A challenge from God

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Frank Lee

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
Ouachita Mountains
United States
God issues challenges to us and provokes us to seek His face. There are far too many to list so we read the Bible to search out the ones that especially grip our heart. This particular one is my favorite, however I must admit that every one I read seems to be my favorite. As you probably do my phone is packed with apps and at least a half dozen Bible translations. Picking up the phone I found the KJV version open and there was Jeremiah 33:3 filling the screen. I have no idea how it happened since I have not opened any bible versions tonight. No matter. I was provoked! It was if the Lord God was throwing down a challenge to me.

He is the one that seeks us first, challenges us first and plants a great inner inspiration to follow hard after Him. After all, it's always exciting where He is operating!

Jeremiah 33:3 NASB
'Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.'

Jeremiah 33:3 NIV
'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'

Jeremiah 33:3 KJVS
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

I want to know great and mighty things that I don't know at the present don't you? These great and mighty things don't necessarily mean end time prophesies or inside information on who will be president, though He is more than able to supply such information. Great and mighty things firstly, are the things concerning me and my family, the things closest to my heart.

"Lord, in Jesus' name I am calling to you, seeking you in prayer and worship and asking you to show me, as you challenged, great and mighty things that I do not know". Amen and amen. This in a hundred forms, pleas and petitions, is my prayer.

In Acts Paul and Silas sat in a Roman prison singing praises at midnight. Now Roman prisons were not well lit, modern structures but dim, dark dank places with few oil lamps for guards only and nothing for the wretched inmates. When God shook the cell doors open through the power of praise the chief jailer was going to kill himself since he would be put to death for the loss of prisoners. Paul, crying out, said "don't do it! We're all here"! God had told Paul what the jailer was about to do through the gift of the word of knowledge, a gift alive and well today I must add.

In that dark dim dungeon there was no way that Paul could have seen anything. God had shown him something great and mighty and the jailer and his house were brought to Jesus. Only God knows how many were redeemed through the jailer's testimony. Truly a great and mighty thing had been revealed through praise, prayer and seeking the face - the will - of God.

I could give many accounts of great and mighty things God has shown me since anything from Him is great. Keep in mind anything at all you hear from Almighty God is indeed great and mighty! One now seems worthwhile to recount. After church one night I was in prayer after returning home. As I prayed the Holy Spirit spoke and said "you're going to hear from an old friend that you haven't seen for many years".

When I came in from work the next day my wife said "an old friend of yours called today and said he would call back tonight". "Who was it"? I asked.

My wife told me that he didn't want me to know but wanted to surprise me. Asking again "was it James Jones"? Yes, she smiled back.

James was a childhood friend who left school in the 8th grade to join the navy. He misrepresented his age to join and I hadn't seen or heard from him since he was home on leave back in the 60's. James' family was poor as were many of my friends growing up. His father hauled trash and did odd jobs for a living. He was also an alcoholic. Once I went with James and his father to haul some junk over to the city dump, which then was where the park and bridge over the Arkansas is now. On the way he stopped and bought a quart of wine. At the dump he was screwing the lid off as James and I got out to unload the old truck. It only took a few minutes but as we climbed back in to leave the old man was slinging the empty bottle into the mounds of trash and wiping his mouth on the sleeve of his grungy coat. He'd chug a lugged the quart in four minutes flat! How hopeless I thought.

James called that night and we shared memories from bygone days. God prompted him to tell me his story. He was stationed on the east coast with a wife and kids. They lived in a run down place and got by on the not so great military pay. James, sadly, had adopted his father's drinking habit and spent off time getting drunk. He said that one morning his little daughter came up to him and asked "daddy are you going to get drunk today"? After some consideration he answered "no I'm not" even though he'd been drunk the day before.

James' mother and older brother, who he'd followed into the navy, were both Christians and they'd prayed for James and his father for years. James said he rose up from their ragged couch and walked into the kitchen where his wife was doing dishes. There was a gallon of whiskey with can unbroken seal on the counter and he began to screw the lid off. Then he began to pour it down the drain. Amazed, his wife chided "you'll be wanting a drink after while". "No I won't" he told her. "I won't ever be drinking again". All those prayers by a loving mother and brother had moved God to deliver James instantly from a decades long addiction.

