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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
It was February 2000. After I had drug amnesia I realized that I'd relapsed by abusing my meds. I also made the most serious attempt to end my life which left me with a brain injury. After 3 weeks of horrible withdrawal from my meds, I went to a Christian retreat. The seminar was called, "5 Days Of Healing."
After spending the first day weeping, a staff member told me that by weeping I was making my wound worse. Then he said, "What you are doing is called self-pity. It's sin and you need to repent of it." It was like he slapped me. It snapped me out of it. To this day I'm thankful that he did that. He told me the truth. "I'd rather be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie."
After 3 days of scripture teaching on the Kingdom Of God, I was about to see what follows this. Signs and wonders.
4 A.M. Thursday found me awake and doing my homework. I was taking one sin at a time from my list of sins, repenting of it and taking it to an imaginary cross and nailing each sin to it with an imaginary hammer and nails. Then I started seeing in the spirit and saw a real cross, hammer, and nails. Each time I hammered in a nail, there was a pulse of energy through it.
Next, I had to break generational sins. I started on my father's side. I was given a diagram to go by. It wasn't hard. As I broke the last part on this side it felt like a bucket of cool, refreshing water was dumped on my head. After I did the same on my mother's side, another bucket of water was dumped on me. I was grateful that our Lord had made it possible for this to happen to me.
I got up and put on a C.D. I'd brought with me. It was called, "Catch The Fire 3," and the first song was, "Fire (there's a fire)" by Paul Oakley.
As I lifted my hands to the Lord, what I can only describe as a portal opened up in front of me. Through it, I saw Jesus riding a horse down the bottom part of a snow-covered mountain. He was wearing a thick, fur coat and He was cloaked in His radiant majesty. He had reached the ground and as He started riding towards me, the portal closed and I felt a gentle pushing down on me. I heard laughing, unlike anything I'd ever heard before. It reminded me of Psalm 37:13.
The weight on me was slowly increasing and I started leaning backward. Then I was leaning back too far and would've fallen but the invisible Holy Spirit didn't allow that. He slowly laid me down on what felt like a cushion of air. I estimate that it took 15 seconds for me to reach the ground.
As I lay there a fire came out of nowhere and I saw for the first time an altar in my heart. On it was all the sins I'd just crucified. The fire dove onto the altar and consumed my sins. Then I started shaking.
Like a breaking dam, the gift of tongues came out of my mouth. I felt my spirit grow bigger and my spiritual fingers also grew 2 or 3 inches. As I lay there shaking I heard a voice say, "proclamation" as a spiritual gift was put in me and a minute later, "prophetic utterance" was also put in me by the power of the Holy Spirit.
After things had settled down I got up off of the floor. I got dressed, put on my coat and boots, and went outside to see if the lunchroom was open yet. I was about 5 minutes early so I looked out at the farm across the road.
As I heard a voice say, "I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning," I saw something fall from a cloud quite quickly. As it started to run to me, I saw that Satan was dressed like an archer from Robin Hood. Like a fowler. I didn't turn away, instead, I stood there gazing at the approaching enemy. If I had been thinking I would've thought something like, "you do see who I'm with, don't you?" Then I saw him start to hide behind bushes as he was trying to sneak up on me." I was seeing in a spiritual realm.
I turned back to the lunchroom and as it was now open, I went inside. After a coffee, I went into the kitchen to talk with a staff member. God had told me to tell him a few things, so I did. As he was washing dishes, I said the first 2. No response. I said the 3rd and he turned to me and said, "Hey!"
Before I could respond, I saw Jesus in me and He said that He loves His bride. I then felt His heart. I burst out sobbing and was led to the back room so I could be alone.
As the door closed behind me I saw across the room an 8-foot tall human-shaped shadow. I became aware of God's presence in me and above me. As I heard Him say, "transformer" I also became 8 feet tall. Then he said, "put on the full armor of God." He helped me to remember them all as I put them on.
As I tried to walk towards the enemy I realized that it was like driving a standard car without knowing how to shift gears. The Lord whispered to me, " Let go." It was like I sat down inside of me. This time my body ran smoother with me momentarily out of the way.
We marched towards the enemy and as they clashed I could see balls of light and dark swirling around each other. Then the door behind me opened and it ended.
A little later I went and talked with the C.E.O. and his wife. They were on one side of a desk and I was on the other. They listened intently to me and when I'd finished they looked at each other, got big smiles on their faces, and turning to me, said, "Go for it, Ron." I knew it was God, I just wanted to know what they thought. They knew.
As I bring this testimony to a close, I want to encourage people to understand that there is more to having a relationship with God than reading your bible and going to church, though these are good things. Maybe someone will start asking God if there is anything to this. There is a song on Youtube called, "There Must Be More" by David Ruis. I suggest the version that is on the Vineyard album, "The Spirit Of The Sovereign Lord." Shalom.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
I understand that I talk about some things that one might be ridiculed for if it was known he or she was interested in the subject. I don't post in order to get views and likes, encouraging as they are. I'm happy if people just read what I have to say.
There is a huge move of God coming in the not so distant future, in fact, it has already started. Included in this move are righteousness and justice.
The false doctrine of instant sanctification has blinded many to the truth of progressive sanctification. Instead of people being sanctified, they are being sanitized. The next lie the enemy has installed in the church's doctrine is when I use my cross I'm crucifying Christ all over again. Until you get past these 2 obstacles you will never mature. Maturity is brought about by using the daily cross.
I've seen that people get their doctrine from other people. I don't care how much they know or how good of teachers they are, the Holy Spirit is better. And He won't make mistakes. Teachers are supposed to first be prepared by God and then He alone puts them in place.
At least that's how it's supposed to go.
A high place in today's body is the idol of comfort. It seems that many are determined to prove that there is no suffering in God's Kingdom. Maybe not but "we must go through many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God," they said." Acts 14:22b NIV
I suggest that you ask God to give you a love for the truth. I did and He did. Shalom.


