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Yes and Paul calls the Law good and spiritual.The Letter is the Law and commandments.
We are not to preach those, as they are a curse to an unbeliever.
And we are under a curse if we preach and teach those as "Salvation"., as this is a false Gospel.
Galatians 1:8
They "KILL":, because its the Law and commandments that define us as SINNERS.
The Spirit of God, does not do that... but the LAW does, as "the power of sin, is the Law,.. .and "The LAW is the power of sin".
@Behold just sharing the bible.
How can a person rightly be judged by no one?
Isnt it to love?
Owe no man anything but love?
The choice i have is will my choice be to abide in him and store up spiritual treaurses or not and hope God will reward me justly and rightly by faith on his son.I dont love perfectly like God or like Jesus did. I dont expect to by my flesh; but the spirit of Christ in me perfect love through and through and never sin; he is my restful hope, @Behold.
Already did. (Post #11)Hello again Ghada, I have some comments and questions for you about what you said above, but I think that I'll wait until you answer the questions that I asked you in my first post (post #2), as your answers to those questions may change or even answer some of the questions that I have for you about the above.
--Papa Smurf
I personally see it as pretentious. Why not Jesus? Afterall, Jesus is the name that every knee bows to, not those other ones.Do you think its important to use his name? @Ghada if he wants his name to be known? Its just like Jesus name was never Jesus. It was Yeshua.
Yahava is like breathing.
Yahweh is another form used as his name.
Jehovah means the destroyer (i think).
I do. I always judge myself first in all things. That's why I have no problem judging others the same.You should take your own judgemental advice.
Also, there is only one 'repenting" that God accepts..
"Repent from UNBELIEF"..
Sure. there's plenty of gospels and religions to believe in. But only those repenting of all sinning can possible believe the gospel of Jesus Christ. That's what the Bible says His saving faith is only from the heart believing unto His righteousness.See, every lost person, is an UNBELIEVER< so if and once they repent of that, then its because they now Believe.
Heard your gospel many times. Still not the Bible. And yours particular opposes the Bible. In several ways as we have seen."Faith is counted as ("Christ's") righteousness"..
"Justification by Faith alone".. "without works or deeds of the Law'.
I personally see it as pretentious. Why not Jesus? Afterall, Jesus is the name that every knee bows to, not those other ones.
In fact, the risen God of Israel is no longer named as Jehovah. Neither the name Jehovah nor any of those others called for the God of Israel, are ever used again in the Bible, after Jesus is named in Matthew 1:1.
I suppose if someone is a born Jew and convert, then it makes some sense.
And of course, there are the created christ believers, that make an idol for themselves out of the name Jehovah. Except in their case, I certainly wouldn't call using those other names a sin. I just don't see the point, unless it makes someone fell good to do so.
Yahava doesnt mind if we use his name.
Or Yahweh which ever you perfer.
Or Jehovah for some.
Ezekiel 39:7 “’I will make known my holy name among my people Israel. I will no longer let my holy name be profaned, and the nations will know that I the LORD am the Holy One in Israel.
Exodus 3:14 God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”
Exodus 6:3 I appeared to Avraham, Yitz’chak and Ya‘akov as El Shaddai, although I did not make myself known to them by my name, Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh [Adonai].
Try it out when you read the scriptures and see “the LORD”
His name is Jesus now. Not Jehovah. It's now the more excellent name He has obtained, more so than when He was Jehovah God of Israel in the OT.That is the reason I provided some scriptures,
Whether or not you decide to make the LORDS name known to another person or not is totally up to you.
Yep. You definitely got an angst about it. It's your righteousness. I doubt you're a born Jew converted to Jesus Christ. So you may be a closet JW.I don't see it as wrong at all... What is wrong, is whenever someone tries to teach hatred towards other human beings, or manipulation to love darkness more than the light.
If you say so… i dont believe you.His name is Jesus now. Not Jehovah. It's now the more excellent name He has obtained, more so than when He was Jehovah God of Israel in the OT.
The risen God of Israel's name is Jesus Christ.
Yep. You definitely got an angst about it. It's your righteousness. I doubt you're a born Jew converted to Jesus Christ. So you may be a closet JW.
If your Hebrew name is for the Father, then that's of course different. It's just a little affectatious if we're not raised Hebrews.If you say so… i dont believe you.
Ill choose to believe Paul, and what he suggested.
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There is nothing wrong with knowing the Father, Yahava, and the word of Yahava, made flesh named Yeshua, in my opinion.
Yes Jesus has a name above all names, but even he is promised to give everthing back over to his Father.
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