Is it a sin for a Christian to vote for a Democrat?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
The Golden Rule was tossed to the wayside five years ago when the Republican Party was mutated into the Trump Party and dragged into the murky swamp of Trumpism. It was dragged in the Trumpism swamp by the Christian conservatives who behave exactly the way he does.
Trump is pro Christian, pro life and pro Israel. I'll take Trump any day over the baby butchering Dem leaders.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Ok, Ziggy, take a deep breath and give me your best answer.
Define does not or republican....moderate from a Christian perspective. What would a moderate politician vote against and what would they vote for.
Keeping in mind that it does not really matter if a politician kisses babies or has a nice smile or even if you like him or her...all that matters is the laws they attempt to pass and how they vote. If you do not agree with me then explain what ultimately matters.
So the first verse that came to mind had to do with living peacably together:
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
A moderate regardless of what letter is before their name, tries to find a balance between two opposing views.
I know abortion is a hot topic.
I know a lot of people believe they have more rights over their body than government does.
I know a lot of people that believe under no circumstances is it ever right to take a life of an unborn child.
Then there is the middle ground, or moderate.
Should the government have the right to tell anyone what to do with their own body?
Should the government have the right to decide who lives or dies inside your body?
Should you have to carry a child knowing that it could cause irreperable harm to the mother or child?
Should you have to carry a child knowing that it will live with pain all of it's life?
What if the government decided for you how many children you could bare?

A little about me.
I was 13 when I got pregnant. I went to a New Years Eve party at a friends house and got drunk and passed out.
In the morning I woke up naked and confused. I gathered my things and went home.
I couldn't tell my parents what happened.. they would kill me if they knew I was drinking.
About 3 months went by and I started getting concerned. My body wasn't bahaving the way it should (I'm being polite)
I talked to a friend who said they would go with me and talk to my parents.
My mom took me to the doctor which informed us I was pregnant.
My parents gave me 2 choices. Give it up for adoption or Keep and they would help me raise the baby.
I was 14 when I gave birth to my daughter. She is 40 now and I have an 18 year old grandson.
Since that time I have married and divorced twice. I have never concieved another child.
All I can say is, God blessed me with the one and only child I would ever have.
Abortion was never an option and even if my parents had given that option I dont think I would have taken it.
But knowing now what I didnt know then, I'm glad it wasn't an option.
Now I realize not all parents are like mine. I was doubly blessed.
But in the end I don't want the government making that choice for me.
What if the law was I had to abort due to my age or ability?
I would never be the proud grandma of an 18 year old grandson.

So to try and answer your question, I believe a moderate is someone who takes all things into consideration. Not because the "gang" feels this way or that way. But what is best for the people they represent.
I hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Again notice the red place keepers on the bottom
View attachment 11241
I am mistaken.
It is upright. Funny I thought the commentary was he held the Bible upside down which brought such a backlash from the media.
Oh wait.. this is where I heard it:
The claim: Trump’s security forces cleared protesters out of the president’s way in June “so he can walk across to a Protestant church and hold a Bible upside down.” — Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
or maybe it was this:
For instance, novelist Stephen King tweeted, "Dear fundamentalist Christian Trump supporters: If Obama had held the Bible backwards and upside down, you would immediately have called him the Antichrist." The tweet attracted more than 164,000 likes.
I guess I wasn't the only one.


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
You are spot on! Since you brought up the topic of charities I will share a short story with you. When I was young I had a few Divine encounters that involve charities so from my youth I have been involved with church charities and from the time I drew my first paycheck I arranged to have money withdrawn for charities. In the military it was CFC--Combined Federal Campaign and later on it was United Way and Feed the Children. As I got older I started to checking out the charities and got a little more selective. There is a charity out there called The International Fellowship of Christian and Jews and they help the elderly impoverished Jews in different areas. And I was wondering why elderly Jews were having problems in Israel? So I looked into it, and to make a long story short, it is a cultural issue, all the way back to Christ, the Jews have never been good at taking care of their elderly. So I shoot them twenty dollars a month.

Way to go!! Any support for things Jewish has always got God's blessing on it.


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
I don't think it is a sin to vote Democrat or be a member of the Democrats, but I am sure you can find someone who will pray for your deliverance. Or you could pray for deliverance from all evil aka the Lord's Prayer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I am ALL for politicians crossing the aisle and working through compromise. That's what made this a great nation.
However - the agendas of the two largest parties have become so polarized in recent years that they have made it almost impossible for this to happen on many important issues.

