A Third Jewish Temple is Required

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3 Resurrections

Active Member
Jan 20, 2024
South Carolina
United States
There is no male or female in the kingdom, either, yet here we are male and female.
There are also still "bond" and "free" people as well in this world. But that isn't quite the point. God doesn't give any significance to any of those classifications. I am not a Gentile. Neither are you. God does not regard the inhabitants of the world as being divided into Jew / Gentile categories anymore. That is why He got rid of the genealogical records of the Israelite tribes in the AD 70 fires that burned up Jerusalem's archives. God didn't want those classifications to have any distinction for us under the New Covenant. Paul called those "endless genealogies" both "unprofitable and vain" (1 Tim. 1:4, Titus 3:9).
As to the tribulation not being duplicated.....that part of the prophecy might be referring to the very end.....sometimes can be a kind of woof and waffle to prophetic words, which are speaking in spirit......might be speaking of more than one thing at the same time. I think we can depend on it that the end of the world is not going to be very nice at any rate.
But the "Great Tribulation" in Judea was NOT going to take place at the "end of the world". That is because there would continue to be periods of tribulation for the believers even AFTER the Great Tribulation. None of those subsequent periods of tribulation in history would ever duplicate that of the former "Great Tribulation" period in Judea - "no, nor ever shall be"(Matt. 24:21).
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Jesus is physically on earth as the Prince to come. That is when the 70th week is finished.
"He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week" to you means He must do it in Person.

Hebrews 2:3 KJV plainly says New Covenant salvation was "confirmed to us (Apostles) by them that heard Him (disciples) after it "began to be spoken ("confirmed") by the Lord" in Person.
You put all your trust in the Catholic church, and none in what John actually wrote.
Jesuit Futurism arose from Jesuit "scholarship" - not Scripture. The ECFs were all Historicist.
God is going to destroy life on earth as we know it at the Second Coming, but that is not the end. There is a thousand years left with Jesus physically on the earth.
Sorry, the thousand years on Earth is the coming darkness and desolation which the Bible declares will be but Jesuit Futurists deny by the fact their interpretation always has activity happening down here on Earth.
Satan is the 8th kingdom, not mankind. Satan is the dragon, not mankind. Man has just been riding along with Satan since Babylon. But when Satan is actually in control, the whole world will know who Satan is, and he is not the pope.
The 8th (papacy) is "of the seven" meaning it incorporates all the qualities of the 7, including (1) Babylon's sun worship, (2) MP's encyclical-ism, (3) Greece's humanism, (4) Rome's ecumenicalism, (5) the papacy's own "dunghill of decretals", (6) Bottomless Pit Beast's occultism, and (7) Apostate Protestantism's coming "church/state" union Image that mirrors their own.
John wrote these future 10 kings have no kingdom, so they are not any of the nations we currently recognize.
Yes, because from John's perspective, they were still future. Did you not read the link where it shows the ECFs held that the 10 horns of Daniel and the 10 horns of Revelation were the same? The ECFs were HISTORICIST, not Jesuit Futurist:

Your interpretation of the 7th Trumpet is so far removed from the Word of God.
It's spot on with the Word of God's prophetic timeline which has the Churches, Seals, and Trumpets paralleling each other.

The 6th Trumpet was fulfilled in history with the "Great Lisbon Earthquake of 1755" and the "Dark Day and Blood Red Moon of 1780" (unlike all the modern "blood moon" hysteria which are not "signs" but are scientifically accounted) has remained inexplicable to this day, and the "Falling Stars of 1833" which was an inexplicable meteor shower originating from one point in the sky and spreading outward.

