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  1. Behold

    Don't Blame God

    - Reader, have you ever heard this question? ""if God is good, then why does he allow, allow, allow, allow, when He could stop, stop, stop, = all the bad stuff"". "How can God be good, if God allows bad". There is a simple answer.. Here you go.... Do you have children? If not, maybe one day...
  2. Behold

    God's Salvation

    Reader, A sinner, = (everyone) has nothing to offer God, that God can accept to accept you and me. = """All have sinned, there is non righteous, no not one""'... A.) So, God offers Jesus as His complete Acceptance of Us., as the : '"one time eternal Sacrifice for our sin". Why "for our sin"...
  3. Behold

    Who are : "Vessels fitted for Destruction"?

    - There are vessels "fitted for destruction"..... That is everyone who is never born again, and dies. This does not include babies or small children. So, John 3:36, says that God's Wrath is on unbelievers.. So THEY are the "vessels fitted", and waiting. This is every unbeliever.......They are...
  4. Behold

    God is Love : All the Time.

    Many believers do not enjoy their Christianity as they should because they have a misunderstanding of God, regarding how to deal with Him, and regarding how He deals with There are many born again Saints whose entire idea of fellowship with God is not friendship, is not a love...
  5. Behold

    1 Corinthians 1:30 - #2

    - Jesus is our (entire) Sanctification. (KJV) : 1 Corinthians 1:30 God Himself is "faithful" to complete your Salvation. Philippians 1:6 Do you have Christ in you? ...Are you born again? Have you become "The Temple of the Holy Spirit"? So, when we are "In Christ", we are as spiritually...
  6. Behold

    Born again ? ? = You are here.

    The Born again... : "I am the righteousness of God...In Christ" "i am seated in heavenly places, in Christ".........right now. I am..... "As Jesus is, so are the born again, in THIS World".......... right now. I am. "one with God".... now and forever.....= Having Eternal life. See all...
  7. Behold

    Prayer request : For 2 Pagans

    Hello Believers.. Ive known of Steve and Jenny, for about 8 yrs, and have corresponded with them., tho very very casually. They are both devout "Euro-Pagans". True : "earth worshipers". Steve is an advanced Minister "Priest' regarding Paganism, as found in much of Europe, currently. Jenny...
  8. Behold

    Seeing : Salvation #4

    Reader, Salvation is the End of Salvation., but its not the end of what happens to the "Heir of God, after they die. In other words........ Jesus is Salvation. That's the "end of it"..... for all those who are Born again. The best and clearest way to understand this is to recognize that the...
  9. Behold

    CHRISTians : do not earn God's Gifts.

    Reader, Jesus said that if you gain the whole world BUT in the process you lose your own soul... = you die and go to Hell.. . .So, then you've gained THAT as the end payment regarding all your worldly gain... So, a sinner, comes to Jesus and Gains Eternal LIFE by being Born again........ and...
  10. Behold

    The Power to : Live it.

    Reader, Most believers and nearly all religious but lost, are stuck in Romans 7. and Hebrews 6:1 Stuck Right here.."That which i would do i cant, and that which i hate, that i do"., as they confess sin, and have no spiritual power. That was Paul's struggle with "self righteousness"., Romans...
  11. Behold

    More about : God's Grace

    Reader, Let say you are a Mormon, Calvinist, Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Messianic Jew, TULIP, Assembly of God, Church of Christ, Pentecostal/Charismatic, Berean, Word of Faith, Presbyterian, Church of God, Sovereign Grace, Universalist, , Lutheren, Episcopalian, Church of...
  12. Behold

    1.) Blood Washed, and then... : 2.) Spiritually Renewed..= Born again.

    Reader, The word of God, is more than a book. Its spiritual, its living, and its REVELATION. Its Light for Life. Its "Milk" its "Prophecy"... "Its a lamp and a light"... and it has the ability to read your mind and separate soul and spirit. Now, when we see this..>"W.ord" of God.. so that...
  13. Behold

    Hell : Then the Lake of Fire

    Reader.... Hell was created for the Devil and His fallen angels", before Adam was created who rebelled and took on the nature of the Devil. So, that "nature" is the "Adamic" nature.. Its the sin nature or the "fallen nature" that is passed unto us all, as.. "by one man's sin, sin and death...
  14. Behold

    Gaining : The Maturity

    Reader... - When a person comes to God by Faith in Christ... God gives them "Christ's righteousness" as "the imputed righteousness of Christ'. This is the "Divine Exchange", whereby Jesus takes your sin, as "God hath made Jesus to BE .Sin....for us". In other words, Jesus becomes our sin, as...
  15. Behold

    The Born Again = Have No Sin.

    - Reader, if you are Born again... 1.) You have a eternal relationship with God your Father... that is based on Jesus becoming all your sin, and then God giving you the new birth, after He deals with all your sin. See, God can't join Himself Spiritually to a sinner.....So, Christ has to deal...
  16. Behold

    A Short Study on : Justification

    - Reader Let me show you how Paul explains : Justification 1.) Its "God who Justifies" based on what He created/offers as the Justification,= being Imputed through Faith. "Grace through Faith". This is the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross.. , which is God's Grace and God's Justification who is...
  17. Behold

    God is always there for you..

    - Reader, A few years ago, in a 24 hr period, i was traveling in a rented car from Pensacola, Fl, almost to Miami. Top of the State to the Bottom, and back. I had business there. Its in the Summer. When i got to the Florida Everglades, (its a slightly narrow 2 lane road), i was "stuck" behind...
  18. Behold

    Light : Out of Darkness

    Let me show you : 2 times that God caused Light to shine = "out of darkness". 1.) was when there was not any Sun or Stars. There was just the earth. God as the incarnate word Colossians 1:16......."Let there be LIGHT".....and it became so. Go outside tonight and look at some sky...
  19. Behold

    More : About The LAW

    Reader, How the Law defines you, vs, How It can't anymore. So, understand..... that if you are not born again, then all your sin is unresolved and you'll die in it, including the main one.. as that is to have died never born again, as a Christ rejector.. and Hell is waiting for those, and...
  20. Behold

    How : To ruin your Discipleship.

    - Reader, As ive taught many times in many Threads here on this Forum........ If you strive to be good, then this is going to awaken your "old man of sin" and you will find it even more impossible to be any good at all. Reader, the natural mind.....or the way that "seems logical" and "seems...