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
It was February 2000. After I had drug amnesia I realized that I'd relapsed by abusing my meds. I also made the most serious attempt to end my life which left me with a brain injury. After 3 weeks of horrible withdrawal from my meds, I went to a Christian retreat. The seminar was called, "5 Days Of Healing."
After spending the first day weeping, a staff member told me that by weeping I was making my wound worse. Then he said, "What you are doing is called self-pity. It's sin and you need to repent of it." It was like he slapped me. It snapped me out of it. To this day I'm thankful that he did that. He told me the truth. "I'd rather be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie."
After 3 days of scripture teaching on the Kingdom Of God, I was about to see what follows this. Signs and wonders.
4 A.M. Thursday found me awake and doing my homework. I was taking one sin at a time from my list of sins, repenting of it and taking it to an imaginary cross and nailing each sin to it with an imaginary hammer and nails. Then I started seeing in the spirit and saw a real cross, hammer, and nails. Each time I hammered in a nail, there was a pulse of energy through it.
Next, I had to break generational sins. I started on my father's side. I was given a diagram to go by. It wasn't hard. As I broke the last part on this side it felt like a bucket of cool, refreshing water was dumped on my head. After I did the same on my mother's side, another bucket of water was dumped on me. I was grateful that our Lord had made it possible for this to happen to me.
I got up and put on a C.D. I'd brought with me. It was called, "Catch The Fire 3," and the first song was, "Fire (there's a fire)" by Paul Oakley.
As I lifted my hands to the Lord, what I can only describe as a portal opened up in front of me. Through it, I saw Jesus riding a horse down the bottom part of a snow-covered mountain. He was wearing a thick, fur coat and He was cloaked in His radiant majesty. He had reached the ground and as He started riding towards me, the portal closed and I felt a gentle pushing down on me. I heard laughing, unlike anything I'd ever heard before. It reminded me of Psalm 37:13.
The weight on me was slowly increasing and I started leaning backward. Then I was leaning back too far and would've fallen but the invisible Holy Spirit didn't allow that. He slowly laid me down on what felt like a cushion of air. I estimate that it took 15 seconds for me to reach the ground.
As I lay there a fire came out of nowhere and I saw for the first time an altar in my heart. On it was all the sins I'd just crucified. The fire dove onto the altar and consumed my sins. Then I started shaking.
Like a breaking dam, the gift of tongues came out of my mouth. I felt my spirit grow bigger and my spiritual fingers also grew 2 or 3 inches. As I lay there shaking I heard a voice say, "proclamation" as a spiritual gift was put in me and a minute later, "prophetic utterance" was also put in me by the power of the Holy Spirit.
After things had settled down I got up off of the floor. I got dressed, put on my coat and boots, and went outside to see if the lunchroom was open yet. I was about 5 minutes early so I looked out at the farm across the road.
As I heard a voice say, "I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning," I saw something fall from a cloud quite quickly. As it started to run to me, I saw that Satan was dressed like an archer from Robin Hood. Like a fowler. I didn't turn away, instead, I stood there gazing at the approaching enemy. If I had been thinking I would've thought something like, "you do see who I'm with, don't you?" Then I saw him start to hide behind bushes as he was trying to sneak up on me." I was seeing in a spiritual realm.