The 7th Trumpet began blowing in 1844, when the 6th Trumpet, 6th Seal, and 6th Church periods expired.
Even most other posters, erroneously interpret Paul and the 7th Trumpet as being the actual Second Coming, not hundreds of years prior to the Second Coming.
Most posters need to realize that the "last trump" is not the 7th Trump - because an angel blows the 7th trumpet, but GOD BLOWS THE TRUMP OF GOD, according to Zechariah 9:14 KJV.
The ten horns have power one hour with the beast
Yes, the Ten Horns reigned alongside the papacy during the Dark Ages, with the papacy as the spiritual head of Christian and Secular affairs (church/state union).
The 6th kingdom
The 6th kingdom that "is not, yet is" is the papacy operating behind Bottomless Pit Beast occult secret societies which control you, which is why you are blinded to the truth. I mean, how blind can people be to not see the Sabbath is the 7th day, not Sunday?
Nothing in there that Rome and the papacy would still have governmental authority after the Reformation.
"IS NOT, YET IS" - the papacy appeared to be "wounded to death" but it was not. When Napoleon dissolved the papacy, the papacy still remained behind the scenes pulling the levers of power via a network of satanic secret socieites that are still with us today, banning some to throw off you off the track, but when you read the writings of these society leaders, it's PAPAL SYMPATHIES the whole way around.
The church would come out of great tribulation, and has for 1994 years. But Daniel literally told Nebuchadnezzar that the church would totally wipe out these first 5 kingdoms and fill the earth, but was not supposed to be a one world governmental dictator. Jesus never said one had to live for thousands of years. Each generation would have to be faithful until they finished their task on the earth, and not give in, in their last days, even at the point of martyrdom.
The church fled into the wilderness in 538 A.D. and came out in 1798 A.D. when the greatest end times evangelistic push took place, launched in North America thanks the to the "Great Religious Awakening" of the 6th Trumpet.
Jesus said that after the Second Coming would many be physically gathered in Jerusalem for judgment, while still in Adam's dead corruptible flesh. So there is time after the Second Coming, not this remote judgment for hundreds of years you erroneously teach.

"When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:"
I told you He's now our High Priest, but when the Day of Atonement "cleansing of the sanctuary" is done, He will exit the sanctuary, strike off His priestly garments, don His kingly robes, and come for us as King on His throne.

How can people who are wholly ignorant of the OT sanctuary service hope to understand Daniel and Revelation, when both are fraught with SANCTUARY symbolism?
Jesus was physically on the earth as Messiah for 3.5 years from baptism to the Cross, then was cut off for the Gospel's sake. As Prince to Come, Jesus as King will physically be on the earth for the last half of the 70th week.
You're just making it up as you go. The 70 Weeks are "amputated" for "thy people and thy holy city" which does include the coming of Messiah but no where says Messiah must be on Earth for the entire 70 Weeks to fulfill.

Found any other Numerically Specific Time Prophecies which insert gaps yet?
The 70th week is Jesus. You may not like a gap, but "being cut off", certainly indicates a gap of time, as the "Prince to come" is after the "cut off" part.
After you return from your noon lunch hour at 2, tell your boss there's a "one hour gap" between 12:59 and 1:00 and see how well that flies.
At least Jesus as the 70th week is implied in Daniel 9, not some 2300 years.
The 70 are explicit and the 2300 begin at the same time as the 70 because the 70 are "amputated" from the 2300, the only possible time period from which the 70 can be - contextually and antecedently.
The day year principle is not necessary in Daniel 9, because in the Hebrew, neither the terms "day" nor "year" are explicitly expressed. The term "week" is used which can be a set of 7 years or 7 days depending on context.
Now that's just silly. 70 Weeks are 490 days, which means they have to be years in order for the 457 B.C. decree to reach down to the time of the first advent of Jesus.
God is saying I gave you 70 years to cool off, now I am giving you 70 weeks until I visit you and restore you completely.
No, God said, "Look, I'm returning you to Israel from Babylon and giving you 490 years probation to get your stuff together and get busy announcing the soon arrival of the Messiah". They blew it, the Gospel now belongs to "the Israel of God" - the church - and as for them, "wrath has come upon them to the uttermost".
If you refuse to see that is when the church expanded like wild fire, that is your historical blindness, with your head in the sand of papacy as some existential threat. John said 5 have fallen. They do not relate to anything written in Revelation, past an historical nod, as having happened already. You can call the ten toes whatever you want. How Europe portrayed itself in the 16th century is no longer relevant today.
If you refuse to turn from Jesuit Futurist nonsense, you will fall victim to the Mark of the (papal) Beast, friend.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
You deny that the 7th Trumpet declares Jesus as King of the world against clear Scripture:
You deny that "the kingdoms of the world are become the kingdoms of our Lord" is when He begins deciding which earthly kingdoms will become a part of His heavenly kingdom - the antitypical "day of atonement" which is the "day of JUDGMENT" which must take place BEFORE He comes.

