In Romans 13:14 we read where Paul said/wrote: """'Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.""
This verse is not saying....>If you put on the Lord, you are then to also not make provision for the flesh..
The verse is teaching that the putting on of the Lord Jesus The Christ = is HOW you "make no provision for the flesh".
So.....Make sure you understand that, as its very important for you to know.
1.) Ok, so, how do you do that?
Well, you start by actually being born again. and water baptism can't do that for you.
Being SAVED..... means that God has to forgive all your sin and then give your spirit a "quickening", which is the literal reconnection of your spirit INTO God's Holy Spirit. This is what it means to be "Born......again".
To be born again, means that you have been reestablished spiritually with God, exactly as Adam was before He sinned and lost this spiritual union.
God became one of us to restore spiritual union for everyone who will "Believe on Jesus" and be born again.
Being born again, is God restoring ETERNAL spiritual union with you.
The reason that its eternal, is because God became a Virgin born man 2000 yrs ago, and created an eternal blood atonement that is Christ on the Cross, the New Covenant... = that is an ETERNAL Redemption paid for by the blood of Jesus...., and you have it if you are born again and not just water baptized and religious.
Reader......God the Holy Spirit births your spirit into His, by His Holy Spirit. = BORN.... again.
And reader, that's not your body and its not your mind.
So, when you read that the born again are "in Christ', "one with God" "seated in heavenly places", and have become "as JESUS are the born again in this world"..... = Then you must realize that your body is not included and your mind is not included.
This is why Paul says we are to renew our mind so that its no longer worldly, carnal, or double.
2.) Now, just forget your body, as its going to be replaced, and lets simply understand what is LEFT.... that you have to deal with.. which is your soul realm that is your mind, your thinking.<, as this is where we "put on Christ".
The born again SPIRIT.. is the "Son/Daughter of God".....and that is not your body or your mind.
3.) Now, lets get to the "put on Christ" reality.
How to do it...
Its very simple... you have to take your mind and your faith and let it become and always remain God's perspective of who you have become as a BORN AGAIN Spirit.
As THIS is the : CHRISTian....
This is the "SON/Daughter" of God.
When you do that, when you stay there in your Mind of FAITH you have "worked out your salvation".
So, you have to no longer think of yourself as your body and your emotions, and your thinking.... as all of that is just a part of what is not joined to God.
See, this is why you can be thinking about Jesus, and 10 seconds later you are thinking about Pizza or Netflix, or your bank account.
See that? That is your natural mind and its not connected to God.. Its connected to your lust, your desire, your feelings, and its going to be controlled by them, and this is often based on what this world wants you to see and do, next.
Reader....When your Bible tells you to be in the world but not OF IT, its talking about how this world will control your MIND...Thinking....and BELIEF system.
So, to get away from all that, is to "put on Christ" and then you wont make provision to do carnal deeds or live like the world directs..., and that is because your carnal mind is not running your life and.... ruining your faith... when you have "put on Christ".
4.) Here is what it means to "put on Christ".
"Having the Mind of Christ", and that is, to """ put on the HELMET of Salvation"""" that is a part of """ the Armor of God."""
Go and study all that out., as you have to do some study, Reader., as in that place is where God will open the scriptures for you.
"Study to show yourself approved"... to GOD.
See that Helmet of SALVATION? ?? And Jesus is Salvation..
See that?
That is "put on Christ" that is the Helmet. That UNDERSTANDING.
And when you understand that Jesus is Salvation, and not you doing anything like trying to stay saved......then this change in your mind that is REAL FAITH will cause you to never again see yourself as anything but a born again Spirit, living in God, and that is God's mind, reader.
That is how God sees all the born again.
And you have to get that mind, and then KEEP IT, as the Devil will try to get you out of that mind and back into the wrong one.
He will come to you, with cults, with commentaries, with Forum deceivers, and He will try to take this seed, this revelation from you.
So, YOU have to get the revelation and then YOU have to maintain it.
5.) See that?
That is real faith in operation as the renewed mind that is God's perspective.
You have to start to see yourself as "one with God", already, as you are there already, if you are born again.
See, God is "up there"..... and He sees you, if you are really born again = as always "in Christ" and "one with God".
YOU see you, as down here, in a body, with feelings and moods and so forth, but that is not how God sees you.
So you have to get HIS MIND and let it become your continual perspective of who you are as "one with God" "In Christ".
Here is how God sees you...
He sees you as spiritually joined to Him...already in the Kingdom of God.... Born again.....sinless, made righteous, and waiting to get your new body and exist in it.
Put on that revelation of who you have become as "one with God".
Get that Mind, and watch how your Christianity becomes a living breathing manifestation of God's Grace.
Learn, LEARN the discipline of always seeing yourself as God sees you, as that is your HELMET of Salvation, that will protect your mind from deceivers, deception, the devil's "fiery darts" (lies and temptation)..... and this MIND of Real FAITH will cause your sin consciousness, to fade, fade........fade.
Where to start putting on Christ?
A.) Go directly to Hebrews 13:9 and do what the verse says to do with your HEART, and never let that depart.