I turned back to the lunchroom and as it was now open, I went inside. After a coffee, I went into the kitchen to talk with a staff member. God had told me to tell him a few things, so I did. As he was washing dishes, I said the first 2. No response. I said the 3rd and he turned to me and said, "Hey!"
Before I could respond, I saw Jesus in me and He said that He loves His bride. I then felt His heart. I burst out sobbing and was led to the back room so I could be alone.
As the door closed behind me I saw across the room an 8-foot tall human-shaped shadow. I became aware of God's presence in me and above me. As I heard Him say, "transformer" I also became 8 feet tall. Then he said, "put on the full armor of God." He helped me to remember them all as I put them on.
As I tried to walk towards the enemy I realized that it was like driving a standard car without knowing how to shift gears. The Lord whispered to me, " Let go." It was like I sat down inside of me. This time my body ran smoother with me momentarily out of the way.
We marched towards the enemy and as they clashed I could see balls of light and dark swirling around each other. Then the door behind me opened and it ended.
A little later I went and talked with the C.E.O. and his wife. They were on one side of a desk and I was on the other. They listened intently to me and when I'd finished they looked at each other, got big smiles on their faces, and turning to me, said, "Go for it, Ron." I knew it was God, I just wanted to know what they thought. They knew.
As I bring this testimony to a close, I want to encourage people to understand that there is more to having a relationship with God than reading your bible and going to church, though these are good things. Maybe someone will start asking God if there is anything to this. There is a song on Youtube called, "There Must Be More" by David Ruis. I suggest the version that is on the Vineyard album, "The Spirit Of The Sovereign Lord." Shalom.
That's a very powerful testimony!
God Bless you and continue to minister to you.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Jesus walked to the cross, was crucified, went through 3 days in the grave, and was then resurrected. And He did it for us.
However, when I take up my cross, I crucify a part of my old nature. Since this is an actual experience of death, death to self, it is a time of anguish.
If I suffered in a few days what the Son of Man did, who is God, it would fry me. It has taken 20 years for me to go through this.
Instead of re-crucifying Jesus over and over, each time I use my cross I'm using a part of the whole redemption He purchased for all of us.
This is the process put forth by scripture that God used to deal with the faulty foundation of my personality (spirit + soul).
He then laid a new foundation in me, starting with Him, the Chief Cornerstone.
"Break up your unplowed ground and do not sow among thorns. Circumcise yourselves to the Lord, circumcise your hearts, you men of Judah and people of Jerusalem, or My wrath will break out and burn like fire because of the evil you have done - burn with no one to quench it." - from Jeremiah 4:3-4 NIV
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Christ's Life:
Birth - Entrance
Life - Dependence On Father
Death - Impotence (Surrender)
Resurrection - Emergence Of The Christ Life
Ascension - Omnipotence


