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  1. Behold

    Living Longer and getting Help in Troubled times.

    Reader.. Do you want to live longer? Do you want help when you are in Trouble? So, ... if you are born again... you always exist in the favor of God. You always exist in Perfect PEACE with God... based on Christ's Sacrifice... and that means, you have direct access to the "Throne of...
  2. G

    I am awful at saving money, please pray for me (slowly?)

    Hi there, So I know the verse "if you are not faithful in unrighteous mammon, who will trust you with the true riches?" but I am awful at living it out! Please pray that I learn to save? I think I really should be setting money aside, but discipline to do so is really hard. The point is that...
  3. L.A.M.B.

    Just curious.....

    I am wondering about ppl that have an expectation from others for financial support and how God expects his stewards to handle possessions wisely in their giving. Now, I do know there are the poor of the world, that either bc of addiction, mental illness, some horrible misfortune, or even...
  4. G

    Am I crazy, or is advertising targeted in ways that I'm not even aware I am asking for? (really?)

    Hi there, So this is just a short thread OP: I am concerned about advertising. It always seems to be exactly what I am interested in. I don't even type this stuff in, like "I like plant protein" and yet here it is: 'would you like plant protein?' and I am interested in plant protein! I am...
  5. Decoder777

    Can Stealing be Justified?

    Our entire financial system is a SCAM designed to siphon true wealth from the masses and make the elite rich, and thereby cause INFLATION. This 30 minute video tells you hot it was done: I am become the proverbial Thief who steals the Loaf of Bread. I just don't think it's fair for all the...
  6. dga

    Abundance By Grace Or By Toil?

    In this world, the so called successful people, are the ones, who have got high education, or a lot of money. According to the world system, if you can not make a lot of money, or can not be highly educated, you are a failure, and have not succeeded. You could be also considered not very bright...
  7. Amos Ministries

    The Love Of Money Is Idol Worshipping

    The love of money is idol worshipping in its most relevant and practical form. Money can replace God. Money can mimic God and give us (false) illusions of security, safety, love and happiness. We can begin to trust in money to the point of confusing it with God and loving it more than God...
  8. ReChoired

    The Bail Outs Will Fail ...

    Peace - Be Still (see Powerpoint) AntiChrist counterfeit miracle coming, money market. Apologies, the devil attacked the last portion, but all is in the powerpoint. - Be Still.pptx
  9. Behold

    Give it up.

    Reader.../ The things of God, often work backwards regarding how WE THINK. For example, God elevates those in LIFE who are found on their knees the most.... Look at your knees, Reader. Are you able to get on your knees and pray? Do you have any marks or callouses on your knees from being on...