You guys teach He's coming with His reward with Him (Revelation 22:12 KJV) to reward everyone, and then sit down after everyone has their reward and say, "OK, let me see what your rewards will be".
I don't think at any time during 1844, any nation recognized that point, that Jesus was the Prince to come, now physically reigning in Jerusalem over every other nation, just as physical as Jesus dying on the Cross, as the Messiah.
1844 was 2,300 years after "the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem" because both the 70 and the 2300 start at the same time, seeing that the smaller is "amputated" from the larger.

Did you forget that the 70 Weeks were given to clear up for Daniel what the 2300 Days meant?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
They were also wrong when it comes to the Second Coming.
LOL - you make think Jesuits who can't even figure out the most basic milk doctrine - salvation by grace through faith - should be trusted when it comes to the meat of eschatology, but I'll stick with those whose doctrines line up with Scritpure.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
LOL - you make think Jesuits who can't even figure out the most basic milk doctrine - salvation by grace through faith - should be trusted when it comes to the meat of eschatology, but I'll stick with those whose doctrines line up with Scritpure.
Your claim that I follow a Jesuit theology is just a blatant lie, and not even an honest conversation. All you are doing is avoiding Scripture instead, by claiming you follow doctrines of other men. You have not even pointed out one point where I follow any theology, much less this popular claim today (jesuit futurist) about a counter reformation that happened 500 years ago.

Guess what? I am not 500 years old, and never even read a single Jesuit article that you keep claiming I adhere to. You don't even acknowledge the Scripture I have presented. If you have, then your name calling is all that is heard from your post, instead of any real discussion.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Your claim that I follow a Jesuit theology is just a blatant lie, and not even an honest conversation. All you are doing is avoiding Scripture instead, by claiming you follow doctrines of other men. You have not even pointed out one point where I follow any theology, much less this popular claim today (jesuit futurist) about a counter reformation that happened 500 years ago.
The Jesuits invented Jesuit Futurism and Jesuit Preterism in the 16th century, which is why they are unknown to the world before then.
Guess what? I am not 500 years old, and never even read a single Jesuit article that you keep claiming I adhere to.
You don't have to be 500 years old to follow 500 year old Jesuit lies, friend.
You don't even acknowledge the Scripture I have presented. If you have, then your name calling is all that is heard from your post, instead of any real discussion.
The record shows I've consistently shown you how you are missapplying Scrpture to support your Jesuit ideas, friend:
  • I've shown you no other Numerically Specific Time Prophecy - a prophecy whose duration is expressed by a specific numerical measurement of time - utilizes "gaps" like you insert in Daniel 9.
  • I've shown you God would never refer to a satanically blasphemous temple as the "temple of God".
  • I've shown you everytime "temple" refers to Christianity, it's "naos" - same word in "temple of God".
  • I've shown you the ECFs were Historicist - not Futurist - but you refuse to offer a rebuttal to my link.
  • I've shown you the ECFs said Paul taught the Restrainer was Pagan Rome - nothing to do with holiness.
  • I've shown you Zechariah 9:14 says the Lord blows the "trump" at the Second Coming - not an angel.
I've shown you time and time again by irrefutable points in Scripture and history why your Jesuit Futurist ideas don't hold water.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
The Jesuits invented Jesuit Futurism and Jesuit Preterism in the 16th century, which is why they are unknown to the world before then.

You don't have to be 500 years old to follow 500 year old Jesuit lies, friend.

The record shows I've consistently shown you how you are missapplying Scrpture to support your Jesuit ideas, friend:
  • I've shown you no other Numerically Specific Time Prophecy - a prophecy whose duration is expressed by a specific numerical measurement of time - utilizes "gaps" like you insert in Daniel 9.
  • I've shown you God would never refer to a satanically blasphemous temple as the "temple of God".
  • I've shown you everytime "temple" refers to Christianity, it's "naos" - same word in "temple of God".
  • I've shown you the ECFs were Historicist - not Futurist - but you refuse to offer a rebuttal to my link.
  • I've shown you the ECFs said Paul taught the Restrainer was Pagan Rome - nothing to do with holiness.
  • I've shown you Zechariah 9:14 says the Lord blows the "trump" at the Second Coming - not an angel.
I've shown you time and time again by irrefutable points in Scripture and history why your Jesuit Futurist ideas don't hold water.
Actually you have shown me your opinion, and not Scripture at all. Daniel wrote in Hebrew, gaps in the time given, and you refuse to accept God's Word as written. But have taken it upon yourself to correct the inspired Word of God.

