Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I agree, but no court has allowed anyone to prove this in a court. No court has allowed anyone to bring the ballots before them and have them judged. No court has allowed anyone to bring in a machine and show how it flipped votes.

The evidence is there, but the courts refuse to acknowledge it or get involved. Thus ends the American experiment and it's all due to America turning to wickedness. The end is coming.

Come quickly Lord Jesus.
Don't give up so quick. lol
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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2020
United States
I watched the video and am still perplexed about references to "New California and New Nevada" - don't have the slightest idea what is being talked about there.

Secession is not really a viable option, imo. The world is different now than in 1860.

So - sorry, Ziggy - I cannot break it down for you.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
I said what I did about AOC and vaccines tongue in cheek. I assume that she’s all FOR the COVID “vaccines.” Seems like most politicians are.
I see. Thanks for explaining. I didn't look that closely at your cheek. ;) :p
AOC is hook line and sinker hooked by the rhetoric of her party. She has no idea what she's doing in office though she's more than willing to follow the herd. In that one video she's talking about how she has time to learn (how to be a Representative in Congress). That's ridiculous. She should know what she's doing long before throwing her hat in the ring.
Unfortunately, those in Queens and the Bronx appear to have preferred her over Republican John Cummings. With The Steal evidence can we really say any Democrat winning reelection actually did?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
How did John Roberts get appointed to SCOTUS Chief Justice with a long history of epileptic seizures, brain surgeries and falls?!
Posted on December 12, 2020 by State of the Nation

We Don’t Need SCOTUS to Win

Posted on December 12, 2020 by State of the Nation

By James Arlandson
American Thinker

The Texas suit, later joined by other states, against Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia, was a nice try, but it was always a long shot. Of course SCOTUS would be reluctant to grab so much power by ordering state legislatures to seat the right electors. Why? Because the power is already in the hands of the legislatures to do this.

Though we are non-lawyers, let’s read these laws together, interpreting them minimally and plainly (something lawyers seem incapable of doing). The first federal law for our purposes, titled “Determination of controversy as to appointment of electors,” says:

If any State shall have provided, by laws enacted prior to the day fixed for the appointment of the electors, for its final determination of any controversy or contest concerning the appointment of all or any of the electors of such State, by judicial or other methods or procedures, and such determination shall have been made at least six days before the time fixed for the meeting of the electors, such determination made pursuant to such law so existing on said day, and made at least six days prior to said time of meeting of the electors, shall be conclusive, and shall govern in the counting of the electoral votes as provided in the Constitution, and as hereinafter regulated, so far as the ascertainment of the electors appointed by such State is concerned.

So this provision, if I understand it correctly, says that states may appoint electors after a controversy (“controversy or contest”). Now, what happens when fraud and illegalities are so egregious that they help one candidate exclusively and harm only one candidate in such a way that it is unclear which electors shall be appointed? That definitely qualifies to become a “controversy or contest.” The provision opens the door to each state legislature having the right to determine how the state can appoint electors (“appointment of electors” and “ascertainment of electors”). (This is already clear in the Twelfth Amendment, but here this provision gives more clarity after a controversy.) Bottom line: The electors for Biden, the “fake winner,” can be set aside if that is what each individual state law allows.

What does each state law say? It’s up to them to tell us, because researching each state’s law is too burdensome for average citizens. But it is safe to assume that the states have “plenary power” to appoint the electors of their choosing, particularly when the Constitution actually says the state legislatures determine things. The Electors Clause — Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution — provides that “[e]ach state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress.” (Hat tip.)

However, what about the “six days” in the election law provision? The next federal law, in a section titled “failure to make a choice before prescribed day,” says:

Whenever any State has held an election for the purpose of choosing electors, and has failed to make a choice on the day prescribed by law, the electors may be appointed on a subsequent day in such a manner as the legislature of such State may direct.

The states can determine when they appoint the electors “on a subsequent day” (not the next day). The phrase “In such a manner as the legislature of such State may direct” gives the states much leeway to select the right electors, which agrees with the Electors Clause, cited above. And if the controversy in selecting electors, caused by fraud and illegalities, persists past Dec. 14, then the states can ignore the date and follow their need to further investigate fraud and illegalities.

