Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
But you do have expectations... and you communicate with contempt... Anyone who does not agree with you is the enemy... These posts about the election.. have turned into nothing more than a three ring circus... but hey... I'm only a stupid Canadian observing what is happening... LOL

I could care less who Agrees with me!

What I speak about MY view.
I proclaim to Trust and Believe the Word of God....

What I discuss Politically, Regarding Government Authority and Overstepping MY Opinion, based on MY research.
Any interested person can conduct their OWN verifying Research.

What is amiss unto this present discussion thread is primarily American Patriots WHO ARE interested and WHO HAVE and WHO DO regularly RESEARCH historical and current Information Regarding acts, works, underhandedness of US Government Officials.

You promote your seclusion and disinterest in your own country, as if what your Government Officials Do, have no "effect" on your life.
There are some in the US with the same thought...and personally I find that "conclusion" utterly "naive".
It doesn't make that person my enemy. It simply makes that person's input irrelevant.

A three ring circus ... moving about knowledge of multiple issues, acts, timeframes, plots, is too complicated for an uninformed bystander to surprise it is confusing for you.

And it should be your rely on a Biblical Standard-
When you don't know- Listen - Verify
Handy God provided us With TWO Ears.
And once Verified-Speak
Handy God provided us With One mouth.

You have already provided us With the knowledge you are uninformed...
So why have an Expectation you Speaking is worthy knowledge?

And BTW...same goes for "FollowHim".
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
What is amiss unto this present discussion thread is primarily American Patriots WHO ARE interested and WHO HAVE and WHO DO regularly RESEARCH historical and current Information Regarding acts, works, underhandedness of US Government Officials.

Well then... perhaps you should post a sign that states..... ALL STUPIDS STAY OUT!


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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
I don’t know that no one is worshiping him, but no one on CB has indicated that they worship him. Some of us have offered criticism of his policies. Instead of attacking him personally, I’ve tried to stick to commenting on his policies as POTUS. BUT this is not enough for some people who seem to expect me to attack him as a person. Sigh.

I know people ARE pleased with Trumps Efforts.
I know people Stand in support of his Efforts.
I know people have been Praying for his personal well being.
I know people have been Praying Gods will be done in this Nation.
I know people have been Praying if Gods Will be Trump in Government, that What is Just be revealed.

I have seen and read many Hand claps, cheers, support, thank yous, directed To Trump and About Trump.

I have Heard "no one" Claim they Worship Trump
I have seen "no one" bow down in Worship of Trump.

I have seen no one provide Evidence of Trump "worship"...

I have seen/heard plenty of "gas lighting and strawman and personal hate opinionated Against Trump"...

I have zero obligation to consider some strangers personal opinion... except to note it's irrelevant.

God Bless PW,
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
You promote your seclusion and disinterest in your own country, as if what your Government Officials Do, have no "effect" on your life.

I don't promote this... I live it... My government has no effect on me... I have no idea what goes on behind those doors and I don't care... If that makes me naive... then by golly... that is fine... I follow the laws of the land... and I live in peace...

I also don't care what people think of me... however... I have learned that respect is something I choose to give others. All the knowledge in the world means nothing if you cannot communicate with respect and compassion. Anyways... time to go... Have a lovely day... I will stay out of the GRAND POOBA'S face... LOL

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I know people ARE pleased with Trumps Efforts.
I know people Stand in support of his Efforts.
I know people have been Praying for his personal well being.
I know people have been Praying Gods will be done in this Nation.
I know people have been Praying if Gods Will be Trump in Government, that What is Just be revealed.

I have seen and read many Hand claps, cheers, support, thank yous, directed To Trump and About Trump.

I have Heard "no one" Claim they Worship Trump
I have seen "no one" bow down in Worship of Trump.

I have seen no one provide Evidence of Trump "worship"...

I have seen/heard plenty of "gas lighting and strawman and personal hate opinionated Against Trump"...

I have zero obligation to consider some strangers personal opinion... except to note it's irrelevant.

God Bless PW,
I have noticed that those who complain the loudest say NOTHING about his policies as POTUS. They seem to be ignorant about the policies he had administered....


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Well then... perhaps you should post a sign that states..... ALL STUPIDS STAY OUT!

If that is your opinion of yourself...that is your problem.

I don't think people are commonly stupid...moreso "ignorant" ...unknowing.

