Spotlight On The Disasterous RCC "Celibacy" Requirement

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
"Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent..." -Acts 17:29-30

"All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity. To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare unto him? The workman melteth a graven image, and the goldsmith spreadeth it over with gold, and casteth silver chains. He that is so impoverished that he hath no oblation chooseth a tree that will not rot; he seeketh unto him a cunning workman to prepare a graven image, that shall not be moved."
-Isaiah 40:17-20
These passages are about making IDOLS - not statues Do you have any idea what an "idol" is??
It is an image that is worshiped as a god.

Were the 2 Golden cherubim that God commanded Moses to place on top of the Ark "idols"??
How about the Bronze Serpent He commanded Moses to make and place on a pole. What THAT an "idol"??

YOUR problem is that, in your complete ignorance, you conflate "image" with "idol" . . .
Pagans ate fish on Friday, named for the pagan fertility goddess, to pay homage to the goddesses' life giving womb.
The RCC for centuries taught for the consumption of fish on Friday.

Just when I thought your posts couldn't get any more stupid - you blurt out this asinine comment.

The Catholic Church has NEVER taught that we are to eat fish on Fridays. The observance is to abstain from MEAT - NOT to eat fish.

Don't you ever tire of being humiliated?
Do your homework before posting again.
The omniscient, omnipresent God of the Bible cannot be represented by symbols, so when church-goers make symbols for that purpose, they are attempting to bring the Lord Jesus Christ down to the level of these imaginary pagan gods and man's lowered conception of God.
Scratch my last comment about your "fish" claim being the most stupid. THIS one takes the cake . . .
Statues and paintings are simply reminders - just like the pictures of loved ones in your wallet or the ones of Aunt Winnie on your mantle at home. They are not "replacements" - unless you have some SERIOUS mental issues . . .
It's a shame that you are so blind you can't see how the Papal Antichrist has baptized so much paganism and that the fish symbol was used to represent pagan goddesses' womb. Equally shameful is your belief that Christians went around advertising their ILLEGAL FAITH to Christian/Jew hating Roman authorities with a silly pagan womb symbol just bc some Catholic revisionist historian says so.
And that's why I quoted from Christianity Today - a PROTESTANT publication - NOT Catholic revisionism . . .

As for some pagan symbols throughout history - they were replaced with Christian symbolism to stamp out the pagan implications.
When people see a Christian "fish" symbol (ichthus) on a car - NONE of them think about a pagan fish godess. They ALL are reminded of Christianity. When they see a Christmas Tree - they think of Christmas and the birth of Christ - NOT the pagan Druids.

That's the whole point, Einstein.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Wow, I have to add that you are not even in left field, but way out of bounds. That was a cheap shot, and grasping at straws.
How sad.

She is your prophet


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
These passages are about making IDOLS - not statues Do you have any idea what an "idol" is??
It is an image that is worshiped as a god.

Were the 2 Golden cherubim that God commanded Moses to place on top of the Ark "idols"??
How about the Bronze Serpent He commanded Moses to make and place on a pole. What THAT an "idol"??

YOUR problem is that, in your complete ignorance, you conflate "image" with "idol" . . .

Just when I thought your posts couldn't get any more stupid - you blurt out this asinine comment.

The Catholic Church has NEVER taught that we are to eat fish on Fridays. The observance is to abstain from MEAT - NOT to eat fish.

Don't you ever tire of being humiliated?
Do your homework before posting again.

Scratch my last comment about your "fish" claim being the most stupid. THIS one takes the cake . . .
Statues and paintings are simply reminders - just like the pictures of loved ones in your wallet or the ones of Aunt Winnie on your mantle at home. They are not "replacements" - unless you have some SERIOUS mental issues . . .

And that's why I quoted from Christianity Today - a PROTESTANT publication - NOT Catholic revisionism . . .

As for some pagan symbols throughout history - they were replaced with Christian symbolism to stamp out the pagan implications.
When people see a Christian "fish" symbol (ichthus) on a car - NONE of them think about a pagan fish godess. They ALL are reminded of Christianity. When they see a Christmas Tree - they think of Christmas and the birth of Christ - NOT the pagan Druids.

That's the whole point, Einstein.
I suspect you are a Jesuit plant in this forum, by virtue of your lies, distortions, and unChristlike demeanor. You will not accept the record of history, unless it is your twisted Jesuit version of it.

