Is it a sin for a Christian to vote for a Democrat?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
Communism is not really politics.
I do not believe in making mountains out of mole hills.
The issues that we are dealing with are so evil that there is no middle ground....are Christians going to come to a middle ground and agree to only murder 300,000 babies next year? Are we going to teach are children to only use some drugs? Are Christians going to abandon biblical morals regarding homosexuality and gay marriage?

You know I am multi-denominational and that takes a certain amount of tolerance and middle ground. But I can do that without violating the basic morality of Christianity. I believe Christians have the right to believe differently, but they need to admit to themselves and others that they are not in accordance with the scriptures. And I am not a traditional Christian, for example I believe in Yahweh, God the Father, creator of all things...I believe in God the Son, the real blood Son of God, our Savior. I believe in the unnamed God, the Holy Spirit. I believe that they are united, in accord, but not one person. Now that is debate. And that is a difference in theology. But I am willing to admit to myself and others that there are scriptures that indicate that Yeshua was /is eternal, that Yahweh has pretty much turned everything over to Christ and some scriptures indicate that Yeshua was the creator God. So that mean that there are things that I disagree with in the Bible. But I admit it.

But harmony and tolerance, what do they mean? Theology is one thing but over the top evil is another. Are we going to hold the Bible in one hand and say anything goes with out mouth? Is it just an opinion that some Christians support not only the murder of babies, but 8 million babies, just in the United States alone. At least people need to be honest with themselves. They believe in Christ, they want to call themselves Christians but they need to admit they hold no allegiance to biblical morals. It could be a new denomination! They could put a positive spin, the "Morals free" religion. It is a slippery slop because, if you give evil an inch, Satan will take a mile.

What is next, people taking their elderly parents in to bless them with euthanasia, that way we are killing at both ends?
What about troublesome teenagers, what about retro abortions....we would not want to call it murder. At least admit it, that they believe in the anything goes religion. These people that say they are Christians but do not stand for morals are straight up hypocrites. At least if they admit that their moral compass in not inline with Bible...then they are not hypocrites and they can start a new denomination. "We believe in Christ, but we are really not that concerned about the Bible. Some of this is more than just differences and there is no middle ground.
Well...I actually agree with you. I don't think Christians ought to vote for a third party simply to save their conscious.'s not my's there's. They will stand before Christ and he will know if they were taking the easy way out or if they were acting as they truly felt led.
I'm...not the wisest political tool in the shed, but it just seems to me that voting for a person or party that has no possible chance of winning is abdicating a responsibility to stand for certain truths and issues that as Christians we ought to fight for. But again, that's just me,
And I absolutely agree with you on the whole communism thing. Let's face it, even if Biden wins, he's not going to sit in the Oval Office's going to be Kamalah, and she makes Bernie look liberal.
All that to say, however, while this IS my conviction, and I DON'T understand Christians voting Democrat, I also refuse to engage in the sort of liberal, cancelling, nasty nonsense that is even now entering the Church. Our fruit is supposed to be better than that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Every time a Christian votes for a loser he/she votes against God.

Romans 13:1-2 (NKJV)
1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
At what stage .. should we ban masturbation ? - is every sperm "sacred" as per the Monty Python skit ?

I do believe that at some point during the process - abortion is morally wrong - that point being when a soul is present.

Do not that there is a difference between A) having a religious belief and B) forcing that belief on someone else through physical violence

- and so for this reason I am against legislation on the basis of individual religious belief. I do not want Theocracy - and Jesus did not want this either.
I appreciate that answer.
So how do we know when a soul is present?
Is there a scientific study somewhere to prove when life begins?
I'm against any legislature that has to do with ones faith period.
I believe that a decision as important as life and death should be between both the Father and the Mother and the doctor if all 3 are available.
Because she didn't get pregnant by herself and he should be able to have a say.
But if the Father chooses not to be responsible, then it should be a medical decision.
I do personally have limitations on why though.
But that is me. I have to live with MY decisions.
I would not terminate a pregnancy unless my doctor said it's either me or the child.
I can have more children.... maybe.. well not in my case.
Because if all there is is me to raise the child and I should die during birth, what would happen to the child?
I would make sure there was a family waiting with open arms.
So after coming to that conclusion in myself..
I would not terminate. I would find a home for the child before I died.
If there is a Father that would take resposibility, all the better.
I was going to delete and rewrite but I'm going to leave it as is so you can see how I come to my conclusions.

