Passover meal again for Slilentflight

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New Member
Jan 7, 2007
There are many parts to the Passover meal... Its called a Sedar and all of it is designed to point to Christ, the Jews have kept these tradtions for centuries and still do not see him in the tradtions, but I will tell you about them and hopefully you will see them and I am praying many of you will decide to keep this traditonal meal this year instead of doing the traditional Easter meal. It is to be done on Monday evening . First you light candles and say a prayer as you do. The prayer goes: We praise you eternal God, Master of the universe, as we light these candles of Passover.There are things you must have on the table, unborken shank bone( this can be from the leg of a turkey, but is ususally from a lamb) this represents the unbroken bones of Christ on the Cross.. Remember the soldier was suppose to break it, but did not, instead he drove the sprear into His side. 2. a roasted egg( you put it in the oven and bake it. This represents life Kriss did a study posted here on the egg and life not too long ago. 3. salt water this represents tears, 4.fresh green herbs such as parsley, this represents renewal 5. bitter herbs this is horseradish it represents the past life of slavery 6. a sweet mixture of apple honey wine and nuts called haroset This is a representation of the mortar betwwn the bricks we amde in Egpyt, but sweet now.7 Matzah is also present this is flat unleavened bread. Leaven represents sin and Christ has no sin. There is a packet made with three peices of matzah, they are placed in a napkin stacked but the center one is broken while at the table. This represent the broken body of Christ. The story of the 1st passove is told at the table but he youngest child asking questions ..."Why is this night different than other nights, why do we eat fresh herb dipped in salt water. ect, ect, ect." the adults answer: the salt represents our tears cried in slavery the herb new life God has promised us as free men and women. they child asks again, why do we eat the bitter helb.. the answer: to remind of of the bitterness of slavery. This horseradish is eaten on a piece of matzah and you cry form the heat of the herb. .. again the questions about each item as it is eaten.The afikomen is the three layer is hadden after it is broken and the child who finds it during the evening recieves a gift( the son of God Jesus was broken for us if you seek him you will recieve a gift of eterrnal life. There are 4 glasses of wine poured these are the same number of glasses of wine poured for the ceremoney of the bridal price... when a man desires to marry a woman, he and the father of the bride, drink three glasses of wine as they come to an agreement over the dowry. the 4 thcup is drunk by the woman and her groom to be. As in this ceremony. the last cup is not drunk but left,because until Christ returns we cannot drink this cup with him. The thee cups are drunk in order of the toasts, but one is used to count out the plagues God brought on Egypt. you dip the tip of the little finer in the cup and drop the drops onto a saucer for each one saying it 10 times, flies, flies, ect, frogs, frogs, ect all the way through til death., death, death.One more item, and extra place is always set with cup for Elijah, It is expected that one day Elijah will come and have Passover dinner with us. This coincides with the coming of the 2 witnesses, of which we believe Elijah to be one. There is a booklet you use to help you remember all these items and it even has the words in hebrew and english that you recite, its called a haggadah. I have not told you everything here. These are small booklets and I cannot even remember everyting without it, much less publish the whole thing here. The first Passover is in the Word in Exodus Chapter 12. I encourange you to read this chapter on Monday evening....Take commnunion in your home with your families. Christ became our Passover Lamb, he was slain on Passover for our sins, so that we would not face death. It is a great time of family fellowship and lots of fun. You are feasting on great food. You take all the leaven out of the house the day before . as I said all this symbols that have been done for centuries by Jews and lost because they do not know Christ and then not done by the Christians who have been robbed of it and instead partake of pagan practices. This is not a feast of the Jews, but Gods feast... He commanded to be kept.If you do not keep them you and He will be missing out on a great time.


I want to ask you about perspectives, what your thoughts are on these great Biblical subjects. Such as the fact that, my fathers did not cross the river, they were not part of the isodus nor the exodus. Please don't get me wrong, I did not fail to realize the beauty of the Feast.My question still has something to do with the Biblical instructions, and my knowledge or lack of knowledge, about the Feasts of the Jews (that blessed company of called out ones), and were their Feasts ever given over to another company of believers? were they? to take this a step forward in time, even the apostle Paul said something had happened to cause him to write that even he, as a Jew, circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee, had to lay aside all that he once counted (and just named) as gain. And that gain was nothing less than his Jewishness (Php 3), even going so far as to, in contrast, the apostle NOW counts those once profitable things as refuse (Php 3:8), contrasting the 'gain' (Php 3:7 But what things were gain to me), in order to to reach forth to that which is NOW before him, namely 'the high calling' which speaks of the heavenly places and revealed after Acts as 'the mystery'. What caused so great a change in the apostles instructions, didn't he eventually have to set aside his Jewishness for some reason, didn't he explain all this to us in detail? And being that the inspired apostle did, does this not tell us something instructional regarding what is truth for today?


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
Bet maybe able to understand what you are asking more than I do but the feasts are even celebrated in the millennium Christ said he came not to change one iota of the law,He fufilled many of the feasts.Such as he became our passover but to my knowledge he did not he say he replaced them or they should not be kept. The time of the gentiles will soon end and God will again turn his attention to the Jews so why would you think the Jews should set aside their Jewishness? Christians and Jews are part of the same stick which though broken will be reunited. You must understand the meanings behind the feasts to understand many of the mysteries of how God works. The feasts are symbolic of how God deals with man.(see my study on 7 feasts and miracle of birth) for an example of this.


