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  1. G

    What are people at the end of time like? (you?)

    Hi there, So Jesus talks about "men's hearts failing them, for fear of the things to come" (Gospels, from memory). I hazard that this can be interpreted a step further: at the end of time, men will have lots of problems. By problems I mean mental instability, ill health, doubts...
  2. Thesunnysapling

    Struggling and need all your prayers

    I'm going through a massive crisis right now in my life. I lost a close friendship, and I'm experiencing terrible mental health issues. The only reason I'm alive and here right now, hanging on, is because of God and my family. He's my only lifeboat in this extremely stormy, chaotic ocean that...
  3. G

    How much does God suffer, knowing He created to suffer? (character?)

    Hi there, So I just want to dwell briefly on the fact that God does not create, such that we suffer on our own, but that God creates knowing He will suffer from His creation suffering. God suffering is why our relationship to Him is so important: without a relationship to God, there is no end...
  4. G

    I was faced with returning to the world, or going and serving Jesus and I returned to the world (lost?)

    Hi there, So this is the problem: I was faced with returning to the world, or going and serving Jesus and I returned to the world. Now, I am aware of a couple of scriptures here: one, Jesus said to the man who had legion "go back to your home town and tell them what God has done for you and how...
  5. G

    God suffers more with us, than we can suffer on our own - but He does it anyway! (heartfelt?)

    Hi there, So it is just out of love that I want to say this: suffering in God, comes at a far higher price, than we pay for on our own. This doesn't deter God, He is happy to share our suffering with us - until we find comfort. That so great a God would come down to our level, and be a part of...
  6. G

    Why does God allow suffering? Because if you have faith: there is no suffering, that He can't suffer *with* you (pained?)

    Hi there, So it really is a simple truth: when we have faith, God suffers with us (selah). In other words, when we have little faith, God divides our suffering with Him. There is no point, in which God does not suffer while we do, except when the suffering is of the Devil - in that case God...
  7. L.A.M.B.

    Be Encouraged

    David felt at times forsaken of God, weeping in agony of sorrows. Jesus felt agony for the lost souls he encountered but subjected himself to the Father's will. Many things come against us, that are of faith, to tear down our peace and joy. Be encouraged, know that the very hairs of our heads...
  8. G

    Suffering unites awareness (around an important focus), but suffering with tolerance, unites the heart with God (selah)

    Hi there, So this is not so much a look at what we suffer, so much as what that suffering becomes, when we work with it. On its own, suffering has a utility, that should not be ignored: it makes us "aware". If we didn't suffer, we would never have awareness of what is causing the suffering and...
  9. G

    Why does God allow suffering? If life did not suffer, the spirit of that life would not last long enough (selah)

    Hi there, So the perennial question about God allowing suffering has a simple answer. It is not an answer that changes that we must suffer, just that the suffering has a purpose. That purpose is life-long, and it means that we can acclimatize to the suffering we must endure. Being able to...
  10. Misty Williams

    How do keep our joy (even when we're going through hard times)

    Hello all! I hope this day finds you well and joyful! This week’s message (YouTube/ Spotify/ iTunes) answers the question, “How Do I Keep My Joy?”j The real question here is, how do I keep my joy when I don’t feel like it or when I’m not in joyful circumstances! Remember, joy doesn’t mean...
  11. Mosheli

    how can I love the lord & have faith when

    I find it very hard to love God and to have faith that he will answer prayers and fix the really bad things. Some of the major big reasons I have been finding it hard to love and have faith include: How can I love him and have faith - When he keeps allowing me to suffer the ringing sound from...
  12. marksman


    Let's face it the book of Acts is an exciting and interesting book to read and understand. It seems to be a blueprint of what to expect if you are a full-on believer in Jesus and the sort of thing the believers had to go through to preach the gospel and establish the church. According to the...
  13. Prayer Warrior

    Does God have a purpose in suffering?

    Some Christians believe that God uses suffering to accomplish His own good purposes.... Some believe that suffering is from the devil, and it's not God's will for Christians to suffer. What does the Bible say about suffering? And what do you believe?