Can men with man buns be saved?

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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
I do use imperial measurements sometimes, as when you are working in inches you are dealing with much smaller numbers.

Really. Im not sure what u mean but @Josho cos a millimetre is much smaller than an inch.
Are u a machinist or a fitter and turner? They use imperial a bit


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
In Numbers 6, both men and women - it clearly says both - who had a Nazarite vow had to let their hair grow long, during the duration of the vow, and then they had to shave their heads at the end.

Paul at Cenchrea shaved his head. Some commentators say that it was likely Aquila - according to the Greek grammar - that shaved his head at Cenchrea. One NT manuscript even says that it was Priscilla that shaved her head at Cenchrea. Though it was likely Paul who did.

But even if it had been Priscilla who shaved her head, this would have been perfectly Scriptural in terms of Numbers 6.

So in terms of these matters of hair and so forth, while yes there are general differences between men and women, yet the individual matters and circumstances of a man or a woman's hair should be seen as a personal responsibility and not for others to get too involved with.

Scripture itself sanctions the growth of man's hair long in certain circumstances, and indeed the shaving of a woman's hair.

So to talk about it all in terms of whether the person can be saved, is not relevant.

Ah hah! So some Nazarite men possibly had a man bun, I never noticed scripture ever mentioning whether if Samson ever tied up his hair in a man bun or not though.;)

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Oh i get it. Maybe your a builder measuring large distances. 16,550mm isn't as practical as 651
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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
Really. Im not sure what u mean but @Josho cos a millimetre is much smaller than an inch.
Are u a machinist or a fitter and turner? They use imperial a bit

I mean 1 inch equals roughly 25mm, 25.4mm if we want to be exact, so working with a "1" instead of a "25" so if we want to do maths in inches we are working with smaller numbers. And no not a machinist or fitter and turner.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Ah hah! So some Nazarite men possibly had a man bun, I never noticed scripture ever mentioning whether if Samson ever tied up his hair in a man bun or not though.;)

Starchy, "correct" churchgoer (whispers): Look at that girl with a horrible sidecut!

Girl with sidecut (tearfully thinks) : After my chemo finishes it might grow a bit more...

It really is no one else's business.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
I've got to say i read that with a smile on my face.
When I got up this morning what came to mind was how your German room mates would tell you that bathing too much was unhealthy
I don't know why that came to mind. A good story gets file away in my filing cabinet, LoL, remember them

Typewriters. I'm only just old enough to have actually played with one. No delete button so don't mess up. Liquid paper was your only saviour.
I remember when I was a teenager, my aunt taught me ten finger typing. I never got good at it until I went to work for Social Security. There I had to do so much lengthy writing my handwriting, which was never neat, got so bad that sometimes I couldn't read it myself. I went to the typewriter in self defense. From manual to electric to word processor to computer to this day, I use the full keyboard with 10 fingers. That I also played the piano of course helped. I did not correct my typing much. I just xxed out errors or changes on the manuals and electrics since I had a clerk-typist who would really clean it up. When I went the Word processor I started making more corrections for the final thing as it was easy to do.

Mathematics. Being in engineering I love maths. Its like a universal language of truth. 1+2=3 anywhere any time
I cannot fathom doing it without a calculator. How people like Newton and Einstein were able to work the numbers like they did boggles my mind

Were u born and raised in the USA? Whats up with the imperial system mate? Why don't u guys use metric? Its so much easier.
I often have to re draft pages of drawings, change it all to fractions and multiply it by 25.4 to get it in millimetres.
Actually I shouldn't complain. It's providing employment. Thanks Uncle Sam
I was born in Oklahoma City, but grew up in California. My wife and I, after a couple of years in Wyoming, moved to Oklahoma in 1987. We've been here ever since.

Someone has been pushing the metric system at me for many years. I learned all the conversions in school and for high school chemistry we used metric for everything, but while I retain the basic conversion formulas in my mind, like 2.54cm =1 inch. I did enjoy chemistry taking one semester of it in college as well. I graduated from high school in 1961 and cannot remember having a job where we used the metric system.

For Social Security I had to learn a lot of complex formulas to calculate how much people would get on retirement or disability or for death benefits, but no metric involved. I was good at the basic math part, but gradually they transferred a lot of that to computers and as I grew older, I became dependent on the machines to avoid errors. I knew the formulas but the basic arithmetic without a calculator was nearly impossible.

But ye some things remain the same like 1+2=3 God is the master mathematician. Mans knowledge and understanding of the observable has become better but has only really revealed how limited our knowledge really is.

In astrophysics they were talking like they were on the verge of calculating the universe, some of them were even claiming "finding God" .
What did they find... The found that the universe is incalculable. LoL. It still makes me laugh. Its like, here we have found God, "he is behind this door". And they open the door only to find more space and starts...

In high school i was taught that the cell was a blob with 2 or 3 other blobs in it. They thought they could unlock the secrets of life if they could just get better microscopes. When the microscopes arrived they found this...

The complexity involved in a cell is totally mind blowing. There is nothing random about any of it.
The wonder of God
It sounds like you have enjoyed it. That is good. I always enjoyed working but never so much as the job for Social Security.

Your science would be way beyond me. When I started college I was a science major but after finishing 1 semester of chemistry I switched majors to foreign languages. The only biology I ever had was one year in high school. I never had a class in physics even in high school, but I did have one semester in Geology which I really liked.