New Member
Jan 7, 2007
Epo I am putting this together for you piece by piece... the first thing I see was what you said... the feasts of the Jews.. note these passages: Leveticus 23:2, Leveticus 23:37, Leveticus 23:4, Leveticus 23:44,IIChronicles 2:4, Ezra 3:5, These are not the feast of the Jews are they?And mostly beside the fact that God say you shall keep it forever... It is the teaching of who Christ is... Its all about Christ and its a beautifual tradition. what most upsets me is the church has rejected this tradition God ordered us to keep forever and has been keeping the traditions of a pagan goddess in its place. And you say your ancestors didn't cross the Red Sea. well from where I sit you look like a Christian who is a believer in Christ...Romans 11: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, So who is the olive tree and who are you graffed in. You are a now part of Israel. The covenant is extended to you not a 2nd covenant made leaving out Israel. So you ancestors did cross the Red Sea and they were they same ancestors as I have.Just because Paul saw that Salvation didn't come from the keeping of the feast, but the blood of Jesus, did not mean he did not keep the feasts, he even told the Ephesains, they had left theri first love, they were their people and began to keep the feasts of Ephesis. And for himself went to the syagogue see Acts 17:2, and see Acts 21:20, 21, 22, 23, 24 James was speaking to Paul and Paul went to keep a vow at the temple... even Peter who was sent to the Gentiles was sent that sheet full of unclean things, he wouldn not eat, he never did eat and it was never about the unclean food, but immediately he was to go to Corneloius' home... Peter kept the law and they kept the feast. When they were together for Pentacost...did you think that was the name of the church? no, brother it was the feast of Pentacost, they were keeping and guess who else decided to come... the Holy Spirit!! I jest a little, but I know more Christians who keep the feasts that I do Jews... the messianic congregations around the country are not filled with Jews, but Gentiles and a very few Jews.They never did set aside these things they were not set aside until the Catholic Chruch became involved.So consider...


I do understand the meaning of the Feasts. I also acknowledge to whom the Feasts are given. And the name Israel is borne by them, and not in my heritage. Even the Name Israel is limited between members of their own family, which separates me even further, and when we look at the NT, we find the word feasts is synonymous with the word synagogues.Act 18:21 But bade them farewell, saying, I must by all means keep this feast that cometh in JerusalemIf there has been no transference to the gentiles, then I cannot say that there has been. In Acts 15 there was a meeting where we learn of four necessary things, to lay upon them no greater burden than these four necessary things, and the going to Jerusalem for the Feasts were not mentioned in the four.That Paul wrote seven epistles after Acts had concluded Israel in her blindness and hardness of hearth, Israel took her place amidst the nations, wherein Paul was revealed 'the mystery' which had been 'hid in God'. What that mystery is is not longer a mystery, Abraham, the Feasts, Angels, and a host of OT things are conspicuously absent from the latter epistles. Indeed, the hope is not even the coming of the Lord, but the appearing with Him in the heavenly places when He appears.


New Member
Jan 7, 2007
Kriss look at what he did, it was a set up to bash me and my beliefs. Good job epo you've done it again.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
I do understand the meaning of the Feasts. I also acknowledge to whom the Feasts are given. And the name Israel is borne by them, and not in my heritage. Even the Name Israel is limited between members of their own family, which separates me even further, and when we look at the NT, we find the word feasts is synonymous with the word synagogues.Act 18:21 But bade them farewell, saying, I must by all means keep this feast that cometh in JerusalemIf there has been no transference to the gentiles, then I cannot say that there has been. In Acts 15 there was a meeting where we learn of four necessary things, to lay upon them no greater burden than these four necessary things, and the going to Jerusalem for the Feasts were not mentioned in the four.That Paul wrote seven epistles after Acts had concluded Israel in her blindness and hardness of hearth, Israel took her place amidst the nations, wherein Paul was revealed 'the mystery' which had been 'hid in God'. What that mystery is is not longer a mystery, Abraham, the Feasts, Angels, and a host of OT things are conspicuously absent from the latter epistles. Indeed, the hope is not even the coming of the Lord, but the appearing with Him in the heavenly places when He appears.
Epo I would gather by your posts that you are of the mistaken belief that the church has replaced Israel and the Jews. If so this not biblical. Who do you believe you are? Heres some history for you.The ten lost tribes migrated over the caucus mountains into Scotland then Brittain migrated eventually to America and then to the world where they became more numerous than the stars just as foretold. We are of the ten lost tribes of Israel.


Mar 31, 2007
HelloI also believe that Christians today do not need to observe the feasts. I personally believe they were pointing us towards Christ. They were a shadow of the things to come. Though it was important to remember God freeing us from the bondage of Egypt, it is more important for us to remember God freeing us from the bondage of sin today. I believe we are to remember Passover daily1 Corinthians 5:7Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast—as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificedIf Christ is our Passover, don’t all believers then, celebrate Passover Daily? I believe the command of God to follow this feast is fulfilled spiritually in all believers who know JesusPlease take no offence to this post, it is my first. I am here to learn.I think it is wonderful that you and your family have this tradition, but to me it is now just tradition. Jesus is our true Passover. Putting our trust in him, we Passover death unto life.I think true believers celebrate Passover daily


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
Your right John we do not need to observe the feasts Christs fulfilled the feasts but he never said we couldn't observe them or shouldn't because they no longer matter. The feasts are called the feasts of God and will be celebrated in the millenium. So it is a form of prayer or thanksgiving for us when we take the time to honor him and celebrate the feasts.