Then you falsely accuse others who do not agree with you by calling them names, and labeling them with erroneous labels.

You have not given one example of my post that ligns up with any Jesuit teaching. They are wrong and so are you.

None of your points were shown as stated. I have never mentioned a satanic temple. You can call the ECFs anything you want. They were not always right about everything, and often contradict God's Word like you do. I did point out their error in the part you quoted. I used you own quoted material.

Paul never wrote the restrainer was pagan Rome. That is your private interpretation along with all the ECFs who made that claim. They certainly did not get that from the Holy Spirit, because you deny the Holy Spirit, and have replaced Him with pagan Rome and their own private opinion that they held back apostasy of their own ability.

I never posted an angel blows a trumpet at the Second Coming. That never even was mentioned until now. All these erroneous accusations you keep accusing me of are just projections along with the term "Jesuit Futurist" be they actual humans or not. As far as I know I have never even met a Jesuit Futurist. They never claimed that publicly.

I keep posting I have no idea what these Jesuit teachings are other than the word "Futurist". I have never even claimed to be a futurist. But I am certainly not a reformed theology historist, who cannot even get Scripture straight.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Actually you have shown me your opinion, and not Scripture at all.
No, I showed you the whole of Scripture never uses any "gaps" in Numerically Specific Time Prophecies and the 70 Weeks ought to be regarded in the same manner.
Daniel wrote in Hebrew, gaps in the time given, and you refuse to accept God's Word as written.
Book, chapter, verse please, not your subjective, creative eschatological bulldookey.
But have taken it upon yourself to correct the inspired Word of God.
No, I'm correcting Jesuit errors.
Then you falsely accuse others who do not agree with you by calling them names, and labeling them with erroneous labels.
If you don't like being called a Jesuit Futurist, then stop preaching it and start preaching Protestant Historicism!

You have not given one example of my post that ligns up with any Jesuit teaching.
You believe Antichrist comes at the end of time, not after the fall of the Pagan Rome: Jesuit Futurism
You believe the Restrainer is the Holy Spirit or some other agent of holiness: Jesuit Futurism
You believe a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem is integral to end times prophecy: Jesuit Futurism
You believe the Ten Horns are still future: Jesuit Futurism

If it walks like a Jesuit duck, swims like a Jesuit duck, and quacks like a Jesuit duck, it's a Jesuit duck.
They are wrong and so are you.
Look pal, you weren't there - they were. Please read the link I posted and learn something.
None of your points were shown as stated. I have never mentioned a satanic temple.
Of course, you don't think a rebuilt Jerusalem temple wherein the animal sacrifices would be a middle finger in God's face is a satanic temple - you need such a satanic temple to make Jesuit Futurism work!
You can call the ECFs anything you want. They were not always right about everything, and often contradict God's Word like you do. I did point out their error in the part you quoted. I used you own quoted material.
The ECFs are not giving their opinion about the Restrainer - they're telling us what they understood the early church was teaching about the Restrainer - understand the difference?
Paul never wrote the restrainer was pagan Rome.
I never said he did.
That is your private interpretation along with all the ECFs who made that claim.
Yes, it's so private that all the ECFs agree with me while not a single one of them agree with you.
They certainly did not get that from the Holy Spirit, because you deny the Holy Spirit, and have replaced Him with pagan Rome and their own private opinion that they held back apostasy of their own ability.
By claiming the Holy Spirit or some other agent of holiness is the Restrainer, you make the Holy Spirit a party to Jesuit lies.
I never posted an angel blows a trumpet at the Second Coming. That never even was mentioned until now. All these erroneous accusations you keep accusing me of are just projections along with the term "Jesuit Futurist" be they actual humans or not. As far as I know I have never even met a Jesuit Futurist. They never claimed that publicly.
Look, I read so much Jesuit nonsense from you Jesuit Futurists that sometimes I mistakenly attribute erroneous doctrine to some of you - kindly disregard that if you didn't say an angel blows the last trumpet.
I keep posting I have no idea what these Jesuit teachings are other than the word "Futurist". I have never even claimed to be a futurist. But I am certainly not a reformed theology historist, who cannot even get Scripture straight.
You have no business climbing on this site and spewing Jesuit nonsense if you don't understand the origin of the main eschatological schools of thought. I guarantee you've never studied Protestant Historicism but somehow you believe Jesuit ideas disprove it.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
No, I showed you the whole of Scripture never uses any "gaps" in Numerically Specific Time Prophecies and the 70 Weeks ought to be regarded in the same manner.