I am glad I changed majors because it resulted in me getting the job with Social Security. Retiring early for me was a necessity but even then I still enjoyed my work and hated to retire until I retired. I have never regretted it....God played a large part in that.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Not a builder either but you have got it haha

What do u do anyway? Inches is a pain when working with smaller more precise figures.
Some tooling like drill bits are in fractions. What is 7/8" multiplied by 1/16"... Such a pain.
Then to convert that into a fractional inch as well, then to millimetres oh the torment...
Its not so bad but I tend to curse the yanks cos of it... Sorry
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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
What do u do anyway? Inches is a pain when working with smaller more precise figures.
Some tooling like drill bits are in fractions. What is 7/8" multiplied by 1/16"... Such a pain.
Then to convert that into a fractional inch as well, then to millimetres oh the torment...
Its not so bad but I tend to curse the yanks cos of it... Sorry

Upholsterer, I was taught to measure in inches when I was an apprentice.
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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
Starchy, "correct" churchgoer (whispers): Look at that girl with a horrible sidecut!

Girl with sidecut (tearfully thinks) : After my chemo finishes it might grow a bit more...

It really is no one else's business.

Good point


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
It's also worth noting one of the guys from Bethel Music Collective sometimes does his hair up into a man bun.

So there you go, men with man buns can be saved! ;)

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Upholsterer, I was taught to measure in inches when I was an apprentice.

Oh mate my old lounge sofa and recliners were the beez neez but it was upholstered with that cheap fake leather that just peeled away
I wanted to get it reupholstered but just ended up getting rid of it... PV leather i think its called, its crap anyway u would know
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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
Oh mate my old lounge sofa and recliners were the beez neez but it was upholstered with that cheap fake leather that just peeled away
I wanted to get it reupholstered but just ended up getting rid of it... PV leather i think its called, its crap anyway u would know

PVC leather
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Back in the Day...

I remember having a chip on my shoulder with my long Hippie hair, believing that "Someone should not discriminate against me, but hire me on my qualifications..."

When I look back at it now, I am surprised that anyone hired me at all! A staunch individuality actually holds people back; though they may not see it. The good thing with a man-bun, is that it can be remedied easily. Tattoos and Piercings cannot. One place I worked was dealing with the public. The boss hired one kid with piercings all over his face (described as looking like he fell face-forward into a tackle box)! The condition of employment was that he could not wear the "hardware" while working. One girl had the condition of having a normal hair color... not purple. This business deals with people, and it is fair to determine what face represents your company.

I have seen girls and guys with bright pink hair at restaurants. Most of the time they are relegated to the kitchen... for a reason! People do make judgements on these things whether we like it or not. Even in Church, I know that I have not been offered to do certain things because I do not wear suits and ties. While over time, these barriers are easing up and being accepted, but they are truly barriers now.

The people with neck and face tattoos, or large sagging earlobes with huge gauges in them, are not the people most businesses and organizations want to be their "Face" to the public.

I do not judge anyone's salvation on tattoos, piercings, haircuts or man-buns... but I do question their judgement in all things, based upon what I see as bad judgement in their personal appearance. I do not say that this is fair, but it is a reality of life; you will be judged by your appearance... even in Church.

On a quick side-note... I had one teenager ask for an application for employment. He was wearing a t-shirt that said... "Does not Play Well with Others" :) When I handed it to the boss, I gave my non-recommend!
All fair thoughts and good observations. However, what if the individual who resists to live according to the fashion of the times. Refuses to cut his hair short like the current fashion... Refuses to follow the fashion of dress but simply presents himself or herself because that is what he/she is comfortable with? Maybe it does reflect an inner state of rebelliousness... But rebelliousness against what everyone else is doing... Being a sheep... Is not necessarily a bad thing right?
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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
All fair thoughts and good observations. However, what if the individual who resists to live according to the fashion of the times. Refuses to cut his hair short like the current fashion... Refuses to follow the fashion of dress but simply presents himself or herself because that is what he/she is comfortable with? Maybe it does reflect an inner state of rebelliousness... But rebelliousness against what everyone else is doing... Being a sheep... Is not necessarily a bad thing right?

There are quite a number of young men with man buns though, as you would probably already know.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Someone has been pushing the metric system at me for many years

Ye come on, all Americans, come over to metric it's so much easier, less errors

I learned all the conversions in school and for high school chemistry we used metric for everything

Ha Ha yes, see science knows what the deal is. I don't think we can express an imperial unit in scientific notation.
Im not sure, like 9.87x10^3 i think that only works with metric.
I heard a rumour that America didn't switch to metric because the Soviets had switched to it. Sounds silly

I never had a class in physics

Oh mate I remember when I started uni I thought I was good at maths... I was sorely mistaken... Physics was almost like magic for me

For Social Security I had to learn a lot of complex formulas to calculate how much people would get on retirement or disability or for death benefits, but no metric involved

Calculating money is almost like metric. 100 cents make a dollar so it is similar.
I propose we convert to a metric clock. 10 hours in a day with 100 minutes in each hour. It would help a lot with physics equations


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
Victoria... The quintessential Mecca for the pro gay pro liberal lifestyles. What's with all the rainbows on people's houses around town? You noticed that?

There were a tonne of rainbows everywhere during 2017 in the SSM census.

But don't plenty of straight men also wear man buns these days.
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