While beautiful art depicting images of the Bible are excluded, the practice of using SYMBOLISM to represent God most assuredly falls under the jurisdiction of the 2nd Commandment prohibition - the one the RCC has completely removed from its teachings because of all the blasphemous idolatrous veneration of statue idols that takes place in the RCC. When the likeminded Babel builders were suddenly without ability to communicate, Satan instituted a new language which was chosen for its ability to crossover all language barriers: the language of OCCULT SYMBOLISM. One only has to compare the symbols of paganism to the symbols which abound everywhere in the RCC to easily conclude what your sad devotion to the RCC - which esoterically is Satan worship - won't allow you to: that the RCC is simply the same old ancient Babylonian Sun God worship system perfected- EVERY ASPECT OF IT.

Fish symbols abounded as the sign of homage to the womb of the goddesses. Fish on Friday was made known by the RCC as an acceptable alternative to other forms of meat, and the Catholic town in which I live has done so for CENTURIES, except now fish on Friday seems to be limited to just "lent", another false festival robbed from paganism and baptized into Christianity.

Dead Bread, any thinking Protestant can see that I'm right and you are deceived. Yes, your Papal Antichrist system will appear victorious in the end, but erelong this "Man of Sin" false church system will be consumed "with the Spirit of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming."
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
I suspect you are a Jesuit plant in this forum, by virtue of your lies, distortions, and unChristlike demeanor. You will not accept the record of history, unless it is your twisted Jesuit version of it.

While beautiful art depicting images of the Bible are excluded, the practice of using SYMBOLISM to represent God most assuredly falls under the jurisdiction of the 2nd Commandment prohibition - the one the RCC has completely removed from its teachings because of all the blasphemous idolatrous veneration of statue idols that takes place in the RCC. When the likeminded Babel builders were suddenly without ability to communicate, Satan instituted a new language which was chosen for its ability to crossover all language barriers: the language of OCCULT SYMBOLISM. One only has to compare the symbols of paganism to the symbols which abound everywhere in the RCC to easily conclude what your sad devotion to the RCC - which esoterically is Satan worship - won't allow you to: that the RCC is simply the same old ancient Babylonian Sun God worship system perfected- EVERY ASPECT OF IT.

Fish symbols abounded as the sign of homage to the womb of the goddesses. Fish on Friday was made known by the RCC as an acceptable alternative to other forms of meat, and the Catholic town in which I live has done so for CENTURIES, except now fish on Friday seems to be limited to just "lent", another false festival robbed from paganism and baptized into Christianity.

Dead Bread, any thinking Protestant can see that I'm right and you are deceived. Yes, your Papal Antichrist system will appear victorious in the end, but erelong this "Man of Sin" false church system will be consumed "with the Spirit of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming."
And this kind of angry and disjointed insult-laced diatribe is pretty much PAR for the course whenever I expose an ignorant anti-Catholic.

Your charge that the Catholic Church commands that we eat fish on Fridays is an ignorant fallacy. NOWHERE in the Catechism will you find a mandate to eat fish - just to abstain from meat during Lent.

And, if by "unChristlike demeanor" you mean that I won't put up with your asinine abuse - then color me guilty . . .


Active Member
Oct 12, 2017
Eau Claire
United States
Oh brother. I am floored, just floored. This is supposed to be a Christian forum. Yes, there are true Christians here, many, it appears. But wow, some that hate are on here, too.

Just like in the real world, verbal abuse and anti-Christian behavior is LOUD and rampant.

This discussion reminds me though, that there is something satanic about abstaining from meat. Many false religions promote veganism, vegetarianism, and what ever else it is called these days.

An anointed Christian author who led many out of the occult and satanism points out Bible Scriptures that uphold being spiritually strong by eating meat. There is something to it concerning lacking meat in the diet helping a Christian be spiritually strong and resisting evil.

No, I am not going to write any more about it now because there times we are in have me burnt out. I need to recharge my battery...and that includes getting a couple good cheeseburgers.

(walks away mumbling: abstain from meat on Fridays...yeah I remember living that life...what a crock...not Biblical.)


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
But Anglican priest is the RC who are more tempted because they cannot marry.
Hi BG,

Do you have some facts like a study or research to back up your statement? If so, would you share the link or the book you got it from? You know me, I always love to learn :)

Or was it just your opinion? I guess that is another option.

Thank you in advance.....Mary


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
There are a couple of documentaries, of which I got on DVD a while back from my library (IIRC), of which I do not remember the titles. One interviews some of the victims of some of the pedophiles of the RCC, and the pain, hurt, and shame some of them continue to experience. It is real heart-breaking, and it exposes some of the cover-up.

