Trump is the worst President to hold this office

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
It's the exact opposite tzcho2 - I never listen to the "left media" I read a number of alternative news sources and many times go by my own personal experience. I would offer the opposite possibility: that it is perhaps you and others who are the ones programmed. An insightful first year psychology student can see the mass delusion in America.

"The truth of the matter is that America is finally under the judgment of God. Our nation has been given over to what it wants. America is under a deluding influence. Such a deleterious condition cannot be remedied with better and more aggressive public policy arguments. The Scripture teaches that people can go so far in their sin that God finally removes His hand of restraint upon them and finally gives them over to what they want to do. This is the very thing that happened to Pharaoh in the Old Testament. After hardening his own heart several times against God (Exod. 7:13, 22; 8:15, 19, 32; 9:7), God finally hardened Pharaoh’s heart and gave Pharaoh over to what he wanted to do (Exod. 4:21; 9:12). This removal of divine restraint as a sign of judgment upon a culture is also the key theme of Romans 1:18–32. In this troubling section of the Bible, after people no longer see fit to retain the knowledge of God (Rom. 1:18-23), God is said to repeatedly give them over (Rom. 1:24, 26, 28) to the sins that they are so eager to commit. The prophet Jeremiah anticipated that same type of turning over by God in his own day when he recorded the following chilling words from the Lord, “As for you, do not pray for this people, and do not lift up cry or prayer for them, and do not intercede with Me; for I do not hear you” (Jer. 7:16). We see the same type of judgment predicted for the end times as people will be given over to a spirit of delusion that will cause them to embrace the antichrist. Second Thessalonians 2:11–12 says, “For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.”

America Under A Strong Delusion - The Word on Politics
I think the ones you are tuned into are off.
Trump is not the problem.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
I do not get a lot of time, and you and Enoch have both stated in posts to me that I am like the ' lefties ' ( which I did ask you to explain in one of my posts ) It's been quite an eye opener being part of this forum already. And as for endeavouring to know what is a ' good conservative ' media outlet, I wouldn't have a clue whether I was reading truth or propaganda.
It is not a wonder as the UK is very left every thing that is reported is put through that filter.
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It is not a wonder as the UK is very left every thing that is reported is put through that filter.
Hello - wonder if you would explain, from your prospective, what a lefty from the UK believes in , then I might be able to determine if I am one !!
I am not totally sure it is as clear cut in the UK, the lines between the parties have kind of smudged a bit. I guess in reality I am not really very political, never have been - so what does that make me !! Lol
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I think the ones you are tuned into are off.
Trump is not the problem.

tzcho2 - I agree with you about the leftists destroying America - the way they're acting is clinically insane. It appears to me that the sheep and the goats are becoming more obvious. But what opened my eyes about Trump was that he only talked about what the right wants to hear but did something else. I came to this conclusion on my own after repeatedly being disappointed over his failure to stop illegal immigration. The point was driven home to me when I was doubled over and the ER refused to take me because it was packed with illegals getting free health care. I was in a bad way. Maybe this hasn't come to your area - yet. A number of hospitals closed down because by law they have to treat everyone irregardless of their ability to pay.

Raw sewage gases were coming up through the grates because the city plumbing couldn't handle all the waste that was generated by the influx of illegals. The toilets wouldn't flush. I wanted to sound the alarm because a lot of people who don't live in areas where this has happened don't know what is going on. I never saw it reported on the illuminati-owned news. In addition to that I was accosted by a middle-eastern man in a supermarket. I saw that they hold no respect for women so I wanted this influx to stop. But Trump did not stop it. In spite of American protests Trump deposited illegals who were known perverts into cities across America - a group that Australia had refused. I suspect that I encountered one of them. Hopefully your wife, daughter, sister, or mother won't encounter another.

I joined the Breitbart crowd and cheered Trump but everyone who posted in the comments section became disillusioned because time after time after time after time Trump blamed the Democrats, Mueller, Pelosi, and on and on when those familiar with the law and presidential power openly stated that Trump can stop illegal immigration immediately. He didn't. He's flying 1,000 illegals at a time into communities across America - and you're paying for it. It isn't just Mexicans flooding in - it's Indians (India has a LOT of poor), Russians, middle-easterners, and people from all over. We received a letter from the government that was translated into 13 different languages - some we'd never heard of. Many flocking here are poor who come here and go directly on welfare. We cannot take care of all those people.

My cousin was in a medical facility that she was paying a lot of money for (it happened in her state too) - she wound up destitute, and it was packed with Russians getting free medical care - compliments of American taxpayers. In fact, did you know that less than half of Americans are working now and they're supporting the other half who are getting government aid?

Anyone who balances a checkbook knows what happens when you keep writing checks.

Then I was ready to undergo a critical surgery and the hospital refused to continue until my husband paid the co-pay. They already were getting $50 - $75k from our expensive insurance. My husband had to scramble to come up with the money. That same hospital was full of illegals getting completely free health care, with some in there for 3 months in negative pressure rooms with TB running up multi-million dollar bills. The hospital was going to let me die unless we paid the co-pay.

