The deep danger of politicizing Christianity. It simply reveals our deep need for revival.

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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
You’re not being consistent. Either God places specific people in power, or He doesn’t. The Bible clearly shows that He does even though He can use whomever He chooses.

I would just add that either it’s God’s will for Trump to serve another term or it’s not. I believe that it is God’s will. We will see.
Your right sister . NO matter who rules , GOD set them up . EVEN PHAROAH .
Where you might be wrong is this , I DIDNT SEE repentance . GOD KNEW near the end the world and even most who profess him
would fall away and wax worse . HE also said , FOR GOD has determined , purposed
That the kings would agree with the beast . ITS OVER SISTER . WE REALLY ARE IN THE LAST DAYS .
NOT ONLY that , but unless we think paul is false , PAUL when writing to the church of thessaolonica
warns . He says GOD will send , GOD , GOD allows it , A STRONG DELUSION that they should belive a lie and be damned .
OOOPS , iknow that dont sound like the all inclusive love image of GOD preached today . BUT TIS TRUE PEROID .
WE IN the days of two things . ONE great deception . and two where it leads .
IN the endit wil lead the huggers yet not doctrinal , RIGHT TO the beast and that end is perdition .
CLING TO BIBLES and JESUS and test every one who does speak . THE SOCIAL MARXIST MOVMENT is not just in politics ITS ALL OVER
conservate , liberal faiths , and all over the false religoins . THEY did not just infiltrate education and politics , The social unity we are one

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Consider all the satanic rulers in the history of the world.
I Do . and pope francis is head of most . that man is dangerous . I care less if i get banned for speaking truth .
And the majorority of the protenstant churches are underthat sway too .
Folks we seem wise cause we can see the social communist move in politics , BUT WE DUMB as dirt when it comes to the religoins .
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Consider all the satanic rulers in the history of the world.

Remember God has little to nothing to do with gentile nations. His two concerns are the church and remembering His covenants with teh nation of Israel.

He will use gentiles to affect a purpose for Israel as He has done many many times in the past.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Remember God has little to nothing to do with gentile nations. His two concerns are the church and remembering His covenants with teh nation of Israel.

He will use gentiles to affect a purpose for Israel as He has done many many times in the past.
Thank you for your thoughts. :)
I don't accept that is true as regards Gentiles.


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2020
United States
I have apologized to Balaam's donkey. He is actually pretty intelligent, and I feel would do much better than Biden as President. Of course I still hope that this fraudulent election will be thrown out.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
I am a Christian, not a Republican. AS A CHRISTIAN, I will NEVER support an organization that promotes the legalization of abortion or any other evil. In fact, I will expose and oppose them however I can, and I encourage other Christians to do so. Perhaps those who are okay with abortion will like your post.

"Willfully blind??" "Close-mindedness??" Not too diplomatic of you, my dear brother.

However, I pray that God will bless you and keep you!

Edit: Just to be clear, I do not believe that all Republicans are good. I know that there are plenty of bad eggs in the GOP.
I meant no harm. I am just asking to think about it. It simply seems to me that the Republican party may have as part of its platform that it is truly anti-abortion, but after four years in power, I do not remember any steps taken in earnest to stop it. No laws passed. No mass Republican rallies against it.

It seems like they are content have it listed on their platform and the box checked, but as far as acrual actions taken , what am I missing?

Do you believe that all Democrats support it? Because we used to have two parties with somewhat basic platforms, but there were moderates in both as well as people who
I am not sure how this will be received, but it must be said. The rift created by this election should scare the pants off of us, not because the party we are affiliated with may not like the results, nor because some are now talking about armed civil war (although that is truly disturbing) but because, ultimately, it reveals the terrible state of the church here in the U.S.

We as His body are called to be the salt of the earth, its 'preservative' from evil having free rein, but sadly, the truth is, we have become sucked into the earths death throlls and on each side of the argument, Christians have been deceived, each one convinced that satan is motivating the other side. The truth is, they are both right.

We as His eternal children, are not of the earth. We are simply sojourners, passers through, but we simply do not get that yet. This is not our home. It never was. I have seen posts here even recently talking about armed rebellion to send 'the left' to see satan. Good Lord, have mercy on us!

On the one side, you have those approving abortion, transgender treatment for kids, gay marriage and stopping support of Israel. On the other side, a leader willing to separate children from parent, one who lies constantly, a man who has no moral compass at all, who has an army of yes men to do his bidding no matter what laws he has to break to get his way. Conspiracy theories have been eaten up like candy, even when no proofs have been presented to substantiate them.

We have all been so overrun by lies and fake news that few have the wisdom to see what is happening. It truly is a terrifying time.

Both of these choices should send us to our knees but instead, multitudes have chosen sides and by doing so, are choosing evil, no matter which side they think is 'more' right. Both are evil and I pray we see that.

