Should I be rebaptised?

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Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
I think I must have missed something as I don't understand the reference to 'what they believe' and 'swimming pools'. Also I'm not sure about what you refer to as 'Protestant churches'. They would include Methodists and Church of England who practise infant 'baptism' not the believers baptism of full immersion.

Christian Reformed also do infant baptism--even though many of them don't believe in it. o_O


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Yes, every day!!

I pray that you hold up a Christian as a hero of yours instead of a stone cold thieving killer.
I pray that you realize how your support of enslaving of another human being is not Christian like.


Oh you will like this Mary. Quantrill was baptized into the Roman Church. "As he lay dying in the infirmary, Quantrill was ministered to by a Catholic priest, Father Michael Power. The priest converted him to Catholicism and administered the last rites. " (The Devil Knows How To Ride, Edward E. Leslie, Dacapo, 1998, p. 368).

So, under your Roman teaching Quantrill was a Christian. Because he was an adult and exercised faith in Christ then he by Protestant standards was a Christian.



Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States

Sorry Mary. Just couldn't help it. Just think about it. You will get to know Quantrill forever. Oh the irony.



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
KJV Luke 22
Strife About Greatness
24 And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest.
25 And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors.
26 But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve.

While I agree that there ought to be leaders in the church who are to take responsibility for taking the gospel to the world, and for raising up disciples to follow in their footsteps, that is hardly what characterises Catholicism. Rome seeks lordship over everyone... The whole world... And is by example, through policy and practice a persecuting church taking its "template" not from scripture, but from her pagan predecessor. And passed that baton on to her Protestant children.
Who is the leader of your church?

Curious Mary


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
No thanks sweetheart.

Ah, but Mary, they didn't all die...did they? So, I thank them for their service, those that died and those that live.

Hi Stranger,

I worked with men all my adult career so your chauvinism doesn't bother me. I hope your parents didn't raise you to be chauvinistic. If they didn't I hope they don't know what you have become. :(

No, they all didn't die. :(

Thank God their desire to continue this great Country as a place that has laws that enslaves it's fellow men, women and children did die. :D

I thank them for their service also. Great godly men fought a great evil and, by the grace of God, defeated that evil and the evil people that supported it. Sadly that evil still continues to this day with evil people enabling it. If God wanted slavery to continue I suspect the evil people like Quantrill and his ilk would have won.

Prayin' for ya'...Mary


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
LOL....You crack me up.

Soooo when you said that you "....agree that there ought to be leaders in the church" you were talking about a leader (singular) not leaders (plural)? o_O

You also said that those leaders "are to take responsibility for taking the gospel to the world". What you really meant that Jesus is supposed to take the gospel to the world???? o_O

And Jesus is responsible for raising up disciples to follow in their footsteps???? I thought he already did that????

I suspect you answered the way you did is because you realize your theory and set of beliefs are not logical or biblical therefor you really don't have an answer.

Thank you for your time.....Mary


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Was Quantrill not a Christian?

Honestly.....Of all the reading I have done about him I don't recall if that was ever covered. I know he was a teacher and witnesses say a good one. I also know he was kicked out of community because they suspected he killed another man in cold blood and if I remember correctly stealing from them.

Do you know if he was?

Curious Mary


LOL....You crack me up.

Soooo when you said that you "....agree that there ought to be leaders in the church" you were talking about a leader (singular) not leaders (plural)? o_O

You also said that those leaders "are to take responsibility for taking the gospel to the world". What you really meant that Jesus is supposed to take the gospel to the world???? o_O

And Jesus is responsible for raising up disciples to follow in their footsteps???? I thought he already did that????

I suspect you answered the way you did is because you realize your theory and set of beliefs are not logical or biblical therefor you really don't have an answer.

Thank you for your time.....Mary
I think it is your Catholic paradigm that stand naked and exposed here Mary. Not mine. While the human leaders in my church are responsible for certain areas in church life, the ultimate Commander in Cheif is and always will be Jesus . But then you knew full well what I meant, so your pretence at shock and amusement at what you deem to be confusing doesn't wash.
Your Catholic masters are precisely that. Masters. Not servants of Jesus though they may claim to be. Your masters demand full and devoted obedience in all things.. Not obedience to Christ, but obedience to them. Such is the nature of claimed infallibility. And such is the nature of Antichrist. We have replaced Christ. We stand here in His stead. Your fidelity to Christ is only true if your fidelity to us is total and blindly accepting of everything we teach... Because we have the spirit of God. Nuh Mary, the history of your church demands rejection of any such notion.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Honestly.....Of all the reading I have done about him I don't recall if that was ever covered. I know he was a teacher and witnesses say a good one. I also know he was kicked out of community because they suspected he killed another man in cold blood and if I remember correctly stealing from them.

Do you know if he was?

Curious Mary

You need to remove that word 'honestly'. Read post #(1303) again.

It comes from the very book you recommended to me. This is proof of your 'selective reading comprehension'. Anything that goes against your preconceived beliefs, is immediately 'forgotten'.



Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Hi Stranger,

I worked with men all my adult career so your chauvinism doesn't bother me. I hope your parents didn't raise you to be chauvinistic. If they didn't I hope they don't know what you have become. :(

No, they all didn't die. :(

Thank God their desire to continue this great Country as a place that has laws that enslaves it's fellow men, women and children did die. :D

I thank them for their service also. Great godly men fought a great evil and, by the grace of God, defeated that evil and the evil people that supported it. Sadly that evil still continues to this day with evil people enabling it. If God wanted slavery to continue I suspect the evil people like Quantrill and his ilk would have won.

Prayin' for ya'...Mary

You're free to thank whoever you want.

