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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
how do you know what church family is right for you?
how do you know when you should join any ministry there including choir or when to tithe?

So a couple years back, I had gone to a church I loved for 8 years. But I was driving down the road past this church I didn't know anything about or heard of, and I heard "Go to this church." Might find me crazy, but I couldn't get that out of my head and started to visit. The series was, "Have you Forgotten the Why?" And it was about why do you go to church.

I hadn't realized how far I had drifted... The reasons you to go church are first and foremost the Word of God. Are you learning and growing? Are you excited to learn the Word. Then praise and worship. Then serving. There were others... But I realize I had forgotten the why. I realized how much I was growing in the Word and it took me a year of visiting off and on, but we moved over here. I am growing so much. So excited about the Word. To be honest I just haven't been as happy as I was over at my old church yet... I wish I knew why. Because I believe I am in the right place because I am learning and growing in the Word when I wasn't before. I was sort of stagnant. I went to church for the people. I am excited about the Word of God again... Big things are happening at this church too. I agree with their missions and their goals. Their black backdrop is ghastly though. Lol. I like it right now with the Christmas backdrop.... Just maybe feel a bit lonely. Still getting connections and things. But sort of just miss my old church a lot. It sort of feels like college here. Like I know it is better for me here, but I really just miss home. I love the people at my new church a lot, but I just don't know exactly how to build those connections again. It has been a long time since I had to make new friends... And then I kinda feel like no one at my church before has cared enough to really keep touch with me and really check on how I am doing. Not that I really can put words to it. I'm doing good. Then kinda don't know who I am now in a good and bad way. LOL. Life just changed a lot in the last four years for me.

I'm unsure if this helps you any lilygrace, but this is my experience. I just always want to pursue God first and foremost and go to church to get close to God. But when before I felt connected, now I am a little more lonely. You have to determine what is important to you when you go to church and where you are close to God and growing in His Word. Church needs to teach Truth and God's Word is first and foremost what you need to be connected too.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
When you decide to join a church, then choir and tithing usually begin then. Usually there are people who can help in finding places for you to serve in the ministry.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
how do you know what church family is right for you?
how do you know when you should join any ministry there including choir or when to tithe?

Don’t do what we did. We picked ours out of the Yellow Pages because it was the same denomination as our church in Florida and the name was the same as our niece’s. If my sister had a son instead and named him “Matthew”, would we be Catholic? But God seems to have blessed our choice; we’ve been here 25 years.

The general guidelines are that Christ should be exalted, the scriptures should be proclaimed, and the people should love one another. Theological compatibility is important, but sometimes we need to be challenged. Being able to welcome and accept newcomers is important. Ministries depend on your own gifts and talents. Having opportunities to grow is good too. I’ve served in various ministries; some worked out; some didn’t. Sometimes I feel connected; sometimes I feel like an outsider. But I’ve loved, and I’ve been loved.

I’m where I’m supposed to be.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
how do you know what church family is right for you?
how do you know when you should join any ministry there including choir or when to tithe?
let me see, hmmm I'm pretty sure Jesus had nothing to say about choirs and tithing and if you are at all curious, getting familiar with the scriptures is helpful for clarity. If you're interested there are links at the bottom of this post.

There is of course the other option.....don't bother to get familiar with the scripture but use Jesus name to rubber-stamp all sorts of worldly attitudes and beliefs. It is also mandatory to marinate in Christian culture if all one wants is the feel good least for a short while....which might I add has very little to do with Jesus. The down side is it turns out tossers.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
how do you know what church family is right for you?

There are lots of ways of knowing. Faithfulness to apostolic doctrine and commitment to fellowship (in various forms) should be essential prerequisites. If only one church in your area meets these requirements, that's probably where you should be. But if there's more than one, how do you choose between them?

1) Practicalities. Can you get there for the services? If you have any specific needs (e.g. children's ministry, if you have children), will they be catered for?

2) Opportunities to serve. In the past we've joined "good" churches but eventually left in frustration because we couldn't use our gifts there.

3) Personal tastes (e.g. in worship) may also play a part. If you're not comfortable in a service, how can you cheerfully invite non-Christian friends to go there with you?

There are probably other criteria that could be added, but I hope you get the general idea.

how do you know when you should join any ministry there including choir or when to tithe?

Once you're a member, you should be contributing something (even if it's just making the coffee). We are a body, and each of us has a role to play. But exactly what you do depends on your personal gifting and how much time you have. Joining the choir may entail several hours of rehearsal every week, for example, and not all of us have that much spare time! Volunteer for something (rather than let yourself be pressured), but don't overcommit yourself, especially right at the beginning. It's easier to start a ministry than to stop it!

Personally, I tithe anyway, whether I've formally joined the church yet or not (and whether the church expects me to tithe or not).
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
how do you know what church family is right for you?
how do you know when you should join any ministry there including choir or when to tithe?
If they proclaim the Holy Spirit and to obey the commandments, then their probably OK. Also look at their humanitarian efforts, charities they support and such. Do they feed the homeless or provide for them in some way?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
how do you know what church family is right for you?
how do you know when you should join any ministry there including choir or when to tithe?

I knew I wanted my husband to feel comfortable there and respect the leadership.

So for us, that meant a church that believes in spiritual gifts like speaking in tongues.

I'm less picky, but he picks up on things I normally would not.
It took us a couple years to find our church. The pastor is not afraid to preach the less populat truths of Scripture, it's a small church where everyone recognizes one another, and the family-like love I felt was real. I feel God's presence every time I go.

Join unpopular ministries where there is a need and your service will be felt. That's just an opinion.

I tithe weekly by taking a portion from our funds each Friday. But our income is weekly, so that is just what is convenient.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2020
United States
let me see, hmmm I'm pretty sure Jesus had nothing to say about choirs and tithing and if you are at all curious, getting familiar with the scriptures is helpful for clarity. If you're interested there are links at the bottom of this post.

There is of course the other option.....don't bother to get familiar with the scripture but use Jesus name to rubber-stamp all sorts of worldly attitudes and beliefs. It is also mandatory to marinate in Christian culture if all one wants is the feel good least for a short while....which might I add has very little to do with Jesus. The down side is it turns out tossers.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Hi; the basic activities are described in Acts 2.42: "And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers."