God will soon give us a "Warning"

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New Member
Jan 3, 2024
I read in several Christian prophecies on Polish YT channels,
that in the midst of World War 3, another pandemic, famine, and major earthquakes around the world, the so-called "Great Tribulation,"
all people in the world will get "Warning"..
It will be something like a dream, lasting one hour, where you will see your whole life, and all the good and bad things you have done, you will know that God is speaking to you, and you will be aware of everything and remember everything.
You will see the consequences of the bad things and sins you have done, and a sample of the dark worlds, the so-called "hell". It will also show you what the bright dimensions, the so-called "heaven", look like.
You will be given an explanation as to why this situation has occurred in the world. It is about purifying the souls of all people on Earth.
God will give all people the opportunity to choose the path of light or the path of darkness.
After this warning, half of humanity will decide to follow the light, the spiritual, the rest will return in a few weeks to the path of sin and pleasure.. to their old life.
Only after this warning, the shadow government of the world will send its representative, the so-called “anti-christ”…with their offer of a contract and a chip to the body, in exchange for a basic income and some food.
All people in the world will know the consequences of their choice.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018

God will soon give us a "Warning"​

There have been angels trumpeting warnings for decades (Revelation 14)
What on Earth is in our ears?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
I read in several Christian prophecies on Polish YT channels,
that in the midst of World War 3, another pandemic, famine, and major earthquakes around the world, the so-called "Great Tribulation,"
all people in the world will get "Warning"..
It will be something like a dream, lasting one hour, where you will see your whole life, and all the good and bad things you have done, you will know that God is speaking to you, and you will be aware of everything and remember everything.
You will see the consequences of the bad things and sins you have done, and a sample of the dark worlds, the so-called "hell". It will also show you what the bright dimensions, the so-called "heaven", look like.
You will be given an explanation as to why this situation has occurred in the world. It is about purifying the souls of all people on Earth.
God will give all people the opportunity to choose the path of light or the path of darkness.
After this warning, half of humanity will decide to follow the light, the spiritual, the rest will return in a few weeks to the path of sin and pleasure.. to their old life.
Only after this warning, the shadow government of the world will send its representative, the so-called “anti-christ”…with their offer of a contract and a chip to the body, in exchange for a basic income and some food.
All people in the world will know the consequences of their choice.

Hello Mark,

While invigorating, “mark,” would be like a certificate. At one point the Romans and the Jewish people, were in allegiance with one another. The only way to buy, sell, or trade was to have that certificate, or spoken allegiance by the mind and the action of the hand, to someone else other than Yahavah himself. In the day of Jesus walking around, the so-called god of Israel, was reduced to just worship of the Law itself with no honor or worship to Yahweh. Yeshua spoke a parable of the evil farmers, which the last one sent to collect the due, was then killed in order for them to receive the inheritance of which they would consider theirs by merit of material, totally discarding the spiritual, let alone, putting the LORD your God first, they chose comfort over discomfort, as those whom were discomforted by the great tribulation of that time and age, where changed when Yeshua returned for the bride and puts and end to all of the mosaic age, dawning a new age of fulfillment… with the people of that generation, age, and those from the past, and even Satan were all judged and everything was wrapped up within the book of life which was perhaps the known genealogy of their linages, which were written in, taken out… which I don’t believe has anything to do with us personally today…

While people can suggest things, the main audience to consider was those at the time of the writings, and generation which Yeshua had spoken about, which the tribulation would happen however… never again in time would it happen again just as Yahweh promised to never destroy the world again as he signified the rainbow which was of peace to the World, of course which happens by and through Yeshua, through the payment of sin, and his rising again by Yahweh. With God in Christ reconciling the world back unto himself as it once was in the garden.

I personally have heard of the so called one world government theory, since I was a teenager, it doesn’t make it true. I’ve been told they will gather your family and start killing them one by one unless you take the mark. Well, people starved to death, some eating the flesh of their brothers, famines got bad, and the Jewish people were killing their own people, along with the terror of Yahweh by use of the Romans in that period to come through with the wrath of Yahweh, in my opinion, and the use of Satan, (opposition), which lead to the full course; great tribulation, gathering of the bride, and renewal of the earth by virtue of now all of everything predicated on faith; and worshiping Yahweh in spirit and in truth…

Of course many may disagree with me fully and with use of the scriptures however, it’s my objective to share, considerable information which can always just be dismissed.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
I read in several Christian prophecies on Polish YT channels,
that in the midst of World War 3, another pandemic, famine, and major earthquakes around the world, the so-called "Great Tribulation,"
all people in the world will get "Warning"..
It will be something like a dream, lasting one hour, where you will see your whole life, and all the good and bad things you have done, you will know that God is speaking to you, and you will be aware of everything and remember everything.
You will see the consequences of the bad things and sins you have done, and a sample of the dark worlds, the so-called "hell". It will also show you what the bright dimensions, the so-called "heaven", look like.
You will be given an explanation as to why this situation has occurred in the world. It is about purifying the souls of all people on Earth.
God will give all people the opportunity to choose the path of light or the path of darkness.
After this warning, half of humanity will decide to follow the light, the spiritual, the rest will return in a few weeks to the path of sin and pleasure.. to their old life.
Only after this warning, the shadow government of the world will send its representative, the so-called “anti-christ”…with their offer of a contract and a chip to the body, in exchange for a basic income and some food.
All people in the world will know the consequences of their choice.

Don't believe every prediction.

These are the times foretold to be “as the days of Noah” and “eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage” Matthew 24:37-28.

Those words foretold by Christ were under restraint--the restraint that Paul spoke of, until the time of the end. Jesus only eluded to the greater meaning. These are those times, and therefore they are no longer under restraint: In addition to the Day of the Lord being "great and terrible", these days were also to be somewhat normal--but with the eating of manna from heaven and drinking of the spirit, as the contents of the little book spoken of in the book of Revelation is now to be eaten, being sweet to the taste but bitter in the stomach. Which is to say, what was restrained until the end is true, but will make you sick to your stomach. Even so, it brings forth the finish of the mystery of God that He foretold to His servants the prophets.