Book, chapter, verse please, not your subjective, creative eschatological bulldookey.

No, I'm correcting Jesuit errors.

If you don't like being called a Jesuit Futurist, then stop preaching it and start preaching Protestant Historicism!

You believe Antichrist comes at the end of time, not after the fall of the Pagan Rome: Jesuit Futurism
You believe the Restrainer is the Holy Spirit or some other agent of holiness: Jesuit Futurism
You believe a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem is integral to end times prophecy: Jesuit Futurism
You believe the Ten Horns are still future: Jesuit Futurism

If it walks like a Jesuit duck, swims like a Jesuit duck, and quacks like a Jesuit duck, it's a Jesuit duck.

Look pal, you weren't there - they were. Please read the link I posted and learn something.

Of course, you don't think a rebuilt Jerusalem temple wherein the animal sacrifices would be a middle finger in God's face is a satanic temple - you need such a satanic temple to make Jesuit Futurism work!

The ECFs are not giving their opinion about the Restrainer - they're telling us what they understood the early church was teaching about the Restrainer - understand the difference?

I never said he did.

Yes, it's so private that all the ECFs agree with me while not a single one of them agree with you.

By claiming the Holy Spirit or some other agent of holiness is the Restrainer, you make the Holy Spirit a party to Jesuit lies.

Look, I read so much Jesuit nonsense from you Jesuit Futurists that sometimes I mistakenly attribute erroneous doctrine to some of you - kindly disregard that if you didn't say an angel blows the last trumpet.

You have no business climbing on this site and spewing Jesuit nonsense if you don't understand the origin of the main eschatological schools of thought. I guarantee you've never studied Protestant Historicism but somehow you believe Jesuit ideas disprove it.
Still your opinion that time gaps are not allowed. Gabriel put time gaps into the prophecy, but you reject God's written Word. No other prophecy had time gaps built in, and some examples given were not even about a length of time before an event.

Both Historist and your alleged Jesuit Futurists are wrong, and you still have not even pointed out what these so called Jesuits even get wrong. All human based theology has some points wrong.

I never posted once about a future Antichrist, even though you keep accusing me of such nonsense. I said the man of sin is Satan, not your human opinion that the office of papacy is the man of sin.

The Holy Spirit is the restrainer of sin. Disobey the Holy Spirit, and see how far your self righteousness gets things right.

There will be a thousand year reign with Jesus as King. A temple is not necessary for that, just part of God on earth with a temple. This is called the Day of the Lord. You keep saying that this is taght by Jesuits, but you have not quoted any actual articles. I read the Bible, not human theology. You will have to show how you reject God's Word that declares a coming Day of the Lord.

The book of Revelation is about the Second Coming. You have not proven that the Second Coming was in the 15th century, as your historist opinion seems to leave that fact out of the book of Revelation, to prove you are correct about the 15th century.

I said the ten toes are not the ten horns. I said the ten toes were destroyed at the time of the Reformation, a true historical perspective. The ten horns are ten humans killed at the battle of Armageddon. You have not proven that Revelation 19 happened at the Reformation and the destruction of the ten toes.

Since Paul was pointing out the power of the Holy Spirit, you are calling the Apostle Paul a lying Jesuit, and the majority of the NT, Jesuit propaganda.

I have never studied any Jesuit theology, so now you are just calling the Bible a false Jesuit writing.

You cannot even recognize God's Word as the truth, because of some fixation on all who point out most of Historicism is only human theology from the time of the Reformation.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Still your opinion that time gaps are not allowed. Gabriel put time gaps into the prophecy, but you reject God's written Word. No other prophecy had time gaps built in, and some examples given were not even about a length of time before an event.
The only opinions here are yours, seeing that you refuse to post Book Chapter Verse of Gabriel's supposed "gaps".
Both Historist and your alleged Jesuit Futurists are wrong, and you still have not even pointed out what these so called Jesuits even get wrong. All human based theology has some points wrong.
Perhaps if you'd put down your Jesuit propaganda and read my posts, you'd see how much I point out.
I never posted once about a future Antichrist, even though you keep accusing me of such nonsense. I said the man of sin is Satan, not your human opinion that the office of papacy is the man of sin.
Jesuit Futurism is perfectly happy for look for a future Antichrist that is Satan himself or one of his ambassadors like "Nicolae Carpathia".

