It's time to impeach the impeachers

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Here is an excellent article on the sham impeachment of Donald Trump

December 17, 2019

The Impeachment Show Trial
By E.W. Jackson and Jerome Corsi

Representatives Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler set a very dangerous precedent when they refused to conduct impeachment hearings according to constitutional due process standards. Democrats are so desperate for power that they would overturn the election of a President of the United States based on their biased and partisan interpretation of his telephone conversation with a foreign leader.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was initially reluctant to risk the electoral backlash of impeachment. She finally bowed to far-left pressure, ignoring the President's astounding economic and foreign policy successes. Her worst nightmare is coming true -- rising approval for President Trump and rising disapproval for the Democrat Party and their presidential candidates.

This is because the impeachment process we are witnessing is decidedly un-American. Using secretive, totalitarian-style, one-party interrogations is not due process and is unworthy of a constitutional republic.

Democrats ignored the constitutional standard for impeachment to remove a president: “Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.” No unbiased adjudicator could conclude that President Trump’s telephone discussion with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky is an impeachable offense. Far from a “high crime,” the President was carrying out his duty to the people of the United States. He was guarding our treasure and protecting our national integrity. Ukraine has been one of the most corrupt nations in the world, and he was right to request an investigation. If taxpayer funded aide was used as leverage to enrich the former vice president’s son, the American people should know.

Instead of thanking the President for his diligence, Democrats in Congress had the temerity to accuse him of committing an “abuse of power.” The Executive Branch of the United States government is separate and co-equal. George Washington University law professor and constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley told the House Judiciary Committee that it would be Congress abusing power if they try to stop the President from exercising his constitutional prerogatives. Schiff, Nader and Pelosi ignored that unbiased counsel.

They have chosen instead to drag the country through an impeachment process while trampling the constitutional and due process rights of a sitting President. If they ignore his rights, why would they respect those of the average citizen?

Due process rules are not reserved to criminal trials alone. They are essentially the same in regulatory and administrative hearings. Those rules reach even to private entities operating under “color of law.” To suggest that a proceeding as grave as a presidential impeachment need not follow the same basic procedural rules of fairness is ludicrous on its face.

Hearsay is excluded from evidence in court proceedings because it is notoriously unreliable. Yet Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent and acting U.S. ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor were called before the House Intelligence Committee with great pomp and ceremony to offer only hearsay. Defendants always have a right to confront their accusers, yet the “whistleblower” remains an anonymous figure.

Adam Schiff went beyond hearsay to outright falsehood. Speaking on the floor of Congress, he reported that President Trump said to President Zelensky, “I want you to dig up dirt on my opponent and lots of it.” The President said nothing of the kind. Schiff later claimed it was a “parody.” This is the same Adam Schiff who said he had incontrovertible evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia. The only conclusion supported by evidence is that Adam Schiff is a pathological liar.

Democrats also violated the principle that the accused has a right to a vigorous defense. The earliest hearings were closed to Republicans. Information from those inquiries was selectively leaked to the press. Depositions were taken in secret. Rep. Andy Biggs, Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, compared the sessions to Soviet secret hearings. He proposed a resolution on the House floor to condemn and censure Schiff, but of course House Democrats tabled the proposal.

Long gone is the Democratic Party of President John F. Kennedy, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Senators Scoop Jackson and Sam Nunn.
It is now a party of hardcore leftists, more aligned with Karl Marx than Thomas Jefferson. They are now completely driven by extreme leftist ideology. Lacking evidence that President Trump committed any crime or even did anything morally wrong, they recklessly passed articles of impeachment, with no regard to the great damage they are doing to our Republic. The Democratic Party once had statesmen, but it is now the refuge of demagogues.

Their Stalinist impeachment show trial demonstrated gross disrespect for our elections and the peaceful transition of power. This has been nothing less than an attempted coup d’etat, but these de facto communist revolutionaries will face the wrath of the American voter. Tuesday, November 3, 2020 will be a day of reckoning.

Bishop E.W. Jackson, retired attorney and Dr. Jerome Corsi, author and journalist are members of the STAND Against Communism Political Action Committee.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
If impeachment is wrong because it shows disrespect for elections, I wonder why the Constitution permits impeachment? Ha, ha! What a silly unconstitutional idea! Some people are desperate to find excuses.

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Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
I think one of the most shameful parts of all this charade is Nancy trying to act like "Mother Mary" with her phony holiness pose in all this. I've rarely seen such open hatred as the way she shook her bony finger at that reporter while informing him of how good a Catholic she was and how much she prayed for our president.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
If impeachment is wrong because it shows disrespect for elections, I wonder why the Constitution permits impeachment?
You've got it all wrong. The abuse of impeachment shows disrespect for the elections. Big difference. And it is clearly being abused. Only partisan blindness will prevent anyone from seeing this abuse of power. And even one of the Democrats' witnesses told them exactly that.

