About the "Holy Rosary" prayer

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Feb 6, 2018
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The nations don't wear a crown, nor are they in heaven.

Clearly you should have understood what I said about NATIONS, applies to HUMAN men ON EARTH…and their natural citizenry “ of the Nation of which their parents are born “.

Saul was a JEW…a CITIZEN of which his mother was born.
Paul was a ROMAN…a CITIZEN of which his father was born.
Saul/Paul was born in TARUS…(present day Turkey…historically a large community of Jews…under the authority of the political Roman Empire)…
Saul / Paul was the ONE SAME PERSON…
An Earthy men…whose NATURAL CITIZENRY…was both Jewish and Roman.

Faithful ABRAHAM was Appointed by God to BE THE FATHER “of many Nations”… which is by UNDERSTANDING…”Abraham is the Earthly Father” of manKIND, who is a citizen in ANY Earthly NATION, WHOM such individual himself is Faithful to the Lord God Almighty.

Many Protestants will claim that here we see Jesus making clear that there is no special reverence to be given to his mother.

For your accusation to be True;
You would have to “quote” any Protestant making the claim of rejection…that Mary was not “expressly blessed” by God, and she not “to be notably remembered and honored” for being “expressly blessed” by God.

Do you “honor and remember” “YOUR OWN MOTHER” ?
How? By making statues of her, bowing down to those statues, kissing such statues, laying trinkets before such statues?
Isn’t that moreso an ACT of worshiping than “honoring and remembering”.
Isn’t “Honoring”, moreso “speaking of her in a high respectful manner”?
Isn’t “Remembering”, moreso “reflecting on her with the true love in your heart”?

Do you believe it “honorable and respectful” to make CLAIMS about your OWN MOTHER, that are NOT TRUE?

Where does SCRIPTURE teach, MARY was naturally born without SIN?

Every SINGLE Human that God “chose” or “chooses” for a “particular” Service expressly for God….
WAS/ IS naturally born IN SIN.
Including MARY.
Mary…LIKE MANY OTHER HUMANS, born in SIN…were “chosen” by God for “particular” services expressly for God….
SOME “tasks” are highly noted.
SOME “tasks” are by scale less high-lighted.
SOME succeeded…
SOME failed…
Nothing new…the SAME has been occurring FOR Centuries.
We are fortunate to HAVE a BOOK of SCRIPTURES, giving us NUMEROUS EXAMPLES of Humans CHOSEN by God, the TASK they were CHOSEN to DO, and the CONSEQUENCES…the BLESSING of God upon the humans who COMPLETED the tasks God set before them…..and the
CONSEQUENCES…the CURSES of God upon the humans who FAILED the task God set before them.
SAME applies today.
Serve God…receive blessings from God.
Reject Serving God…forfeit receiving blessings.
Have a GREAT Task..receive a GREAT blessing. Visa / Versa.
It’s is called God being…JUST.

We have the ABILITY to REMEMBER “both”…
And the ABILITY to HONOR the one who was BLESSED……and MIMIC the same behavior of DOING THE TASK the Lord God sets before US…..should we ALSO desire BLESSINGS from God.

A HUMAN whose calling, is to TEACH and PREACH the Word of God….and you hear him, you verify he SPEAKS the TRUE WORD of God…….don’t you give him the “credit” of honor…? Respect for his teaching the TRUTH of God ?
Do you erect a statue of the person and bow down to it in worship? Or rather keep his remembrance in your heart…and let your speech OF him be of high respect?

Has a MAN taught you, MARY was naturally born with NO SIN?
Do you believe that?
Have YOU VERIFIED IF Gods own Word teach that?

Scripture regarding a manKIND of being…
Pss 51
[5] Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

Conception is ACT of human mans seed fertilizing a human womans egg….which is accomplished via the sexual act of intercourse.
THAT Fertilization occurs” in the females Fallopian tube, (not the womb), where by the male seed, enters the females vagina….and such male seed travels up the females Fallopian tube to REACH the females egg.
ONCE the “CONCEPTION” (ie fertilizing) is accomplished that fertilized egg travels DOWN to the females WOMB, and she is called “CONCEIVED” (Pregnant).
Cells in the females BODY makes a “sort of cocoon mass” around the fertilized egg, called a Placenta, which attaches to the wall of the females WOMB. There the fertilized egg, begins to develop into a BODY…being FORMED SHAPEN….by hand of God.