The whole thing can work out like this, apart from the Texas lawsuit before SCOTUS.

The undisputed states vote electorally on Dec. 14, and neither Biden nor Trump reaches 270, so neither one is the winner. The five GOP state legislatures (Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania) of the six disputed states (minus Nevada) say they need to postpone their electoral votes because they are investigating fraud and illegalities. The legislatures perform due diligence (they have been holding hearings to collect the evidence) and conclude that fraud and illegalities unilaterally hurt Trump and helped only Biden. Assuming that the Democrat Legislature in Nevada says everything was legitimate, each disputed GOP state may reach this conclusion on any day after Dec. 14 — say, on Dec. 27 or even Jan. 15. Then they appoint electors who vote for the rightful winner: Trump (provided the GOP-selected electors do not suffer from TDS). These votes are added in to the votes cast on Dec. 14. Trump goes past 270 electoral votes. He wins!

However, what happens if the disputed states cannot select the electors, and neither Trump or Biden reaches 270? Then it goes to the House of Representatives, and each state has one vote, and this one vote is determined by the political makeup of the state legislatures. The GOP controls 29 state legislatures, and the Democrats have 19 (two are split). Trump wins again.

Therefore, we don’t need SCOTUS to win, and we never needed it.

So what happen next, and what can regular folks do now?

First, we can keep up the pressure on the legislators of those five GOP states to select electors who will vote for the rightful winner, who is obviously Trump. Some of the members in these legislatures may suffer from TDS, so the message must be sent that they have to set aside their irrational opposition and do the right thing.

Second, Sidney Powell’s legal team can continue with their lawsuits, so they can expose and uproot Dominion Voting Systems. Now the goal will not be to overturn elections, but to get rid of the flawed, rigged system. This goal is much more realistic and easier to accomplish. The court cases will take a long time. But that’s okay, because they keep in the public view the “fake president” and 2024, if Biden (unjustly) prevails.

Third, we must counter the left-wing pressure, including their threats of violence, that will be thrust on these little known state politicians. Without threats of violence on our side, we can still stand firm to support and defend them.

The battle is not over. It was always going to boil down to the legislatures without SCOTUS. If we keep up the fight, we shall win with knowledge and the law on our side.

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← Supreme Court’s Texas Ruling is Nothing Short of Disgrace
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
We can't let politics fracture the peace and sisterhood and brotherhood in the church.
Notice how this conflict over The Steal is leading some of our sisters and brothers to turn on one another? In our local communities, in our churches, on forums, etc...

2 Timothy 2:24 And the Lord’s servant must not engage in heated disputes but be kind toward all, an apt teacher, patient, 25 correcting opponents with gentleness. Perhaps God will grant them repentance and then knowledge of the truth 26 and they will come to their senses and escape the devil’s trap where they are held captive to do his will.

1 Peter 5:8
Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
And who was lynching them?
KKK run by the Democrat party.
History repeats itself.
Now they use them on the front lines to oppose law enforcement of all kinds. Who gets hurt? Not the ones pushing them on from the back, no, it's the ones their pushing into the frey.
I see what their doing. And it's takes pure ignorance not to see their plan.
They want a race war by pushing out white people, making us look like the bad guys,
when it's their leaders pushing them into a war we don't want.
I'm not defending a bad system. Not All Cops Are ACAB.
They killed one of their own, David Dorn, and another 5 year old child in the back seat of a car..
I watched a group of BLM chase a transgender woman in the street, Beat her, spit on her, steal her purse, kick her.
For no reason other than their pure hatred.
You support these people.. that doesn't say much about you.

Here you get things confused. I am against racism and the murder of people by uniform officers. I do not care what slogan is used, this issue matters. I know now it still matters. Yes idealists will and do exploit this but racism has to stop.

