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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Oh wow...yes they are excellent...nice to find good news for a change :)
I thought the one of the heart transplant very moving.
And the one with the little man smiling at his his wife's name..did make me actually 'water up'.
Thanks...they were good. :)
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Frank Lee

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
Ouachita Mountains
United States
Good pictures. Recalled this story to add to your fine collection of photos. Let everything be done unto edification, to building up, to lifting up spirits.

Once I had a friend, older, that I attended church with. Harold Sullivan was his name. He invited me to attend a meeting of the Gideons of which he was a member. They do a good work of distributing bibles at their OWN expense. I prayed about joining and put out a fleece. Lord I prayed, if I'm to join this group then have someone pay my membership fees for the first year. Another friend contacted me a few weeks later sadly to tell me My good white haired friend Harold had gone home to Jesus. He also told me that Harold had graciously paud my membership fees for the Gideons. My fleece, as Jonathan's, had an answer from God.

I still draw nourishment from that memory. I'll thank Harold when I join him!

And following, a little word picture...

Joanna at Christmas_RF-371x339.jpg

Joanna our 15 year old daughter wrote this at 12. She loved to write as I do, as I taught her, but we never got to see what she would have be one since Jesus had a place for her with Him.

Reflections of the passing seasons
by Joanna Lee Jennings, age 12

A frigid winter gale will blow
across a plain of grey
reminding of a perfect time
a sunny, amber day

The snow will blow across the hills
once cloaked in spring's sweet haze
In winter we'll remember these
the happy springtime days

The trees are bare, they wave their limbs
across a wintry sky
and we'll recall on winters' nights
the golden fall gone by

What's uplifting about her death? Nothing. But in that we would never have had her in the first place except for Jesus is hope. Two weeks before our son's first birthday a small, small voice saith to me "you're going to be a father again within a year". She was born March 16th,1982. She was taken June 30th,1997.

And so shall we be with the Lord forever.

Our time here is very short. Let us shower the people we love with love. Love, like manna, must be gathered and given day by day. Love cannot be hoarded friends. May God's love rain upon you today.
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Frank Lee

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
Ouachita Mountains
United States
I'll take prayer in the spirit, extended prayer in the gift of tongues, over drugs.

Isaiah 28:11-12 KJVS
For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. [12] To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.

The gift was refused so rest and refreshing were absent.

Jude 1:19-20 KJVS

These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.

[20] But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
I'll take prayer in the spirit, extended prayer in the gift of tongues, over drugs.
well sure, but you are likely not in need of the therapy that LSD can provide to shattered psyches, those verging on schizophrenia, many, many of whom go into religion to find some relief, only to find it making them worse.

Not saying that you would not benefit from a trip, either, but it is not illegal for nothing, see.
And it is also useless to take twice in succession, or three times for sure, you are immune and there are no effects whatsoever by then, recreationally; there is absolutely no point in making it illegal iow, except to deny you a valuable therapy. It's Reefer Madness all over again, basically.
Also, the therapy that is being discussed here is at much lower doses than a recreational dose, this is not about taking acid for fun.

um, aren't you hooked on opiates, Frank? i mean pls bro, pot/kettle much?
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
The renewal of minds
Discussions on faith commonly center on the subject of faith (what to believe in) or the content of faith (what to believe about our subject) but in this article we will mostly look at the inner mechanism of faith, its origin and its chemical composition if you will: how believing is done and where it comes from.

One surprising thing we will discover is that in the Bible, the value of faith is inherent; it doesn't get it from subject and content. Having faith is obviously a huge deal but since "love believes all things" (1 CORINTHIANS 13:7), and not merely the right things about the right subjects, any specification or specialization may be cute but not too relevant. That's probably why the Bible contains no formal creeds or statements of faith (such as the dismal Nicene Creed).

Folks who try to make others "choose" to have faith, and who get angry when the answer is "no", really only want to sign them up to their club. You can't choose to have faith just like you can't choose to fall in love.

Still, Biblical faith is a real and measurable mental capacity that, once acquired..." Faith: persuasion and belief

Frank Lee

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
Ouachita Mountains
United States
Their problem is they turned to religion instead of Jesus! Listen friends when I was a child I had to hide from fear all the sharp objects in case my mother tried to stab my father, her philandering husband.

You're ignorant if you believe drugs superior to the power of God.

Someone, likely a "trained" professional, is issuing bad advice.

You know you think too much right? I think my tires are spinning in the mud here!
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Their problem is they turned to religion instead of Jesus! Listen friends when I was a child I had to hide from fear all the sharp objects in case my mother tried to stab my father, her philandering husband.

You're ignorant if you believe drugs superior to the power of God.

Someone, likely a "trained" professional, is issuing bad advice.

You know you think too much right? I think my tires are spinning in the mud here!
i think you are commenting on something you do not understand, Frank, and you should apply your advice to your addiction, wadr

your brain is swimming in LSD right now, lol; opiates are not intrinsic to humans.
(Not saying that it doesn't have a place too though, don't get me wrong; both come from God)
Someone, likely a "trained" professional, is issuing bad advice.
ya, every time your script gets renewed, imo
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
In New Testament times there was no such thing as "faith" as we know it, and with the word πιστις (pistis) people referred to the mental substance that results from intelligent and reasonable inquiry or instruction; the mind's response to valuable information. It described sureness in every way, from sureness about salvation to sureness about how to make a club sandwich. Someone's pistis did not denote one's religious or political leanings but comprised everything a person was certain of, on whatever level and whatever field, without distinction between scientific, artistic and religious certainties or even little practical certainties to help with daily chores.

