Biden Supports Transgendering 8-yr-olds

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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States

Greenlighting the ‘transition’ of eight-year-olds in the name of non-discrimination to advance your political career has to be one of the most cynical political moves of this presidential contest.

By Katy Faust
OCTOBER 19, 2020

At presidential candidate Joe Biden’s TV town hall last week, the mother of “two girls, eight and 10” whose “youngest daughter is transgender” asked if he would reverse President Trump’s supposed “dangerous and discriminatory agenda” against trans people. Biden’s response? That he will “flat-out just change the law.”

Biden continued, “The idea that an 8-year-old child or a 10-year-old child decides, you know, ‘I decided I want to be transgender. That’s what I think I’d like to be. It would make my life a lot easier.’ There should be zero discrimination.”

Read the rest of this article here:
Joe Biden Tells Mom He Supports Transgendering Eight-Year-Old Kids

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I would really like to hear what Biden supporters think about this!
And the scarier thing is , many folks who profess JESUS , are gonna vote for that man .
talk about a delusion . As i have long said , DO not vote for biden and harris . it just keeps getting worse the more he , biden , speaks .
This is what i mean about when i say they willl pass the equality law . THAT IS When much bigger persecution
will arise against the lambs in the land . This equality stuff is not truly about equality . IT and its father , the devil , are simply working into the minds of men a plan which will lead to the all out attack against TRUTH , any reminder of it , and anyone who is of the truth .
That is all this is and will do . To try and finally rid the earth of all truth . But that plan is gonna backfire .
FOR what the evil plan and the very net and snare they set up for the lambs , to rid them from off the earth
At the end its the evil who are ridded from the earth and a new kingdom wherein dwells righteousness will be upon the earth .
All we can do is continue to pray , to point to JESUS , to point to all sound holy doctrine . AND be prepared to not be loved in this world .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
For it was said long ago by JESUS . ONLY the meek in Christ shall one day inherit the earth .
IN THE END , the lambs WIN . THough for now we will see persecutions , the fiery trials of our faith arise much more .
Let all remain faithful to Christ , enduring faithful unto HIM to the end . JESUS overcame the world
and our faith in HIM is how we do . FORWARD and MARCH , right into those trenches for all out spiritual warfare .
The evil take no time off promoting evil , the lambs must take no time off either and point to JESUS and all sound doctrine to the end .
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
And the scarier thing is , many folks who profess JESUS , are gonna vote for that man .
talk about a delusion . As i have long said , DO not vote for biden and harris . it just keeps getting worse the more he , biden , speaks .
This is what i mean about when i say they willl pass the equality law . THAT IS When much bigger persecution
will arise against the lambs in the land . This equality stuff is not truly about equality . IT and its father , the devil , are simply working into the minds of men a plan which will lead to the all out attack against TRUTH , any reminder of it , and anyone who is of the truth .
That is all this is and will do . To try and finally rid the earth of all truth . But that plan is gonna backfire .
FOR what the evil plan and the very net and snare they set up for the lambs , to rid them from off the earth
At the end its the evil who are ridded from the earth and a new kingdom wherein dwells righteousness will be upon the earth .
All we can do is continue to pray , to point to JESUS , to point to all sound holy doctrine . AND be prepared to not be loved in this world .
Yeah, deep down the transgenderism movement is not about equality of the sexes.

It's about Satan stealing a person's God-given identity. Satan couldn't defeat God, so he tries to destroy God's finest creation--humans made in His own image.

I feel so bad for these children, and whenever I read about these stories, I pray for them!

Heavenly Father, help them find Jesus!!!

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
For it was said long ago by JESUS . ONLY the meek in Christ shall one day inherit the earth .
IN THE END , the lambs WIN . THough for now we will see persecutions , the fiery trials of our faith arise much more .
Let all remain faithful to Christ , enduring faithful unto HIM to the end . JESUS overcame the world
and our faith in HIM is how we do . FORWARD and MARCH , right into those trenches for all out spiritual warfare .
The evil take no time off promoting evil , the lambs must take no time off either and point to JESUS and all sound doctrine to the end .
Yup, we know who the WINNER is, and we are on the winning side!!!