The other exposes some of the corruption at and in the Vatican, not just this topic, but also the gay bathhouses that are in there, and the money laundering of the Vatican Bank. It is pretty telling. It is not "Catholic bashing" to expose this stuff.

How many DVD documentaries do you have exposing Protestant Churches of the same crimes?

Curious Mary


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
And this kind of angry and disjointed insult-laced diatribe is pretty much PAR for the course whenever I expose an ignorant anti-Catholic.

Your charge that the Catholic Church commands that we eat fish on Fridays is an ignorant fallacy. NOWHERE in the Catechism will you find a mandate to eat fish - just to abstain from meat during Lent.

And, if by "unChristlike demeanor" you mean that I won't put up with your asinine abuse - then color me guilty . . .
Yes, your staunch denial of facts and weak attempts to justify the many errors of Catholicism is classic textbook Jesuit tactic, and I would not be surprised at all if you are truly a Jesuit lying through his teeth about his true identity. DENIAL OF THE FACT THAT CATHOLICISM WAS A STRONG PROMOTER OF FISH EATING ON FRIDAY AND NOW DOES SO DURING LENT SEASON IS JUST PATHETIC. Just about every restaurant in Catholic dense areas advertise their seafood options during Lent and used to do so on Fridays, so just stop with your pathetic misrepresentation of the facts, will you?

Listen Dead Bread - that wafer you so venerate is as empty of life and substance as is your sad devotion to an apostate church that is led by child raping, esoteric satan worshipers. You continue to expose yourself as a defender of disgusting RCC leaders which relegate the Bible to the trash bin, exalt paganism, deify a sinful man as god, and attempt to defend the indefensible. Your ignorance is only exceeded by your love of what the Bible has identified as Antichrist.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
What's worse? An RCC that whisks a man, Cardinal Bernard Law, out of Boston after having engaged in decades long cover ups and pay outs of millions in hush money for incidents involving countless child-raping priests - a microcosm of what was/is happening around the entire world - and rewards him with a prestigious post assignment in Europe where he safely avoided prosecution until his death until just a few short months ago...or those who refuse to condemn the RCC for these actions and refuse to condemn it as what for over 300 years fundamentalist Protestantism understood it to be without question as proven by Bible chapter and verse, chapter and verse, chapter and verse...the Antichrist of Bible prophecy? It's a toss up.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Oh brother. I am floored, just floored. This is supposed to be a Christian forum. Yes, there are true Christians here, many, it appears. But wow, some that hate are on here, too.

Just like in the real world, verbal abuse and anti-Christian behavior is LOUD and rampant.

This discussion reminds me though, that there is something satanic about abstaining from meat. Many false religions promote veganism, vegetarianism, and what ever else it is called these days.

An anointed Christian author who led many out of the occult and satanism points out Bible Scriptures that uphold being spiritually strong by eating meat. There is something to it concerning lacking meat in the diet helping a Christian be spiritually strong and resisting evil.

No, I am not going to write any more about it now because there times we are in have me burnt out. I need to recharge my battery...and that includes getting a couple good cheeseburgers.

(walks away mumbling: abstain from meat on Fridays...yeah I remember living that life...what a crock...not Biblical.)
When one tread on or revels ones idols to anyone, they get angry, such as it is for those in the flesh. Something to do with this

Mat 15:10 And he called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and understand:
Mat 15:11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.
Mat 15:12 Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?


Active Member
Oct 12, 2017
Eau Claire
United States

How many DVD documentaries do you have exposing Protestant Churches of the same crimes?

Curious Mary

That is not even on my radar.

My life was never impacted in any way, shape, or form by the Protestant religion. I know very little about it. They don't have a corrupt Vatican either, or a figurehead whereby people kiss his ring and who is supposed to be "infallible."

How many documentaries were even done on the Protestant church?

I am not going to try to justify anything by pointing fingers somewhere else, or trying to say: "well, look this over here is worse!" That doesn't excuse any corruption or sin comparing it to the corruption or sin of another entity.

Truth is, I don't care about documentaries of the Protestant church. My life was not ruined in many ways by family members in that system, the lost feeling and lack of spiritual guidance and lack of spiritual food, and the downright evil that was/is my life was not because of them.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
That is not even on my radar.

My life was never impacted in any way, shape, or form by the Protestant religion. I know very little about it. They don't have a corrupt Vatican either, or a figurehead whereby people kiss his ring and who is supposed to be "infallible."

