Paul And The Law

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H. Richard

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Southeast USA
United States
the prob there might be that you will likely remain blind to the many sins you are already comfortable indulging, as you have even indicated by ignoring them when they are referenced
‘Is it not written in your law [in Psalms 82:6], “I said, ‘You are gods’ ”? If He [God] called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken), do you say of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, “You are blaspheming,” because I said, “I am the Son of God”?’” (John 10:34-36).

so I'll pass on that too thanks. No offense but being as how you so obviously don't know, you might post a bit less confidently?
Do what you like though

but what you are saying is evil ok, the children of God are not worms.
I am a worm is indicating an action, not possession, Heb

so i want to be clear here, you are a worm, yes, bc you worm, by choice,
and since you won't understand this, by choice, either, you could ask any mother of children what worm means...or don't ok, doesn't matter to me, i don't think any less of you Heb, in fact i think more of you if you consider yourself a worm i guess huh

You just don't get it do you. Everyone lives in a body that is sinful. Everyone commits sins of the flesh. Those that acknowledge their sins before God DO NOT COMFORTABLE INDULGE IN SIN, as you said. It is a fact that they know what sin is and they also know they live in a body that sins and that they can not save themselves.

It is these that praise God for what He did on the cross that saves the ungodly. Those that place their faith in HIS WORK will be saved from their sinful bodies condemnation.

Acts 10:15
15 And a voice spoke to him again the second time, "What God has cleansed you must not call common."

Heb 13:8

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
the prob there might be that you will likely remain blind to the many sins you are already comfortable indulging, as you have even indicated by ignoring them when they are referenced
‘Is it not written in your law [in Psalms 82:6], “I said, ‘You are gods’ ”? If He [God] called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken), do you say of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, “You are blaspheming,” because I said, “I am the Son of God”?’” (John 10:34-36).

so I'll pass on that too thanks. No offense but being as how you so obviously don't know, you might post a bit less confidently?
Do what you like though

but what you are saying is evil ok, the children of God are not worms.
I am a worm is indicating an action, not possession, Heb

so i want to be clear here, you are a worm, yes, bc you worm, by choice,
and since you won't understand this, by choice, either, you could ask any mother of children what worm means...or don't ok, doesn't matter to me, i don't think any less of you Heb, in fact i think more of you if you consider yourself a worm i guess huh

a forgiven worm :rolleyes:

Heb 13:8

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
Why is it that the religious only want to put people under the law by saying it is a commandment to keep them.

The Jews wanted Paul's Gentile converts to go under the law (ACTS 15) Under Paul's gospel of God's grace given to him by Jesus, that would be a sin because it rejects salvation being the work of God on the cross. Those that reject God's grace (His work on the cross) are committing the sin of unbelief in God's word, promises.

All through the Bible the sin that brings about non-forgiveness is the sin of unbelief in God's promises. In Hebrews the sin that is being talked about is the sin of unbelief. God makes a promise and religious man just does not want to believe it.

God has said all those that trust in His Son's work on the cross WILL BE SAVED but the religious want to be saved by their works, not God's. They are committing the same sin as Cain committed.

Amen, Time is running out for te religious tho
See you up up up...


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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
If you have the Holy Spirit, you can overcome temptation in the thought realm before it turns into sin.

The "world's" way: 1-You have a thought. 2-You feel some sort of emotion from the thought. 3-You act on that emotion.

Gods way: 1-You have a thought. 2-You act according to the will of God. 3- Then you feel.

That is a paraphrase (a rough one, at that, lol) of something I heard/read once. It made sense to me and I have found it to be true in my own personal experience. The battlefield is in the mind!!! (IMHO)
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and sometimes His convictions brings you to a point where you no longer return to that sin, doesn't mean we don't fall seven times.
We may fall seventy times seven, and we will be forgiven every time, but falling is never inevitable. We all have the power to choose to take hold of divinity and overcome in God's strength. There is no temptation that is not common to man, but with all temptation comes the power to resist it. I haven't been claiming that I am perfect or sinless...but I will always till the day I die believe it is possible, even though the closer we get to Christ, the more aware we will be of our weaknesses and reject any idea of boasting that we have accomplished anything.
Obedience is not about us...its about God. What we owe Him and what He is able to accomplish in and through us.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
It is a common thing to deny the power of God over sin in they that believe.


and that's what non-osas is, its about you working for salvation, so as to not lose salvation. don't you see?>
And you are not reading. It is not about me is about me resting in Christ allowing Him to do His work...complete His workmanship, while through faith and trust I live out what He does from the inside.
Liberal churches accept anyone in and say they have no need to change.
Legalist churches refuse anyone until they change.
Christ accepts anyone as they are, and changes them from the inside out.
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Heb 13:8

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
And you are not reading. It is not about me is about me resting in Christ allowing Him to do His work...complete His workmanship, while through faith and trust I live out what He does from the inside.
Liberal churches accept anyone in and say they have no need to change.
Legalist churches refuse anyone until they change.
Christ accepts anyone as they are, and changes them from the inside out.