It is conceived IN SIN…
It is shapen IN INIQUITY…
It is born IN SIN…
It commits SIN…

What part of IN SIN…IN INIQUITY leads you to believe…THAT mankind of thing is CREATED, or shall be naturally born WITHOUT SIN?

ONCE the naturally born…conceived and shapen BODY of SIN is born…then what?


Rom 3:
[23] For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

[12] Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

No where does Scripture teach….ALL of mankind has SINNED….. except MARY

ONE exception is REVEALED and APPLIES ONLY to “ A SPIRIT who is REVEALED BORN in the LIKENESS and “LIMITED” MANNER” of mankind… [/B}

Heb 4:
[15] For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
(That applies to the High Priest; Christ Jesus.
That does not apply to Mary.)

How DID Jesus GET IN Mary’s Womb? Since Mary DID NOT have intercourse with a man? Since a mans seed did NOT fertilize her egg?
Since it was NEITHER of Mary or Joseph’s will, power or blood, that accomplished MARY being pregnant in her virgin womb?

John 1:
[13] Which were born, (JESUS) not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Isa 55:
[11] So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: (BORN OF GOD)….it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing (MARYS VIRGIN WOMB) whereto I sent it.

Luke 1:
[35] And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

THAT HOLY THING?? Ie THE WORD of God, that was born forth out of Gods mouth…and SENT TO THE THING (Marys Virgin womb)…
THAT WHICH…”Mary was foretold…and Mary AGREED…BEFORE that “HOLY THING” was sent to her virgin womb…

Luke 1:
[38] And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.

See how that works? God solicits, reveals what HE desires a man to DO….(not forces)…when the man AGREES…God sets before the man, his task to accomplish.

WHY Mary? Scripture REVEALS…
Mary’s Womb is VIRGIN, undefiled of a mans seed.
Mary is Jewish. Mary is Faithful. Mary is promised to marry ……..???

DAVID was appointed KING of Jerusalem, BY GOD, and the TRHONE of THAT KINGDOM, was declared BY GOD to be EVERLASTING!

WHY is that important?

How Handy…eh? the VERY SEED …ie THAT HOLY THING…that was sent forth out of Gods mouth to Mary’s virgin womb….and born forth out of her womb….According to MAN’S LAW….is the LAWFUL HEIR to SIT on King David’s THRONE!!

How Handy…eh? When the Son of Man returns…(with power….who IS CHRIST)….to RULE HIS KINGDOM for 1,000 years…
LAWFULLY…according to mans LAW…he is of the House of David, a rightful heir to King David’s THRONE…
LAWFULLY….according to Gods LAW….he is of Gods Heavenly KINGDOM, Son of God, a rightful heir to Gods ETERNAL Earthly Kingdom.

Oh, but then Scripture does reveal…Jesus came to FULFILL the Law…did you know that also included…mans law?

Luke 1:
[33] And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

Luke 1:
[27] To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.

You should have Learned…Mary was a faithful servant, and remembrance and honor and respect should be given to ALL of Gods faithful servants…(NOT worship thereof) be they NAMED in Scripture …. Be they HUMAN or SPIRIT….Moses, Samuel, David….Michael, Gabriel…etc. etc…
(Or not named in scripture).

Mary was a faithful servant…..so are many others….all due remembrance and honor that they be spoken of respectfully.

I find ZERO respect attributed to MARY, when falsehoods are taught and spoken ABOUT her.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2023
United States
United States
Where does SCRIPTURE teach, MARY was naturally born without SIN?
We can only post so much at a time. So, I'll start here, and if I have the energy and time, proceed with the other parts. Your post has so many parts that need to be addressed that I'd almost have to write a book. LOL

So, here we go... Consider God’s original plan for man and creation. God conceived the first human beings, Adam and Eve, immaculate, without sin: when God created them, he saw that what he had created was “very good” (Gen. 1:31). They even walked with God in the Garden of Eden. God granted them this grace so that they could fulfill their mission of parents of the human race. He would have granted this grace to all of us had Adam and Eve not sinned. So sin created an anomaly in God’s original plan.