Our noun πιστις (pistis) denotes the foundation of all a person's willful activities, and the whole spectrum of a person's acts and conduct; not a dusty library of dogmas but the open-source social software upon which a person's daily life runs. It occurs 244 times in the New Testament; SEE FULL CONCORDANCE.

The derived verb πιστευω (pisteuo), in turn, has to do with examining, understanding, learning and teaching (2 CORINTHIANS 4:13) and nothing with accepting something "on faith" or subscribing to some creed. This verb is used 248 times in the New Testament; SEE FULL CONCORDANCE.

Our noun πιστις (pistis) derives from the verb πειθω (peitho; see further above), which denotes people conversing together in order to achieve common ground. Our noun πιστις (pistis) denotes the collective "dry land" of peoples' minds; that shared solid ground on which the individual mind can stand without sinking away, and upon which it can walk without getting swept along.

This "metaphor" is employed all over the Bible..." ibid


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Our English verb "to believe", on the other hand, comes from the same root as the word "love" and is basically the same as "to belove" or "hold dear/feel sentimental about". The English noun "belief" is an emotional word, which implies a brittle link between lover and loved over a vast, gasping chasm of empty longing. The Greek verb πιστευω(pisteuo) has very little to do with "believing", but speaks of wholesale absorption, phase transition and a becoming as solid as concrete for everybody to stand on.

When Abraham "believed" the Lord, it was famously reckoned to him as righteousness (Genesis 15:6, ROMANS 4:3, GALATIANS 3:6), but where in English this reckoning takes on the guise of some unrelated and spontaneous bonus, in Greek it's implied by our verb πιστευω (pisteuo) — when you walk to town, you'll end up there, and when you gain solid ground in the knowledge of the Creator, you'll take on His character. Ergo, "believing" in Christ has nothing to do with joining a religion or with formal statements or faith (as often noted: even the devil "believes" all the right things; JAMES 2:19). In stead it has to do with assuming the nature and character of Christ in deeds and words (MATTHEW 5:48, 7:23, LUKE 7:22, JOHN 15:10). Or said otherwise: from the heart [one] is "solidified" unto correctness, and from the mouth [one] assents unto salvation (ROMANS 10:10).

The passive voice of our verb πιστευω (pisteuo) does therefore not so much describe a "being believed/entrusted" but rather a "having been made trustworthy". Paul doesn't speak of a gospel that was "entrusted" to him (because the gospel is natural, obvious and openly available to everybody: ACTS 17:31), but one that "solidified/certified" him (1 TIMOTHY 1:11, TITUS 1:3, 1 CORINTHIANS 9:17) and his many colleagues (GALATIANS 2:7, 1 THESSALONIANS 2:4)..." ibid
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Good pictures. Recalled this story to add to your fine collection of photos. Let everything be done unto edification, to building up, to lifting up spirits.

Once I had a friend, older, that I attended church with. Harold Sullivan was his name. He invited me to attend a meeting of the Gideons of which he was a member. They do a good work of distributing bibles at their OWN expense. I prayed about joining and put out a fleece. Lord I prayed, if I'm to join this group then have someone pay my membership fees for the first year. Another friend contacted me a few weeks later sadly to tell me My good white haired friend Harold had gone home to Jesus. He also told me that Harold had graciously paud my membership fees for the Gideons. My fleece, as Jonathan's, had an answer from God.

I still draw nourishment from that memory. I'll thank Harold when I join him!

And following, a little word picture...

View attachment 1867

Joanna our 15 year old daughter wrote this at 12. She loved to write as I do, as I taught her, but we never got to see what she would have be one since Jesus had a place for her with Him.

Reflections of the passing seasons
by Joanna Lee Jennings, age 12

A frigid winter gale will blow
across a plain of grey
reminding of a perfect time
a sunny, amber day

The snow will blow across the hills
once cloaked in spring's sweet haze
In winter we'll remember these
the happy springtime days

The trees are bare, they wave their limbs
across a wintry sky
and we'll recall on winters' nights
the golden fall gone by

What's uplifting about her death? Nothing. But in that we would never have had her in the first place except for Jesus is hope. Two weeks before our son's first birthday a small, small voice saith to me "you're going to be a father again within a year". She was born March 16th,1982. She was taken June 30th,1997.

And so shall we be with the Lord forever.

Our time here is very short. Let us shower the people we love with love. Love, like manna, must be gathered and given day by day. Love cannot be hoarded friends. May God's love rain upon you today.

She was beautiful, I am sorry for your loss but...not sorry for her gain. So difficult, Christian or not to see their own children pass.
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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2009
West Australia
your brain is swimming in LSD right now, lol; opiates are not intrinsic to humans
It never ceases to amaze me, how many people will take a stand on a thing, because of what they may have heard, rather than through experience....this goes for many things, certainly also with what we term 'drugs' today, as opposed to what they term 'medicine' So many 'medicines' concocted in labs around the world, have killed countless people, before finally being removed from the shelves ( or sent to some under developed country instead).....It is absolutely appalling how little of the truth is available to people, instead of the media frenzy we have been exposed to for so many years now, that even doctors seem to have gotten 'stupider' along the way....How is that even possible ? The opiate excreted by our own bodies ( when we are wounded from the outside in) is ridiculously stronger than any plant or even synthesized plants ( such as turning opium into powdered Heroin ) could ever be.......If the plants themselves were so 'evil' , God wouldn't have put them here in the first place......As usual, it is what we DO with things, that can make them good or when people say to me that money is evil...That is also nonsense, money is a dead thing, neither good nor evil, but what we do with it, that;s what matters....Besides, isn't Jesus quoted as saying :" The LOVE of money is the root of all manner of evil"...?
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