I'm just clarifying what you believe in, you are for non-osas. "loss of salvation" is in volume 1 of their doctrine


I'm just clarifying what you believe in, you are for non-osas. "loss of salvation" is in volume 1 of their doctrine
Actually there is a misconception about non-OSAS. I would classify myself as non-osas as you rightly perceive, but I would qualify that to an extent few understand. While I believe it possible for people to turn away from God and deliberately choose to serve another, usually themselves, I do not believe it happens often, and when it does, it isn't without a fight from He Who bought their lives with the price of His own blood. To turn away would not be easy...God doesn't make such a thing easy.
Just as in human marriage, a divorce hurts. Apostasy is divorce. And any divorce from a marital status presupposes a former actual marriage. But as in marriage, the only grounds for divorce oneself from God is unfaithfulness. Israel did this time and time again...and God would send messengers time and time again to rebuke, to exhort, to plead, to call Israel back into the relationship. And usually Israel did repent. They destroyed their idols and turned once again toward the temple where their Lord abode. Until finally they chose to reject Him altogether by murdering His Son, and their house was then left to them desolate. As a nation the marriage was irretrievably over. Individuals however may still come...showing the faithfulness and mercy of God...but constantly choosing idols at the expense of our true Husband is a great day our probation will be over, and God will give to us all the desire of our hearts.
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Heb 13:8

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
Actually there is a misconception about non-OSAS. I would classify myself as non-osas as you rightly perceive, but I would qualify that to an extent few understand. While I believe it possible for people to turn away from God and deliberately choose to serve another, usually themselves, I do not believe it happens often, and when it does, it isn't without a fight from He Who bought their lives with the price of His own blood. To turn away would not be easy...God doesn't make such a thing easy.
Just as in human marriage, a divorce hurts. Apostasy is divorce. And any divorce from a marital status presupposes a former actual marriage. But as in marriage, the only grounds for divorce oneself from God is unfaithfulness. Israel did this time and time again...and God would send messengers time and time again to rebuke, to exhort, to plead, to call Israel back into the relationship. And usually Israel did repent. They destroyed their idols and turned once again toward the temple where their Lord abode. Until finally they chose to reject Him altogether by murdering His Son, and their house was then left to them desolate. As a nation the marriage was irretrievably over. Individuals however may still come...showing the faithfulness and mercy of God...but constantly choosing idols at the expense of our true Husband is a great day our probation will be over, and God will give to us all the desire of our hearts.

A believer can't divorce God if he's sealed until redemption, even when their accusers accuse them day and night. Either you believe in te finished work of the cross or you don't. and a believer can never lose salvation, even when their accusers compare the blood of Christ to a human marriage:rolleyes:


and that's what non-osas is, its about you working for salvation, so as to not lose salvation. don't you see?>
What you see as 'working to keep our salvation" we see as doing what Christ recommended...abiding in Him. Just like any marriage, it does take work to keep the relationship a reality. Jesus told us to abide in Him. We are told to pray. We are told that man cannot live by bread, but by every word of God. Our lives depend on our doing our part while trusting God to do His.
"Abide in Me and I in you, then shall ye bear much fruit".
"Anyone not bearing fruit is cast forth and burnt up".

So our salvation is absolutely guaranteed, on condition of our abiding and bearing fruit. Otherwise, sizzle fitz.
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Heb 13:8

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
What you see as 'working to keep our salvation" we see as doing what Christ recommended...abiding in Him. Just like any marriage, it does take work to keep the relationship a reality. Jesus told us to abide in Him. We are told to pray. We are told that man cannot live by bread, but by every word of God. Our lives depend on our doing our part while trusting God to do His.
"Abide in Me and I in you, then shall ye bear much fruit".
"Anyone not bearing fruit is cast forth and burnt up".

So our salvation is absolutely guaranteed, on condition of our abiding and bearing fruit. Otherwise, sizzle fitz.

Nope, salvation has nothing to do "with your part". Either you believe its finished or you don't. Many don't, is why many are headed to hell. Nope, there's no condition on our part, it's already been done through His blood


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
What we owe Him and what He is able to accomplish in and through us.
If we owe God anything, than that gift is not free and a debt, which is why you peruse after the law, because the law is all about you doing the work and paying the price.

Rom 4:4 Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.
Rom 4:5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

which is what "you" and you religion are adding to Gods grace and mercy,

and just brought this to mind

Mat 18:32 Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me:
Mat 18:33 Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee?

seems grace and faith is not enough and as I said before your religion is killing you, you can only serve one master, you either love one or hate the other, which is it you serve???

do you really think Jesus would love you any less if you are not perfcet, do you really think God would toss you aside like a merciless father, fear God they say, and so men do, refusing even to aproach Christ such as religion has corrupted the image of God

Rom_1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

as men do.