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  1. Behold

    Salvation : Beginning

    - When did Salvation begin ? - Now, if we really want to drill it down, then we surely understand that salvation started in the "foreknowledge of God", where everything began. So, God created Salvation, in His Foreknowledge, as He knew what Satan would do, and He knew what Adam and Eve would...
  2. Behold

    Made Righteous

    - If you are born again, and not just religious and water baptized, falsely believing that you are going to heaven, then Jesus has become your sin, and you have become "The righteousness of God, in Christ". Think of it like this.. To go to Heaven to EXIT THERE, to remain there...
  3. Behold

    No longer under it

    - Every person has a "sin nature"......its the nature of the Devil. You're born with it. Its basically "lust"......all types. Temptation is based on Lust. The Law empowers your Lust., because the Law is a spiritual dominion, that has POWER over a person's (desires = behavior, to incite them to...
  4. Behold

    Where does Evil come from?

    - Evil exists because the Devil exists., and He and his ministers would have you believe God created it. They will even twist a bible verse to try to blame God for "evil". The Fall of Adam, allowed the evil one, to have dominion on this Earth. So, in came the evil. Your bible tells you that...
  5. Behold

    Not a good sign for the world, but....

    - """""""" 20 European Nations Pour Weapons Into Ukraine, Raising War Risk""""" Read more: 20 European Nations Pour Weapons Into Ukraine, Raising War Risk | ---- See this Headline? PUTIN read it also.... !! This is what happens when the MEDIA creates and then drives an IDEA into...
  6. Behold

    God's Blood

    - John 3:16 says that "for God so loved the world that He Gave". This Giving, is Salvation. Its God as Christ on the Cross paying for all your sin. This sacrifice of God, as Christ, .......His blood shed and death on the Cross , is a one time ONE TIME...ETERNAL..sacrifice, for the sin of the...
  7. Behold

    A Consideration

    - Something that is interesting to note, is that "all our works are as filthy rags" because "all have sinned and fallen short".'' A person thinks......"well, now that im saved, my works are clean". No, they are not. They are exactly the same deeds that can be performed by an unbeliever. Think...
  8. Behold

    What is the "straight Gate"

    - The straight gate, is a symbolic reference to Jesus, as the "ONLY" way., and is talking about God's Redemption that is ONLY offered as the Cross of Christ. Its this..... John 3:16 See that? That is john 14:6. as that is the "gate". or the "way"... This is Jesus who said....only by me, can...
  9. Behold

    Faith to become a SON of God.

    - Abraham believed God, and God accepted this FAITH... He accepted Faith.. "faith is counted AS Righteousness". "justification BY faith". Listen reader.....we dont have any righteousness for God to, he accepts our FAITH in the RIGHTEOUS ONE, to accept us. What is this...
  10. Behold

    Broken to solve it.

    - Are you struggling to live the Holy Life? Then that is why. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^. Notice.."live the holy life"....."struggling". The reason you can't, and you want to, is because you are trying to do it by your will.. You are trying to do it by your self effort. Saint, that is the same as a...
  11. Behold

    No 2nd Chance in Hell.

    - One of the worst heresies that the Devil has people preaching in these end times... is this one.. "you get a 2nd chance in Hell" "hell is only for a short time, and God will get you out". "dont worry about Hell....its not forever....its just a sort of waiting station....a holding tank.....a...
  12. Behold

    Eternal Salvation = Christ on the Cross

    - Salvation is Christ on the Cross. Eternal Life, is Jesus Himself who is eternal life.... "I am THE Resurrection and THE Life". Redemption is Jesus. Salvation is Jesus The Blood Atonement, is Jesus. John 14:6 All of this is the : "Cross of Christ", as the Gospel of the Grace of God, which is...
  13. Behold

    Are you stuck in reverse. ???

    - Some believers are stuck in reverse. Ive helped many to get out of spiritual reverse, and unto their real course.>>>>>>>> going forward. These are in the wrong spiritual gear, stuck, and can't go forward. They are usually sincere, but their sincerity is misapplied, and this keeps them stuck...
  14. Behold

    Its not sin, until.

    - Temptation is derived from your own lust. "Lust of the Eye" usually the issue. "I want matter WHAT"......... See how the lust has taken over the mind?.....And you will then do it., as what is in your mind is what you are going to do next. The NT says....>"be in the world...
  15. Behold

    More about the Bible

    If you are looking for a Thread that hates the bible or pretends to correct it, then this isn't it. So, what i thought i would do is offer the student of the word, who loves the word of God, some things to consider. - We are to "study to show ourselves approved unto God"..... The bible., as...
  16. Behold

    A few Helps

    Perfecting Discipleship. We are always to be in this work as this is our spiritual job. 1. Keep your mind on Christ. Learn to praise God. And study Paul's epistles. Start your morning prayers something like this........and do this every day. "Good morning Father, Good morning Jesus...
  17. Behold

    The Anti-Christ spirit test.

    - There is only one test you need to give to anyone who says they are a "christian", and you need to apply this spiritual test. Its the same one you give a denomination. Its this. Do they believe this, or not. ?????????????????? "The blood of Jesus that saved me, Keeps me saved". "Jesus, who...
  18. Behold

    Find the Light in the word

    - When i was a young believer, i wanted to know why,... "this pastor says something that the next pope says, "isn't true". So, i was sitting on a porch swing one early morning in the Springtime, quite a while ago..., NT in hand, and i had no answer for why there are 2000 denominations that...
  19. Behold

    What is your Focus ?

    - Let me show you a spiritual key. Its this. FOCUS. This word, regarding your MIND< means to : "set it on". So, your FOCUS< is whatever your mind is "set upon". The DEVIL.....has one goal in your life.. To get your FOCUS under HIS Control. See, If he controls your focus...= what you think...
  20. Behold

    Study to show yourself approved : #8

    - Romans 1: 18-20 You can read the entirety later. Let me just explain one part as it is the context, which explains the rest.. of Romans 1. "hold the truth in unrighteousness". So who is that, and what is that? The : What.... = the TRUTH is.....God is real. Jesus is Real. The Cross is...