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  • The life giver and life take; Yahweh has once again gave us, the breathe of life. Yeshua came to give life more abundant.
    Don’t believe everyone you meet. Do not accept everything your “Pastor” teaches. Without researching yourself.
    An interesting fun fact is that, Mormons and Jehovah Witness, teach the death, burial, and resurrection. That is the Gospel of Jesus isn’t it?
    Remember how many times he told them, that the Son of man was gonna be delivered to the chief priest and die, but come back in three days… Paul cause that the gospel. You may suggest you need more than that, I would say you would be wrong…
    Paul called the resurrection of Jesus of first importance, not the only thing that is important. Without the resurrection, everything else falls.

    Paul and all of the other Apostles preached the same gospel that Jesus did.

    It would be very unwise to separate Jesus from his words. See the parable of the sower.
    It’s the most important thing… without resurrection there is no newness of life. Without faith, there is no pleasing God. Do you know everyone’s heart? What would a faithful person do? Is it not the will of God? To love God first and love others? Sure the world can affect people but those who continue to stay faithful, are they void of the right to go to God?
    It was never me! ”It is God who has made you part of Christ Jesus. And Christ has become for us wisdom from God. He is the reason we are right with God and pure enough to be in his presence. Christ is the one who set us free from sin.“
    ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭1‬:‭30‬ ‭ERV‬‬
    From the world at large. And differing languages. Yahweh, and Jehovah are common translation for LORD. Yahavah, also could be considered, YHVH. The name is similar to how we breathe in and out. Don’t trust me though.
    There is no one that can get in your way, except what is of the world, what you may desire, in being able to freely reach out and pray faithfully to your Father in Heaven! Let no man, try to govern or condemn you; that you aren’t able to call out!
    Judge yourself before you go around judging other people. Are we to condemn people or restore people by the spirit and encourage others to seek God, and remind them they are still cared for by God.
    The book of life- pertained, to the genealogies of Israel. The white throne judgement and all that is over today. We still are judged just not like they were. With the book that was brought out. I could be wrong.
    Don’t let a root of bitterness stick and stay in your heart for too long. God is there, let him hear and give it to him, so you can find peace and rest. Forgive.
    Did you know for the Pharisees in Jesus’s day. The Law was the god they served. Not God who gave that Law. Did you know that before?
    May the God of compassion be with any and all who are going through circumstances unknown. He is good, is love, is fire, is spirit. He showed us his love by sending his Son, to die for you, and everyone else too. Rose again on the third day, the Father came through!
    Remember to always take a moment away, come back and reassess. God is good, and patient. Always waiting to hear from you. He sees you as his Son or Daughter. A Father who comes running, when a person comes home.
    God is not a God that is far away from you. He is near. Knocking at the door of the heart, by and through the Lord Jesus. Calling day and night, through the sunrise, and moonset.
    It’s important to love your family. Have peace with all people if possible. Do not let the world consume your soul. Let God, by his light, transform you, in the spirit.
    The word world means “an orderly arrangement,” the arrangement since Jesus came and got the bride then; today changes the world in how it was run “under Israel.”
    There is a difference between hypocrisy, and being faithful and by the spirit loving God and others, through your weaknesses in Christ.
    It's was the Lord Yeshua,, whom was humiliated, laughed at by his peers and doubted upon, looked at with envy as a snake, diced upon, as eyes that could kill, by his very own 'chosen nation' which ' the Word ' spoke for Yahavah, and made it so.
    As long as you have intentions for Gods will to succeed, He will help you achieve that. To help people grow, while he gives increase. Continue to do your part, and own labor.
    God dwells within you. Perhaps there is a small spark of Yahavah in all people, some ignite the spark, and perhaps some just ignore it all together. Not sure. :contemplate:
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