Now.. what would you do and why?
Thank you


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
Only God knows for sure. You're playing God. Let them live!

Let the Sperm live ? You seriously think every sperm is sacred .

Wow .. how is it that you think a sperm is so valuable .. but you agree with the slaughter the babies and children in towns for the actions of some of the townspeople whom these babies are not related to .. because you think this is God's Law.

That is downright loopy in my books


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
Every time a Christian votes for a loser he/she votes against God.

Romans 13:1-2 (NKJV)
1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.

That is one of the dumbest things Paul said - not his brightest moment .. and definitely not inspired.

That said .. it is no surprise that you think that nasty Totalitarian Dictators like Hitler and Stalin are Gods Chosen servants for your your benefit and you should not rebel against them.

These nasty dictators would have no problem implementing your version of "Gods Word" and institute the slaughter all the babies and children in towns as punishment for the actions of others in the town who were worshiping other Gods.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
I appreciate that answer.
So how do we know when a soul is present?
Is there a scientific study somewhere to prove when life begins?
I'm against any legislature that has to do with ones faith period.
I believe that a decision as important as life and death should be between both the Father and the Mother and the doctor if all 3 are available.
Because she didn't get pregnant by herself and he should be able to have a say.
But if the Father chooses not to be responsible, then it should be a medical decision.
I do personally have limitations on why though.
But that is me. I have to live with MY decisions.
I would not terminate a pregnancy unless my doctor said it's either me or the child.
I can have more children.... maybe.. well not in my case.
Because if all there is is me to raise the child and I should die during birth, what would happen to the child?
I would make sure there was a family waiting with open arms.
So after coming to that conclusion in myself..
I would not terminate. I would find a home for the child before I died.
If there is a Father that would take resposibility, all the better.
I was going to delete and rewrite but I'm going to leave it as is so you can see how I come to my conclusions.

Now.. what would you do and why?
Thank you

The soul question is an interesting one - but critical to any religious debate on abortion - for if no soul exists then how can we say a Person exists ?

So when you go to heaven - and after 10,000 years of Hail Mary's you wish to take a vacation - and live out another life on one of the millions of world out there in the Universe. The one rule being that you will not remember your past life .. until you get back to heaven - where would you go ?

More importantly to this convo - when would you enter the fleshy vessel awaiting you ? - knowing that you are going to blank out - and reawaken with no memory of your past life.

There is no point in entering the fleshy vessel prior to that vessel having the wiring for the brain complete .. without which .. conscious is not possible .. so .. until this point there is no such thing as "waking up" .. no such thing as thought .. no such thing as a soul.

I think therefor I am.

From a Science Perspective - prior to the wiring of the brain being completed -there is no significant brain activity.. as the wiring of the brain nears completion however, the brain lights up like a Christmas Tree.

Also .. at this point - the odds of the Fetus making it are very high .. whereas if the soul enters at the zygote stage - the odds that the zygote will make it are quite low .. 75% don't make it through Gestation. One would think that if God was so concerned about the zygote - he would have not put so many barriers in place.

So that is my answer from a religious and moral perspective. I have serious moral issues with abortion after sentience/ cognition has been established.

The legal question is different .. I do not favor law on the basis of " We don't know otherwise" as this is a horrible justification for law.
I am not in favor of forcing my personal religious beliefs on others through physical violence.

From a personal perspective .. I do not have a problem with abortion in the early stages -as I do not believe a soul exists prior to sentience.
The earlier the better.

Later on I have little respect for a woman who - after 4 months or more - decides to have an abortion.. What was the logic here .. lets see how big the Fetus can get before we terminate ?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2011
@Huperetes Sorry for dragging you into this.