I have no power to MAKE anyone OVERCOME their "ignorance"...(except my own kids).

A person who desires to Learn- hears...listens -verifies.

A person who has No desire to Learn-
Bows out...

A person whose Desire is to compromise a Discussion... simply ignores Facts, Evidence, Verification and interjects slander, gossip, accusations...

You have to decide for yourself your own place in a discussion.
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I don't promote this... I live it... My government has no effect on me... I have no idea what goes on behind those doors and I don't care... If that makes me naive... then by golly... that is fine... I follow the laws of the land... and I live in peace...

I also don't care what people think of me... however... I have learned that respect is something I choose to give others. All the knowledge in the world means nothing if you cannot communicate with respect and compassion. Anyways... time to go... Have a lovely day... I will stay out of the GRAND POOBA'S face... LOL
Please, abandon your erroneous and dangerous belief that your government has no effect on you.
Look at the OT and see how kings’ decisions affected Israel as a nation. “...when the wicked rule, the people groan” (Prov 29:2).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
People in general likely will continue debating.
Media likely will continue debating.
Congressional Hearings "witnesses under oath" have been proven "a farce", laden with circle jerk Askewed Deflections.
Laden "personal opinions" of "Bought" Judges, as they strike a Gavel to Convict.

People are Sick of the "games" played out in the very Hearings and Courts Established to Exact what is JUST.

Time to STOP all the tip toeing around and Charge the Head Actors with Treasonous Acts and Try such Head Acting Americans under a Military Tribunal.
Witnesses, Evidence, Defendants Required to Answer directly (void of Askewed washy washy answers , deflections, and third party shoutouts).

This old PRETENCE that Government Officials Can make Umpteen LAWS to Oppress the People at Large ... while EXCUSING "themselves" as ABOVE THE LAW has run its course.

The Election improprities IS an Urgent Big Deal.

The Selling of American Uranium Deposits to US Enemies IS a Big Deal.

The Trading of US Secret Information to Enemies IS a Big Deal.

The Deposits of Foreign Money INTO "Non-Profit Organizations" ... ha...that the creators of the Foundations handsomely and personally Profit from!

And I would gander to say, The Umpteen people who landed a "prison" sentence for illegal DRUG use... (etc.) would be Tickled s_______ to have as their Cell of the Sitting Congressmen, Governors, Reps. ... who also ... smoke dope and Snort Cocaine and solicit Prostitutes and Engage in Pornography and have Solicited and Knowingly Engaged in Underaged Deviant Acts.

Modern day Pharisees!

"Time to STOP all the tip toeing around and Charge the Head Actors with Treasonous Acts and Try such Head Acting Americans under a Military Tribunal."

I read the report about an ex-policeman who rams a van, which he believes is carrying 100,000's of fake ballots, holds the driver at gun point until the police arrive. He is wrong, the van was a parts delivery van, and he will stand trial of assault with a deadly weapon.

It is insane, criminal to believe you can grab hold of innocent people, call them treasonous and overthrow the legitimate authorities in any country.
People have been tried and executed for these type of actions in the past. "I think I saw", is just projection of evidence, nothing more. No legitimate country can allow such behaviour to continue without actually facts to consider. You go from being a bystander commentating on events and conclusions to an instigator of a coup. And that is the dividing line no one should cross.

Trump hopes others will cross this line, and will inflame as many dupes to do it for him while denying that is his intent.
Comments about false flags, being played, being deceived and having ones strings pulled is the accusation used against those who accept the election and its result. The problem with this argument or outlook, is in believing the other side are falling for the lie, you fall for its mirror image oneself, and fall for the false flag of patriotism when it is just self grandeur of the leader and his narcistic belief everything they do is good.

When you hear "Will you die for the cause" you realise this is a cult to the icon who is their Messiah. These cults end in the same way. The leader comes to realise his time is up, he cannot cope, so suggests to his followers to end it all is better than to continue in this lost empty world. You can here it in their language, "I would rather go this way than live with that leader over their and their ...... "

In WWII when Germany had lost Russia, rather than surrender they would fight to the last, even when the end was inevitable. Those in the bunker were even more dedicated, stay and die, rather than just admit defeat. They did know probably they would be executed so the defeat whichever way was terminal.