Then I met a woman while in a waiting room who told me that the local hospital took her to court and forced the sale of her house right out from under her to pay for her dead husband's hospital bill. Illegals get free medical care and Americans are now being jailed for not paying their medical bills. Jailed for $280: The return of debtors' prisons

I saw that Americans are now the discriminated-against class. Illegals didn't have to worry their heads over paying the bill yet my husband and I had to worry - and come up with the money. My cousin went broke and couldn't afford her medications and ended her life. My friend couldn't afford her $1k a pill cancer medication and ended her life.

I have a relative who cares for illegals and told me her patient with TB up and walked out of the hospital out into the public. I am waiting for a pandemic since they're bringing in antibiotic-resistant strains. Trump has not stopped illegal immigration. He only TALKS about stopping it. Are we all so gullible that we're going to be lied to again and again and we're not going to see through the smoke and mirrors?

I did not come to this decision lightly and I've taken a lot of hits because of it. I backed Trump, fought with others who hated him, and was even asked to work on his campaign. But as a Christian I hold truth in the highest regard and I had to face the truth that Trump was fulfilling the left's agenda even as he was saying the things the right wants to hear. I've lived through enough "oh this car has only been driven by a granny to go to church once a week" to know how to spot a bs artist.

Matthew 7:20

“Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

― Lenin

This little gambit is being played on Americans. TRUMP IS CONTROLLED OPPOSITION deluding the right by saying all the right things yet doing another.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
The numbers come from federal agencies, not Fox, though I agree Fox is suspect.

Texe Maars said to not believe any information that comes from the news - including Fox. I live by the axiom: "Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear." When I learned that the CIA (illuminati) owns every news station including Fox I saw that Americans were being manipulated. I get all news from conservative news sites and even then I don't depend on one source. Years back when I became a new believer I was badly misled ("send in your seed-faith gift today for a miracle") I burned all the booklets I had received from the false teachers on TV and radio. I determined to use my own instincts as to what was true. I learned the following:

Hebrews 5:14

“But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”

But I also learned something that I didn't want to: Trump is fulfilling the illuminati agenda of moving America into the North American Union. Trump nominated a Jesuit to the Supreme Court - one who has been siding with leftists about abortion. The Jesuits are illuminati.

Prophecy Update: Donald Trump Nominates Jesuit Educated Kavanaugh

Introducing the Jesuit foot soldiers of the NWO

A Dire Warning to Christians About Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Hello - wonder if you would explain, from your prospective, what a lefty from the UK believes in , then I might be able to determine if I am one !!
I am not totally sure it is as clear cut in the UK, the lines between the parties have kind of smudged a bit. I guess in reality I am not really very political, never have been - so what does that make me !! Lol
I don't know if I'm left, right or centre. I listen to their ideas and promises and vote for who I think will best lead the country. It has usually been labour but the last couple of time is has been Tory but that may have been a mistake. However I will not vote Labour with Corbyn in charge.


Same here Pearl, but I won't vote conservative either !! Lol

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Outgoing British Prime Minister Theresa May might be a nice person, kind to cats, etc.

However, as the BBC's political editor Laura Kuenssberg has indicated, Mrs May has presided over an utter disaster for the Conservatives in the latest UK-wide poll, the European Assembly elections:

"The Tories' performance is historically dreadful. This is not just a little embarrassment or hiccup. In these elections the governing party has been completely smashed."

Main parties punished for Brexit contortions

This utter disaster for the Conservatives cannot be divorced from Mrs. May's three years of bungling the Brexit negotiations and failure to exit the UK from the EU which she had promised to do supposedly to honour the result of the Brexit Referendum in 2016. So many of the Conservatives are arguably proving rapidly that they prefer the UK Parliament to be a rubber stamp for big corporations who want to remain in the EU, whatever anyone — e.g., the British people, as expressed in the Referendum — says.

Theresa May is controlled opposition. She was seen constantly flashing the illuminati hand sign: THE MATRIX MORPHEUS. All world leaders flash it. Christians need to look at May's fruit. Did she get the UK out of the European Union?

Personally, a red flag waves at me by looking in Mays eyes - evil jumps out at me. I was told I have the gift of discernment so sometimes others may not "see" the same things (I'm NOT bragging; I wanted the gift of singing but God disappointed me and gave me another gift. I know full well it's not of me - it's solely a gift.) Maybe others see it.

Remember! The last President in America to go against the illuminati was Kennedy and they had him assassinated. I believe in part that's why all the leaders of every country flash illuminati hand signs: to show their allegiance to the illuminati.





No matter what anyone says that is not a normal way to place one's hands. I've seen a number of speeches and have never seen anyone do that with their hands.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
This individual is flashing the "triple six" an illuminati, freemason, or satanic hand sign. Take note that he also shows his tongue: that's significant because showing the tongue is demonic. You see actors doing it. Shouldn't you ask yourself why actors are flashing the triple six and their tongue - known demonic actions - and Trump is flashing the same hand sign.