I put most of the blame for this on the Democrats because it is THEIR agenda that as gone through the most radical changes in recent years.
The term "Kennedy Democrat", which is what my parents were no longer exists. Kennedy had more in common with the Republican party of today than the Democrat party.
Well that could be because Donald Trump is a Democrat.
What's interesting isn't so much how far the Democrats have moved left as it is the Republicans have moved center.
If you look at the Policies Trump is trying to pass or has signed an Executive Order for, most were Democrat policies that they never put through.
The Democrats wanted the Wall. Trump became President, They don't want the wall.
Democrats have been trying to lower presription prices. Trump wrote 4 EO's doing just that.
And almost all his policies are for the minorities.
Now why did Trump run as a Republican?
Because Hillary and Company was selling out our country to Foreign nations like China and Russia and Iran.
Trump saw the writing on the wall and the only way we could save our sovereignty was for someone to stand up and defend this country.
The Paris Accords even though on the face of it sounded nice. Climate change and all, what it would in fact do is put us under the authority of the United Nations and Our Country would no longer be sovereign.
The money they wanted invested in this accord would have ended up in the pockets of major corporations and crooked politicians.
No matter how much money you throw at climate change, if it's going to snow it's going to snow.
The Universe itself is heating up (scientific fact) and I don't know if there is enough money on earth to bribe the Universe to change it's mind.
Iran deal had nothing to do with Nuclear weapons. It was a payoff for Iran giving up Bin Ladens location right before Obamas election. Osama was the Trophy Kill to get him re-elected.
Trump admits he ran with the crowd. He knows them because he was one of them. He says it all the time.
He just didn't see a light at the end of that tunnel so he ran on the Republican platform to defeat the Clinton Cabal, aka: deep state aka:swamp.
Today's Republicans have now become yestedays Kennedy Democrats.
Republicans still have the policies that are immovable like Life Liberty and Justice for All.
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
But things like school choice and funding Black colleges and opportunity zones and right to try and first step act...etc
If you go back you will see, these are the things Democrats always promised but never fulfilled.
Trump is Promises Made, Promises Kept.
You want to know why a lot of Democrats are voting for Trump, it's because they done their research and found out he is for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
I would like to respond to one issue in this post.
That issue has to do with Trump "waving" the Bible.
Actually he was holding it upside down.

The Master of trolls we call him.
Back in 2000 Bill Clinton stood in front of a church across from the White House and held a Bible upside down just like Trump did.
The media however never made a single comment about it.
There is an article plauding over Clinton and his flaunting of the Bible.
Now there's an act of hypocrisy...
The reason why Trump held the Bible upside down in front of the church was to prove the bias of the media.
But like everything else, people take it personally.
And Trump can't control what you think or what your told to believe.
He can only show you the truth of the bias of the media.
I don't suppose I have enough posts to provide a link yet,
but when I do if you like I will post the article.
Or you can look up, 2000 Bill Clinton Church.. keywords
You will find a Politifact article denouncing that Clinton and Trump held up bibles at the "same church" .
There is a picture however that shows Clinton holding the Bible upside down which they don't dispute.
And that is what Trump was trolling.
The Bias of the Media.. thats what he is always trolling... always.
It's not personal. It's not about you or me. It's about Hypocrisy.
Have to love these fact checkers though LOL.
Bill Clinton had attended a service at Foundry United Methodist Church. He held his Bible up after the service was over. That church is not across from the White House; and Clinton didn't clear the streets using tear gas and rubber bullets to have his photo taken. I think it was a cheap stunt on Clinton's part, but it wasn't really that news worthy.

Was Trump trolling Clinton again when he took Melania with him to a Catholic shrine in an act of fake piety?

What's next? Will Trump say his many sex adventures were trolling Clinton's? Was he trolling Clinton again recently when he took out a wad of $20 bills to put in an offering bucket in a church in Las Vegas?

Matthew 6:1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 6:2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Just keeping this light and lively. As you know you are on an international Christian forum. The debates can get a little stern. I little advise, just call them on it....that includes me....the men...they do not have a prayer. lol Welcome to the forum.

Abortion is the hottest of topics. It makes sense, it involves the lives of innocent definition of innocence is different than most. Because I think that abortion can involve the lives of innocent mothers. For a mother, putting the process in motion can be the most grotesque thing that a "normal person" will ever experience...