History teaches us these dead ends are terminal, and a waste of time, literally, and life, but will repeat throughout history.
God bless you
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I don't promote this... I live it... My government has no effect on me... I have no idea what goes on behind those doors and I don't care... If that makes me naive... then by golly... that is fine... I follow the laws of the land... and I live in peace...
Glad you are content.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Newsmax and Fox news have corrected their reporting of Dominion etc in the face of being sued.

Sidney Powell is next on the list. The trouble with slander it costs. Sidney is ready for a fall.

Conspiracy speculation is one thing, actual accusation of a crime with no evidence about people today is not acceptable.

God bless you
IF this had been the other way around , the same news would be saying how folks ought to be arrested IF they dont surrender the machines .
Think about that . Here is what is happening and will happen . They are using tactics that willl take
any kind of opposition away . having a people who simply conform and any who dont , will be labeled as dangerous .
But rest assured if biden had been shown to be the loser . IF trump had made a sudden come back
with all these midnight dumps , This same news would be hollering conspiracy and being demanding the machines
to be surrendered . Let us not fall for propoganda .
IF the machines were to be surrendered , what is the big deal . It could at least prove whether it was fraudlent or fair .
SO why the big push at anyone who even dares to ask that this election , those machines be investigated .
And guess what , it sure could solve a lot . I mean even if trump is the loser at least more folks would not
be hollering foul as much . The other side would do the same thing . We are simply witnessing
a whole push for a total systemic change on the entire world. And that aint conspiracy , it is fact .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
and news max , fox and others know full well that they sure can be sued . Because how is anyone gonna prove
whether this election was fair or fraudulent if the machines are never surrendered .
And they have a hunch they wont be . They looking out for themselves now . Sadly they have too .
It is what it is . We must focus on JESUS and more so than ever . This is the way this world is going and will go .
Now we were all warned in that bible How times would look and g et , specially as we get nearer and nearer to the end .
ITS Not gonna get easier in this world . Times are only gonna get worse . Delusion will only get worse .
AND the system , the world will be made ready for the beast . The dragon really is gonna hand the beast all power over the nations .
And the system is being made ready for this . We must focus on Christ and that bible and learn HIM well .
May none be taken in with the error of the wicked . Focus on Christ , the gospel and teaching all sound doctrine .


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Please, abandon your erroneous and dangerous belief that your government has no effect on you.
Look at the OT and see how kings’ decisions affected Israel as a nation. “...when the wicked rule, the people groan” (Prov 29:2).

Are you for real?? OH my goodness.. this is comical.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
But you forgot to ask a question .
So now let me ask it . But what happens when the laws of the land run contrary to the GOD of the bible .
examples . The equality act . What happens when they say you can no longer
correct certain sin . You must accept certain sin .
What happens when prolestying JESUS as the only way becomes a NO NO .
What happens when they want to mark us .
Exactly . WE cannot serve a law that is contrary to GOD .
Sadly more and more churches are leading us right into the mindset , DO as thou govt bids .
WHILE if the laws agree with GOD and dont trangress , ON that i would agree .
BUT when they do , we better be as those three hebrew men and say , oh no we wont .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Have no fear of what is and what is coming . THE LORD IS WITH US and shall be with us even unto the end .
Stand firm in the faith . Serving GOD from a pure heart . And conform not to this world .
Pray for those who would even persecute us , but do not ever once conform to a lie .
We must get the focus above on Christ . Perilous times will indeed come .
There is no escaping what is to come . WE must simply , IN CHRIST , endure it being faithful even unto persecutions , prison and death .
The reward is truly great unto all who endure faithful unto the end . Let no man take thy crown . And false prophets are crown takers .
SO heed them not .
Cling to Christ , learn HIM well . HE is able to give us all we need to abound through all times . Just trust IN GOD .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
and now let all praise the glorious LORD . For HE alone is our only hope . He is able to keep you from falling .
Trust in the glorious Lord . And remember the promise of the hope of eternal life found only in Christ .
HOPE IN GOD and march onwards no matter what is or does come against us . THE LORD is for the lambs
But and if ye do suffer for righteousness sake , HAPPY ARE YE . no matter what
comes against us , IN the end lambs win , for JESUS already did . This life is truly but a vapor ,
here one day , could be gone the next . but for those who have JESUS not only do we have all hope in HIM now
even at the hour of our death only greater glory awaits . A glory that cannot even begin to be compared
to what we are and will soon endure . HOPE . The crown awaits all who are faithful to Christ .
Now leap up and praise the glorious King .