The world has changed. If you stand as a religious power group setting yourselves up for a power grab, you are destroying who you are as part of America. People fled oppression and dictators. Putting another in place is unAmerican. The blowback will be horrendous. But then that is the point after all.

How many speakers for Christ will be listened to after this?

But hey claiming Jesus is behind calling the fraud out and putting Trump in for a second term is not a coup and totally unpatriotic......


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Just how often do you think this occurrs? How often do police use unlawful force against people? Just how often do you think they kill people unjustifiably?

And yes it does matter. Because police are human beings on a job where split second decision must be made under constant evolving situations. Under these circumstances you SHOULD expect they will kill people when they shouldn't. And no it is never right to do so.

BUT it is also patently foolish and ridiculous to expect it should never happen. Because I know you don't demand perfection from anyone else.

This is the point, things happen and they are not caught or found out. But when justice does find out and it is obvious the whole of justice has to fall on them. If you compromise here and say, accidents happen, being racist is just one of those things, innocent people will die, but we have to let them go, you have just become the mafia, and loyalty to the power group is all that matters.

So you want to be part of the state mafia and send that signal to every policeman in the country. Or, keep the peace, defend the people against criminals, and we represent you and will fight for your rights. Because that is what the police are there for, nothing else. Maybe in reality to be a long term policeman is so soul destroying few can do it. I know a social worker who said, it is so tough and hopeless, you can only cope for a few years. If you face the scum of the earth everyday, you can become like them. That is always a hard call.

But as people we have only one standard, justice. And you cannot compromise, or you corrupt the system when people are caught rightly and should be punished. It is called being salt and light, walking in the ways of Jesus and His truth. And in the Kingdom there is no other way.

God bless you


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
I definately think this is over now. As I predicted the courts will NOT get involved with anything relating to a change in what has been presented as Biden winning this election.

The court refused to get involved. I'm not surprised at all.

We still haven't been shown PROOF that enough election fraud occurred which overturned Trump's re-election. No court is allowing anyone to actually present any evidence in an actual trial or official hearing. I've not seen a voting machine brought in and demonstrated how it changed votes. I've not seen actual ballots shown to any judge where the ballots were illegal. At least in sufficient numbers to make any difference. The whole Georgia video has not shown that the ballots they brought out were illegal.

We have a LOT of circumstantial evidence, no no court has allowed anyone to actually present the necessary evidence as proof.

Like I said, they DON'T want to get involved.

This is over no matter what anyone says.

Biden will be sworn in, in January. And the only thing left will be to see if the Republicans hold the Senate.

My feeling is they won't. Because God's judgement is coming and we are moving to the end of days. America will pay for it's desire to follow an evil path.

Trump has managed to change the discussion between objective facts and subjective opinions. In his world only subjective opinions matter which is pure delusion. It is a world view that runs dictatorships, and stops awkward facts coming out. Even in America there is a fight about facts like Snowden showing the level of information gathering the NSA was doing and abusing without the knowledge of the citizens.

And unfortunately our future is bleak unless as a population we cannot learn the tools of defining truth and reality from falsehoods.
Take major pain killer drug like Fentanyl, pushed by drugs companies to people in pain who got addicted and lives destroyed yet this was a free market so buyer beware. Or pyramid selling companies that enslave the poor with promises of riches if they buy enough product to make their quotas. Wherever you go there is both destructive information and good information which needs to be processed. But it is access that matters, and the ability to choose.

What is interesting now is the legal concept that information is not innocent and a price has to be paid for slander. It will come, and saying allegedly will have to be said all the time. The press have had to do this for a long time, so we as private publishers will have to comply in the end for the same reasons. Words matter. Our whole faith is founded on them, and the trustworthiness of the writers.

It is ironic how believers who trust one source so implicitly can be persuaded to rubbish another source without question not seeing they are destroying their own foundations.

God bless you
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Liberals every where are the enemies of freedom and humanity

Enemies of freedom and humanity. The UN has tried to define crimes against humanity. Mass murders fall into this group.
Freedom is more difficult, but it is generally agreed a society is free if its citizens can choose their way of life, where they go and who they work for.
The state provides the infrastructure and the separation of the criminal from the innocent.