America is not God's bastion of truth in a world running amok. We are carnal, self-centered, doing what benefits us just like everyone else. God and patriotism will soon have to part ways and if any think they can keep one foot in each arena, they will soon have to make a choice. We cannot serve God and the god of this earth.

Perilous times are fast approaching. We cannot even fathom how close we are to the end. There is but one place of safety, on our knees, submitting to Him alone, begging Him to forgive us for our blindness and hardness of heart. God will abundantly pardon us and bring us to His place of safety, freed from the grip of our carnal natures and the sin that so easily besets us, but He is waiting on us, each one of us, to tell Him we need Him to rescue us from our carnal, earthly mindset.

In the early church, as Caesar was burning Christians to light His courtyard, as entire families were being fed to wild beasts to entertain the public, Christians did not fight back. They believed that whoever was the governing authority was appointed by God. It was not a stamp of approval on them. Do we understand that?

Now is the time when we need to revisit the verse that tells us:

2 Chronicles 7:14
King James Version

"14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

The question before us is..... will we admit our need, both collectively and individually, that it is OUR sin that needs to be confessed and healed? God has promised to heal our land.... not America, but the church itself, worldwide.

I do not think I can remember a time I have been more saddened by what I see happening to us as His people. Yes, we will have tribulation in the world. Yes, things are terrible and confusing and disheartening. But guys, for Jesus to return, these things MUST come to pass.

We are to overcome evil, but cannot do so until the evil is first subdued in us, in our own hearts. Our call is not to overcome evil with armed 'defense of the truth', no matter what we believe is the truth.

There is but ONE truth, Jesus Himself, and He does not need us defending Him. He needs us to submit to Him, fully, 100% surrender, for it is the only way we can overcome evil with good.

May God awaken us to our great need, for it is the only path to us having our eyes opened to how, despite the world rolling on towards destruction, we can walk faithful to Him all the way to the end.

Let us remember that the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. Let us cry out to our God for heavenly mindedness, eyes that have a laser focus on Christ. Evil men will wax worse and worse, both democrats and republicans. This world is rotting and the rot is coming towards the surface, infecting even those who are called to be part of the Bride. I pray eyes are opened to what satan's plan is and that we all flee into the safety of Christ's open arms.

blessings to all who are His children,


Lord Jesus, have mercy upon your servant for such a poorly worded call to your children. Forgive us all Lord, mysrlf at the head of the line, for our self willed blindness to the truth of who we are and what our calling actually entails.

Let the blinders fall from our eyes that we might see the hope of our calling and the exceeding great power You have towards usward who believe.

Forgive each one of us for our part, big or small, in promoting our own kingdom at the expense of yours.

Restore us to full spiritual health, no matter the cost to us personally, and use us Lord in these last days, to save as many as possible from the destruction we know is coming.

Give us eyes that see past today, our past our own little worlds, or past the borders of our own country of residence. Let us see that ultimately, there is simply your will or ours and our call is full and absolute surrender. Amen.

I think many of the responses to my original post very adequately display the point I was trying to make. Blind determination and full acceptance of lies streaming from the side they see as defenders of the truth, whatever that side may be, and denigration of anything that comes from the side they see as satan's work.

I cannot open anyone's eyes. Only the Holy Spirit can do that. I hope that others will join me in prayer for Jesus' church worldwide that we be filled with the Spirit of love, and of power and of victory over the world and its influence over us so that we might be made ready to meet our soon coming king.


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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I meant no harm. I am just asking to think about it. It simply seems to me that the Republican party may have as part of its platform that it is truly anti-abortion, but after four years in power, I do not remember any steps taken in earnest to stop it. No laws passed. No mass Republican rallies against it.

It seems like they are content have it listed on their platform and the box checked, but as far as acrual actions taken , what am I missing?

Do you believe that all Democrats support it? Because we used to have two parties with somewhat basic platforms, but there were moderates in both as well as people who

Republicans have been tackling the abortion issue for many years. There have been many laws passed, but unfortunately, a liberal Supreme Court has struck down so many of these laws restricting abortion. You can find info about this at the National Right to Life website here: National Right to Life | The nation's oldest & largest pro-life organization

So...your whole premise is flawed. Are you going to get informed, or are you going to repeat the same worn-out rhetoric about the Republican platform not having any impact on moral issues such as abortion?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
I meant no harm. I am just asking to think about it. It simply seems to me that the Republican party may have as part of its platform that it is truly anti-abortion, but after four years in power, I do not remember any steps taken in earnest to stop it. No laws passed. No mass Republican rallies against it.

It seems like they are content have it listed on their platform and the box checked, but as far as acrual actions taken , what am I missing?

Do you believe that all Democrats support it? Because we used to have two parties with somewhat basic platforms, but there were moderates in both as well as people who

I think many of the responses to my original post very adequately display the point I was trying to make. Blind determination and full acceptance of lies streaming from the side they see as defenders of the truth, whatever that side may be, and denigration of anything that comes from the side they see as satan's work.

