Astral Projection: The Devil's Playground

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Have you had counseling for SRA /DID? there are a lot of materials that may help you...
Get a notepad and write down what HOLY SPIRIT alerts you to. Make notes and as you come across things stop and write them down - repent, renounce, cancel, seal them off and plead the BLOOD of JESUS. ( if you order the demonic to go, order them directly to the footstool of JESUS and that they MAY NOT enter another human being.)

Healing for Victims of Trauma and Abuse with Dissociative Identity Disorder Series – 8 parts​

have a look at Mary Lou Lake she did a couple of videos that you can look at and things that you can pray immediately and then, of course, there is Doug Riggs who died last year
SRA/DID Resources.
there is a lot of info and videos that you can watch and things to read. Unfortunately, his congregation doesn't do counseling anyore

Then Russ Dizdar also died last year but he also has a lot of material

Russ Dizdar Freedom Encounters Session 8 sessions I think.​

Shatter the darkness is the website and there is also a lot of material - all the material can be daunting but start with the videos first and then renounce as you come across things and work your way through.

Perhaps there is someone who might be able to help you
there is a lot of information, I don't know how much you know at this stage so have a look at their sites...
there are millions of us around the globe in every country and city -
I found prayer to be effective to stop nightly visits and entities
Prayer - just an example, modify it to your circumstance.
Ask FATHER GOD to remove all and everything (including fallen angels - depends on your programming but rather include it) that does not worship, love, obey, etc HIM as the CREATOR GOD of all that was, is, and to come the Alpha and the Omega and then replace those spaces that might have been occupied by HIS angels. Pray that as you enter dream and sleep cycles/states during the night or whenever you sleep doesn't matter how long or often that you will be protected as you move in and out of them. Also that no incubus or succubus, human spirits, or dead human spirits can enter, also no sleep paralysis may occur, and no astral travel from your side or the kingdom of darkness side. Also that you will have no dreams of any kind of second heaven but only dreams from FATHER as HE wants to reveal things to you and then of course normal dreams. That all portals, gates, wormholes, entrances and exits in the spirit dimension over your home will be blocked off and closed and apply the blood of JESUS. Also if you have any pets ask that nothing from the kingdom of darkness can attach or piggyback on them into your house. I bring all my sins (known and unknown sins) before YOU FATHER GOD and ask for forgiveness and I choose (it must be your will to forgive, you have to engage your will) to forgive those who have sinned against me
If you are married you pray this for them and the rest of your family as well and ask that as you sleep you will be restored etc
If memory is leaking during the night make a note of it, get a diary, and make notes, the first words, just report what you saw don't add things don't try to tell a story, bullet points of what you observed.
I ask that my /our will, will come in alignment with YOUR will for my/our lives and that YOU will reveal YOUR will to us.
I always end this way,
I ask this in the Name of JESUS my Saviour YOUR SON, FATHER GOD, Amen, Amen
Please cover the rest of your family under this prayer too even if they might not be saved or any other person that FATHER GOD places on your heart.

I pray this helps.
English is a second language so please pardon the grammar.
Russ Dizdar was a handler. He had a nice front/cover, I must say. I and several survivors I know had experience with him that was very bad. He hurt my survivor friend very badly. I never recommend him, nor anyone of his "ministry" team. They all were part of what happened to my friend. And I state again was very bad. I didn't hear from her for 3 years. And when she was well and strong enough to reconnect, she had body scars that she had no idea where they came from. Russ accessed her behind the cover of one of his "conferences." There's a lot more to it, but I'll leave it at that.

I do not trust Riggs either for several reasons.
#1, survivor testimony of their experiences with him which were not good.
#2, his strong relationship and support of Russ who I KNOW was a cult handler.
#3, his often overlooking of issues with survivors he ministered to that were so blatant and obvious, I could not ignore them.
For example, he had survivors who he claimed were bloodline, and yet their spouses were supposedly not programmed survivors themselves. Or a survivor who was supposedly taken from infancy by the cult and yet her parents were "good Christian folks" who supposedly had no idea their baby/toddler/child was missing at night (or day) for all those years??? NOT GONNA HAPPEN!! ....unless those parents were also programmed. Yep!
#4, survivors who say they saw him at rituals. He (Doug) liked to make elaborate excuses for why or how that happened, but ....the cult isn't going around making clones of all the safe ministers.
#5, I know the bloodlines quite well and several of Riggs's ministry partners ...were cult bloodline. Too many "coincidences."

Amanda Buys did put out some good info ...with some flaws. But again, she at times recommends Dizdar, which tells me that at least there is lack of discernment.

