Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Trump - a firework

You betcha! We Celebrate our Independence (from England :D) every year with lots and lots of FIREWORKS!

We Remember...Independence, God, Country, Family, Liberty and Guns...and KNOW who Stands With Us and who Stands Against Us.

Every morning I check what nutcase thing will he do next. Millions are doing the same. That is celebrity status.

Really you check Everyday to See What is Happening in the US ... like, like Famous Celebrities?

Wow! The only time I see anything about your English Celebrities...your "Royals" :p ... is when their photos and gossip stories are plastered on the Rag Mags at the store check outs stations. The suspicious Death of Diana, the Prince's Mistress, The younger boys trips to Epstein's Island... "nutty" things like that.

It's not like any other politician.

Don't you get it Yet?
Politicians by nature are poli- TIC ians. Nobody like TICS. They are Blood sucking creatures!

* Trump was likeable from the getgo Precisely Because he is Not a Politician!
* Trump became loveable Precisely Because he IS a Servant who Works FOR the People.
* Trump gets the Star treatment Because he is Wealthy and Doesn't Trade Americans Liberty for Money to Line his pockets.
* Trump gets another Star for Dissing "political correctness", and using Free Speech.
* Trump gets another Star for Taking a Bombardment of Daily backstabbing Daggers, and Still Stands For the American People!

***** TRUMP *****

He almost makes the political circus interesting. I admire this talent, he could write a series like Lost, you know

Nope, no clue what the "series Lost" is.
Don't watch TV!

it's pointless watching but you want to know why ... looooser :)

May have seemed "interesting to you" to share an indication a pointless and looooser TV shows captured your attention...

(Shhhh Nobody cares what the British finds pointless)

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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Well... I don't usually watch the videos that people post... but I did watch Mr. Trump's comment/speech on the
covid-bill that is in congress.

This is the FIRST time I have seen the president speak with such command and today he reflected what a true leader looks like. He acted
on behalf OF THE PEOPLE.
It is so sad that he has waited till the 11th hour to shine.

Thought I would add this comment since everyone seems to think I am a Trump-basher... LOL


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Radio Free Europe

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty - Wikipedia

During the Cold War, Radio Free Europe (RFE) was broadcast to Soviet satellite countries and Radio Liberty (RL) targeted the Soviet Union. RFE was founded as an anti-communist propaganda source in 1949 by the National Committee for a Free Europe. RL was founded two years later and the two organizations merged in 1976. Communist governments frequently sent agents to infiltrate RFE's headquarters, and the KGB regularly jammed its signals. RFE/RL received funds covertly from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) until 1972.[16] During RFE's earliest years of existence, the CIA and U.S. Department of State issued broad policy directives, and a system evolved where broadcast policy was determined through negotiation between them and RFE staff.

***I have been watching the fake news channels and it is astounding the lies they tell and the stories they spin. This is the way the communist countries must have felt. Nothing but lies. After they take down the One American News network and the like, I wonder if nations will be broadcasting truth networks like Radio Free America to us?***


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Well... I don't usually watch the videos that people post... but I did watch Mr. Trump's comment/speech on the
covid-bill that is in congress.

This is the FIRST time I have seen the president speak with such command and today he reflected what a true leader looks like. He acted
on behalf OF THE PEOPLE.
It is so sad that he has waited till the 11th hour to shine.

Thought I would add this comment since everyone seems to think I am a Trump-basher... LOL
You should have been following him and his speeches all along. This speech is typical of his usual voice, his tone and command of it as the peoples' President.

He always speaks on behalf of the people, IMO. Arguably the only one in over 100 years that truly stands for all the people, regardless of physical, mental or spiritual differences - all walks of life.

This particular speech though would get him more favourable ratings since he wants to give more $ to the people. And I believe he does want to do this without being political at all. The problem is with many folks when they hear Pres. Trump speak, they ignore his same Presidential command and tone. You see he speaks of adult areas and issues that affect the country, like domestic terrorism, no support of cops, and the threat of foreign enemies and unfair trade practices, and especially the threat of socialism and the NWO. People these days are spoiled and immature. They have no patience with adult supervision. So they don't want a Trump. They became disappointed in him, very quickly.

They want a President that caters to their every need, and is politically correct, treats them as super special and will take care of them from cradle to grave. And this is where this country is going anyway; to the socialist State that will take away everyone's happiness, if you let them.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
This is the FIRST time I have seen the president speak with such command and today he reflected what a true leader looks like. He acted
on behalf OF THE PEOPLE.

Trump has acted on behalf of the People from the getgo.

It is so sad that he has waited till the 11th hour to shine.

What is sad is you just discovered what has been occurring for four years!

Thought I would add this comment since everyone seems to think I am a Trump-basher... LOL

You are! That is an expectation the CNN, Communist News Network Hopes to achieve.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
You should have been following him and his speeches all along. This speech is typical of his usual voice, his tone and command of it as the peoples' President.

He always speaks on behalf of the people, IMO. Arguably the only one in over 100 years that truly stands for all the people, regardless of physical, mental or spiritual differences - all walks of life.

This particular speech though would get him more favourable ratings since he wants to give more $ to the people. And I believe he does want to do this without being political at all. The problem is with many folks when they hear Pres. Trump speak, they ignore his same Presidential command and tone. You see he speaks of adult areas and issues that affect the country, like domestic terrorism, no support of cops, and the threat of foreign enemies and unfair trade practices, and especially the threat of socialism and the NWO. People these days are spoiled and immature. They have no patience with adult supervision. So they don't want a Trump. They became disappointed in him, very quickly.

They want a President that caters to their every need, and is politically correct, treats them as super special and will take care of them from cradle to grave. And this is where this country is going anyway; to the socialist State that will take away everyone's happiness, if you let them.


I can't say that I agree with your assessment... You are right in that I have NOT followed him from the beginning and heard every single speech he's made... however... I have heard enough to decide that I have not appreciated his STYLE of leadership ( so to speak ).

Your last statement is a huge stretch APAK... LOL Anyways... I just thought I would throw my little comment out there... He did appear to act like a LEADER today and it was lovely to see that.

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
There have been several wars in which US soldiers gave their lives that had nothing to do with protecting the freedoms of Americans. Those were wasted lives offered on the altar of greed and power. The Vietnam we even worse. That war was fought for nothing more than religious bigotry.

Ummmmmmmmm, apparently you have a different perspective than History.

1. Eisehower warned about the "Military Industrial Complex".
2. Kennedy ordered the removal of the obsolete "Jupiter" nuclear missiles from Turkey, but didn't put it in WRITING. Then Kennedy BELIEVED the CIA about invading Cuba.
3. When Vietnam progressed, he DIDN'T BELIEVE the CIA, and ordered the withdrawal from Vietnam IN WRITING.
4. The Military Industrial Complex wanted to sell Boots, Bullets, & Bombs, so they got rid of Kennedy.
5. Kennedy's ORDER gave 8-weeks to commence Withdrawal; but it only took the MIC 6-weeks to arrange for Kennedy's Dallas visit.
6. Johnson expanded the war.
And of course the rest of the puzzle pieces agree, including Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, Courtland Gross, William Colby, etc. ...
Bobby Jo :)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
What would we do without "FollowHim" on this forum. Lol
Glad he's posting the "inside truth" about this political disaster.

I have actually enjoyed his contributions for the most part. I have learned some things by following this thread.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
President Trump, the King David of modern times?

In the Old Testament God would assign his champions, whether it would be to get something done or to go to war against the Pagans. How many people in the Old Testament can we name that were the hand of God? In the New Testament God got involved more than ever, but still there were human champions…the Apostles. So now we have President Trump…is he perfect? Neither was King David but he was God appointed. And now it is President Trump and a handful of republicans that are fighting for Truth, Justice, and the American way! Wasn’t that the motto of Superman?

I believe Donald Trump joins the ranks of God’s appointed. I think the only President that could come close to President Trump was George Washington, and he was not perfect either. lol President Trump took on the challenge and it was a fight from the start. He is a man of his word and what he says he is going to do he is determined to get it done.

Did President Trump know the extent of the corruption he was going to face? Probably not. Satan has been at it for quite some time in our country. Corruption in politics has been there for how long? And how many agencies within the government are corrupt? The corruption has many facets…power, wealth, and creeping communism. It is not a new storyline…the plot for communism goes way back and is widespread.

The communists have been after our kids for quite sometime. Teaching our kids communism and atheism. Odds are you do not know the story. Snake in the grass that they are! When our education system was forming (early 1900’s) it attracted the attention of people that were into mind control and behavior control. To some degree it is like a fetish. Young minds are like virgins to them and it excites them to have their way with their young minds. Back when having a degree negated all suspicions. The background of these people that established our education system had ties to Nazi Germany and Russia. Is that shocking!? Their methods…mind control and behavior control that were honed in Nazi Germany and Russia. The intent? To teach our children to be communists and atheists. Shocking!? Unbelievable!! lol But all to easy to look up for yourself in a matter of minutes.

Known as the founders of the American Education System.
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov 1849-1936
B.F. Skinner 1904-1990
Benjamin Bloom 1913-1999
John Dewey 1859-1952
Edward Thorndike 1874-1952

These guys are not educators they are mind control experts…physiologists specializing in Nazi and Russian mind control and behavior control …. some of it animal control. They applied those method to our children. And their type and methods remain in our education system today.

The financial backers and political lobbyists
Bill Gates
George Soros
Warren Buffett
The Rockefeller Foundation
The Carnegie Foundation
Fabian Institute (their…a wolf in sheep’s clothing)
Frankfort Institute for social research
Aspen Institute for humanistic studies

It takes time…infiltrate and take over. They look at it as programming…the education system, the shows you watch…the commercials you watch…the news you watch…the newspapers and magazines you read. Propaganda impute from all directions. This story is very involved and there are thick books written on it.

By the time President Trump gets into office…everything is infiltrated and corrupted, even his own staff. He is not a politician and he is not going to have a lot of friends because he is going to make all of them look bad because he does what he says he is going to do and he can get more good things done in two months than they can in two terms, if they were lucky.

He finds out the hard way, that nearly every U.S, government agency is corrupted and favoring communism. I can name the FBI, the CIA, the Attorney General Office, probably dozens of judges, the Supreme Court, and Communist state governors. As it goes along he and we find out that a lot of politicians, both republicans and democrats are wrapped up in business dealings with China and other corrupt countries to the point that these countries could financially ruin these politicians if they do not do what they are told to do. That is called “conflict of interest” and in some cases criminal and or treason.

It is time to clean house and there is no way of doing that, that is not going to be painful. The scenario here marks the time, and he is the man to do it. Taking into consideration the corruption in the government, widespread civil unrest, the murderous mobs, the push for lawlessness and anarchy, and communism with all the democrats in Congress and the Senate pushing for the same, the extensive corruption in the election process, the Covid pandemic and now it looks like they are spreading an altered form of it, the desire to separate this country from God and specifically attacking Christianity, he does not need all this to declare Martial Law and it is the fastest and easiest way to clean house. And if he calls for us to join him in Washington DC, I for one will be there…bus loads.

Another point is that both fake news and real news point out the division in our country. It is true. Besides the election frauds, there are a lot of people that are legitimately voting for communism, drug legalization, abortions, lawlessness, gun confiscations, and generally against God. And the sad thing, a lot of them are Christians. But no one is diving into the reasons why? Fake News mostly just tries to discredit the conservatives and President Trump, but really they do not explain the virtues of what they think is right. Why? For one, the side that opposes all that is right, will not broadcast what they think is right publicly because they know it will make them look like the scum of the earth. How do you put a positive spin on communism, the systematic genocide of 600,000 babies a year, lawlessness and the disregard of the U.S, Constitution, the destruction of our national monuments, and all the other dirty behavior they love?

The time is now! We need to stand with our President! Whatever it takes!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Wow @Grailhunter.... this is a very passionate... and brilliantly written summation of what has occurred in America... THANK YOU for
taking the time to write this... I quite enjoyed reading something that is VOID of insults... and very fact filled.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Wow @Grailhunter.... this is a very passionate... and brilliantly written summation of what has occurred in America... THANK YOU for
taking the time to write this... I quite enjoyed reading something that is VOID of insults... and very fact filled.

lol It is easy for me...those that know me know that I am walking speech. lol


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
lol It is easy for me...those that know me know that I am walking speech. lol

HA HA @walking speech.... I think some people have misunderstood why I showed up here... and I have been thrown into the pit of evil "Trump bashers"... I have been honest about my feelings and share minimal opinion... For the most part... I have BARKED about how people are NOT communicating with respect... It drives me nuts.

I know absolutely nothing about history or politics... I am a simple soul... and I am also ill... therefore I am unable to handle STRESS... I have purposely chosen to live my life quietly... alone and in PEACE. I have never voted in my life... and I never will. Somehow... by admitting this... I have also been accused of ALLOWING evil to over take my own country of Canada... so... I can't seem to win for trying.