Stan B

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2019
You've got it all wrong. The abuse of impeachment shows disrespect for the elections. Big difference. And it is clearly being abused. Only partisan blindness will prevent anyone from seeing this abuse of power. And even one of the Democrats' witnesses told them exactly that.
It is rather scary that less than a couple hundred evil people can summarily nullify the wishes 63,000,000 people!!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
It is rather scary that less than a couple hundred evil people can summarily nullify the wishes 63,000,000 people!!
What should have happened already is that the key players such as Obama, Clinton, and their top officials should have all been behind bars. Mr Trump should have set up an independent investigative commission at the same time as the phony Mueller Witch Hunt started.

And Mueller should have also been put on notice that he would be investigated, prosecuted and jailed. There was plenty of ammunition for Mr. Trump and he let things slide. Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Wray, Lynch, Holder, and many others have not been held accountable for their criminal conspiracy.

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
Well, I really don't think Mueller should be in line for any serious punishment. I honestly doubt the dottering old fool had any idea how he was being used by the people who REALLY conducted the witch hunt. It really isn't a crime to be senile.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
It is rather scary that less than a couple hundred evil people can summarily nullify the wishes 63,000,000 people!!
You have me rolling with laughter. What about the more than 66 million who voted for the Democrat? We do not have a strict democracy here. Trump won properly in the electoral college, not because he got the most votes. It's rather silly to repeat this talking point about nullifying the democratic election and the more than 63 million people who voted for him.

Are these people evil only because you disagree with them, or do you genuinely think it's fine for a President to ask a foreign government to investigate his political opponents?


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
What should have happened already is that the key players such as Obama, Clinton, and their top officials should have all been behind bars. Mr Trump should have set up an independent investigative commission at the same time as the phony Mueller Witch Hunt started.

And Mueller should have also been put on notice that he would be investigated, prosecuted and jailed. There was plenty of ammunition for Mr. Trump and he let things slide. Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Wray, Lynch, Holder, and many others have not been held accountable for their criminal conspiracy.
There is no need for more and more investigations. Never mind the people you name. Why not start with the people we know for certain broke the law?

I'd like to see whoever it was inside the FBI who lied to the FISA court to get warrants go to jail. That's an outrageous abuse of power. A FISA court judge complained; but so far, Trump's Justice Department has been twiddling its thumbs. Who were these people? I haven't heard their names. Why are they allowed to lie in official court documents and not be prosecuted? We know they are guilty.

So much for Trump draining the swamp.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
You've got it all wrong. The abuse of impeachment shows disrespect for the elections. Big difference. And it is clearly being abused. Only partisan blindness will prevent anyone from seeing this abuse of power. And even one of the Democrats' witnesses told them exactly that.
Anyone in favor of a sitting President could say this. You'd never have anyone impeached if we followed this rule.

Partisan blindness? McConnell already admitted he's not going to be impartial. He'll be taking an oath swearing to be impartial; but he's already said he won't be. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
While thing is just ridiculous. They were wanting to impeach before that call was even made. That is the difference between real impeachment and a political sham such as this.
I remind you that Pelosi resisted the idea of impeachment for a long time.

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
You have me rolling with laughter. What about the more than 66 million who voted for the Democrat? We do not have a strict democracy here. Trump won properly in the electoral college, not because he got the most votes. It's rather silly to repeat this talking point about nullifying the democratic election and the more than 63 million people who voted for him.

Are these people evil only because you disagree with them, or do you genuinely think it's fine for a President to ask a foreign government to investigate his political opponents?
Are you "fine" with someone whose son got the ultimate job because his father was VP? And that because his father is now trying to be president, that "minor fact" should not be investigated BEFORE he might be elected? As things were, it was just shady "water under the bridge", that might be hard to prove.... why waste money on it? But it is a whole other story with him now trying for an even higher office. If he was selling his influence for the betterment of his son BEFORE, what do you think he might do with ultimate power?
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Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
Do all you Democrats forget that Hillary was constantly talking about "her path to 270?" That number is the Electoral College, My Friends... NOT the popular vote. She knew the rules of our REPUBLIC, and she said that was what she was going for. Well, she missed it.

And then she has the nerve to jump on Trump because, in a debate, he said he might not just accept close election results without some protest….. when she has NEVER, in all these years, accepted the election results.... even after protesting herself and a recount was demanded, where she again lost.... by an even larger margin.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
Are you "fine" with someone whose son got the ultimate job because his father was VP? And that because his father is now trying to be president, that "minor fact" should not be investigated BEFORE he might be elected? As things were, it was just shady "water under the bridge", that might be hard to prove.... why waste money on it? But it is a whole other story with him now trying for an even higher office. If he was selling his influence for the betterment of his son BEFORE, what do you think he might do with ultimate power?
Why are we talking about Hunter Biden? Of course, he's a creep. I could write a lot about how he's a creep. The question is if it's the President of the United States' job to try to dig up dirt on him in another country and threaten to withhold military aid unless they comply.

