Well-Known Member
Once again you lie!
Calvin taught that it is faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus that saves the soul. He simply taught that the elect were predestined to believe.
There seems to be a disconnect in your thinking and comprehension.
Listen carefully..
When you TEACH, that only the ELECT, are "chosen".. = Demonic Calvinism - Tulip, "doctrines of Devils"..
Then, you are teaching that God would not CHOOSE the rest to be saved.
Do you understand?
Do you comprehend @Ronald Nolette .
See, when you teach that God choses ONLY some to BELIEVE,..... then that is also teaching that God does not CHOSE the others...the rest.
So, when God does not Chose you to Believe, then you are CHOSEN to NOT BELIEVE..
Do you understand?
Do you comprehend @Ronald Nolette ?
So, when you are NOT CHOSEN, by CALVINISM..... to go To Heaven, then Calvin is teaching that the REST OF THE SINNERS< are chosen to NOT go to Heaven.. which means they are CHOSEN to eventually BURN In The Lake of FIRE, because God would not CHOSE them to be saved.
Do you understand?
Do you comprehend, @Ronald Nolette ...
So, that lie of the Devil is teaching that God is choosing some to Go to HELL, and then the Lake of Fire = , by NOT Choosing them to BELIEVE.
So why is that THEOLOGICAL INSANITY? Why does that Teaching Spit on The Cross of Christ?
Its Because if God wont Chose you to believe in Jesus, and then sends you to Hell for "not believing" for being a "Christ Rejector", and God Caused this........ THEN....God is UNJUSTLY and FALSELY holding the unbeliever accountable for NOT BELIEVING IN JESUS, because..= Calvinism says that God caused them to NOT BELIEVE.
Do you see the Issue?
Try to figure that out @Ronald Nolette , as that is your THEOLOGY., and its CROSS DENYING Deceit. Its is literally accusing God, Falsely.
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