I have learned a lot from studying some of the posts here... there are some contributors that I simply cannot tolerate... therefore do NOT read their contributions.

Your post in particular... in conjunction with the speech I listened to this morning where Mr. Trump dismembered the covid package... has caused me to PAUSE... and to perhaps re-think what I believe.

Honest and open communication... void of childish insults is the way that people learn... Sadly... far too many on these threads do not have a clue how to communicate properly or efficiently. I appreciate your effort. Tenderly... Addy


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
You betcha! We Celebrate our Independence (from England :D) every year with lots and lots of FIREWORKS!

We Remember...Independence, God, Country, Family, Liberty and Guns...and KNOW who Stands With Us and who Stands Against Us.

Really you check Everyday to See What is Happening in the US ... like, like Famous Celebrities?

Wow! The only time I see anything about your English Celebrities...your "Royals" :p ... is when their photos and gossip stories are plastered on the Rag Mags at the store check outs stations. The suspicious Death of Diana, the Prince's Mistress, The younger boys trips to Epstein's Island... "nutty" things like that.

Don't you get it Yet?
Politicians by nature are poli- TIC ians. Nobody like TICS. They are Blood sucking creatures!

* Trump was likeable from the getgo Precisely Because he is Not a Politician!
* Trump became loveable Precisely Because he IS a Servant who Works FOR the People.
* Trump gets the Star treatment Because he is Wealthy and Doesn't Trade Americans Liberty for Money to Line his pockets.
* Trump gets another Star for Dissing "political correctness", and using Free Speech.
* Trump gets another Star for Taking a Bombardment of Daily backstabbing Daggers, and Still Stands For the American People!

***** TRUMP *****

Nope, no clue what the "series Lost" is.
Don't watch TV!

May have seemed "interesting to you" to share an indication a pointless and looooser TV shows captured your attention...

(Shhhh Nobody cares what the British finds pointless)


I think you do not get it, Trump is a politician, a salesman selling a story to his base. The reason people can link parallels between Trump and other populist dictators because they say similar things, "I am the greatest, I know everything, I know more than anyone" etc. It is by its nature bombastic and narcistic, and why to my core I never trust people who talk like this because they are lying. It is just power statements to dull the followers into not being critical of what is said, and to force confidence in every situation. Put simply never admit you made a mistake, deny everything, if you have to switch positions but never admit the other position was ever held.

I have discussed things with people like this, and they say something wrong, you point it out, and they carry on as if it did not exist.
My approach is to be as accurate and precise as I can be, and declare my knowledge, strong or weak, as it has value. Truth seekers know everything has value if it is given the appropriate emphasis. If you want chaos, make everything black and white, and the authority an egotist. That will doom any organisation who follows someone like this.

Trump interests me because he is unique, in a bad way, and I can learn so much from seeing the unimaginable play out. Take nutcase Sidney Powell and the Kraken, and suggesting she should be able to prosecute people on the basis alone of rumour and opinion not facts. Not far off the Salem witch trials and the insanity that resulted.

By the way "christians" have been as nutcase about various issues, 911 an inside job, the earth is flat, Nasa never landed on the moon, the pope wants to rule the world as the anti-Christ, almost everything Alex Jones says and his lies about Sandy Hook, or believers can live how they like sinning and murdering and they are destined for heaven with no choice involved, once the elect never anything else.

God bless you


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
I think you do not get it, Trump is a politician, a salesman selling a story to his base. The reason people can link parallels between Trump and other populist dictators because they say similar things, "I am the greatest, I know everything, I know more than anyone" etc. It is by its nature bombastic and narcistic, and why to my core I never trust people who talk like this because they are lying.

This is what has bothered me so much also over the years... and like you... I was NOT able to get over the demeaning rhetoric... and the arrogance. However.. I have also come to understand those who have voted for Trump DUE to POLICY over personality.

Also like you ... I do not trust people who speak like this... but it isn't because I think they are lying... it is more that I don't believe them worthy to be heard... so I dismiss them I guess.

I think NON AMERICANS are unable to understand the concept of patriotism... I know I certainly have not been able to wrap my brain around such a devotion to land and country.

You have received hard knocks on this thread... but I for one have at least been able to understand for the most part what you are saying... and so I have enjoyed reading your input.

Anyways... Bless you.
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