And then there is Dan Duvall. I talked with him back in 2013. He wanted me to be his first survivor interview. I didn't feel right about it. He moved on to Carolyn Hamlet. She got burned and recognized the same issues I had noticed right off the bat ...and that is, that Dan easily puts too much validity on programmed lies and presents programmed lies as realities. I think he means well, but has poor discernment for what is true and what is programming. So an alter personality who shares part of their programmed inner world with him ...he will take it as a reality, when it us just a programmed construct that God can take down in one ministry session... but Duvall goes into that programmed world and supposedly does all sorts of spiritual gymnastics which brings attention and glory to himself and the programming rather than simply inviting Jesus to speak His truth and dispell it all.

There are very few truly safe ministers for SRA/MK survivors. This area of ministry is the most highly infiltrated by the elite cult, even to the degree of placing cult programmed men behind pulpits of "conservative Christian" churches. Organized churches are a hotbed for the cult. I've seen cult presence in every single church I've been to. Many, God sent me to, to share my testimony so that these programmed Christians would begin to have their programming cracked.

Anyway, I did have a safe Theophostic Prayer Minister from 2006 till 2009. "Theophostic" means God-light." Simply put, you identify lie-based thinking/beliefs, and trace it back to the trauma where it originated and ask Jesus to speak His truth to your heart about those beliefs. It is based on, "You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." So for example ....if an alter personality comes forward with a belief that she is unlovable, dirty, evil, etc ....the minister first introduces her to (the true) Jesus, and then invites her to choose to ask Him what His truth is about those beliefs. When they hear Him speak truth to those lies, it frees them and they are able to quickly heal and merge/integrate.

God put me on a fast track for those 3 years, and then that minister stepped away because she was attacked by the cult. (The cult within her church broke into her office and stole her laptop that had all her ministry session notes on it. And that's just one example.) I've never met another minister since then who was safe, and not a cult plant. And believe me, I've looked. I never recommend that route for survivors due to the level of infiltration. Instead, survivors such as myself who have had extensive healing from the Lord reach our hands out to other survivors, and we form support groups in that way, with the Lord Jesus as our Counselor. ❤️
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Russ Dizdar Freedom Encounters
Freedom Encounters is not Biblical. They have the person conjure up an "original demon" and ask that demon all sorts of questions, believing they are getting the truth. There is no Biblical basis for that. There is only ONE Spirit of Truth.... the Holy Spirit. I know these things from personal experience. Freedom Encounters is used by cult ministers.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Perhaps there is someone who might be able to help you
there is a lot of information, I don't know how much you know at this stage so have a look at their sites...
there are millions of us around the globe in every country and city -
Btw, it's nice to meet you and I do appreciate your post. I began in 2001/2002 with the Lord bringing me to awareness bit by bit. He started me on my journey by urging me to put my life history in words on paper. In the beginning, there was only one page (front of a notebook paper and part of the back) that I could remember of my life. As I remembered more, I would rewrite and rewrite until I had a dozen or more pages front and back. Now, I could fill a book. God began reconnecting my parts in 2002, 4 years before I sought counseling. I sought counseling when I began getting threats ...and some very strange and concerning experiences and attacks coming from my then pastor and his family and church leaders. (I soon learned of their connection to my family and history, and that my pastor was a handler.) I left that church in 2007 on Mother's Day and was retaliated against on Mother's Day of 2009 with sexual torture/assault perpetrated against myself and my children.

The prayer strategies you posted are very similar to prayers I have used throughout the years. About portals ....often, there are portals in the body where parts leave or are pulled out by cult or entities. Those also need to be sealed with the blood of Jesus and closed ....asking Jesus to unite every part (alter) back with the body.

I have a long thread on this forum specifically for this subject of SRA/MK/DID awareness and survivor support.


New Member
Feb 8, 2023
port elizabeth
South Africa
Is it
Btw, it's nice to meet you and I do appreciate your post.
Is it possible that we can talk privately by email?
I'm just curious as to when or how you realized there was "something wrong" with you. I mean I always knew I was different from other kids. I just knew 'things' and as a young child of ten years old, I believed in the concept of reincarnation without knowing that there was such a word, because that was the only way I could explain my knowing things. I could differentiate between different dreams since small what I call GODLY dreams and normal dreams and what I will call demonic dreams... but my memory started leaking about 20 years ago after a very traumatic event.
So, it would be nice to speak more directly about how you handled things, etc.
If they would release my email, please feel free to contact me privately.

