Hi there,
So the perennial question about God allowing suffering has a simple answer. It is not an answer that changes that we must suffer, just that the suffering has a purpose. That purpose is life-long, and it means that we can acclimatize to the suffering we must endure. Being able to acclimatize, that suffering may diminish or grow, but fundamentally we will be able to remain in anticipation of it. A soul that anticipates suffering, is a very able soul (selah). So what is it that suffering achieves?
The transition to Heaven, is not a transition away from suffering, but into an agreement with suffering, that it will gradually diminish, as Heaven makes way for the Lord to approach His Thone. Revelation talks about those that are waiting for Justice, in Heaven, who are told "wait a little longer" - that is the quintessential request in Revelation, that life's suffering not be for nothing, once we enter Heaven. It is possible to accept that we will not be able to suffer as we would like, until the time is upon us - that is why we forebear in prayer to God, even before our suffering becomes great. We do not accuse God of causing us to suffer beyond measure, because we don't want to suffer beyond measure. This is something you have to weigh, in the Spirit. Using suffering to prolong our spirit, is something we should be good at, ultimately.
He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says about suffering.
God bless.
So the perennial question about God allowing suffering has a simple answer. It is not an answer that changes that we must suffer, just that the suffering has a purpose. That purpose is life-long, and it means that we can acclimatize to the suffering we must endure. Being able to acclimatize, that suffering may diminish or grow, but fundamentally we will be able to remain in anticipation of it. A soul that anticipates suffering, is a very able soul (selah). So what is it that suffering achieves?
What is this saying? It is saying that undergoing suffering, has the effect of causing our spirit to endure. If we suffer briefly, then our spirit will grasp life only briefly; if we suffer at length, then our spirit will grasp life greatly. The idea that you have to avoid all suffering, is a snare, that actually makes suffering worse. The idea that you can anticipate suffering, with fervour, ensures that we endure only the suffering that we need to. Our meditation should be an exercise in anticipating suffering more. If we can practice enduring suffering throughout our lives, entering Heaven will be easy and light!Proverb on Suffering said:If life did not suffer, the spirit of that life would not last long enough (selah)
The transition to Heaven, is not a transition away from suffering, but into an agreement with suffering, that it will gradually diminish, as Heaven makes way for the Lord to approach His Thone. Revelation talks about those that are waiting for Justice, in Heaven, who are told "wait a little longer" - that is the quintessential request in Revelation, that life's suffering not be for nothing, once we enter Heaven. It is possible to accept that we will not be able to suffer as we would like, until the time is upon us - that is why we forebear in prayer to God, even before our suffering becomes great. We do not accuse God of causing us to suffer beyond measure, because we don't want to suffer beyond measure. This is something you have to weigh, in the Spirit. Using suffering to prolong our spirit, is something we should be good at, ultimately.
He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says about suffering.
God bless.
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