How many documentaries were even done on the Protestant church?

I am not going to try to justify anything by pointing fingers somewhere else, or trying to say: "well, look this over here is worse!" That doesn't excuse any corruption or sin comparing it to the corruption or sin of another entity.

Truth is, I don't care about documentaries of the Protestant church. My life was not ruined in many ways by family members in that system, the lost feeling and lack of spiritual guidance and lack of spiritual food, and the downright evil that was/is my life was not because of them.
Thank you Tammy,

I find it fascinating that you have no interest in any documentary exposing Protestant Churches of the same crimes. You sound like a fair and honest person. ;) I pray that you are never on a jury in a criminal court.

How is it that your "life was never impacted in any way, shape, or form by the Protestant religion"? Aren't' you Protestant???

1,000+ Joes Bible Church anywhere worldwide, any of the 100+ Baptist denominations, 200+ Lutheran denominations etc. etc have a leader and an office with men/women running it.....Just like the Vatican. They all have men/women in it who sin and are corrupt.....Just like the Vatican.

How many documentaries were done protestant Churches???? I don't know. Have you ever heard of Martin Luther, Calvin, Sun Myung Moon, David Koresh, Pat Robertson, Matthew Hale, Michael Bray, Marshall Herff Applewhite, Jr, Jim Jones, Jim and Tammy Baker, Benni Hinn, Fred Phelps??? I could go on and on but you need to learn how to use google yourself. I assure you there have been documentaries done on them. However, they are not on your radar, are they??? ;)

LOL....You did point fingers somewhere else and NO WHERE ELSE and AT NO ONE ELSE....Only at Catholics and the Vatican because no one else is on your radar and you don't care about any corruption except Catholic corruption.

Were you Catholic at one time??

Curious Mary


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Yes, your staunch denial of facts and weak attempts to justify the many errors of Catholicism is classic textbook Jesuit tactic, and I would not be surprised at all if you are truly a Jesuit lying through his teeth about his true identity. DENIAL OF THE FACT THAT CATHOLICISM WAS A STRONG PROMOTER OF FISH EATING ON FRIDAY AND NOW DOES SO DURING LENT SEASON IS JUST PATHETIC. Just about every restaurant in Catholic dense areas advertise their seafood options during Lent and used to do so on Fridays, so just stop with your pathetic misrepresentation of the facts, will you?

Listen Dead Bread - that wafer you so venerate is as empty of life and substance as is your sad devotion to an apostate church that is led by child raping, esoteric satan worshipers. You continue to expose yourself as a defender of disgusting RCC leaders which relegate the Bible to the trash bin, exalt paganism, deify a sinful man as god, and attempt to defend the indefensible. Your ignorance is only exceeded by your love of what the Bible has identified as Antichrist.
And all of this angry manure is simply another pathetic attempt to draw attention away from the fact that I caught you in a LIE that you can't get out of. The Catholic Church has never told anybody to eat fish on ANY day of the week. This is just another ignorant myth that is perpetuated by angry, historically-bankrupt anti-Catholics like yourself.

Truly pathetic . . .


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2011
United Kingdom
What's worse? An RCC that whisks a man, Cardinal Bernard Law, out of Boston after having engaged in decades long cover ups and pay outs of millions in hush money for incidents involving countless child-raping priests - a microcosm of what was/is happening around the entire world - and rewards him with a prestigious post assignment in Europe where he safely avoided prosecution until his death until just a few short months ago...or those who refuse to condemn the RCC for these actions and refuse to condemn it as what for over 300 years fundamentalist Protestantism understood it to be without question as proven by Bible chapter and verse, chapter and verse, chapter and verse...the Antichrist of Bible prophecy? It's a toss up.

the anti Christs of the Bible carry the mark of the beast 666 exactly as pin pointed at Jn 6:66 - twinc


Active Member
Oct 12, 2017
Eau Claire
United States
Thank you Tammy,

I find it fascinating that you have no interest in any documentary exposing Protestant Churches of the same crimes. You sound like a fair and honest person. ;) I pray that you are never on a jury in a criminal court.

How is it that your "life was never impacted in any way, shape, or form by the Protestant religion"? Aren't' you Protestant???

1,000+ Joes Bible Church anywhere worldwide, any of the 100+ Baptist denominations, 200+ Lutheran denominations etc. etc have a leader and an office with men/women running it.....Just like the Vatican. They all have men/women in it who sin and are corrupt.....Just like the Vatican.