Revelation 12:10-12--Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying,
“Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night. And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death. For this reason, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them. Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time.”

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Yeah, deep down the transgenderism movement is not about equality of the sexes.

It's about Satan stealing a person's God-given identity. Satan couldn't defeat God, so he tries to destroy God's finest creation--humans made in His own image.

I feel so bad for these children, and whenever I read about these stories, I pray for them!

Heavenly Father, help them find Jesus!!!
Yep this is exactly what it is , and who is behind it . LIES . And who is the father of that . satan is .
And he tempts all . including children . Remember how he was at the tree in the garden .
That is how he whispers his lies to the children and to the parents who support the lies .
HAS GOD really made you as this , Has GOD really said ye shall die .
No no it says , God is love , ye are as ye desire . IT LIES .
And worse it has snuck the last lie right into more and more churches .
And that lie is spewed out through the all inclusive delusion .
For he says , HAS GOD reallly said , YE must beleive in JESUS and confess HIM in order to be saved
and that if one denies Christ HE will deny them .
NO , NO it says , GOD IS LOVE , HIS path is very wide , loving , broad , Even muslims and atheists , buddists and all
will be saved . ITS A LIAR sister . But he sells it under one word , LOVE . ONLY HIS VERSION is DEADLY and FALSE .
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2019
United States
It is one more step towards Trans-Humanism, which is the ultimate goal.

Man 2.0.
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
It is one more step towards Trans-Humanism, which is the ultimate goal.

Man 2.0.

It definitely goes against everything God made humans to be!

Mark 10:6-8--But from the beginning of creation, God MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE. FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one flesh.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2020
United States
I would really like to hear what Biden supporters think about this!
Child abuse. To let your child believe he is in reality a girl when he's male is setting him up for a miserable existence. Kid's will role play and some parents will go to the other extreme and freak out if a boy plays with a doll or likes teddy bears for example. Just let them be kids but teach them that a boy is a boy and vice versa.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Child abuse. To let your child believe he is in reality a girl when he's male is setting him up for a miserable existence. Kid's will role play and some parents will go to the other extreme and freak out if a boy plays with a doll or likes teddy bears for example. Just let them be kids but teach them that a boy is a boy and vice versa.
I agree with you that this is child abuse! Children can't get their ears pierced without a parent's permission (at least, this used to be the case), but they can be given hormones and sex-change SURGERY against their parents' wishes. It's crazy!

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Here's one example of a judge removing an older child from the custody of her parents....

Judge gives grandparents custody of Ohio transgender teen

By Jen Christensen, CNN

Updated 8:24 PM ET, Fri February 16, 2018

(CNN)A Hamilton County, Ohio, judge on Friday gave custody of a transgender teen to his grandparents rather than his parents, allowing them to make medical decisions regarding his transition.

The parents didn't want the teen, a 17-year-old who identifies as male, to undergo hormone treatment and refused to call him by his chosen name, triggering suicidal feelings, according to court testimony. The parents wanted custody in order to make medical decisions for the teen and prohibit the treatment that his medical team had recommended.

Read the rest of this article here: Judge gives grandparents custody of Ohio transgender teen - CNN

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Here'e a different perspective on the case mentioned above. ^^^

Parental Rights: A Casualty of the Transgender Revolution

On February 16, 2018, Ohio Judge Sylvia Sieve Hendon handed down a decisionin Hamilton County Juvenile Court that removed a gender dysphoric child from the custody of her biological parents and awarded custody to the child’s grandparents. The decision was made on the grounds that the grandparents are affirming of the seventeen-year-old’s desire to undergo “transition” through hormone therapy, while the parents question the child’s judgment and object to the transition on religious grounds.

While it is true that the parents had already agreed to allow the child to live with the grandparents prior to the ruling, the issue at stake is not where the child resides. It is this: Who possesses authority to make prudent medical decisions in the best interest of the child? According to Judge Hendon’s ruling, the answer is the state of Ohio.