Yet Mary is more blessed than any woman (Luke 1:42). God blessed Mary more than he did Eve, whom he conceived without sin. Therefore, if Mary is truly “blessed among women,” then the New Eve—as early Christians called Mary—was more blessed than the Eve of old. So it shouldn’t surprise us that God prepared Mary to usher in his new creation—Christ (2 Cor. 5:17)—with the loftier mission to be mother of the Messiah. This is the way Scripture paints the full picture of the Virgin Mary, and how God had her conceived without sin and kept her from all sin.

Luke 1:28-30 is the passage most associated with the Immaculate Conception. Here Gabriel calls Mary full of grace or highly favored one. The Greek, Kécharitôméne, is the passive perfect participle form of the verb charitoo, expressing a completed action or definitive perfection. The verb’s root is charis, Greek for grace or favor. The full literal translation of Kécharitôméne would be oh, one who is completely graced or favored. It is followed by “you have found favor [Greek: charis, grace] with God.”

In the fourth century, St. Jerome translated Kécharitôméne as gratia plenafull of grace—since God had blessed Mary “in Christ with every spiritual blessing,” having chosen her in Christ “before the foundation of the world . . . [to] be holy and blameless [Latin: immaculata]” (Eph. 1:3-4).

Light is an image for grace, favor, and righteousness. Christians receive the light at baptism, as “the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father” (Matt. 13:43). God did this with Mary in anticipation of the redemption, of her becoming the Mother of God. He fully favored or graced her in his light, as “God is light and in him is no darkness at all . . . but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light” (1 John 1:5,7). Had the Virgin Mary been tainted by sin, then she would not be fully clothed with the light. She would not be fully favored or graced by God. She would not be Kécharitôméne. God called her “out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Pet. 2:9; see also Eph. 5:8).

This fulfilled God’s promise: to pour out his Spirit upon his maidservants and handmaids—upon the handmaid of the Lord, Mary. The Spirit both purified and filled Mary at her conception so she could be called full of grace and most blest of women.

We can dig deeper into this, if you want...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2023
United States
United States
Has a MAN taught you, MARY was naturally born with NO SIN?
Do you believe that?
Have YOU VERIFIED IF Gods own Word teach that?
Interesting post. Let's see if I correctly understand what you mean here...

You don't think a MAN should teach, right? Yet, Jesus founded a (ONE) Church and commanded the Apostles (the first members of His Church's heirarchy) to go forth and TEACH everyone.

Matt. 28:19-20
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.* And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”

The Apostles, who were MEN, had Christ's authority to teach. Authority is not taken. It is given. Christ GAVE His authority to the Apostles. The Apostles, in turn, GAVE that same authority to their successors, the bishops. Those bishops handed down that authority to their successor bishohps, etc., for almost 2000 years now.

It is well and good to read the Bible. Strictly speaking, however, the Bible is not the Word of God. It is one of the two main methods of transmission of the Word of God. The Word of God is not a book. It is Jesus Christ. See John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John is speaking, not of a book here, but of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Word of God.

However, it is a mistake to use personal interpretation, outside and apart from the context of the Church founded by Christ, to read the Bible. It leads to nothing but error, as evidenced by the tens of thousands of man-made, doctrinally contradicting Protestant denominations (and counting) that exist today, all based on some individual's personal interpretation. St. Peter warned against personal interpretation of Scripture in 2 Peter 1:20-21.

Know this first of all, that there is no prophecy of scripture that is a matter of personal interpretation, for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings moved by the holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God.

Who were the prophets? Men singled out by God who spoke for God, who spoke His message. Therefore, "prophecy" in this sense is God's message. So, claiming that the Bible says this or that through personal interpretation doesn't guarantee that one will err every time. But it opens one up to error sooner or later.

And what did St. Paul say about preaching a different message? Let's look at Gal. 1:8.

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you]a gospel other than the one that we preached to you, let that one be accursed!

So, it's very important to get Christ's message correct. And that cannot be done, in whole, without Christ's Church which St. Paul refers to as the "pillar and foundation of truth" in 1 Tim 3:15.

