesus says..

John 19:11

11 Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the.... greater sin.​

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2024
United States
Let me explain why. Homosexuality is in a special sinful category. That's what you don't get. There are only 4 actions that are in this category, which result in extinction if everyone did it: murder, abortion, suicide and homosexuality.

The first 3 take life. The last prevents life from forming corrupting the only way humans survive over time.

Because of this, homosexuality is far worse than other types of fornication you mentioned. (Now, I suppose you could add other perversions into that category but then we plunge into increasingly evil acts that are often regarded as unspeakable. Fortunately, they apply to an exceedingly small % of the sexually perverted community).
Cohabitation, fornication, divorce and adultery do far more damage to the institution of marriage and God's plan for humanity than the LGBTQ crowd could do in their wildest dreams - but, hey, we can live with that. Come on - homosexuality is the focus because (1) most of us regard it as viscerally icky, (2) we've completely caved on all the others, so homosexuality is the last opportunity to show we're "real biblical Christians," and (3) the LGBTQ movement, which really has little to do with LGBTQ issues, has been staggeringly successful and represents a genuine threat. It all has NOTHING to do with homosexuality per se being in some different category than divorce or adultery.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
The "Gay Manifesto" you cite included a DISCLAIMER by the author, conveniently omitted from the Congressiional Record, making clear that it is SATIRE, specifically "outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor."

Never let facts or humor get in the way of your self-righteousness, eh?

I'm not sure which is more frightening:

1. The LGBTQ movement and its sycophants, which actually has little or nothing to do with actual LGBTQ issues.


2. The humorless, self-righteous, self-congratulatory brand of "Christianity" promoted here.

Even if it was satire that doesnt mean that there isnt a real gay manifesto. WOuld you like to know what it says? Ok, grab your Bible. It talks all about it. The gay manifesto is only one division of the spiritual war of a many tiered manifesto of Steal/Kill/Destroy.

And the christians arent being self congratulatory anything. It's about loving them enough to be able to speak of the Truth to them. That the pro gay crowd takes offense at the truth is nothing more than evidence of their internal conviction of...they know it is wrong. Oh that's not true your picking on me and being not a christian because you dont agree with me...so that crowd shouldnt go around making audacious claims if they are easily offended (convicted). Because what else can we say to you but the Truth?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Cohabitation, fornication, divorce and adultery do far more damage to the institution of marriage and God's plan for humanity than the LGBTQ crowd could do in their wildest dreams -

Homosexuals, are not after married people, they are after the Children.

This is why they are always adopting them... and that is the most offensive part of "legalized sodomy" as it has MORPHED over time, into that vilest of vileness.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
My eyes tend to glaze over when some "real" Christian starts a post "You should ..."
Why is that?
You are assuming things that the best minds involved in the study of homosexuality do not know.
Why would someone study homosexuality?
Left-handedness is not a "state of being." In fact, left-handedness is an almost direct analogy to homosexuality. It has both a genetic component and non-genetic components. (I switched from right-handed putting to left after almost 20 years of playing golf - and this without conversion therapy or the laying on of hands!).
The point is, people are born left-handed. And the fact that you were able to switch from right-handedness to left-handedness proves my point. Everyone is born with an orientation toward the opposite sex. Someone can learn to be oriented differently.

And you know this how?
Simple logic. God creates everything. God is rational. He gives things a purpose. He created genitalia to perform the reproduction function. He would not create a person to be same-sex oriented contrary to his purpose for sexuality.

There is both a homosexual orientation and a variety of homosexual practices. The orientation is no more "within their control" than my heterosexual orientation.
Same-sex orientation is a learned behavior and is very much in their control.
I am no big supporter of the LGBTQ movement or agenda, but this Dark Ages version of Christianity bewilders me.
What makes my point of view particularly Christian or dark-ages-like?

Do you believe in right and wrong? You do understand that some things are beneficial while other things are harmful don't you? You do understand that some things are profitable while other things are worthless right? You do believe that some things are upright while other things are dishonorable? You do believe that some behaviors are self-destructive and hurtful yes? You do believe that some behaviors degrade others yes?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
It is fascinating to watch prophecy unfolding….
Hardened hearts
Reprobate minds
Strong delusions

If you did not know these things….it would drive you crazy trying to figure out how people could be so absurd.

Glory. To God,
I've come to the conclusion some time ago we are seeing a spiritual darkness descending on those who don't love truth.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I will leave the thread to the wild-and-crazy progressive liberal LGBTQ apologist @St. SteVen who started it because the issue is barely even on my radar screen. I'm just always kind of amused at how, on every LGBTQ thread on every Christian forum, any view other than that of a knuckle-dragging literalist inerrantist Dark Ages Inquisitor is greeted as though the person expressing it were an ungodly, unbiblical, faux Christian. All of these hot-button issues are a little (lot) more nuanced than the Dark Ages folks are willing to acknowledge.

Geez cue the twilight zone music, lol. There's nothing nuanced about boy/girl. Our resident gbtz'er apologist whatever has went into great detail to explain all these nuances into these long diatribes about being gay is ok and if you dont think so then you are a hateful bigot. Did you see those long long posts with bold stuff and bullet points and stuff? I can refute the entire thing with one verse from the Bible. A man shall not lie with another man as with a woman.

Very short. Succinct. I just want to know why they are asking me to reclassify being gay as a non sin? Of course I can not do that. If that makes me dark ages, then I guess he is new age? Dark Ages. I think I like that Brother! Yeah, I am from the dark ages. What is the good old way? How did they used to do it?

How do fry a hamburger without driving to burger king? WHat's the old fashioned way? A-Ha! What is this? A Skill-It? Put it on a fire?

How did humans used to reproduce? The old fashioned way? Oh that's right! Girls! How did they used to treat those strange homo people when they came to town? If History channel is correct they Stoned them to death? Something like that.

But some of those evil spirits are the main enemy and the people do need saved. Cast that demon of sexual perversion right out, in the Name of Jesus. If they wont let me cast it out then they have to leave, lol. If homosexualism is not treated like an Evil Spirit, then it wont go away. It'll get worse.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Why would someone study homosexuality?

I hear you!

I bet they do it with political intentions in mind, as well as their desire to lead weak one astray. SO an in depth study of it will be able to produce maximum results for them.

But, it is still true that...If it walks like a duck...and talks like a duck...and looks like a duck...then it is a duck. Same thing.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2024
United States
I'm still trying to help Christians understand this COMPLEX issue that they have reduced to a knee-jerk reaction.
Well, guy, you didn't accomplish THAT! :Laughingoutloud: You did, however, bring the usual suspects out of the woodwork. Over at another forum, they limit LGBTQ "discussions" to a single thread. Apparently, when a thread reaches 10,000 posts it technically can't continue. They are now well into their third LGBTQ thread of 10,000 posts - and literally every one looks JUST LIKE THIS.

In "real" Christianity, you are surely realizing, there is no nuance, there are no shades of gray, there is really nothing even to discuss. There is only the black-and-white perspective of the "real" Christians and that of "all the others who are wrong."

Nice try, anyway. :)
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