Some liberals, who have no moral reference point are a destructive influence. Equally those who push the rights for everyone no matter their justification or the rights only of the state, can work against freedom. So it is ironic no one system stops freedom or gives freedom. It is always how you implement choices and limitations and how the society understands these limitations.

We now have unbelievable freedoms and power to travel the world in days. But also people get very pedantic and talk about salary slavery, or brain washing or loyalty slavery which denies freedoms. Others say women should have the right to choose while another that the unborn have a right to life. Another group say individuals have a right to be called they, or id or some other invented reference and you are doing them harm if you do not. Some say marriage is too tied while others see security in commitment.

So the term liberals does not work anymore, because the world is now too diffuse, and too different between generations and social groups and regions.

God bless you


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Trump has managed to change the discussion between objective facts and subjective opinions. In his world only subjective opinions matter which is pure delusion. It is a world view that runs dictatorships, and stops awkward facts coming out. Even in America there is a fight about facts like Snowden showing the level of information gathering the NSA was doing and abusing without the knowledge of the citizens.

And unfortunately our future is bleak unless as a population we cannot learn the tools of defining truth and reality from falsehoods.
Take major pain killer drug like Fentanyl, pushed by drugs companies to people in pain who got addicted and lives destroyed yet this was a free market so buyer beware. Or pyramid selling companies that enslave the poor with promises of riches if they buy enough product to make their quotas. Wherever you go there is both destructive information and good information which needs to be processed. But it is access that matters, and the ability to choose.

What is interesting now is the legal concept that information is not innocent and a price has to be paid for slander. It will come, and saying allegedly will have to be said all the time. The press have had to do this for a long time, so we as private publishers will have to comply in the end for the same reasons. Words matter. Our whole faith is founded on them, and the trustworthiness of the writers.

It is ironic how believers who trust one source so implicitly can be persuaded to rubbish another source without question not seeing they are destroying their own foundations.

God bless you
So what is happening in your own back yard?
Will the UK go to war with France over fish?
Maybe Biden's "Cold dark winter" isn't about the US, but rather across the pond?

Four offshore patrol vessels "will be available to patrol UK waters to assist other government departments where needed," the ministry said.
The move comes as Brexit negotiations between Britain and the European Union enter a crucial 48 hours, with both sides expressing skepticism about reaching a deal before a Sunday deadline.
Fishing has been one of the sticking points in the negotiations and access to each side's waters is set to end next year.
"The MOD has conducted extensive planning and preparation to ensure that Defence is ready for a range of scenarios at the end of the Transition Period," a UK defense ministry spokesperson said Saturday.
"This preparation includes a standby package of 14,000 personnel to ensure that we are ready to support other government departments and authorities over the winter period, including with the EU transition, Covid-19 and potential severe weather events," the spokesperson said.
Shrewsbury and Atcham MP Daniel Kawczynski urged Prime Minister Boris Johnson to protect UK's waters from "illegal French fishing" in the case of a no-deal Berxit.
"In the event of no deal with EU on Sunday we must receive absolute guarantee from Boris Johnson that British naval forces will be deployed from January 1 to prevent illegal French fishing in our waters," Kawczynski said in a tweet on Friday.

Johnson said Friday he was hopeful of reaching a deal, but that the scenario was becoming increasingly unlikely.
"We're hopeful that progress can be made, but I've got to tell you that, from where I stand now here in Blyth, it's looking very, very likely that we will have to go for a solution that I think would be wonderful for the UK. We would be able to do exactly what we want from January the first," he said.
"It obviously would be different from what we set out to achieve, but I've no doubt that this country can get ready and can come out on world trade terms."
No-deal Brexit: Navy boats on standby to protect UK waters - CNN

There are a lot of pieces moving on the chessboard.
Everybody looking Here < and not > There

I'm not arguing with you anymore.
There are things moving on a global scale.
The world is shifting.
Now we got people talking about alien invasions (not earthly ones either)
I'm not into the UFO thing. Just another distraction.