And you are lucky, because you had a loving family. My reaction to having a young daughter get pregnant at a party would be a lot different than some Christians. I have went round and round with preachers on this. I am the guy that makes a party out of the delivery room. You might not believe that is possible, but I have done it several times. My daughter who was not married when she had my grandson...had no question in her mind that the whole thing was going to be a celebration. In the delivery room, in my white poly suit, I had the doctors, the nurses, and her, in stitches, she barely knew what happened. And it was a cesarean delivery, but she was not under Anastasia. I celibate life and I protect the innocent.

My condemnation of the abortion is the act. My condemnation of abortion is the law against counseling the mothers about what is going to happen. You posed the question....Should the government have the right to tell anyone what to do with their own body? The problem is, is that it is not that simple, even though that is how it is argued. A bank robber takes his body into a bank and robs a bank...the right that you have to do what you want, depends on its affect on others. I have a, 45 trigger, I have the right to pull that trigger, but the rights that I have to do what I want with my trigger finger stops if pulling that trigger ends someone's life. Abortion is the same thing...the event ends a life. But like the pistol, I might have a good reason for ending a life. The reason factor for a person of character is, you have to have a good enough reason...if I pull the trigger I abort a person from his life.

I can say abort...might make me feel better...but it is still killing and if it is a unjustified killing it is murder. If the person was innocent, it was murder. In all cases we (male or female) we do not have the right to do whatever we want with our body. Even suicide is technically illegal. We are not allowed to expose ourselves in public...prostitution is illegal in most states...etc

The abortionist like do a play on words..."It is your body, the government does not have the right to tell you what to do with it. or Reproductive rights!" You have reproductive rights, don't have sex...most people are not so ill informed that they do not know that the biological purpose of sex is reproduction. The reality of it, comes down to common sense. If there is a good enough reason for an abortion, it will happen in a hospital, under a doctor's care, not in an abortion clinic.

I have held my daughter hand when she had her belly button pierced. If she was getting an abortion, I would be holding her hand and we both would be crying. The topic of abortion is not a mystery, it not rocket is just common sense and due respect for life. And there in lies the point...and the dividing line. There is no Christian scripture or taught morals that advocates the killing of an is murder.... unless it is justified. We can debate the scenarios of rape and incest, but that is a very small percentage and the knee jerk reaction does not have to be abortion. And again, if that is chosen, it should happen under doctor's care and in a hospital. Whatever arguable scenario some one wants to suggest, it is in the extreme minority of cases. And the other point is that the abortion enthusiasts never want to talk about the affects that abortion has on the mother.

I feel privileged that you have shared your story with me....well us...and thank you.
You did not answer my question...because it is more than one does a moderate vote on things and it is a lot things?
But we can discuss that later...light and can count on it.
God Bless.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Bill Clinton had attended a service at Foundry United Methodist Church. He held his Bible up after the service was over. That church is not across from the White House; and Clinton didn't clear the streets using tear gas and rubber bullets to have his photo taken. I think it was a cheap stunt on Clinton's part, but it wasn't really that news worthy.

Was Trump trolling Clinton again when he took Melania with him to a Catholic shrine in an act of fake piety?

What's next? Will Trump say his many sex adventures were trolling Clinton's? Was he trolling Clinton again recently when he took out a wad of $20 bills to put in an offering bucket in a church in Las Vegas?

Matthew 6:1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 6:2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

I have to admit you follow our President a lot more closely than I do.
I tend to watch the Round Tables and Conferences and Briefs more than the Rally's and Publicity stunts if you want to call them that.
Some things are made for performance and other things are strictly business. I tend to lean on the business side.
As far as the protesters getting tear gassed, how many times you tell a child to keep their hand off the stove before they get burned and they don't listen and have to find out for themselves?
They were told 3 times to move a block down. They didn't heed the warning.
I have no mercy and no pity for anarchists who think it wise to burn down churches or anything that doesn't belong to them.
So Trump goes to church, they pass around the collection plate, he makes a donation and that makes you upset?
I would probably be upset if he didnt donate.. nah.. it wouldnt bother me one way or another.
But some people so busy worrying about the mote in their brothers eye.
I didn't see the one with Melania.
And according to those videos, whoever was taping was more interested in the donation than the message, and it was the Pastor who was trumpeting not Trump.
Judge not.... well you know the rest


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Bill Clinton had attended a service at Foundry United Methodist Church. He held his Bible up after the service was over. That church is not across from the White House; and Clinton didn't clear the streets using tear gas and rubber bullets to have his photo taken. I think it was a cheap stunt on Clinton's part, but it wasn't really that news worthy.