Is this what you would call righteous judgement @Prayer Warrior @teamventure? Or is this just namecalling from the Right? Or perhaps it might be even considered cursing?

I would like to know your opinions on this. Because we are not meant to curse other humans as New Testament Christians at all.

What are we meant to do? We are even meant to "Bless those who curse you."

Perhaps I even question does this kind of talk bring people to Christ? Or push them away from Christ?

If there is power in the tongue of life and death, is it good speaking words like this? If we want people to come to Christ?

Okay, why ask me? I didn't call anyone those names. No offense, but your question is kind of like when Chris Wallace asked Trump in the presidential debate if Trump condemns the kkk.


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Right .. and I am agreeing with you :) and the mind is not present .. not functional - until the time period specified in the last post.
The conscious mind develops fully by
I would say the soul activates a Body's LIFE ...Bodys life is Blood.
and importantly the senses...
We are Created with-
Ears, nose, eyes, touch, mouth---
But those things do not hear, smell, see, feel, speak Until we, the Created are MADE Living, by a Living soul entering into the Body...and WHEN the Living soul departs, the senses, (not the body parts) remain in the Living soul.

The Souls LIFE is Gods Breath.

A Departed Living soul, Saved- is escourted by Angels to Heaven, Comfort and Rest with God.
A Departed Living soul, Unsaved is sent to Hell, without God, without comfort or rest.

A man has a natural spirit...which is simply a mans True thoughts in his Heart...(regardless of what his mind is thinking)

It is a confession of the Heart, of Belief, that Gods Hears, of a man's natural spirit.

Born Again- is the process of Gods circumcision of your natural heart. Giving you a new heart. Planting His Seed (which IS Christ) in your new Heart, birthing your "Born Again Spirit" and Feeding your new spirit in your new heart, His Truth. (Called the Spirit of Truth).
His Seed, His Spirit, Remains in you, (and your spirit) until Physical BODILY Death, then goes to Gods Hand in Heaven.

Glory to God,
First...a couple of verses to consider.

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
— Hebrews 4:12 (KJV)

“And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
— 1 Thessalonians 5:23 (KJV)

Soul=emotional and psychological aspects of our being
Spirit=Life and was put in us by God and will return to Him when we die.
Body=all DNA....which makes up the whole anatomy and is mainly geared to react to the physical senses of taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing.

Why does God use a sword to separate the soul and spirit?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
The conscious mind develops fully by

First...a couple of verses to consider.

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
— Hebrews 4:12 (KJV)

“And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
— 1 Thessalonians 5:23 (KJV)

Soul=emotional and psychological aspects of our being
Spirit=Life and was put in us by God and will return to Him when we die.
Body=all DNA....which makes up the whole anatomy and is mainly geared to react to the physical senses of taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing.

Why does God use a sword to separate the soul and spirit?

Are you going to leave us hanging ? Why does God use a Sword to separate soul and spirit ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
That is one of the dumbest things Paul said - not his brightest moment .. and definitely not inspired.

That said .. it is no surprise that you think that nasty Totalitarian Dictators like Hitler and Stalin are Gods Chosen servants for your your benefit and you should not rebel against them.

These nasty dictators would have no problem implementing your version of "Gods Word" and institute the slaughter all the babies and children in towns as punishment for the actions of others in the town who were worshiping other Gods.
Romans 9:17
For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.

Exodus 9:16
But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display to you My power, and that My name might be proclaimed in all the earth.


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Are you going to leave us hanging ? Why does God use a Sword to separate soul and spirit ?
Okay....His Sword is His is our weapon against the enemy, it is our strength in time of need.
The soul is willful and can be proud and haughty and rebel against His Truth. The soul is carnal and causes us to try to reason or logically explain His Word within its own ability to comprehend and understand the things of God. The soul can choose of its own free will to trust and believe in His Word or not. But, the soul can be disciplined to have the mind of Christ if it seeks His Word. The Soul desires truth, wisdom, knowledge and understanding and the soul that is saved willingly lays aside man's wisdom and seeks His Wisdom.
The spirit is born of God and is righteous through Christ. The spirit is strengthened and empowered by the Word daily.
The spirit understands the mind and will of God and seeks to be like Him in all areas of life.
The Sword divides the soul and spirit because one is fleshly and the other is spiritual....
So when Jesus said Be ye not conformed to the things of the world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.
We have to retrain our soul in the way it thinks and feels and reacts to the world.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
The soul question is an interesting one - but critical to any religious debate on abortion - for if no soul exists then how can we say a Person exists ?