And 99% is not a passing score. If you were a wine expert, and I offered you a glass of the world's finest wine, you would drink it, right? But, what if, right before I handed it to you, I put in one half teaspoon of sewerage and mixed it up. Would you drink it then? No way! Why? Because now it's just an expensive glass of sewerage. The same is true with the integrated teachings of Christ.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2022
Marietta, Georgia.
United States
We can only post so much at a time. So, I'll start here, and if I have the energy and time, proceed with the other parts. Your post has so many parts that need to be addressed that I'd almost have to write a book. LOL

So, here we go... Consider God’s original plan for man and creation. God conceived the first human beings, Adam and Eve, immaculate, without sin: when God created them, he saw that what he had created was “very good” (Gen. 1:31). They even walked with God in the Garden of Eden. God granted them this grace so that they could fulfill their mission of parents of the human race. He would have granted this grace to all of us had Adam and Eve not sinned. So sin created an anomaly in God’s original plan.

Yet Mary is more blessed than any woman (Luke 1:42). God blessed Mary more than he did Eve, whom he conceived without sin. Therefore, if Mary is truly “blessed among women,” then the New Eve—as early Christians called Mary—was more blessed than the Eve of old. So it shouldn’t surprise us that God prepared Mary to usher in his new creation—Christ (2 Cor. 5:17)—with the loftier mission to be mother of the Messiah. This is the way Scripture paints the full picture of the Virgin Mary, and how God had her conceived without sin and kept her from all sin.

Luke 1:28-30 is the passage most associated with the Immaculate Conception. Here Gabriel calls Mary full of grace or highly favored one. The Greek, Kécharitôméne, is the passive perfect participle form of the verb charitoo, expressing a completed action or definitive perfection. The verb’s root is charis, Greek for grace or favor. The full literal translation of Kécharitôméne would be oh, one who is completely graced or favored. It is followed by “you have found favor [Greek: charis, grace] with God.”

In the fourth century, St. Jerome translated Kécharitôméne as gratia plenafull of grace—since God had blessed Mary “in Christ with every spiritual blessing,” having chosen her in Christ “before the foundation of the world . . . [to] be holy and blameless [Latin: immaculata]” (Eph. 1:3-4).

1.Light is an image for grace, favor, and righteousness. Christians receive the light at baptism, as “the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father” (Matt. 13:43). 2 God did this with Mary in anticipation of the redemption, of her becoming the Mother of God. He fully favored or graced her in his light, as “God is light and in him is no darkness at all . . . but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light” (1 John 1:5,7). 3.Had the Virgin Mary been tainted by sin, then she would not be fully clothed with the light. She would not be fully favored or graced by God. She would not be Kécharitôméne. God called her “out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Pet. 2:9; see also Eph. 5:8).

This fulfilled God’s promise: to pour out his Spirit upon his maidservants and handmaids—upon the handmaid of the Lord, Mary. The Spirit both purified and filled Mary at her conception so she could be called full of grace and most blest of women.

We can dig deeper into this, if you want...
Point 1. Matthew 13:43 is about the born again from above, not baptism. No Holy Spirit, no salvation.
Point 2. speculation, not biblical. Mary was highly favored. In her magnificat she said she needed a Savior. No Holy Spirit, salvation.
Point 3. Mary had a Mom and Dad and was born in sin, just like everyone, except Jesus.

All the Light scriptures are exclusively for those Chosen and elect of God.

My question for you is, if you were to die tonight, do you know positively, without a doubt, no hesitation; you would go to heaven?


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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So, here we go... Consider God’s original plan for man and creation. God conceived the first human beings, Adam and Eve, immaculate, without sin: when God created them, he saw that what he had created was “very good” (Gen. 1:31). They even walked with God in the Garden of Eden. God granted them this grace so that they could fulfill their mission of parents of the human race.


He would have granted this grace to all of us had Adam and Eve not sinned.