Was Trump trolling Clinton again when he took Melania with him to a Catholic shrine in an act of fake piety?

What's next? Will Trump say his many sex adventures were trolling Clinton's? Was he trolling Clinton again recently when he took out a wad of $20 bills to put in an offering bucket in a church in Las Vegas?

Matthew 6:1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 6:2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

You really have to stop whining Giuliano. I don't even know how you figure it makes for a good debate.


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
So the first verse that came to mind had to do with living peacably together:
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
A moderate regardless of what letter is before their name, tries to find a balance between two opposing views.
I know abortion is a hot topic.
I know a lot of people believe they have more rights over their body than government does.
I know a lot of people that believe under no circumstances is it ever right to take a life of an unborn child.
Then there is the middle ground, or moderate.
Should the government have the right to tell anyone what to do with their own body?
Should the government have the right to decide who lives or dies inside your body?
Should you have to carry a child knowing that it could cause irreperable harm to the mother or child?
Should you have to carry a child knowing that it will live with pain all of it's life?
What if the government decided for you how many children you could bare?

A little about me.
I was 13 when I got pregnant. I went to a New Years Eve party at a friends house and got drunk and passed out.
In the morning I woke up naked and confused. I gathered my things and went home.
I couldn't tell my parents what happened.. they would kill me if they knew I was drinking.
About 3 months went by and I started getting concerned. My body wasn't bahaving the way it should (I'm being polite)
I talked to a friend who said they would go with me and talk to my parents.
My mom took me to the doctor which informed us I was pregnant.
My parents gave me 2 choices. Give it up for adoption or Keep and they would help me raise the baby.
I was 14 when I gave birth to my daughter. She is 40 now and I have an 18 year old grandson.
Since that time I have married and divorced twice. I have never concieved another child.
All I can say is, God blessed me with the one and only child I would ever have.
Abortion was never an option and even if my parents had given that option I dont think I would have taken it.
But knowing now what I didnt know then, I'm glad it wasn't an option.
Now I realize not all parents are like mine. I was doubly blessed.
But in the end I don't want the government making that choice for me.
What if the law was I had to abort due to my age or ability?
I would never be the proud grandma of an 18 year old grandson.

So to try and answer your question, I believe a moderate is someone who takes all things into consideration. Not because the "gang" feels this way or that way. But what is best for the people they represent.
I hope this helps.

Surely what is the most important thing is what is best for the child? Is it best for the child to kill it if it is inconvenient? Is it best for the child to be born and loved by someone? If abortion was abolished, there are enough parents out there desperate to adopt a child. With that fact in mind, surely a caring society would ban abortion as there is no need for anyone to have their baby killed.

Sadly like all things of this nature government goes down the slippery slope and what was made legal for specific reasons has been made legal for any reason.

The same with homosexuality. They legalized it but now we have to bow down to the homosexual religion and conform to every demand they make. If you don't you could find yourself in prison. Society has been warned that this would happen but they chose to ignore the fact and now it is under the thumb of the Gaystapo. You can't even have faith in your faith if it upsets the homosexuals. They shamed the government into allowing them to adopt children. Did they want children? No. They wanted children to legitimize homosexual marriage. What the child needs were of no consequence. Most of the stories I have read about homosexuals and children is that they are there to make the homosexual happy. Me, myself and I.

You obviously made the very best of a bad job and have done well, but we all need to go back to square one and think through the consequences for the child if we do not curb our appetites and give way to sensual selfishness which the father of your baby did not do.
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I think asking the question if it is a sin to vote for a Democrat is provocative and judgmental. I believe in freedom of conscience; and I don't need pressure put on me that people will think I'm a sinner if I vote for a Democrat. In fact, it makes me apt to look at Republicans as the party of narrow-mindedness and religious bigotry. When Trump says God is on his side, it repulses me. I don't need or want lectures on religion from a politician. When he waved the Bible, it repulsed me.

Supporting Israel? In my opinion, Jared Kushner whose family gave money to support illegal Israeli settlements was behind that. And churches who think Jesus can't come unless another Temple is built first so Antichrist can come are behind that. I don't think Donald Trump can make Jesus come any faster by supporting the corrupt Netanyahu.