Your understanding of history is nothing but political correctness. You see the North as godly. You see the South as evil. Yet you call yourself a history teacher.

You only retain and teach what you want to believe. You have proven that with your last posts. That you were a teacher is a commentary on the history level of Americans today.



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
You need to remove that word 'honestly'. Read post #(1303) again.

It comes from the very book you recommended to me. This is proof of your 'selective reading comprehension'. Anything that goes against your preconceived beliefs, is immediately 'forgotten'.

Thank you Stranger. For some reason I did not see post #1303 and this is the first I had read it. :(

Here is "proof of your selective reading comprehension" since you obviously didn't read what I wrote. What I said was that "Honestly..... I don't recall..."!!!

I was being honest
when I said I don't recall sooooo stop selectively reading what I write and wryly suggest that I have forgotten it and that I was not being honest. Sooooo I will not be removing the word honestly because I was being honest. ;)

Glad to see that Quantrill became a Catholic on his death bed.

You hold up as your hero the killer and thief who wanted to enslave his fellow humans; not the Catholic/Christian he became. If you were holding up the deathbed Quantrill you would become Catholic also. ;) Sooooo stop pretending you are holding up the life of a Godly man when you are in fact holding up the part of his life when he was an evil man.



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
You're free to thank whoever you want.

Your understanding of history is nothing but political correctness. You see the North as godly. You see the South as evil. Yet you call yourself a history teacher.

Lol.....God, not me, saw the North as being godly soooooo that is why the North won....with the help of God ;)

Not all people in the South were evil. There were some good people: John R. Lynch, Mary Meachum, Harriet Ann Jacobs, George Henry Thomas:rolleyes:

I have removed the un-necessary, condescending and mean comments from your post. Can you at least TRY to be civil? Otherwise you and I may get into a civil war...;)

Keeping it light....Mary


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
I think it is your Catholic paradigm that stand naked and exposed here Mary. Not mine. While the human leaders in my church are responsible for certain areas in church life, the ultimate Commander in Cheif is and always will be Jesus . But then you knew full well what I meant, so your pretence at shock and amusement at what you deem to be confusing doesn't wash.
Your Catholic masters are precisely that. Masters. Not servants of Jesus though they may claim to be. Your masters demand full and devoted obedience in all things.. Not obedience to Christ, but obedience to them. Such is the nature of claimed infallibility. And such is the nature of Antichrist. We have replaced Christ. We stand here in His stead. Your fidelity to Christ is only true if your fidelity to us is total and blindly accepting of everything we teach... Because we have the spirit of God. Nuh Mary, the history of your church demands rejection of any such notion.
It is your Protestant paradigm that stand naked and exposed here Brakelite.

While the human leaders in The Church are responsible for certain areas in church life, the ultimate Commander in Cheif is and always will be Jesus, HOWEVER some MAN has to interpret His words to develop dogma/doctrine and reveal the Truth of Scripture to all of Christianity. Those men were the Apostles AND they were guided by the Holy Spirit at the Council of Jerusalem to determine for all of Christianity what they should believe/practice/preach. Those men then chose other men to carry on that authority (2 Timothy 2:2). With that one verse your theory is destroyed.

YOU choose Protestant men of the 16th century forward. I choose Catholic men from the first century forward.

I will stick with my men.....;)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
And so the game of verbal ping-pong goes on. And on, and on, and on ad infinitum.
Do people ever change their minds when others take a hard stance against their beliefs? I don't think so, it probably make them dig their heels in even more. Perhaps it's best left to God to do the work of persuasion and he will do it gently and convincingly and in his own way and in his own good time.
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Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
And so the game of verbal ping-pong goes on. And on, and on, and on ad infinitum.
Do people ever change their minds when others take a hard stance against their beliefs? I don't think so, it probably make them dig their heels in even more. Perhaps it's best left to God to do the work of persuasion and he will do it gently and convincingly and in his own way and in his own good time.

God has given us His word. Those who are under the leading of the Holy Spirit will interpret it correctly. But, sometimes Christians get preconceived notions of how things "should" be and see everything in light of that, disregarding the leading of the Holy Spirit on specific areas of Scripture. Fortunately, most of the points where true Christians disagree are not salvation issues. We all seem to agree on the basic doctrine.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Those who are under the leading of the Holy Spirit will interpret it correctly.
Absolutely right, That's what I mean about leaving it to God to do the work.

1 Peter 3:15-16 says, "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behaviour in Christ may be ashamed of their slander."

It says if people ask about the reason for our hope but I think we should always answer with gentleness and respect whatever they ask. And be prepared for them to walk away after you have answered like the rich young man in the bible. Not everybody will 'get' it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Thank you Stranger. For some reason I did not see post #1303 and this is the first I had read it. :(

Here is "proof of your selective reading comprehension" since you obviously didn't read what I wrote. What I said was that "Honestly..... I don't recall..."!!!

I was being honest
when I said I don't recall sooooo stop selectively reading what I write and wryly suggest that I have forgotten it and that I was not being honest. Sooooo I will not be removing the word honestly because I was being honest. ;)

Glad to see that Quantrill became a Catholic on his death bed.

You hold up as your hero the killer and thief who wanted to enslave his fellow humans; not the Catholic/Christian he became. If you were holding up the deathbed Quantrill you would become Catholic also. ;) Sooooo stop pretending you are holding up the life of a Godly man when you are in fact holding up the part of his life when he was an evil man.


You are always selective in your reading and in your presentations. You don't present the whole truth. You only present the side that you support. I exposed you on this many times in the fourth page of 'Current Events and Politics Forum', under 'Lesson for Historical Mary'.

We should take this over there again.