Ps, I have noted what you said about Doug, Russ, Amanda, Dan, and Caroline, etc.
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New Member
Feb 8, 2023
port elizabeth
South Africa
Freedom Encounters is not Biblical. They have the person conjure up an "original demon" and ask that demon all sorts of questions, believing they are getting the truth. There is no Biblical basis for that. There is only ONE Spirit of Truth.... the Holy Spirit. I know these things from personal experience. Freedom Encounters is used by cult ministers.
Jip I understand, there are a lot of things that I also do not agree with. I thought I won't throw the baby out with the bathwater but to see if there were nuggets I can use in my walk.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Is it

Is it possible that we can talk privately by email?
I'm just curious as to when or how you realized there was "something wrong" with you. I mean I always knew I was different from other kids. I just knew 'things' and as a young child of ten years old, I believed in the concept of reincarnation without knowing that there was such a word, because that was the only way I could explain my knowing things. I could differentiate between different dreams since small what I call GODLY dreams and normal dreams and what I will call demonic dreams... but my memory started leaking about 20 years ago after a very traumatic event.
So, it would be nice to speak more directly about how you handled things, etc.
If they would release my email, please feel free to contact me privately.

Ps, I have noted what you said about Doug, Russ, Amanda, Dan, and Caroline, etc.
I do know some survivors who always had a feeling that they were different. I can't say that I was aware that I was different. I just thought it was normal, I guess. One small example was that as a 6 year old, I was allowed to spend the night with a neighbor girl (which was rare). I remember staying awake almost all night to see if her daddy would come into the room like mine did. I thought that's what all families were like. And to bw honest, I don't know if he did or not. If he did, I would've just dissociated it. But I do remember staying awake watching the door.

It's interesting to me that you mention age 10. Around age 10 is when a lot of things happened with me. I "woke up" ...came to, standing in the living room in a home I didn't remember my family moving to. I remember standing there, assessing, and realizing I didn't remember the previous 3 years of my life (from age 7 to 10). And when I "woke up" I awoke to much mental anguish. It's more than I can explain in one post. But it was also age 10 when I began to hear the voice of the Lord calling me to Himself. I accepted Him at age 13 after 3 years of wooing.

It wasn't until around age 30 when I began to have my dissociative walls break down. But a couple years later, I began to get memories of SRA ...then soon after, the MK memories began to come. This was around 2004 and 2005.

I sent you a private message.


Active Member
Jun 6, 2020
New Zealand
I think there is too much reliance on feelings and subjective experience here.

Demons are real, but they aren't like Hollywood style little red monsters with horns and sharp teeth etc.

Evil is attractive to people because it hides the dark side of itself with a veneer of beauty, riches and fame.

The last thing is .. a believer has the Holy Spirit indwelling their spirit. So they cannot have a demon in them. So it isn't something to fear about for a believer.

Gotta be sober minded about this.


New Member
Feb 8, 2023
port elizabeth
South Africa
I think there is too much reliance on feelings and subjective experience here.

Demons are real, but they aren't like Hollywood style little red monsters with horns and sharp teeth etc.

Evil is attractive to people because it hides the dark side of itself with a veneer of beauty, riches and fame.

The last thing is .. a believer has the Holy Spirit indwelling their spirit. So they cannot have a demon in them. So it isn't something to fear about for a believer.

Gotta be sober minded about this
I found this, have a look

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
Other Faith
United States
In my College days, a theology professor told us that theology is the devil’s playground. (He wasn’t kidding; nor was he wrong.) Maybe the devil has more than one playground that he likes to frequent? You can bet the farm on it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
United States
Emmanuel Swedenborg can be deemed the father of astral projection in the West. He experienced awesome verifications that he was talking to the discarnate humans of the recently deceased. He celebrates the loving presence of Christ everywhere in the heavenly astral realms. But even he discouraged novices from practicing the meditative disciplines that allowed him such endless exotic astral journeys because he says evil discarnate human entities have the ability to impersonate one's loved ones with malicious intent and great discernment is needed to tell the difference.


New Member
Feb 8, 2023
port elizabeth
South Africa
Like with all things, you take control. Pray that all entrance/exit points (you can name them like trapdoors/hidden doors/tunnels, wormholes etc) be closed off and sealed with the Blood of Jesus and any and all portals that you have opened in the spirit while in a "dream state or any other states or family members may have opened or if you are SRA DID that any alters may have opened, be shut closed as if they never existed and may not be opened again. Pray that the kingdom of darkness may not while you sleep or dream or as you move between those states during your sleep can affect you, or have any effect on you whatsoever, and also that your dreams would be limited to "GODly" dreams as HOLY SPIRIT OR FATHER GOD wants to reveal things to you or then just normal dreams. That you cannot receive any dreams from the kingdom of darkness. It is just closing doors and should it persist you need to confess and find out how they still get access to you. Just keep in mind that family members can open doors in the spirit and if you have not cut all soul ties with family members they can have an effect on you. If your family stands in unison all your walls should be protected and cannot be breached but if there is discord you are not a united front and the battle continues. In my family of 4, I am the only one who prays and stands in the gap. We are soldiers, we fight in our Saviours army and there will be times when we get hit by the enemy but we buckle up and continue because there are souls at stake and with the help from ABOVE we are able to stand and take back that which the enemy has stolen from us and use it for FATHERS KINGDOM. Blessings.