Adam and Eve were given and told to EAT FROM THE TREE OF LIFE…situated in the midst of the Garden (open view, not in some obscure corner)…
They didn’t.
They Disobeyed God…and we can Agree that was what we thereoafter learn is called SIN.
* AFTER their disobedience…they were confronted by God and Given their (negative) Consequence FOR their disobedience.
* ALSO included…was God covered their FLESH BODY’S that HAD “sinned”, ie disobeyed.
* We can speculate God KILL and animal…sacrificed it’s blood, Since God Covered their FLESH with the skin of an animal.
* Sound familiar…? Animals blood for “forgiveness” of sin? (For 4,000 years routine practice)
* THEN WHAT occurred in the Garden?
They were being escorted/sent out of the Garden….AND?
* We KNOW they PASSED BY “The Tree of LIFE”….Because…of what scripture tells us…that “THEY COULD HAVE DONE…….
Gen 3:
* [22] And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
But they didn’t…therefore…
*[24] So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

Their disobedience (SIN) was Forgiven..via the sacrifice of the animals blood.
Their disobedience (SIN) of their Flesh was Covered..via the skin of the animal.


Their Consequence…continue living until their natural FLESH BODY DIED….
“AND IF” when they flesh body DIED, “THEY TRULY (in their heart) Believed IN GOD…
At “THAT TIME”, their soul would be SAVED.

Continue studying, and you will find…EVE believed…ADAM Believed…many men began to call on the LORD, indicating their belief…ADAM and EVE did bodily DIE…
And how do we KNOW…Adams’s SOUL was SAVED?
Because IN Scripture Adam is identified as a “son of God”…
And by, through, of Scripture we should have discovered…IT IS THe SAVED,..who are MADE “sons of God”…

Eves’ confession of Belief…
Gen 4:
[1] And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.

Notice Adam was made a “son of God”…
Luke 3:
[38] Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.

[QUOTE So sin created an anomaly in God’s original plan. [/QUOTE]

For 4,000 years…Forgiveness of disobedience (SIN) was given men WHO…followed the same method…
Sacrifice the blood of an animal…
Cover their flesh.
Bodily DIE unto God IN Belief.
Become MADE soul saved.

THE NEW BETTER TESTAMENT was given mankind 2,000 years ago…via the WORD of God (Jesus), via the POWER of God (CHRIST), via the WISDOM of God (CHRIST, via the SEED of God (CHRIST)….

Heb 7:
[22] By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament.

IN Brief…the assurance of receiving a SAVED SOUL…BEFORE bodily DEATH…is via CONFESSION by ones own word of TRUE Heartfuly belief…”AND”….pledging, vowing, their body unto Death, unto God, by being “crucified with Jesus’ Body”…

While that is a New Testament…sanctioned and offered by God…the mans alive body, remains ALIVE…and HIS WORD becomes BINDING…that that mans body IS pledged ONLY, exclusively UNTO GOD.

THAT man CAN NOT thereafter “change” his “MIND” for that which his “ HEART “has, by his world Pledged / vowed unto God.”

THUS from that POINT…that mans SOUL IS SAVED…and his SPIRIT quickened (born again)….NEVER again able to DENY or REJECT GOD….ie SIN.

1 John 3:
9] Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

2 Pet 1:
[10] Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:

Whereby ADAM and EVE rejected to EAT the FRUIT of the TREE of LIFE…

Forgiveness…for accepting Jesus’ Sacrificed BLOOD.
Soul restored (saved)…for Confessing heartfull belief…
Forgiven SIN IN the body….Covered by GODS SPIRIT entering and dwelling IN the man…(ie God IS LIGHT. LIGHT over shadows/over comes DARKNESS…DARKNESS is SIN.

And what about that TREE OF LIFE …FRUIT?
WHAT does a man “EAT ?
AND WHO eats of the TREE OF LIFE…
Those who are made “sons of God”…


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States

Next subject….MARY

Yet Mary is more blessed than any woman (Luke 1:42).

Mary being highly bless…does not EQUAL without sin.

Abraham himself had a GREAT Blessing, given no other man….Father of many Nations….a superior blessing, unique only to Abraham…Did that set Abraham in a position to be remembered and honored? Sure.
Did that make Abraham “without sin” ?
Of course not.

God blessed Mary more than he did Eve, whom he conceived without sin. Therefore, ….

IS “merely” speculation.
Eve was UNIQUE….that she came forth OUT FROM MAN….Mary didn’t…
So should we “speculate” and say “THEREFORE”…Eve was more Blessed than Mary? No.

