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  1. Behold

    Always : Made Free from SIN.

    Reader... All the born again are "made free from sin", as obviously PAUL the Apostle is not talking to the Muslims or the Scientologists or the Gnostics. This one concept... "made free from sin", always gets spun and twisted into a theological misunderstanding... because most believers hear...
  2. Behold

    How to put on Christ

    Reader, In Romans 13:14 we read where Paul said/wrote: """'Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires."" This verse is not saying....>If you put on the Lord, you are then to also not make provision for the flesh.. No. The verse is teaching that...
  3. Behold

    Are you Born again? Then here you are.

    Reader. This Thread shows "us" the born again, a few wonderful and eternal realities. This Thread is a short SS lesson written to/for the born again... It does not pertain to the the water baptized and religious who are not born again. - The Born again... : "I am the righteousness of God...In...
  4. Behold

    No Law : Only Grace

    - We understand that the Law and the 10 Commandments are good. They are Holy. They are Pure. But, because they are Holy, they show us that we are not.... as that is the main purpose of the Law and 10 Commandments. They are a Spiritual Mirror, a HOLY Mirror that reflect God's Righteousness...
  5. Behold

    For your consideration #1

    - There are 2 Things that i think about sometimes, that are for me, just ...... "mind blown". First... John 1:10 and Colossians 1:16 say that Jesus Pre-incarnate made This World...This EARTH......all of it. So, as that is true........then that means that when Baby Jesus, took his first...
  6. Behold

    Victory over repentance

    - Regarding the confessing and repenting failed discipleship situation... Its better to exist in this situation..... "Christ always gives me the Victory"... Paul says. so, its better to live in that TRUTH.....then in some sort of confused daily repentance carnal spiritually darkened mindset...