The operative word is "future". You're a Jesuit Futurist, no matter how much you deny it.
The Holy Spirit is the restrainer of sin. Disobey the Holy Spirit, and see how far your self righteousness gets things right.
Just keep making it up as you go, right?

The Restrainer restrains the rise of the Man of Sin - not just "sin". The evidence says it's the Roman Empire, and Jesuit Futurist nonsense says it's the Holy Spirit or some other "agent of holiness". And, just like clockwork, you're found once again lining up on the side of Jesuit Futurism.
There will be a thousand year reign with Jesus as King. A temple is not necessary for that, just part of God on earth with a temple.
The two resurrections bookend the 1,000 years, and since 2 Peter 3:10 KJV says the Earth will essentially blow up at the Second Coming, nobody's going to be down here during that time. Doesn't the bridegroom come back for the bride then take her to HIS FATHER'S HOUSE? Sure he does...but guess who teaches there's nonstop activity down here on Earth from now until eternity...you guess it, my Jesuit Futurist friend ;)
This is called the Day of the Lord.
The "Day of the Lord" is when the Lord Jesus comes "as a thief in the night" to collect the resurrected dead and living saints, while the wicked drop dead in their tracks and lie there for 1,000 years on a destroyed Earth.
You keep saying that this is taght by Jesuits, but you have not quoted any actual articles. I read the Bible, not human theology. You will have to show how you reject God's Word that declares a coming Day of the Lord.
No, you twist texts into the same shape the Jesuits twist them.
The book of Revelation is about the Second Coming. You have not proven that the Second Coming was in the 15th century, as your historist opinion seems to leave that fact out of the book of Revelation, to prove you are correct about the 15th century.
No Historicist says the Second Coming was in the 15th century.
I said the ten toes are not the ten horns.
So does Jesuit Futurism.
I said the ten toes were destroyed at the time of the Reformation, a true historical perspective. The ten horns are ten humans killed at the battle of Armageddon. You have not proven that Revelation 19 happened at the Reformation and the destruction of the ten toes.
This is so asinine, it deserves no further comment but to say the prophetic symbol "horns" refer to "kingdoms" - not humans.
Since Paul was pointing out the power of the Holy Spirit, you are calling the Apostle Paul a lying Jesuit, and the majority of the NT, Jesuit propaganda.
Since Paul - according to the ECFs - told the early church in person that the Restrainer was Pagan Rome but refused to name it in his letter for reasons understood by any fool with a cursory knowledge of what happened to ancients even merely suspected of insurrection, what you are doing is denying the Spirit of Prophecy and replacing it with a Spirit of Propaganda - Jesuit propaganda.
I have never studied any Jesuit theology, so now you are just calling the Bible a false Jesuit writing.
And, yet, everything you say pretty much lines up with Jesuit theology!
You cannot even recognize God's Word as the truth, because of some fixation on all who point out most of Historicism is only human theology from the time of the Reformation.
I've shown you where you go off the rails in Daniel, but you refuse to listen.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
The only opinions here are yours, seeing that you refuse to post Book Chapter Verse of Gabriel's supposed "gaps".

Perhaps if you'd put down your Jesuit propaganda and read my posts, you'd see how much I point out.

Jesuit Futurism is perfectly happy for look for a future Antichrist that is Satan himself or one of his ambassadors like "Nicolae Carpathia".

The operative word is "future". You're a Jesuit Futurist, no matter how much you deny it.

Just keep making it up as you go, right?

The Restrainer restrains the rise of the Man of Sin - not just "sin". The evidence says it's the Roman Empire, and Jesuit Futurist nonsense says it's the Holy Spirit or some other "agent of holiness". And, just like clockwork, you're found once again lining up on the side of Jesuit Futurism.