Scripture is clear…regarding manKIND, which INCLUDES MARY, you, me, regardless of such ORDER of birth…

ALL of manKind is born IN SIN.
ALL of born manKIND is Conceived IN SIN.
ALL of manKIND commits SIN.
Pss 51:5

Jesus EXPRESSLY is revealed IN Scripture to HAVE NO SIN…

IF Mary was without sin…Really? SOMETHING such as THAT…SO IMPORTANT, is not EXPRESSLY spoken for Mary….but is for Jesus?
Really? You rely on a guesswork of “therefore speculation” to conclusively believe…Mary was without SIN?

You should scrutinize closely…WHO has declared that statement … that claim … and you should discover it was not identified IN Scripture, by Jesus, by God, by a chosen Apostle of Jesus, by any disciples of Jesus…
THEN WHO made that claim?
A man…

You can study the HISTORY of JESUS’ Church and it’s beginnings (according to Jesus) First with JEWS.

You can study the HISTORY of JESUS’ Church ALLOWING Gentile’s participation.

You can study the HISTORY of JESUS’ Church…The Death of Jesus, the Deaths of Jesus’ Apostles…and the subsequent falling away of Jewish parishioners….

AND the take over of JESUS’ Church BY GENTILES, who quickly renamed JESUS’ Church…to the CATHOLIC Church…and calling the Gentile parishioners…Catholic…

Thereafter….as questions and disputes arose among the parishioners….Appointed “heads” of the Catholic Church (Appointed / elected from among themselves)….began holding “COUNCILS”…to address questions and disputes….and agreed to all stand in agreement for whatever they decided.

There was a HUGE “question” for them to ponder…parishioners could not understand…..
HOW could MARY, a natural born person, give birth to a SINLESS BABY?

Rather than SEEK Gods knowledge and Gods understanding……”they” jabbered amongst themselves of HOW they could “EXPLAIN AWAY” Mary, naturally born could birth a sinless son.

BRILLIANT….Just claim…God excepted Mary from ORIGINAL SIN….and explain away…Because SHE was sooo BLESSED.

IT IS A MANS made up LIE. BY, Expressly Gentile men, calling themselves Catholic…and Yet, Scripture says no such thing….and A MAN/ “catholic”….called “Pope Pius IX…declared that to be the Catholic Church’s OFFICIAL Position.

AND…nothing new…many receive great AND “particular” “specific” Blessings from God…and NEVER does Scripture elude, any of mankind was excepted from being naturally born in sin, or excepted from committing sin.

THE TRUTH is…the Word of God, was IN Gods Mouth, IN Heaven, and SENT to a “particular” Woman, who was a VIRGIN, but promised to marry, a man OF the HOUSE OF DAVID…and Gods WORD was PREPARED a body…BY God…SENT that woman’s VIRGIN WOMB, for WHEN He would come into THIS World….
Because before He came into THIS World…He was IN Heaven, IN God!

The HIGHLIGHT is God used a VIRGIN WOMB…of a woman betrothed to a man OF the HOUSE OF DAVID…that the offspring WOULD LEGALLY, be an heir to King David’s everlasting throne..

If A VIRGIN WOMB was clean and pure enough for God to SEND JESUS….
WHY is it not “sufficient” for mankind to ACCEPT….and rather instead have to makeup a LIE?

if Mary is truly “blessed among women,” then the New Eve—as early Christians called Mary—was more blessed than the Eve of old.

Mary, the new Eve….man made, not Scriptural.

So it shouldn’t surprise us that God prepared Mary to usher in his new creation—Christ (2 Cor. 5:17)—with the loftier mission to be mother of the Messiah. This is the way Scripture paints the full picture of the Virgin Mary, and how God had her conceived without sin and kept her from all sin.

God “KEEPING” Mary from “ALL SIN”, would make the Scriptures…which God said to TRUST…….A LIE…

For ALL have sinned…according to Scripture.

WITHOUT SIN…is that which is HOLY.
Mary was not WITHOUT SIN.
Mary’s WOMB was without SIN…aka VIRGIN.

A SOUL without the consequence of SIN…
IS a forgiven and restored (called SAVED soul)…

WHY does Scripture describe the DAY the Apostles and many Disciples….are gathered together (AFTER Jesus’ Death and Resurrection and Accession … returning to Heaven from whence he came… )….
And in that gathering of about 120 or so men and woman…is WHEN they became soul saved and spirit quickened….?
AND MARY was included with them…
WHY was MARY in on that experience of becoming SAVED?