We see, almost daily, dozens of Democrats on past videos, saying they wanted him impeached.... for YEARS now.
Some did. I agreed with Pelosi then too. I thought their calls for impeachment were not warranted.
Do all you Democrats forget that Hillary was constantly talking about "her path to 270?" That number is the Electoral College, My Friends... NOT the popular vote. She knew the rules of our REPUBLIC, and she said that was what she was going for. Well, she missed it.

And then she has the nerve to jump on Trump because, in a debate, he said he might not just accept close election results without some protest….. when she has NEVER, in all these years, accepted the election results.... even after protesting herself and demanding a recount, where she again lost.... by an even larger margin.
Why do you want to talk about almost anything except Trump? Of course her campaign was poorly run. You could look at the states where the polls had her and Trump close and see how she neglected to campaign in critical states. I know because I did it. She was arrogant and thought she had already won. She also neglected to have get out the vote campaigns in some critical states. Too bad for her too that she didn't impress enough black voters to show up on election day. But why are we talking about that comedy of errors known as the "Clinton campaign of 2016"?

Now I have a question for you. We know, unless some unknown miracle occurs, the President does not need to fear being removed by a vote in the Senate. So what are Republicans really afraid of? They control the Senate. They'll vote to acquit. So what's the problem? And what are Trump supporters so upset about?

One clue may be seen in Pennsylvania where the law just got changed to ban straight ticket voting. Now why would Republicans want to do that? The answer is simple: They don't want voters who vote against Trump going into the voting booth and voting a straight Democratic ticket.

The question I was thinking about today was if Trump can squeak out another 0.23% win in Michigan. Ha, Biden is ahead by over 7%. It looks doubtful. But Trump was off to campaign in Michigan just as he came to Pennsylvania to campaign. Ah, he won Pennsylvania by less than a percent. Can he do it again? Again the answer appears to be no. Biden's ahead by 7%. That trend holds true in most of the swing states Trump won in 2016. Things have shifted by about 7%. Biden appears to me as mentally unstable as Trump -- perhaps he won't wind up the nominee. I hope not; but as things stand today, he'd win if the election were held today. Yes, in the electoral college. Trump has lost too much support in key states.

Then the next question is how many, if any, Republican Senators may lose in the next election if they vote to acquit?


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
President Trump is just getting impeached by the House, because he was elected to take out the trash, and the trash doesnt like it.
From the news I've been reading, it's his pals who have been going to jail.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I think that they will all go crashing down in flames and be see for the total fools or Criminals for calling the impeachment.
One could of Impeached Obama a 1000 times if they are going to bring up childish crap like that.

For me I would demand that if a Nation has any such gravity on such a subject, should bring it to light. nothing wrong with that. the opposition is hell bent on hiding all such 100%, the idiots should of looked into it in depth but no they are total Criminally insane, typical of Satanist.

From what I have been hearing as to what has been going on in the Ukraine over the last say 10 years sounds like the people have been controlled by a lot of very evil wealthy men working as to try dominating over them. Jeorge Soros for one and all his invested money buying them out in many ways and helping create the Nazis power their to dominate over all. I smell a rat and think that a huge con job is going on in the Ukraine and the Socialist in the USA have a huge interest in Ukraine so as to try and destroy Russia, Russia knows this is a tool that is trying to undermine and bring Russia back into becoming Communist again.
Putin has said for years how criminal that the Media are in the USA and that they are so dangerous and are hell bent on making the USA a Communist Nation. No one could be so stupid Putin said.
Putin knows what Communism is all about in depth, no one understands such better than he would, so he can sniff such out easy as. But we got propaganda back stating that Putin is pro Communist and that Putin is just some dumb no body, slandering him 100%. Putin is one of the intelligent people you will ever come across in fact, he is no body's fool. the same slanderers make out that Trump is a fool as well, good luck with that, as he has the highest IQ of all USA Presidents bar for one.
Oh they don't like him ! well why not one may ask ? well they want a Leadership that gives fools free passage and don't understand that such people will only run the Nation into the ground, a in debt bankrupt wast land free for the picking of Communism to take control, the Atheist are that foolish that they think that this system will save them, but their voice will mean nothing at all, I have a foolish mate who thinks that Communism is just power to the people :rolleyes: fact is that such people have no power at all, he claims such is his party and they will obey the people or else :rolleyes: but fact is that anyone will be shot on the spot for even questioning the Party. the Communist are history's biggest and most effective murders by far. one would have to be a moron not to understand that fact.
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