I rejoiced at this miraculous story but was afraid to ask about his father. If there was anyone too hopeless and addicted to be set free it had to be the old man. Finally I got the nerve to ask "what about your father, was he still drinking when he died"? He'd told me the old man had been gone for several years.

"No he wasn't" was the unexpected reply. "He got saved and delivered and lived the last years of his life addition free as a Christian. I was blown away. My memory was of him flinging the empty bottle away and wiping his slobbering mouth. "Dad"James went on to say, always read the Bible even when drunk. One night Jane's went on to explain, God removed the scales from his eyes and for the first time he saw and understood what he was reading. He was born again and the desire for alcohol had gone away like morning mist. I was floored having seen addicts before wrapped in invisible chains.

Jeremiah 33:3 KJVS
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

What has God got that He is longing to show us? Let us seek his face with all of our might and find out! For;

Daniel 11:32 KJVS
And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits .

To do exploits with Jesus in the lead is the most awesome, exciting way of life imaginable.
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Edna Davidsen

New Member
Dec 31, 2017
Dear Frank Lee

Just read your “A Challange from God”.

Here are my thoughts.

Yes, sure we have access to many Bible translations these days.

We grown in the Spirit by the Challenges God gives us, right?

The story of Paul and Silas in the Roman prison is one of the many stories about what our God can do.

It’s always exciting to read personal stories online, like the one you shared here with James and his father.

That’s a story about how God is still working with our people today.

That’s actually one of the leading reason I like to participate on different forums for Christians.

Thank you for sharing, and God bless!
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Frank Lee

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
Ouachita Mountains
United States
This forum has actually some friendly members! Thank God for you. Having no church I take fellowship where I find it. So much error being taught nowadays and so many pastors either unsaved or speaking against the Holy Spirit baptism and spiritual gifts. Walk one would argue that this land founded by God is in trouble.

Younger I didn't see it so much. Opposition to things of God by professing Christians.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
This forum has actually some friendly members! Thank God for you. Having no church I take fellowship where I find it. So much error being taught nowadays and so many pastors either unsaved or speaking against the Holy Spirit baptism and spiritual gifts. Walk one would argue that this land founded by God is in trouble.

Younger I didn't see it so much. Opposition to things of God by professing Christians.
Unfortunately, as you already understand professing too often falls very short of what Jesus was and is. Some are probably not really Christian at all, but simply following some party line because it is presently the pathway of least resistance for them. Others, have encountered the truth but either never had or lost their love for that truth and walk on now in delusion, not even realizing how far from Jesus they are.

Frank Lee

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
Ouachita Mountains
United States
Very often even in a written discourse we as born again Christians, baptized in the Holy Spirit, can discern someone who is not a Christian. They know scriptures, attend church but there is an attitude about them that has no love or understanding. Only a wanting to be proved right.

That air of contention you can see, discern so often in church goers as opposed to Jesus followers.

Brother Jude in his letter referred to them as "having not the spirit".

Jude 1:19 KJVS
These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.

These are always contentious ready to bash you with a club of scriptures. I do feel for them. I have nothing to prove, no one to impress. As Christians we are merely reporters - not explainers. They have no argument with me their quarrel is with God and His word.

May they all come to know Him and the fighting spirit will be done away with.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Dear Frank Lee

Just read your “A Challange from God”.

Here are my thoughts.

Yes, sure we have access to many Bible translations these days.

We grown in the Spirit by the Challenges God gives us, right?

The story of Paul and Silas in the Roman prison is one of the many stories about what our God can do.

It’s always exciting to read personal stories online, like the one you shared here with James and his father.

That’s a story about how God is still working with our people today.

That’s actually one of the leading reason I like to participate on different forums for Christians.

Thank you for sharing, and God bless!
We have access to so many Bible copies; good to make sure we indeed read God's Word and study it...