WHEN does Scripture teach…the saved requires saving? It doesn’t.

I do not agree with your speculation “therefore”….it is too important of an ISSUE to “guess and speculate” that Mary was “excluded from Original” since…because men not even named in Scripture, got together and decided that was what they would declare.

Luke 1:28-30 is the passage most associated with the Immaculate Conception. Here Gabriel calls Mary full of grace or highly favored one. The Greek, Kécharitôméne, is the passive perfect participle form of the verb charitoo, expressing a completed action or definitive perfection. The verb’s root is charis, Greek for grace or favor. The full literal translation of Kécharitôméne would be oh, one who is completely graced or favored. It is followed by “you have found favor [Greek: charis, grace] with God.”

In the fourth century, St. Jerome translated Kécharitôméne as gratia plenafull of grace—since God had blessed Mary “in Christ with every spiritual blessing,” having chosen her in Christ “before the foundation of the world . . . [to] be holy and blameless [Latin: immaculata]” (Eph. 1:3-4).

Light is an image for grace, favor, and righteousness. Christians receive the light at baptism, as “the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father” (Matt. 13:43). God did this with Mary in anticipation of the redemption, of her becoming the Mother of God. He fully favored or graced her in his light, as “God is light and in him is no darkness at all . . . but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light” (1 John 1:5,7). Had the Virgin Mary been tainted by sin, then she would not be fully clothed with the light. She would not be fully favored or graced by God. She would not be Kécharitôméne. God called her “out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Pet. 2:9; see also Eph. 5:8).

This fulfilled God’s promise: to pour out his Spirit upon his maidservants and handmaids—upon the handmaid of the Lord, Mary. The Spirit both purified and filled Mary at her conception so she could be called full of grace and most blest of women.

We can dig deeper into this, if you want...


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Interesting post. Let's see if I correctly understand what you mean here...

You don't think a MAN should teach, right?
Wrong. I said no such thing.
Men absolutely should teach…beginning with Fathers teaching their wife and children.

There is a CaVeAt….regarding teaching Gods Word…that the TEACHING conveys Gods Message.

Verify what you hear with Scripture…

Mary naturally born without SIN…is NOT verifiable in Scripture….

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
yes, what what happens when what was done in ignorance because denial of truth?
Well only God knows whether one is done in innocent ignorance or a denial of the truth. I went back to what I knew to seek to honor god. god saw my heart and led me as He does according to Psalm 23.


May 20, 2024
Balsall Heath
United Kingdom
I believe that the most powerful prayer is not its form but in its sincerity and openness when coupled with fasting of course.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2023
United States
United States
Jesus never used a "Rosary".

The "rosary", is a "cult of the Virgin'", concept, not a NT teaching.
Nor did Jesus ever drive a car, ride a bicycle, use a telephone, watch TV, etc.

You rely completely on yoru fallible, personal interpretation of Scripture, rather than on the authentic, infallible interpretation of Scripture.

Jesus didn't write a book to spread His truths. He founded a (ONE) Church to do so, the one St. Paul refers to as the "pillar and foundation of truth." Your do-it-yourself approach to the faith came way, way late in the game, and is man-made.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2022
United States
Nor did Jesus ever drive a car, ride a bicycle, use a telephone, watch TV, etc.

You rely completely on yoru fallible, personal interpretation of Scripture, rather than on the authentic, infallible interpretation of Scripture.

Jesus didn't write a book to spread His truths. He founded a (ONE) Church to do so, the one St. Paul refers to as the "pillar and foundation of truth." Your do-it-yourself approach to the faith came way, way late in the game, and is man-made.
The Rock is Jesus not Peter.

From my view, you don't know Jesus nor follow Jesus as you are too busy following Peter and the whoever is the Pope.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2023
United States
United States
The Rock is Jesus not Peter.

From my view, you don't know Jesus nor follow Jesus as you are too busy following Peter and the whoever is the Pope.
It's not an either/or. It's a both/and. Simon was RENAMED to Peter, which means Rock. God renames people when He establishes something important. He renamed Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, Jacob to Israel, and Simon to Peter. If Simon wasn't renamed to Peter then why does the Bible refer to him as Peter all over the New Testament?