So when you go to heaven - and after 10,000 years of Hail Mary's you wish to take a vacation - and live out another life on one of the millions of world out there in the Universe. The one rule being that you will not remember your past life .. until you get back to heaven - where would you go ?

More importantly to this convo - when would you enter the fleshy vessel awaiting you ? - knowing that you are going to blank out - and reawaken with no memory of your past life.

There is no point in entering the fleshy vessel prior to that vessel having the wiring for the brain complete .. without which .. conscious is not possible .. so .. until this point there is no such thing as "waking up" .. no such thing as thought .. no such thing as a soul.

I think therefor I am.

From a Science Perspective - prior to the wiring of the brain being completed -there is no significant brain activity.. as the wiring of the brain nears completion however, the brain lights up like a Christmas Tree.

Also .. at this point - the odds of the Fetus making it are very high .. whereas if the soul enters at the zygote stage - the odds that the zygote will make it are quite low .. 75% don't make it through Gestation. One would think that if God was so concerned about the zygote - he would have not put so many barriers in place.

So that is my answer from a religious and moral perspective. I have serious moral issues with abortion after sentience/ cognition has been established.

The legal question is different .. I do not favor law on the basis of " We don't know otherwise" as this is a horrible justification for law.
I am not in favor of forcing my personal religious beliefs on others through physical violence.

From a personal perspective .. I do not have a problem with abortion in the early stages -as I do not believe a soul exists prior to sentience.
The earlier the better.

Later on I have little respect for a woman who - after 4 months or more - decides to have an abortion.. What was the logic here .. lets see how big the Fetus can get before we terminate ?
Thank You

So when you go to heaven - and after 10,000 years of Hail Mary's you wish to take a vacation - and live out another life on one of the millions of world out there in the Universe. The one rule being that you will not remember your past life .. until you get back to heaven - where would you go ?

I don't believe we get to choose. I believe the choice is made for us.
So let's say some people don't believe God is a person. They believe God is Energy, the source.
And everything everywhere is made of energy. Even dark matter which is the non material between the material has energy.
Everything comes from and returns and always is a part of that energy, All the time.
Even a decompsing body is generating energy by the simple fact it's decomposing.
It's a doing thing. As long as something is doing, then energy is in it.
That is, God is all and in all.
Energy is moving through time and space.
Let's get personal shall we?
When a man a woman "know" eachother, they are doing.
Singularly within both there is energy. The energy coming from the man combines with the energy from the woman.
The husband shall cleave unto his wife and the wife shall cleave to her husband.
They both have energy in them. We call this energy Life.
Now during this "knowing" , a new energy, a new doing, is beginning.
At no point in time is energy not present.
Energy is in the sperm and in the egg. They are doing what they do.
When they bump into eachother figuratively speaking, we get the Big Bang.
And they two shall become one flesh.
It's still doing.
So the energy that makes up the mind of a zygote is was and always has been present.
At no time is there no energy, the energy is always present.
This would relate to the wiring of the brain.
It's always been there. Whether that wiring comes from the male or from the female or the combination of both,
the wiring is ever present. At no time was the wiring non existent. Because the energy is always present.

Then we come to housing of the wiring. What we call a brain.
Like putting a hot wire into an electric box.
If the power is always on you better be wearing some heavy duty rubber gloves.
Now the electric box is what houses the energy. It's a physical storage place that keeps and protects and has switches to where that energy is directed.
Heart, Organs, Limbs, the house. Livingroom kitchen bathroom etc.
Without the energy in the brain the lights don't go on in the bathroom.
So in order for the entire house to function properly energy must be flowing freely through it at all times.