We have already gone over the abortion issue. Trump has done nothing to save lives. It's empty talk to get evangelicals to vote for him. It's hot air.

@Giuliano , you really didn't answer my questions. Yesterday, you demanded that I answer your question about where aborted babies go when they die.

So, ALL Republicans are bigots because ONE person asked if it's a sin to vote for a Democrat and a few people on this forum think that it is? Painting with a broad, bigoted brush, are we? And you're not bigoted: "strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and intolerant of those who differ."

I completely understand how you feel about Trump. I do. Because that's exactly how I felt about Obama as he tore our nation apart. I almost didn't recognize America when he and Biden got through with her. But I must be a racist if I didn't like him, right? Nope. I voted for Alan Keyes in the primaries when he ran for POTUS and objected when he was treated horribly by some in the Republican Party. Bet you didn't even hear about that because the liberal media didn't seem to care.... For some reason the mistreatment of Keyes wasn't racist. Go figure.

But where is your love for Trump? That's what is being demanded of everyone on this forum. I mean, love for our fellow man. And I agree that we should love others, but it sounds like you HATE Trump, saying that you're repulsed by him....

About Trump supporting Israel, you just assigned an evil motive to Trump about this even though you don't KNOW what's in his heart. This is the very definition of judging others. Maybe his support of Israel is based on the fact that his son-in-law is Jewish. I have no idea. But so what if it is? The fact is that Trump has given full support to the only stable democracy in the Middle East, unlike Obama who threw Israel under the bus many times.

You don't think Trump has done anything to save lives with his pro-life stance? Perhaps the National Right to Life Committee can shed some light on this. Here's a very basic comparison of the Trump and Biden from NRLC that lists a FEW of Trump's pro-life policies.

Can I prove that these and other of Trump's pro-life policies have saved? No, but it's very possible that they have. And this list doesn't include Trump's 3rd pro-life Supreme Court appointee! I'm praying that Judge Barrett is confirmed quickly, and that with so many pro-life justices, the horrible ruling Roe v Wade will FINALLY be overturned resulting in millions of lives being saved!!!!!!!!!!!

Where do the Candidates Stand on Abortion?

Abortion on Demand

The 1973 Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton U.S. Supreme Court decisions legalized abortion on demand throughout the United States, resulting in more than 61 million abortions.

President Trump has proven his pro-life commitment.

As president he has appointed pro-life advocates in his cabinet and administration, restored the “Mexico City Policy,” and he has pledged “to veto any legislation that weakens current pro-life federal policies and laws, or that encourages the destruction of innocent human life.”

Joe Biden supports the current policy of abortion on demand. Joe Biden voted for the Harkin Amendment to endorse Roe v. Wade, which allows abortion for any reason. Joe Biden supports the Democratic platform of unlimited abortion even through birth.

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act would prohibit abortions after the unborn child is capable of feeling pain from abortion.

In his 2019 State of the Union speech, President Donald Trump called on Congress to “pass legislation to prohibit the late-term abortion of children who can feel pain in the mother’s womb.”

When asked about prohibiting abortions after 20 weeks when the unborn child can feel pain, Joe Biden said, “I’m not going to interfere with that,” which would allow abortion through birth.

Taxpayer Funding of Abortion

President Trump opposes using tax dollars to pay for abortion. His administration issued regulations to ensure Title X funding does not go to facilities that perform or refer for abortions. He also cut off funding for the UNFPA due to their involvement in China’s forced abortion program.

Joe Biden supports using tax dollars to pay for abortion. Joe Biden says he supports elimination of the Hyde Amendment. Joe Biden voted for taxpayer funding of overseas pro-abortion organizations.

Nominations to the U.S. Supreme Court

The fundamental documents of American democracy and freedom, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, have given us essential principles to be respected by the courts such as the “unalienable” right to life.
The next president may have the opportunity to appoint one to three justices to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Donald Trump has appointed Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. These appointments are consistent with the belief that federal courts should enforce rights truly based on the text and history of the Constitution.

Joe Biden pledges that his judicial nominees would “support the right of privacy, on which the entire notion of a woman’s right to choose is based.”