A Problematic Ruling

In her decision, the judge herself noted that “It is not within this Court’s jurisdiction to intrude on the treatment of a child except in the very rare circumstance when the child’s life hangs in the balance of treatment versus non-treatment.” The judge then dismisses allegations that the child’s life hangs in the balance, based on medical record testimony. So, if the judge acknowledges that imminent suicide is not likely, why did she nullify the parents’ rights? On what grounds did the judge take such drastically invasive and precedent-setting action?

The judge’s decision seems all the more imprudently decided in light of the fact that the child lived consistently in accordance with her birth sex as late as summer 2016, despite a prolonged pattern of mental health setbacks. The judge even acknowledges that recommended treatment protocols for gender-dysphoric individuals are “evolving rapidly and there is a surprising lack of definitive clinical study available to determine the success of different treatment modalities.” So how can the child’s best interests be determined by the courts when, in the judge’s own words, a “lack of definitive clinical study” is available? Allowing a child access to hormone treatment by taking the drastic step of revoking parental custody requires a better answer than the speculation provided by Judge Hendon.

The judge’s ruling, which goes so far as to nullify parental rights, relies on problematic transgender ideology. Consider this excerpt:

It is unfortunate that this case required resolution by the Court as the family would have been best served if this could have been settled within the family after all parties had ample exposure to the reality of the fact that the child truly may be gender non-conforming and has a legitimate right to pursue life with a different gender identity than the one assigned at birth.

Acknowledging the psychological reality of gender dysphoria does not grant the ontological status of someone’s being, truly, a member of the opposite sex.

The judge then recommends that Ohio’s legislature adopt a legal framework in the event that similar cases arise in the future, which the judge recognizes is inevitable given the “increasing worldwide interest in transgender care.” Despite the severing of custody rights, the court’s ruling thankfully upholds visitation rights and encourages the family to work toward a “reintegration of the child into the extended family.”

A Brazen Assault on Parental Rights

This ruling represents a brazen assault on the rights of parents who love, care, and want what is best for their child, but disagree with the transgender ideology that says the best way to a healthy future is to identify as a member of the opposite sex.

This enormously significant and gut-wrenching court case raises concerns about the future of parental rights in the aftermath of the transgender revolution. If the medical establishment deems “transitioning” in the best interest of a legal minor and the parents object on moral or religious grounds, legal precedent now exists that suggests that parental rights can be severed in the interest of countenancing transgender orthodoxy.

This particular case involves a child who is almost a legal adult. But, given that children with gender dysphoria can be administered cross-sex hormones when they are as young as twelve, it is only a matter of time before cases arise in which younger children wish to use puberty suppressants or hormone therapy against the wishes of their parents. In a contest between politicized medicine and parental rights, who wins?

The court ostensibly weighed the interest of the child’s medical well-being against the wishes of parents, who disagree with the underlying ideology and treatment protocols associated with transgenderism. CNN’s coverage of the case cites parents’ religious objections to their child’s transition but also notes that parents have done their own “due diligence” and research, and that they have expressed concern about their child’s judgment. Clearly, the judge dismissed dissenting opinions on treatment for gender dysphoria as insufficiently persuasive.

Is it not at all possible that the parents know their child’s decision-making history and judgment better than a court-appointed guardian? When it comes to the question of experimental medicine like gender transition, the answer is apparently “no.”

As one would expect, the media framed the story entirely in defense of the child’s right to transition, giving no serious consideration to the question of whether it is reasonable, wise, or even safe to leave an enormous and irreversible decision such as gender transition in the hands of an adolescent and legal minor.

This case ought to send a chill down the spine of every citizen, religious or not, who has questions or concerns about the rapid acceptance of transgender dogma throughout America. Why? Because it signals the accelerating pace at which transgender dogma has taken root in society and the consequences for any parent who dares question the transgender establishment. It reveals how vulnerable parental rights are. Even more, it signals the willingness of the state to step in and revoke parental custody in the name of the best interest of the child—even if judgment about what is in the “best interest” of the child is based on shifting standards of care for gender identity disorders whose cause science has yet to explain.