In Romans 13:14 we read where Paul said/wrote: """'Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.""
This verse is not saying....>If you put on the Lord, you are then to also not make provision for the flesh..
The verse is teaching that the putting on of the Lord Jesus The Christ = is HOW you "make no provision for the flesh".
So.....Make sure you understand that, as its very important for you to know.
1.) Ok, so, how do you do that?
Well, you start by actually being born again. and water baptism can't do that for you.
Being SAVED..... means that God has to forgive all your sin and then give your spirit a "quickening", which is the literal reconnection of your spirit INTO God's Holy Spirit. This is what it means to be "Born......again".
To be born again, means that you have been reestablished spiritually with God, exactly as Adam was before He sinned and lost this spiritual union.
God became one of us to restore spiritual union for everyone who will "Believe on Jesus" and be born again.
Being born again, is God restoring ETERNAL spiritual union with you.
The reason that its eternal, is because God became a Virgin born man 2000 yrs ago, and created an eternal blood atonement that is Christ on the Cross, the New Covenant... = that is an ETERNAL Redemption paid for by the blood of Jesus...., and you have it if you are born again and not just water baptized and religious.
Reader......God the Holy Spirit births your spirit into His, by His Holy Spirit. = BORN.... again.
And reader, that's not your body and its not your mind.
So, when you read that the born again are "in Christ', "one with God" "seated in heavenly places", and have become "as JESUS are the born again in this world"..... = Then you must realize that your body is not included and your mind is not included.
This is why Paul says we are to renew our mind so that its no longer worldly, carnal, or double.
2.) Now, just forget your body, as its going to be replaced, and lets simply understand what is LEFT.... that you have to deal with.. which is your soul realm that is your mind, your thinking.<, as this is where we "put on Christ".
The born again SPIRIT.. is the "Son/Daughter of God".....and that is not your body or your mind.
3.) Now, lets get to the "put on Christ" reality.
How to do it...
Its very simple... you have to take your mind and your faith and let it become and always remain God's perspective of who you have become as a BORN AGAIN Spirit.
As THIS is the : CHRISTian....
This is the "SON/Daughter" of God.
When you do that, when you stay there in your Mind of FAITH you have "worked out your salvation".
So, you have to no longer think of yourself as your body and your emotions, and your thinking.... as all of that is just a part of what is not joined to God.
See, this is why you can be thinking about Jesus, and 10 seconds later you are thinking about Pizza or Netflix, or your bank account.
See that? That is your natural mind and its not connected to God.. Its connected to your lust, your desire, your feelings, and its going to be controlled by them, and this is often based on what this world wants you to see and do, next.
Reader....When your Bible tells you to be in the world but not OF IT, its talking about how this world will control your MIND...Thinking....and BELIEF system.
So, to get away from all that, is to "put on Christ" and then you wont make provision to do carnal deeds or live like the world directs..., and that is because your carnal mind is not running your life and.... ruining your faith... when you have "put on Christ".
4.) Here is what it means to "put on Christ".
"Having the Mind of Christ", and that is, to """ put on the HELMET of Salvation"""" that is a part of """ the Armor of God."""
Go and study all that out., as you have to do some study, Reader., as in that place is where God will open the scriptures for you.
"Study to show yourself approved"... to GOD.
See that Helmet of SALVATION? ?? And Jesus is Salvation..
See that?
That is "put on Christ" that is the Helmet. That UNDERSTANDING.
And when you understand that Jesus is Salvation, and not you doing anything like trying to stay saved......then this change in your mind that is REAL FAITH will cause you to never again see yourself as anything but a born again Spirit, living in God, and that is God's mind, reader.
That is how God sees all the born again.
And you have to get that mind, and then KEEP IT, as the Devil will try to get you out of that mind and back into the wrong one.
He will come to you, with cults, with commentaries, with Forum deceivers, and He will try to take this seed, this revelation from you.
So, YOU have to get the revelation and then YOU have to maintain it.
5.) See that?
That is real faith in operation as the renewed mind that is God's perspective.
You have to start to see yourself as "one with God", already, as you are there already, if you are born again.
See, God is "up there"..... and He sees you, if you are really born again = as always "in Christ" and "one with God".
YOU see you, as down here, in a body, with feelings and moods and so forth, but that is not how God sees you.
So you have to get HIS MIND and let it become your continual perspective of who you are as "one with God" "In Christ".
Here is how God sees you...
He sees you as spiritually joined to Him...already in the Kingdom of God.... Born again.....sinless, made righteous, and waiting to get your new body and exist in it.
Put on that revelation of who you have become as "one with God".
Get that Mind, and watch how your Christianity becomes a living breathing manifestation of God's Grace.
Learn, LEARN the discipline of always seeing yourself as God sees you, as that is your HELMET of Salvation, that will protect your mind from deceivers, deception, the devil's "fiery darts" (lies and temptation)..... and this MIND of Real FAITH will cause your sin consciousness, to fade, fade........fade.
Where to start putting on Christ?
A.) Go directly to Hebrews 13:9 and do what the verse says to do with your HEART, and never let that depart.
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