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Seven of Nine

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
North Texas
United States
It certainly is nice to see a president that is not afraid to support the bible :)

If Trump knew anything significant about the Bible, then he wouldn’t have said Two Corinthians. It’s obvious he was only trying to impress his supporters by holding up a Bible. It was a photo-op. I’m sure he knew it would flatter his supporters and he was right. He knows how to pander to them and he has them eating out of his hand. It’s not surprising he’s compared to the Pied Piper or it's said he plays his supporters like a fiddle.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
I have to admit you follow our President a lot more closely than I do.
I tend to watch the Round Tables and Conferences and Briefs more than the Rally's and Publicity stunts if you want to call them that.
Some things are made for performance and other things are strictly business. I tend to lean on the business side.
As far as the protesters getting tear gassed, how many times you tell a child to keep their hand off the stove before they get burned and they don't listen and have to find out for themselves?
They were told 3 times to move a block down. They didn't heed the warning.

I have no mercy and no pity for anarchists who think it wise to burn down churches or anything that doesn't belong to them.
Did you catch the big differences between Clinton and Trump? Clinton had a reason to have a Bible. He had gone to a church service and taken his with him. That was how he was photographed in front of a church. By the way Clinton was smiling, I couldn't be sure why he raised the Bible. I thought maybe he wanted to wave to the press and had the Bible in his hand.

Trump wasn't going to church. He had no reason to go there except get his picture taken.

There is some uncertainty about how loud the warning was to the protesters. One credible witness (I think he was part of the police or military) said he was close by and could scarcely hear it himself.

Note too that Trump did nothing when St. John's was being broken into and set on fire. They let that happen. They didn't take steps to protect the church. Where were the tear gas and rubber bullets when people were actually committing crimes? Why use them against protesters when their only crime was blocking the street Trump wanted to walk on?

So Trump goes to church, they pass around the collection plate, he makes a donation and that makes you upset?
I would probably be upset if he didnt donate.. nah.. it wouldnt bother me one way or another.
But some people so busy worrying about the mote in their brothers eye.
I didn't see the one with Melania.
And according to those videos, whoever was taping was more interested in the donation than the message, and it was the Pastor who was trumpeting not Trump.
Judge not.... well you know the rest
I can see what kind of person he is. The Bible says not to give donations in public to get the applause of others. There Trump was giving money to a church in public, and he was receiving "the glory of men" when the minister was praising him. The passage fits very well.

Judge not? Let me repeat that passage. When Jesus described the hypocrites of his day, he surely expected the people he was talking to to recognize what type of person he meant. We should be able to spot them today too.

Matthew 6:1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

Am I judging him? I try not to judge anyone. Anyone can repent of his shortcomings if he can recognize and admit he has them.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
If Trump knew anything significant about the Bible, then he wouldn’t have said Two Corinthians. It’s so obvious that he was only trying to impress his supporters by holding up a Bible. It was a photo-op. I’m sure he knew it would flatter his supporters and he was right. He knows exactly how to pander to them. He practically has them eating out of his hand. It’s not surprising he’s been compared to the Pied Piper or that it’s been said he plays his supporters like a fiddle.
And then he laughs at them behind their backs according to his ex-lawyer Michael Cohen.

Michael Cohen says Trump once said after meeting evangelical Christians: 'Can you believe people believe that bulls---?'

The Washington Post, which obtained a copy of the book before its release, reported one passage in which Cohen details what he says happened after Trump met with prominent evangelical leaders at Trump Tower in 2016 before winning the presidency.

After the meeting was over, Cohen says, Trump said: "Can you believe that -------? Can you believe people believe that -------?"
Senator Sasse and other Republicans were flabbergasted by Trump's waving a Bible.

June 2, 2020 GOP senators offer rare rebuke of Trump on church visit

"There is no right to riot, no right to destroy others' property ... but there is a fundamental — a Constitutional — right to protest, and I'm against clearing out a peaceful protest for a photo op that treats the Word of God as a political prop,'' said Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse.

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, the only black Republican in the Senate, said Trump's visit to the church was unhelpful and not something Scott would have done.

"Obviously, if your question is, should you use tear gas to clear a path so the president can go have a photo-op, the answer is no," Scott told Politico Tuesday, while noting he did not personally see the incident.

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said it was "painful to watch peaceful protesters be subjected to tear gas in order for the president to go across the street to a church that I believe he's attended only once.'' While Americans are justifiably upset that the historic church was set on fire and vandalized, "I thought that the president came across as unsympathetic and insensitive,'' she said.

Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., called Trump's walk to the church "confrontational" and said it "distracted from his important message in the Rose Garden about our national grief, racism, peaceful protests and lawful assembly.'' That message "was drowned out by an awkward photo op,'' Lankford said.