The TRUTH is hidden in plain sight.


Eric Holder flashing the same triple six that Trump flashes.


The Matrix Morpheus triangle: AN ILLUMINATI SYMBOL:



Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Revelation 13:18

“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States


Why does Trump flash the same MATRIX MORPHEUS as Hitler?

Revelation 13:18

“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Why is Trump flashing the triple six and the Matrix Morpheus, along with May, Merkel, Blair etc. which is right next to the satanic symbol the upside down cross? They all belong to the same club and you aren't in it.



Soverign grace why are you so afraid of people who may or may not align to other groups - as Christians we are not blind to the fact the Satan exists and exercises his power and works through others, we have known that and are aware. - the Freemasons have been around for a long time with their ' secret ' handshakes ect, and we know that these people hold offices of power- BUT not every single hand symbol is going to be linked or part of it.
All of us use our hands within communication, some more than others - it doesn't mean that every single one that happens to express themselves in certain ways is part of this big conspiracy.
It's like seeing a devil on every shoulder.
I would love to know how much time you spend linking on to endless different websites that are actually set up with the aim of deceiving people. If you think you know who is your enemy is, you are very unlikely to actually recognise those who are really the ones you should watch !
This is just my opinion.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I know that this has been redundant but I follow several different Christian blogs and they all suspect that something big is coming. I think it will either be another false flag like 9-11 or it will be a pandemic or something else. Forewarned is forearmed. I was hoping for either a Revolution; if enough people realize what's going on they'd fight for their country. Or I was hoping for a Revival like they've had during specific times throughout history. But I think that the worst thing that we can do is be a do-nothing bystander.

I think the Luciferians are planning something; I don't know what.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Soverign grace why are you so afraid of people who may or may not align to other groups - as Christians we are not blind to the fact the Satan exists and exercises his power and works through others, we have known that and are aware. - the Freemasons have been around for a long time with their ' secret ' handshakes ect, and we know that these people hold offices of power- BUT not every single hand symbol is going to be linked or part of it.
All of us use our hands within communication, some more than others - it doesn't mean that every single one that happens to express themselves in certain ways is part of this big conspiracy.
It's like seeing a devil on every shoulder.
I would love to know how much time you spend linking on to endless different websites that are actually set up with the aim of deceiving people. If you think you know who is your enemy is, you are very unlikely to actually recognise those who are really the ones you should watch !
This is just my opinion.

Rita - when you add together the hand signs along with the FRUIT then a picture starts to emerge. To answer your question: I sometimes can't sleep and am up at 3:00 or 4:00 - it's known that people can subsist on less sleep and make up REM sleep later. I am a natural information-gatherer. You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine. I am posting these things hoping that I'm going to reach one person or more who then tells another who tells another. How has any Revolution or Revival began if not through one or more people?

If you know anything about FBI profilers they look at hand signs, body movement, eyes, and micro-expressions for the truth; instead of a subjects TALK. I've watched several videos on it. I must have had gumshoe in my family line because I have a strong interest in it and will be taking a class shortly on forensic psychology. I've been trying to convince one of my children to go into it because they're very astute at detective work. Some people just have a natural gift for it but I believe some of it can be taught. I 100% believe that Trump is illuminati - as is May, Merkel, Blair, and other leaders. What I had hoped was to pique others interest so they'd look into this themselves instead of swallowing the lies we're being told. You have to realize that I have a dog in the fight: I have family who are inheriting this country and it's been hijacked by evil. I don't hold any worldly power but I do research and am trying to alert others in the hope of starting a Revolution or a Revival. I believe the last good President we've had was Kennedy and the illuminati - or Jesuits - had him assassinated. Then they had his brother assassinated.


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I understand your concerns - but don't you think that Satan has a hold on all our countries- we are in a spiritual battle - it's not just happened in the last 100 Yeats, it's been like it since the beginning of time - Satan uses different people in each era, each of us need to pray and seek God with regards to what he wants each of us to do - and care about the whole of creation. God is still in control - Satan thinks he is, so do others.
Who are you trusting in ?
We already know things are going to get worse, we have been alerted to that. Your posts just resound fear and panic - do you have peace , God peace or is fear knocking at your door - it's much harder when the battle starts showing itself in your own environments - and we are still more fortunate than others who have had to already lay their lives down in the battle.
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Revelation 13:18

“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

" ... count ... ", or " ... calculate ... ". So:

R O N A L D = 6
W I L S O N = 6
R E A G A N = 6

J O H N AND J A C Q U I L I N E K E N N E D Y = 666
B I L L G A T E S I I I = 666
"no man can buy or sell" = COMPUTER

C O M P U T E R = 666
hand "peace-sign" = 6
binary "6" = hand "peace-sign"
binary "7" = the "Trinity"
UPC barcodes = 666
the world's language = English
English = "calculator"
[the world's most Senior Jewish Political Statesman] = 666
C O M P U T E R = 666
the "church" = IGNORANT

Bobby Jo

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