Let me ask you, are you for this Adenda 2030 Global Initiative?
Are you for UN Policing around the world?
Are you for the Capitalist Globalists who call themselves Democratic Socialists controlling every aspect of your life?
Are you willing to be a slave to the system in the name of Peace and Security?
And once you become a slave... who will free you?

Stop arguing.. talk to me.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I have a video here, and I'm having trouble understanding this "new California, New Arizona".. I think it's arizona..
It has to do with the SCOTUS on the Texas ruling.
It's about 20 minutes long. Starting around the 3min marker.
Maybe someone can watch it and break it down for me. Is the country headed for a succession of states?

Thank You
This is a set up sister . whatever you or anyone else does , DO NOT SIGN , agree to any seceeding list . THEY GONNA PUT YOU IN A DATA BASE .
Now i told you all , sie ORDER cannot , will not , shall not be stopped .
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
This is a set up sister . whatever you or anyone else does , DO NOT SIGN , agree to any seceeding list . THEY GONNA PUT YOU IN A DATA BASE .
Now i told you all , sie ORDER cannot , will not , shall not be stopped .
I live in a Democrat State. Well, kind of 60/40.
Angus King and Susan Collins.. Like I said.. Democrat State.. :rolleyes:
I'm on Social Security, I'm pretty sure they already got me.
Who is giving the Order?
If it is of God then nothing will prevail against it,
But if of man, then God will have the final word.
Either way..
God Wins
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
So what is happening in your own back yard?
Will the UK go to war with France over fish?
Maybe Biden's "Cold dark winter" isn't about the US, but rather across the pond?

Four offshore patrol vessels "will be available to patrol UK waters to assist other government departments where needed," the ministry said.
The move comes as Brexit negotiations between Britain and the European Union enter a crucial 48 hours, with both sides expressing skepticism about reaching a deal before a Sunday deadline.
Fishing has been one of the sticking points in the negotiations and access to each side's waters is set to end next year.
"The MOD has conducted extensive planning and preparation to ensure that Defence is ready for a range of scenarios at the end of the Transition Period," a UK defense ministry spokesperson said Saturday.
"This preparation includes a standby package of 14,000 personnel to ensure that we are ready to support other government departments and authorities over the winter period, including with the EU transition, Covid-19 and potential severe weather events," the spokesperson said.
Shrewsbury and Atcham MP Daniel Kawczynski urged Prime Minister Boris Johnson to protect UK's waters from "illegal French fishing" in the case of a no-deal Berxit.
"In the event of no deal with EU on Sunday we must receive absolute guarantee from Boris Johnson that British naval forces will be deployed from January 1 to prevent illegal French fishing in our waters," Kawczynski said in a tweet on Friday.

Johnson said Friday he was hopeful of reaching a deal, but that the scenario was becoming increasingly unlikely.
"We're hopeful that progress can be made, but I've got to tell you that, from where I stand now here in Blyth, it's looking very, very likely that we will have to go for a solution that I think would be wonderful for the UK. We would be able to do exactly what we want from January the first," he said.
"It obviously would be different from what we set out to achieve, but I've no doubt that this country can get ready and can come out on world trade terms."
No-deal Brexit: Navy boats on standby to protect UK waters - CNN

There are a lot of pieces moving on the chessboard.
Everybody looking Here < and not > There

I'm not arguing with you anymore.
There are things moving on a global scale.
The world is shifting.
Now we got people talking about alien invasions (not earthly ones either)
I'm not into the UFO thing. Just another distraction.

Let me ask you, are you for this Adenda 2030 Global Initiative?
Are you for UN Policing around the world?
Are you for the Capitalist Globalists who call themselves Democratic Socialists controlling every aspect of your life?
Are you willing to be a slave to the system in the name of Peace and Security?
And once you become a slave... who will free you?

Stop arguing.. talk to me.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Let me ask you, are you for this Adenda 2030 Global Initiative?

OH Ziggy , let me answer , let me answer . NO WAY NO HOW . PEROID . I will not support SIE AGENDA , SIE ORDER .
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