I cannot open anyone's eyes. Only the Holy Spirit can do that. I hope that others will join me in prayer for Jesus' church worldwide that we be filled with the Spirit of love, and of power and of victory over the world and its influence over us so that we might be made ready to meet our soon coming king.


(list)2019 USNews States Restricting Abortion Access:

ALABAMA: Republican Gov. Kay Ivey on May 15 signed the most restrictive abortion law in the nation.....
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I think many of the responses to my original post very adequately display the point I was trying to make. Blindness and full acceptance of lies streaming from the side they see as defenders of the truth, and denigration of anything that comes from the side they see as satan's work.

I cannot open anyone's eyes. Only the Holy Spirit can do that.
And there you go again with your insults. If you really mean no harm, you can dispense with these, thank you very much.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States

Thank you! The following lists show that mostly Republicans are working to restrict abortion and mostly Democrats are protecting abortion. (Of course, there are some RINO's out there!)

States Restricting Abortion Access:

ALABAMA: Republican Gov. Kay Ivey on May 15 signed the most restrictive abortion law in the nation. The law bans abortion at any stage of pregnancy, including in cases of rape and incest. Exceptions would be allowed if the pregnant female's health is endangered or if there is a fetal abnormality that would lead to death soon after birth. The measure's sponsor, Republican state Rep. Terri Collins, said she introduced the bill as an express strategy to force the U.S. Supreme Court to weigh in on the issue, perhaps overturning Roe v. Wade.

ARKANSAS: Republican Gov. Asa Hutchison on March 15 signed a law banning abortion after 18 weeks. Exceptions are made for rape, incest and medical emergencies. The law is set to take effect later this summer, though opponents of it have threatened to sue. Arkansas also passed laws banning abortion in the case of a fetal Down syndrome diagnosis, banning state funding for inmate abortions, and requiring women wait three days – up from the original two days – to have an abortion after visiting a clinic and receiving information. The state passed a 12-week ban in 2013, but that law was thrown out by the courts.

GEORGIA: Republican Gov. Brian Kemp on May 7 signed a "fetal heartbeat" law, effectively banning abortion after six weeks, down from the previous 20 weeks in the state. The law is set to go into effect Jan. 1. Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union have announced plans to challenge the law in the courts, and several large companies, including Netflix, Walt Disney and WarnerMedia are joining the lawsuit or threatening to deny business to the Peach State. The law provides exceptions for cases when the pregnant female's life or health is at serious risk, when the pregnancy is "medically futile" because the fetus would not be able to live outside the womb, or in cases of rape or incest – but only if a police report has been filed.

KENTUCKY: Republican Gov. Matt Bevin signed a "heartbeat" law March 19 that would have banned abortion after six weeks; a federal judge blocked that law immediately, saying it was likely unconstitutional. On May 11 this year, a federal judge struck down a separate law, approved last year, that effectively banned abortion after 15 weeks.

LOUISIANA: The Bayou State on May 30 approved a law banning abortion after a heartbeat can be detected, or as early as six weeks. The law, which does not allow for exceptions for rape or incest, was signed by a Democratic governor, John Bel Edwards. The bill language states that it will not go into effect unless and until a similar ban in Mississippi is upheld by the courts.

MISSISSIPPI: A new state law, signed by Republican Gov. Phil Bryant banning abortion after six weeks unless the pregnant female's life is at stake, or her health seriously threatened, was set to take effect July 1. However, a federal judge, Carlton W. Reeves, blocked the law from taking effect, saying it "threatens immediate harm to women's rights" and "prevents a woman's free choice, which is central to personal dignity and autonomy." The matter is in the courts. Another Mississippi law, banning abortion after 15 weeks, was blocked by a federal judge last year.

MISSOURI: Republican Gov. Mike Parson signed a law May 24 banning abortion after eight weeks of pregnancy. The law makes no exceptions for rape or incest. The secretary of state recently rejected petitions to put the "heartbeat" law up for a state referendum. Meanwhile, the state is poised to become the only state in the nation with no legal abortion provider, with Missouri's sole clinic offering abortion under threat of losing its license. The clinic is open pending court proceedings.

OHIO: Republican Gov. Mike DeWine signed a law April 11 outlawing abortions after heartbeat can be detected, generally at six weeks. The law does not allow exceptions for rape or incest, but allows exceptions if the life of the pregnant female is at stake. The ACLU is challenging the law in the courts.

UTAH: Republican Gov. Gary Herbert signed a law March 25 banning abortions after 18 weeks. Following a lawsuit by Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, a federal judge stopped the law from taking effect while it is in litigation. The state also passed a law banning abortion based solely on a fetal Down syndrome diagnosis. That law requires that all tissue from an abortion be examined by a pathologist to certify whether the aborted fetus may have had Down syndrome, based on medical records.