You cannot read the Bible through 21st century American cultural lenses and hope to get everything right. In ancient times, in the area where Jesus lived, the kings had a second-in-command who ruled the kingdom when the king was unavailable (off to war, visitng another kingdom, ill, etc.) Whatever the second-in-command ruled (bound or loosed) was upheld by the king upon his return. The symbol of the authority of this second-in-command was a large key or two, about 2-3 feet long, that he carried over his shoulder. (See Isaiah 22:22) And this position was dynastic, i.e,, it was permanent and a successor was chosen when one died. In Matt. 16:19, Jesus gives Peter the "keys to the kingdom of heaven." It was crystal clear to everyone in that culture, at that time, that Jesus created a second-in-command to rule while He (our King!) was not available (ascended to heaven). Whatever Peter ruled on earth would be ruled in heaven, and whatever Peter loosed on earth, would be loosed in heaven. Matt. 16:19 "I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven.* Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” I don't think it can get much clearer than that.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Nor did Jesus ever drive a car, ride a bicycle, use a telephone, watch TV, etc.

The "Rosary" is for a Catholic, a holy idea, its prayer related, so... for you to compare that to a """""car, a bicycle, a tv...."""""

You're really not thinking about what you post, before you post.

So, at least respect your own "cult of the Virgin's""" theology, if you are going to keep trying to sell it as your truth... @Augustin56


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2023
United States
United States
The "Rosary" is for a Catholic, a holy idea, its prayer related, so... for you to compare that to a """""car, a bicycle, a tv...."""""

You're really not thinking about what you post, before you post.

So, at least respect your own "cult of the Virgin's""" theology, if you are going to keep trying to sell it as your truth... @Augustin56
I was explaining a principle, that you were evidently not capable of grasping. The principle was the there are many things that aren't in the Bible, that are acceptable in practice.

Jesus taught us the prayer, the Our Father. He never said, however, "This is the ONLY prayer you will every pray."

Your understanding of theology is, at best, very flawed. But that's understandable because you rely on your own limited capabilities of creating theology by self-interpretation of a translation into English of the Bible, through 21st century, Western cultural lenses. A sure formula for error.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I was explaining a principle, that you were evidently not capable of grasping. The principle was the there are many things that aren't in the Bible,

Did you grasp that to teach that "there are things that are not in the bible", includes the Rosary, or any type of prayer related to it?



Active Member
Nov 15, 2022
United States
It's not an either/or. It's a both/and. Simon was RENAMED to Peter, which means Rock. God renames people when He establishes something important. He renamed Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, Jacob to Israel, and Simon to Peter. If Simon wasn't renamed to Peter then why does the Bible refer to him as Peter all over the New Testament?

You cannot read the Bible through 21st century American cultural lenses and hope to get everything right. In ancient times, in the area where Jesus lived, the kings had a second-in-command who ruled the kingdom when the king was unavailable (off to war, visitng another kingdom, ill, etc.) Whatever the second-in-command ruled (bound or loosed) was upheld by the king upon his return. The symbol of the authority of this second-in-command was a large key or two, about 2-3 feet long, that he carried over his shoulder. (See Isaiah 22:22) And this position was dynastic, i.e,, it was permanent and a successor was chosen when one died. In Matt. 16:19, Jesus gives Peter the "keys to the kingdom of heaven." It was crystal clear to everyone in that culture, at that time, that Jesus created a second-in-command to rule while He (our King!) was not available (ascended to heaven). Whatever Peter ruled on earth would be ruled in heaven, and whatever Peter loosed on earth, would be loosed in heaven. Matt. 16:19 "I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven.* Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” I don't think it can get much clearer than that.
I am fully aware of God giving new name as it goes with our new identity. You don't know what I know or what I have studied and find you very unpleasant.

You believe what you want and I will do the same as there is only one truth and that will be revealed one day. I will surrender to God as He is my Lord, My God... not a man, not a rulebook, not tradition, not idols


Active Member
Nov 15, 2022
United States
Do this.

1 Corinthians 11:1
Out of praise and worship and honor, I study to see how Jesus showed us and what He spoke to us so that I will model my life after His. I fail miserably everyday and pray and hope that I will be transformed and learn and correct my short fallings. I thank Him for His grace and mercy and for the Jesus did at the cross because He is the reason I am saved.