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Ron Coates-

Thanks for sharing your very Powerful Testimony.

We are all different in our choices, and experiences.
But like you, according to some choices you made in the past...others have made choices extreme in how they become extremely affected IN this world.
And ...seems to me...a person with extreme detrimental affects to their person...and choosing to desire Christ the Lord...
Appear to be the ones WITH EXTREME personal Testimonies OF how The Lord comes TO THEM, that They become Prepared To Willingly submit in Faithfulness To the Lord.
It's Awesome!

It's that revealing, no Living man, (regardless of their deeds) is exempt from Willingly calling on the Lord, and He will Answer in Unique and Astounding ways.

God Bless,


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
The silence is deafening. When I go on in my "harsh" way part of me is hoping I'm wrong. Jesus said that if we don't follow Him (cross, grave, resurrection), we are not worthy of Him.
One may say that Jesus makes them worthy to which I say amen, but are you more concerned about what He means or your own avoidance of pain?
Please stop listening to people who say things like, "Your best life now," because you know Jesus says that if we try to save this life we will lose it.
Hello, wall, and a few crickets.
What does God mean when He says, "Is not my word like fire," declares the LORD, "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?" Jeremiah 23:29 NIV


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
The silence is deafening. When I go on in my "harsh" way part of me is hoping I'm wrong. Jesus said that if we don't follow Him (cross, grave, resurrection), we are not worthy of Him.
One may say that Jesus makes them worthy to which I say amen, but are you more concerned about what He means or your own avoidance of pain?
Please stop listening to people who say things like, "Your best life now," because you know Jesus says that if we try to save this life we will lose it.
Hello, wall, and a few crickets.
What does God mean when He says, "Is not my word like fire," declares the LORD, "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?" Jeremiah 23:29 NIV
I believe He wants us to live in peace...the peace of God that surpasses all understanding...and His Joy..the Joy of the Lord is my Strength!...and let His Light Shine through us so others may see and be drawn to it.
Yes brother, there is the beginning of woes...but not for us...for the unbelievers!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
I believe He wants us to live in peace...the peace of God that surpasses all understanding...and His Joy..the Joy of the Lord is my Strength!...and let His Light Shine through us so others may see and be drawn to it.
Yes brother, there is the beginning of woes...but not for us...for the unbelievers!
Yes...but I believe that at a certain point, and out of love, He takes off the kid gloves. When we are born again, we become a new creation...along with the old.
The baptism of Holy Spirit is for the new...the baptism of fire is for the old.
When we first believe, we are justified which legally allows us to be spiritually reborn. This is, to my understanding, instantaneous.
When we are at a point of the Lord's choosing, He starts with the baptism of fire.
This is a long, arduous process that deals with our soul (mind, will, emotions). AKA, the sinful, carnal, nature, the old man. The flesh is a misnomer. "Nothing I put in my body makes me unclean. It's what comes out of the heart (of the soul) that makes one unclean.
I recently watched a music video of Hagood Hardy's song, "The Homecoming." The still picture looked out over a serene gently-sloping valley.
I had just finished talking with an old worship leader friend from my Vineyard days.
Anyway, the song, together with the pastoral view brought upon me a welcomed calm that I hadn't felt in a long time. The believer's anointing.
I felt like I was being welcomed home. There was even Revelation 21:4 written across the screen...and then I saw them.
Strategically placed on the land were those white orbs that always accompany tornadoes like the May 20, 2013 Moore tornado.
The ones seen flying above in the sky that are called U.F.Os. I believe the Lord recently told me that when He talks about wandering stars in Jude, these are what He is referring to.
I used to think He meant stars out in the galaxy.
We enter the kingdom of God through much suffering. The carnal nature reacts violently against suffering. It does, however, love comfort.
"How to have your best life now." Jesus teaches us to lose our lives that we may find them.
We are to follow Jesus to the cross daily in order to die and then be resurrected. "It is no longer I (self) that lives...
This is the brutal truth of the cross of Christ.
We overcome by the blood of the Lamb (we wash our robes in His "blood," not He washes them for us), the word of our testimony, AND we do not love our lives to the death.
We join Him in His sufferings and death so we can be resurrected with Him.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
I believe He wants us to live in peace...the peace of God that surpasses all understanding...and His Joy..the Joy of the Lord is my Strength!...and let His Light Shine through us so others may see and be drawn to it.
Yes brother, there is the beginning of woes...but not for us...for the unbelievers!
@Heart2Soul Amid the joy and suffering in the Epistle to the Philippians, there is so much peace for time and for eternity, for the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
"But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.
I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ--the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.
I want to know Christ--yes, to know the power of His resurrection and participation in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.
Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.
But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things.
And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained." Philippians 3:7-16 NIV


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
I believe God wants us to be brutally honest with Him. I see this song as a look into the human heart.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
The silence is deafening. When I go on in my "harsh" way part of me is hoping I'm wrong. Jesus said that if we don't follow Him (cross, grave, resurrection), we are not worthy of Him.
Hi Ron,

I don't question your experiences, or whether this is how God is working with you.

My understanding is that we are already crucified, and learning now to live.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Hi Ron,

I don't question your experiences, or whether this is how God is working with you.

My understanding is that we are already crucified, and learning now to live.

Much love!
Perhaps, in a spiritual sense, as a descendant of Levi, and I say this next thing in humility, as one of the 12,000 chosen by God, those chosen by Him to minister in His heavenly temple, I have been fulfilling what was done in the temple of Solomon, that being the daily animal sacrifice.
The Lord says, "My gift to My people, My bride."
He is my inheritance.
It is no longer I who live but Messiah/Christ who lives in me and the life I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God who gave Himself for me.
We made His cross my cross so that I died to self and He could live through me. Blessings.
Like He removed the virus in my program so He could download Himself into this program that He made in His image.