The two resurrections bookend the 1,000 years, and since 2 Peter 3:10 KJV says the Earth will essentially blow up at the Second Coming, nobody's going to be down here during that time. Doesn't the bridegroom come back for the bride then take her to HIS FATHER'S HOUSE? Sure he does...but guess who teaches there's nonstop activity down here on Earth from now until eternity...you guess it, my Jesuit Futurist friend ;)

The "Day of the Lord" is when the Lord Jesus comes "as a thief in the night" to collect the resurrected dead and living saints, while the wicked drop dead in their tracks and lie there for 1,000 years on a destroyed Earth.

No, you twist texts into the same shape the Jesuits twist them.

No Historicist says the Second Coming was in the 15th century.

So does Jesuit Futurism.

This is so asinine, it deserves no further comment but to say the prophetic symbol "horns" refer to "kingdoms" - not humans.

Since Paul - according to the ECFs - told the early church in person that the Restrainer was Pagan Rome but refused to name it in his letter for reasons understood by any fool with a cursory knowledge of what happened to ancients even merely suspected of insurrection, what you are doing is denying the Spirit of Prophecy and replacing it with a Spirit of Propaganda - Jesuit propaganda.

And, yet, everything you say pretty much lines up with Jesuit theology!

I've shown you where you go off the rails in Daniel, but you refuse to listen.
I already posted the verses, and you should already know the gaps because you have posted the verses. 49 years, a gap. 434 years a gap. No verse states 490 years without a gap.

Perhaps you should stop making up false lies calling my post Jesuit propaganda? You have not once proved a single post has been wrong nor propaganda. You just post a lot of bluster, because you cannot even prove your own opinion from Scripture, but solely rely on human theology.

I have not once called Satan the Antichrist. You cannot even read my post correctly. It is you who insert the Jesuit thought that Paul is writing about an antichrist, and you call that antichrist, the papacy. You have already justified that there is no Holy Spirit holding Satan back, but that Satan is holding Satan back. That is pure human opinion and theology, changing God's Word into human understanding. Here is your description in Scripture, since you wanted Scripture: Romans 1:25

"Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen."

Your whole argument pits human theology against human theology, then you falsely ascribe the human theology you think is correct into God's Word replacing what is actually written as your own personal opinion, you learned from false teachers.

Quote one Jesuit which claims the Holy Spirit held back the apostate church led by the Roman bishops. Quote one church father who said the man of sin was Satan. It is not just about sin nor a single human. Have you changed your tune, and now the "man of sin" is the whole spirit of apostasy? If you understand the Holy Spirit is at work holding back sin, which I never mentioned, yet you assume from the verse in question, you are not even consistent in your own thoughts. I never once said the Holy Spirit was holding back sin which is proof in that particular verse it is the Holy Spirit as an argument. I have always thought Paul was talking about the Holy Spirit.

John wrote that there is activity on earth during the Millennium. John never stated a resurrection at the end of the Millennium. Guess who changes the Word of God into a lie? You are correct, Historist in their human theology. No Scripture states the earth is going to blow up. Another Historist lie, and private opinion contrary to Scripture. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15, that after the Second Coming, Jesus will reign until all things are brought under subjection. Since the Second Coming is to the earth, after is still on the earth. John said heaven and earth fled away, not blew up. Peter says the Day of Lord comes with fire, not that the Day of the Lord ends with the earth blown up.

There is a difference between "come" and "ends", and your blowing everything up is "an end", not "a coming". Isaiah 65 says all things are made new, not blown up. All you have is human theology, you then insert into God's Word turning Scripture into a lie. I understand you think the earth is desolate after the Second Coming. It is desolate until all 8 billion people have physically died. No one can say how long that takes, but you would think God could finish the task in a shorter period than your alleged thought it takes the entire 1,000 years to kill off every last human. The battle of Armageddon is the last of humanity killed. Is Armageddon a period of 1,000 years? You base your entire thought about pagan Rome and the papacy on a few verses. You base your millennium on a few verses as well. That is not interpreting Scripture with Scripture, but inserting your human theology into those few verses in contradiction to a lot more verses that you also have to change into your opinion.

Revelation 17 says the horns are men, not kingdoms:

"And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast."

I said the 10 horns are not the ten toes. You keep saying they are. When John said "no kingdom", you contradict John and say "yes kingdom".

The rest of your argument is just you making stuff up.