That's the physical and functioning beginning of life.

Then we come to personality. Who are you?
At what point did you become you?
Have you always existed but need a new house?
Did you get to choose this house or was it designed for you in mind?
And what if the house isn't functioning properly?
If the house can't house you because of malfuntion, maybe that's what happens in miscarriages.
But now where are you?
I believe you are still the energy. It's just we need to find a new junction box and a new house.
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust (Physical), and the spirit/you returns to God/energy.

So the question is:
If the energy is flowing and the junction box is wired and the house is fully functional,
Do you have the authority to pull the plug?
Do you have the authority to dismantle the house?
Do you have the authority to destroy life?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
I am sure I haven't been reading the same things you have been.
There are journalists; there are activists; there are propagandists. Our responsibility as Christians is to sort out which is which. This isn't easy. But it must be done. Christians are "truth pioneers", exploring new areas of knowledge, and wisdom. The tools of our endeavor are curiosity, discernment, courage, hope and an innate love of the truth. We are seeking sources of information that are true, reliable, objective, and honest and we respect those who speak truthfully even if the truth is embarrassing. We would rather be told the truth and suffer briefly than live an entire lifetime with a lie. Truth is like a shot of medicine; it stings briefly but it's good for me.

My advice to all; question your sources. Are they journalists, activists or propagandists? All of them tell the truth to some degree, but we can not afford to trust them all to the same degree. Remain curious and use discernment.

Finally, some leaders stand behind you and push; other leaders charge out ahead and call you to keep up. Elect the leader you prefer.
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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
3 in 10 Democrats don't agree with their party on abortion.


When it comes to abortion, members of Congress are starkly divided by party. Almost all Democrats in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives stand with their party in support of abortion rights, while almost all Republicans reflect their party’s position against abortion rights.

Yet the partisan divide among Americans themselves is less stark, according to a 2019 Pew Research Center survey. As is true on many other political issues, sizable minorities of Republicans and Democrats say they do not agree with the dominant position on abortion of the party they identify with or lean toward. And within each partisan coalition, some groups are less likely than others to agree with their party on abortion.


Overall, roughly one-third of Americans who identify as Republican or as Republican-leaning independents do not agree with their party on abortion (35%), including 12% who say they agree with the Democratic Party on abortion and 23% who say they do not agree with either party. Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, three-in-ten do not agree with their party on abortion, including 7% who say they agree with the GOP and 22% who say they don’t agree with either party. (The same 2019 survey found that roughly a fifth to a third of Americans don’t agree with their party on issues including policies to deal with the economy, health care and illegal immigration.)

To better understand how Americans’ views on abortion align with partisan identification, we analyzed data from a previously published survey of 4,175 U.S. adults that was conducted July 22 to Aug. 4, 2019. All respondents to the survey are part of Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP), an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. For more, see the ATP’s methodology.

Here are the questions used for this analysis, along with responses, and its methodology.

Younger Republicans are less likely to stand with their party on abortion, with 56% of Republicans under 50 saying they agree with the GOP, compared with 71% of those ages 50 and older. Republicans who are religiously unaffiliated also are less likely than other Republicans to agree with their party on abortion. And four-in-ten Republicans who identify as liberal or moderate (41%) say they agree with the GOP on abortion, about half the share of those who identify as conservative (81%).

Among Democrats, 56% of those with a high school diploma or less education agree with their party on abortion, compared with 84% of college graduates who say this. In addition, roughly six-in-ten black (58%) and Hispanic (59%) Democrats support the party on abortion, compared with eight-in-ten white Democrats. And Democrats who identify as conservative or moderate also are much less likely to agree with their party than those who identify as liberal (57% vs. 85%). Those who live in the South (64%) or are affiliated with a religion also are less likely than other Democrats to agree with their party.

For the full article click here
Three-in-ten or more Democrats and Republicans don’t agree with their party on abortion


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
3 in 10 Democrats don't agree with their party on abortion.