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
But you forgot to ask a question .
So now let me ask it . But what happens when the laws of the land run contrary to the GOD of the bible .
examples . The equality act . What happens when they say you can no longer
correct certain sin . You must accept certain sin .
What happens when prolestying JESUS as the only way becomes a NO NO .
What happens when they want to mark us .
Exactly . WE cannot serve a law that is contrary to GOD .
Sadly more and more churches are leading us right into the mindset , DO as thou govt bids .
WHILE if the laws agree with GOD and dont trangress , ON that i would agree .
BUT when they do , we better be as those three hebrew men and say , oh no we wont .

Since I am the one who said I follow the law of the land.... I am going to assume this comment is for me...
I do not break the law... I mind my own business... I live and let live and I am at peace... If there ever comes
a time where I am asked to deny my Christian beliefs.... I will choose to suffer...

My government has already deemed many things to be acceptable that are NOT acceptable according to Christian standards.
I will never agree with abortion. I will never agree with anything regarding the LGBTQ agenda.... including gay marriage. I will never
consider there to be more than two genders ( male and female )... and I will not address anyone according to ANY pronoun if it is outside
those two. I am perhaps more fortunate than many as I am able to live a simple and solitary life for the most part... therefore my beliefs
do not come into question... One of my landlords is transgender... When I moved here they presented themselves as male... and a year later
they changed their identity to female... I love this person dearly... I know that God did not make a mistake... but it is not my place to
CORRECT... as they are not even a believer. I am NOT responsible for what the world does... nor do I have any control over it... Voting
is something that has gone on for hundreds of years... and has it made a difference??? NOPE... The world has it's own agenda and I want
NO part of it..... There is nothing on this earth that I desire... I do not remotely enjoy this life... but for now... I try to encourage and uplift those who are around me.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
There is a great deal that we cannot control in life. Governments for example can affect our lives through taxes, a myriad of laws and regulations etc. And our opposition, Satan, is determined to destroy those things over which we do have control. What we must do, and this matters not what government does or what individual or party is in power, is carefully guard and protect those things which are ours and ours alone.
And those thigs are really all that really count in life. They are all that is truly important. Our faith, which is an expression of our conscience which we must guard through cleaving to Jesus...our love for family and true friends...our determination to live holy sanctified lives and share the gospel. These things are under our control. These we must protect at all costs...and it may cost us our lives.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Since I am the one who said I follow the law of the land.... I am going to assume this comment is for me...
I do not break the law... I mind my own business... I live and let live and I am at peace... If there ever comes
a time where I am asked to deny my Christian beliefs.... I will choose to suffer...

My government has already deemed many things to be acceptable that are NOT acceptable according to Christian standards.
I will never agree with abortion. I will never agree with anything regarding the LGBTQ agenda.... including gay marriage. I will never
consider there to be more than two genders ( male and female )... and I will not address anyone according to ANY pronoun if it is outside
those two. I am perhaps more fortunate than many as I am able to live a simple and solitary life for the most part... therefore my beliefs
do not come into question... One of my landlords is transgender... When I moved here they presented themselves as male... and a year later
they changed their identity to female... I love this person dearly... I know that God did not make a mistake... but it is not my place to
CORRECT... as they are not even a believer. I am NOT responsible for what the world does... nor do I have any control over it... Voting
is something that has gone on for hundreds of years... and has it made a difference??? NOPE... The world has it's own agenda and I want
NO part of it..... There is nothing on this earth that I desire... I do not remotely enjoy this life... but for now... I try to encourage and uplift those who are around me.
Yeah , i remember when i still worked at the store , a man came in and the other employee said hello mam .
And i thought she was joking and i said you just called him a mam. AND that person got mad and said I AM a mam.
But i refused to call him a mam . They wanted nothing to do with the true Christ . But i was not about to lie
to that person and agree to call him a mam either . I cannot be partaker of others sins.
The churches should never have went along with this all inclusive flow . It ruined them . Now more and more
even within christendom accepts both gay marriage and transgenderism and wont correct
even those who sit in their churches as believers . SO yeah its bad news . There is no hope in this world .
We must simply endure faithful to GOD .
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