One article about this story alleges in zero-sum fashion that unless the child is allowed to transition, her chances of committing suicide increase. If a child is on the verge of suicide, is it not reasonable to ask whether there are deeper issues at play? Concerns over suicidality in the transgender community suggest that comorbidities that accompany gender dysphoria are more at fault than not receiving sufficient social affirmation, hormonal therapy, and sex-reassignment surgery.

Source: Parental Rights: A Casualty of the Transgender Revolution - Public Discourse

Continued in next post....
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Continued from post above...

Future Implications

This case’s implications are larger than they may initially appear. Could the day be coming, for example, when would-be adoptive parents would be denied the opportunity to love and care for an orphaned child because the parents are orthodox Jews, Christians, or Muslims and disagree with LGBT orthodoxy? This has already happened in the United Kingdom. What recourse remains for a gender dysphoric child who does not want to pursue transition? What dissenting advice can his or her parent offer without fear of state intervention?

In normal times, the Ohio case would be easy to decide. Of course parents ought to retain parental rights over their child whom they love and for whom they want the best. Of course there are alternative pathways to seek out when dealing with a gender identity conflict. But where the sexual revolution can work to inflict its ever-evolving ideology—even at the expense of parental rights—it will do so. And it will do so unapologetically and in a spirit of self-congratulatory social justice.

This case should never have risen to the level it did. That it even reached a judge is a clear example of Big Brother confusing its role with that of Mom and Dad. It sets a precedent that puts not only the natural family but the well-being of children at risk.

ANDREW T. WALKERAndrew T. Walker is Associate Professor of Christian Ethics and Apologetics at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also the Executive Director and Fellow of the Carl F. H. Henry Institute for Evangelical Engagement. He serves as the Executive Editor of Eikon: A Jour...

Parental Rights: A Casualty of the Transgender Revolution - Public Discourse

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Judge Bans Madison, Wisconsin School District from Deceiving Parents About Children’s Gender Identity


A judge in Madison, Wisconsin, issued an injunction last week upholding parental rights by prohibiting staff of the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) from lying to or deceiving parents about gender identities their children may have adopted while at school.

Dane County Circuit Court Judge Frank Remington wrote in his opinion the district is barred “from applying or enforcing any policy, guideline, or practice” suggested in its policy, titled “Guidance & Policies to Support Transgender, Non-binary & Gender-Expansive Students,” that encourages staff “to conceal information or to answer untruthfully in response to any question that parents ask about their child at school, including information about the name and pronouns being used to address their child at school.”

Remington’s order, however, does not require district staff to notify parents if their child is transitioning to another gender.

In February, the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) and Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed the lawsuit on behalf of Dane County parents.

The MMSD’s school policy, which was issued in April 2018, contains information provided by LGBTQ rights activist group GLSEN. The policies challenged in the lawsuit allow children of any age to change their gender identity at school without parental notice or consent.

Read the rest of the article here: Judge Bans Wisconsin School District from Deceiving Parents About Children’s Gender Identity
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
Here's my thoughts on this. First of all I don't believe that Biden supports it, he kept looking up as if he was reading something,... again. Second of all I don't think any child should be discriminated against,.. but children don't have the mental capacity to decide that they want to be a transgender. They think they know what it means (and they might) but they don't fully understand it the way we do. When I was a child I wanted to be a cat or a dog, but I was taught that I should be happy the way God made me and that's what all children should be taught as well.
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Over Parent Objections, Public School Teaches 6-Year-Olds About ‘Transgender Ravens’ And Gender Fluidity
Despite parent attempts to opt children as young as five out of presentations telling them traditional gender roles are evil and people can be whatever sex they feel like, a Colorado school district showed the material anyway.

By Helen Raleigh
APRIL 5, 2019

Should a six-year-old be taught to use transgendered pronouns and believe in so-called gender fluidity? The leaders of Superior Elementary School in Boulder Valley School District, Colorado, think so.

Last November, the school showed children from kindergarten to fifth grade videos from “Queer Kid Stuff” and a stage play about transgenderism to promote “acceptance and inclusivity” especially related to the transgender community. Some parents are outraged and are seeking possible legal remedies.

Read the rest of this article here: Public School Teaches First Graders About 'Trans Ravens,' Gender Fluidity
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