When it comes to abortion, members of Congress are starkly divided by party. Almost all Democrats in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives stand with their party in support of abortion rights, while almost all Republicans reflect their party’s position against abortion rights.

Yet the partisan divide among Americans themselves is less stark, according to a 2019 Pew Research Center survey. As is true on many other political issues, sizable minorities of Republicans and Democrats say they do not agree with the dominant position on abortion of the party they identify with or lean toward. And within each partisan coalition, some groups are less likely than others to agree with their party on abortion.


Overall, roughly one-third of Americans who identify as Republican or as Republican-leaning independents do not agree with their party on abortion (35%), including 12% who say they agree with the Democratic Party on abortion and 23% who say they do not agree with either party. Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, three-in-ten do not agree with their party on abortion, including 7% who say they agree with the GOP and 22% who say they don’t agree with either party. (The same 2019 survey found that roughly a fifth to a third of Americans don’t agree with their party on issues including policies to deal with the economy, health care and illegal immigration.)

To better understand how Americans’ views on abortion align with partisan identification, we analyzed data from a previously published survey of 4,175 U.S. adults that was conducted July 22 to Aug. 4, 2019. All respondents to the survey are part of Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP), an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. For more, see the ATP’s methodology.

Here are the questions used for this analysis, along with responses, and its methodology.

Younger Republicans are less likely to stand with their party on abortion, with 56% of Republicans under 50 saying they agree with the GOP, compared with 71% of those ages 50 and older. Republicans who are religiously unaffiliated also are less likely than other Republicans to agree with their party on abortion. And four-in-ten Republicans who identify as liberal or moderate (41%) say they agree with the GOP on abortion, about half the share of those who identify as conservative (81%).

Among Democrats, 56% of those with a high school diploma or less education agree with their party on abortion, compared with 84% of college graduates who say this. In addition, roughly six-in-ten black (58%) and Hispanic (59%) Democrats support the party on abortion, compared with eight-in-ten white Democrats. And Democrats who identify as conservative or moderate also are much less likely to agree with their party than those who identify as liberal (57% vs. 85%). Those who live in the South (64%) or are affiliated with a religion also are less likely than other Democrats to agree with their party.

For the full article click here
Three-in-ten or more Democrats and Republicans don’t agree with their party on abortion
The democratic party is fractured into three factions.
And getting two out of the three to actually be energized enough to vote for a candidate or against the other party's candidate is a massive undertaking.

Bush JR was a really bad leader for party politics. He allowed the Republicans to fracture and become impotent on so many issues.

Trump talked a little bit about it last night with taking money from Wall Street.

Sure there's billions of dollars available...but it has all has strings attached. They don't give you that kind of money for no reason. They expect you to behave in a specific fashion...if you already believe that what they want is good and ok then you take the money. Most have no beliefs except in the money. (Joe)

And that's what we currently have going on.

And it's also known that Democrats are much cheaper than Republicans.
Until Joe Biden...he's really expensive of gotta pay him AND one other family member.
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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
The democratic party is fractured into three factions.
And getting two out of the three to actually be energized enough to vote for a candidate or against the other party's candidate is a massive undertaking.

Bush JR was a really bad leader for party politics. He allowed the Republicans to fracture and become impotent on so many issues.

Trump talked a little bit about it last night with taking money from Wall Street.

Sure there's billions of dollars available...but it has all has strings attached. They don't give you that kind of money for no reason. They expect you to behave in a specific fashion...if you already believe that what they want is good and ok then you take the money. Most have no beliefs except in the money. (Joe)

And that's what we currently have going on.

And it's also known that Democrats are much cheaper than Republicans.
Until Joe Biden...he's really expensive of gotta pay him AND one other family member.

I was a kid when George Bush Jr was President of the USA, I didn't think of him as a bad leader, I thought he was quite respectable and an honourable man as a kid. :p

But you would know more than me. I guess it was just his public image at the time. Kind of like how John Howard had quite a good public image at the time, they both seemed quite professional about their jobs.

But politics didn't look as dirty in those days, it seemed a lot more innocent.
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