How many documentaries were done protestant Churches???? I don't know. Have you ever heard of Martin Luther, Calvin, Sun Myung Moon, David Koresh, Pat Robertson, Matthew Hale, Michael Bray, Marshall Herff Applewhite, Jr, Jim Jones, Jim and Tammy Baker, Benni Hinn, Fred Phelps??? I could go on and on but you need to learn how to use google yourself. I assure you there have been documentaries done on them. However, they are not on your radar, are they??? ;)

LOL....You did point fingers somewhere else and NO WHERE ELSE and AT NO ONE ELSE....Only at Catholics and the Vatican because no one else is on your radar and you don't care about any corruption except Catholic corruption.

Were you Catholic at one time??

Curious Mary

No, I am not Protestant. I am not pointing fingers. I am calling out evil.

I don't even know if there are any Protestant churches where I grew up. I was immersed in the Catholic system from birth. My ma and dad were married in the Catholic church, and divorced when I was a baby. 3 of my grandparents were Catholic.

I had a dysfunctional life, and so did my relatives who attended the Catholic church.

I do not have time to research corrupt prosperity gospel greedies or cult leaders. The enemy infiltrated seminaries and churches eons ago, and continues to.

I have asked God to forgive me for my participation in the Catholic church and asked for Him to remove the demons from it.

Go ahead and keep making excuses for sin and blasphemy. We will all have to answer to God one day.
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Active Member
Oct 12, 2017
Eau Claire
United States
Oh and: quit being patronizing and condescending, by the way.

You are barking up the wrong tree and your insults are uncalled for. And again: no, I am not Protestant and never will be. Someone else here ASSUMED that too. I learned all I needed to know about it years ago, and purposely never seeked it out, never will.

Your "logic" makes no sense either.

Thank you Tammy,

I find it fascinating that you have no interest in any documentary exposing Protestant Churches of the same crimes. You sound like a fair and honest person. ;) I pray that you are never on a jury in a criminal court.

How is it that your "life was never impacted in any way, shape, or form by the Protestant religion"? Aren't' you Protestant???

1,000+ Joes Bible Church anywhere worldwide, any of the 100+ Baptist denominations, 200+ Lutheran denominations etc. etc have a leader and an office with men/women running it.....Just like the Vatican. They all have men/women in it who sin and are corrupt.....Just like the Vatican.

How many documentaries were done protestant Churches???? I don't know. Have you ever heard of Martin Luther, Calvin, Sun Myung Moon, David Koresh, Pat Robertson, Matthew Hale, Michael Bray, Marshall Herff Applewhite, Jr, Jim Jones, Jim and Tammy Baker, Benni Hinn, Fred Phelps??? I could go on and on but you need to learn how to use google yourself. I assure you there have been documentaries done on them. However, they are not on your radar, are they??? ;)

LOL....You did point fingers somewhere else and NO WHERE ELSE and AT NO ONE ELSE....Only at Catholics and the Vatican because no one else is on your radar and you don't care about any corruption except Catholic corruption.

Were you Catholic at one time??

Curious Mary
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
the anti Christs of the Bible carry the mark of the beast 666 exactly as pin pointed at Jn 6:66 - twinc
According to Revelation 13:17 KJV, the "mark" of the beast, the "number" of the beast, and the "name" of the beast are three different things.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
And all of this angry manure is simply another pathetic attempt to draw attention away from the fact that I caught you in a LIE that you can't get out of. The Catholic Church has never told anybody to eat fish on ANY day of the week. This is just another ignorant myth that is perpetuated by angry, historically-bankrupt anti-Catholics like yourself.

Truly pathetic . . .
You caught me in NOTHING, Dead Bread. The church has ALWAYS encouraged the fish as an appropriate substitute for other flesh meats on Friday in my town, and I live in the most CATHOLIC city south of the Mason/Dixon line. Maybe YOUR leaders in YOUR area didn't do that, but the ones down here sure did.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
You caught me in NOTHING, Dead Bread. The church has ALWAYS encouraged the fish as an appropriate substitute for other flesh meats on Friday in my town, and I live in the most CATHOLIC city south of the Mason/Dixon line. Maybe YOUR leaders in YOUR area didn't do that, but the ones down here sure did.
Soooo, now you're changing your tune.

Before, you said that the Church TOLD us that we must eat fish on Friday - which is a complete and total LIE.
Now that I've exposed your lie - you switch gears.

Let me know when you want to engage in an honest conversation for a change . . .