Sasse, who has at times criticized Trump but won his endorsement for reelection, said public officials nationwide "should be lowering the temperature" over protests and violence following the death in police custody of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, in Minnesota. Four Minneapolis police officers have been fired and one has been charged with murder in Floyd's death.

"Police injustice — like the evil murder of George Floyd — is repugnant and merits peaceful protest aimed at change,'' Sasse said, adding that "riots are abhorrent acts of violence that hurt the innocent.'' Both messages should be heard as Americans work to end violence and injustice, Sasse said.

And more recently, Sasse was more emphatic about how Trump really looks at the evangelicals.

Republican U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse told Nebraska constituents in a telephone town hall meeting that President Donald Trump has “flirted with white supremacists,” mocks Christian evangelicals in private, and “kisses dictators' butts.”

Sasse, who is running for a second term representing the reliably red state, made the comments in response to a question about why he has been willing to publicly criticize a president of his own party. He also criticized Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic and said Trump's family has treated the presidency “like a business opportunity.”

I think maybe Sasse has actually read his Bible and knows how to spot a hypocrite when he sees one. There may be hope yet for the Republican Party if it can cure itself of the wounds Trump has inflicted on it.
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Aug 4, 2019
United States
@Giuliano , you really didn't answer my questions. Yesterday, you demanded that I answer your question about where aborted babies go when they die.

So, ALL Republicans are bigots because ONE person asked if it's a sin to vote for a Democrat and a few people on this forum think that it is? Painting with a broad, bigoted brush, are we? And you're not bigoted: "strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and intolerant of those who differ."

I completely understand how you feel about Trump. I do. Because that's exactly how I felt about Obama as he tore our nation apart. I almost didn't recognize America when he and Biden got through with her. But I must be a racist if I didn't like him, right? Nope. I voted for Alan Keyes in the primaries when he ran for POTUS and objected when he was treated horribly by some in the Republican Party. Bet you didn't even hear about that because the liberal media didn't seem to care.... For some reason the mistreatment of Keyes wasn't racist. Go figure.

But where is your love for Trump? That's what is being demanded of everyone on this forum. I mean, love for our fellow man. And I agree that we should love others, but it sounds like you HATE Trump, saying that you're repulsed by him....

About Trump supporting Israel, you just assigned an evil motive to Trump about this even though you don't KNOW what's in his heart. This is the very definition of judging others. Maybe his support of Israel is based on the fact that his son-in-law is Jewish. I have no idea. But so what if it is? The fact is that Trump has given full support to the only stable democracy in the Middle East, unlike Obama who threw Israel under the bus many times.

You don't think Trump has done anything to save lives with his pro-life stance? Perhaps the National Right to Life Committee can shed some light on this. Here's a very basic comparison of the Trump and Biden from NRLC that lists a FEW of Trump's pro-life policies.

Can I prove that these and other of Trump's pro-life policies have saved? No, but it's very possible that they have. And this list doesn't include Trump's 3rd pro-life Supreme Court appointee! I'm praying that Judge Barrett is confirmed quickly, and that with so many pro-life justices, the horrible ruling Roe v Wade will FINALLY be overturned resulting in millions of lives being saved!!!!!!!!!!!

Where do the Candidates Stand on Abortion?

Abortion on Demand

The 1973 Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton U.S. Supreme Court decisions legalized abortion on demand throughout the United States, resulting in more than 61 million abortions.

President Trump has proven his pro-life commitment.

As president he has appointed pro-life advocates in his cabinet and administration, restored the “Mexico City Policy,” and he has pledged “to veto any legislation that weakens current pro-life federal policies and laws, or that encourages the destruction of innocent human life.”

Joe Biden supports the current policy of abortion on demand. Joe Biden voted for the Harkin Amendment to endorse Roe v. Wade, which allows abortion for any reason. Joe Biden supports the Democratic platform of unlimited abortion even through birth.

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act would prohibit abortions after the unborn child is capable of feeling pain from abortion.

In his 2019 State of the Union speech, President Donald Trump called on Congress to “pass legislation to prohibit the late-term abortion of children who can feel pain in the mother’s womb.”

When asked about prohibiting abortions after 20 weeks when the unborn child can feel pain, Joe Biden said, “I’m not going to interfere with that,” which would allow abortion through birth.

Taxpayer Funding of Abortion

President Trump opposes using tax dollars to pay for abortion. His administration issued regulations to ensure Title X funding does not go to facilities that perform or refer for abortions. He also cut off funding for the UNFPA due to their involvement in China’s forced abortion program.

Joe Biden supports using tax dollars to pay for abortion. Joe Biden says he supports elimination of the Hyde Amendment. Joe Biden voted for taxpayer funding of overseas pro-abortion organizations.

Nominations to the U.S. Supreme Court

The fundamental documents of American democracy and freedom, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, have given us essential principles to be respected by the courts such as the “unalienable” right to life.
The next president may have the opportunity to appoint one to three justices to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Donald Trump has appointed Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. These appointments are consistent with the belief that federal courts should enforce rights truly based on the text and history of the Constitution.

Joe Biden pledges that his judicial nominees would “support the right of privacy, on which the entire notion of a woman’s right to choose is based.”

You keep thinking the Supreme Court can fix this. It can't. You could have nine Catholics on the Supreme Court and they still couldn't fix it. I repeat: If Roe v. Wade was overturned, all it would mean is that matter would revert to the states the way it was years ago. You would need a constitutional amendment to ban it nationally. It is all a lot of hot air. Ronald Reagan talked about an amendment to the constitution banning abortion. He never even tried to get it through Congress.

I am not even sure if he really was anti-abortion. He signed a very liberal law when he was governor of California. Then when he wanted to run for President, he changed his position and got the endorsement of religious folks. Sounds like Trump, doesn't it?

Reagan’s Darkest Hour | National Review

As president, Ronald Reagan was an unflagging champion of unborn human life. “Today there is a wound in our national conscience,” Reagan told a joint session of Congress in his 1986 State of the Union. “America will never be whole as long as the right to life granted by our Creator is denied to the unborn.”

But honest discussions of Reagan’s record on the abortion issue admit that as California governor he signed into law a liberalization of abortion that led to an explosion of abortions in the nation’s largest state. Reagan critics and supporters alike recognize this fact — one that is particularly tough to swallow for staunch pro-lifers. The full story, however, is more complicated — and worth setting straight now, 35 years after Roe v. Wade.

On June 14, 1967, Ronald Reagan signed the Therapeutic Abortion Act, after only six months as California governor. From a total of 518 legal abortions in California in 1967, the number of abortions would soar to an annual average of 100,000 in the remaining years of Reagan’s two terms — more abortions than in any U.S. state prior to the advent of Roe v. Wade. Reagan’s signing of the abortion bill was an ironic beginning for a man often seen as the modern father of the pro-life movement. How did this happen?

And Republicans have continued to play the "Moral Majority" like a fiddle ever since. Falwell Sr helped Reagan win, and Falwell Jr helped Trump win. All you have to do to get the evangelical vote is tell them you're against abortion. If you were for it before, say you changed your mind.

Wake up and smell the coffee. If anyone is going to solve this problem, it will be our churches. Our churches are in such ruins now that some people think our public schools should teach children how to pray.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
But where is your love for Trump? That's what is being demanded of everyone on this forum. I mean, love for our fellow man. And I agree that we should love others, but it sounds like you HATE Trump, saying that you're repulsed by him....
He's very talented at putting on spectacles. I think he'd be happier if he returned to what he's good at. He'd be happier, Melania would be, and it would take the pressure off his kids -- I can see how they seem to be having mental meltdowns too because he expects too much from them -- and the nation could become sane and civil again the way it was before he sowed division and tried to bully everyone into submission. He even attacks Republicans if they don't bow down to him. "Go back to TV, Mr. President. Do what you're good at. And then you can play as much golf as you want without people criticizing you."

Can't you see he feels like a failure and is pretending to be brave? It's the way his parents brought him up, and he's never escaped that upbringing. He treats other people the way his father treated him. He's miserable inside; and not one of the ministers around him are interested in him finding inner peace. They too have betrayed him.

You bet I feel sorry for him. I tend to feel sorry for a lot of rich people. They find it hard to be completely sure if people love them or if they're hanging around for favors.

Yes, I am repulsed by him because he should know how his father treated him was wrong. He could have applied the Golden Rule and treats other in ways he knows he doesn't like to be treated. But some people hang out with him because of his money and power. They don't really love him. You can see that by the kind of vicious things they write about him in books later. If they can make a buck writing nasty things about him after they break with him, they will. That's the kind of people Trump surrounds himself with. Then there were decent people working for him -- they either got fired or quit -- some of them wrote books thinking the American people should know what kind of person he really is.
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