Clever questions atheists can't answer - answered!

  • Thread starter Village Atheist
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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Jeri said:
I'm curious...
That's a question Atheist can't answer, but Christians can. It doesn't mean we're right, but we have an answer that's right for us.
.... Does that make the answer true - or is "right for us" always good enough for you? That answer suggests the belief is mere palliation.

Christians believe he's alive, and no Atheist can prove otherwise since his tomb is empty.
.... Seems to me you yourself don't have much respect for your religion or you would not mock it so?

And none of the answers are factual or based on definitive evidence.
...Perhaps you should read them again and engage your brain this time?

Flippancy and strawmen prove nothing.
We don't care about evidence. We know. Sorry you don't.



Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
Village Atheist said:
I've done some digging (including reading the legal suit that was brought) to try to find some context for this.

The story has clearly mutated and been misquoted as these things often do (you know how sloppy journalism can be), but the statement about making the person feel sick isn't about the mere sight of a cross making them sick.

The person's concern is that the two intersecting beams were taken out of the rubble, trimed to make them look more like a traditional "Christian" cross, given pride of place in the museum, and then blessed in a specifically Catholic ceremony, all of which was paid for by the Government.

The complaint isn't that the mere sight of a cross makes them sick. The complaint is that having the government pay for this trimming and display, along with a Catholic ceremony to "bless" the cross in the museum as the centrepiece of the memorial, is an instance of the Government de facto establishing that the memorial is a Christian one. Their arguments were that firstly this is against the Establishment Clause - the museum should either have religious symbols from the faiths of all the people who died in the attack or none of them, it shouldn't just have a single religious symbol that only represents some of the victims while ignoring the faiths of others; and that secondly by having this symbol of a single religion as the centrepiece of the official memorial it made them feel (to use their own words) "officially excluded from the ranks of citizens who were directly injured" by the attack.
How much did this blessing allegedly cost?
Who received it?

There is no evidence on line or wikipedia that the government paid any church or Catholic clergy to bless the Trade Center cross. It's contrary to canon law to accept money for a blessing for any reason.

Fr. Mychal Judge, the first certified fatality at 9/11, was a Franciscan friar and Catholic priest who served as a chaplain to the New York City Fire Department.. His body was initially laid to rest before the altar of St. Peter's Catholic Church. That may have made the politically correct lefties even more sick.

And you are wrong about the Establishment Clause. Your agenda is glaring, and so is your intolerance.

The claim is offensive. Provide documentable evidence of "the government paying for a blessing/ceremony", or retract. Cheap tabloids is not evidence.

Deceased Fr. Mychal Judge being carried out of the 9/11 rubble.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said that the Constitution was never meant to be neutral about religion. Indeed, he said, “there is no place for that in our constitutional tradition.” He admitted that “you can’t favor one denomination over another,” but that doesn’t mean that religion cannot be favored over non-religion.


Apr 9, 2013
United States
Im late to the party, but still wanted to add a comment. Anyone could find a list of silly questions and use them as a springboard to validate their own views by virtue of having the "answers." It would be like me going to an atheist chat board, finding the most uninformed questions toward believers and using those to prove how silly the atheists and their views are. Not very convincing other than simply to show what we already know: some Christians are uninformed on some topics (just like some atheists)


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
I was bored so I was idly looking through some threads in the Apologetics section when I came upon Questions for an Atheist. Of course, being an atheist I can't actually post in that section, but I was very amused by the link to a list of "Clever questions atheists can't answer"

Since I thought it would be amusing (and did I mention I'm bored?) I thought I'd go through and answer them. While most of them are just ridiculous or non-sequiturs, some of them might provoke some interesting conversation...

1. If creationists can’t do science, then why do Kent Hovind and Duane T. Gish, who are creation scientists, have professional degrees in science?

Creationists can do science, providing they stick to areas in which their results don't contradict their dogma. It's only in those areas that they tend to have a conflict of interest and get into situations where they must misinterpret or misrepresent their results to make them fit said dogma.

By the way, Kent Hovind doesn't have a professional degree in science. He has a worthless and unrecognised degree that he bought from a diploma mill

2. If dinosaurs turned into birds, why are we not afraid of them?

The sensible answer is that dinosaurs didn't "turn into" birds. Birds are a merely a subgroup of dinosaurs that survived the extinction that wiped out most of the others. Since the rest of the dinosaurs died out millions of years before humans evolved, why would we be frightened of them? There's no reason that we should be scared of birds because of dinosaurs any more than we should be scared of house cats because of tigers.

The glib answer is that if you put someone in a field with an angry cassowary or ostrich they will be afraid of it!

3. If homosexuality is right, then how come two people of the same sex not produce a child?

Because ability to produce children is nothing to do with right and wrong. Otherwise it would be wrong for old people to marry because they can't produce children.

4. What purpose do we have if evolution is real?

We have whatever purpose we give ourselves, just the same as if evolution weren't real.

5. You say Jesus never existed, but have you heard of the Shroud of Turin?

Actually, I don't say that. But yes, I have heard of the Shroud of Turin. It's a medieval piece of art (the word "forgery" implies intention to mislead, and I don't think we know enough about who created it to assert that was the case) which has nothing to do with Jesus.

6. Why do we not see humans being born in the zoos from monkeys if we came from monkeys?

Humans don't come from monkeys. Humans and monkeys are both Simiforms that have evolved independently from a common ancestor.

7. Why do we go to church if God is not real?

I don't. Presumably you do because you think that God is real.

8. How did the Grand Canyon form?

Steady erosion over millions of years (around 17 million according to geologists).

9. Do you know that Jesus loves you?

Since he's been dead for a couple of thousand years I severely doubt that.

10. If Christianity is false, then why is it popular?

For the same reason that Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Taoism...
Entertaining. But here is the one question the scientific and atheists communities can't answer:

What happened before that?

Keep asking it and eventually the answer is, "I don't know"...leaving no foundation for the establishment of truth, only contextual assumptions.

We know.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
By the way, Kent Hovind doesn't have a professional degree in science. He has a worthless and unrecognised degree that he bought from a diploma mill
Funny I never seen him lose a single debate with all the others who have proper degrees. And he has had over 100. I would prefer kents degree than all the others. If you get what he got.

Frank Lee

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
Ouachita Mountains
United States
Very simple according to the God I believe in and you say does not exist. You're a fool. The fool has said in his heart there is no God.

And again the Lord k ows the reasoning of the wise, that they are useless.

Your decision to believe their is no God escapes me. Everything is made by someone. Oh well enjoy the days you get as much as you can. You're still in the great funnel moving toward the spout.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
I don't. Seriously - do a search on my posting history here. At no time have I tried to convince people that God doesn't exist. The closest I've got is explaining why I don't believe that God exists.

As for why I post here at all? Well, mostly it's simply because the discussions are an interesting way to pass the time (especially when I'm bored at work like now).

But I think what you're really asking is "Why would an atheist care what Christians believe?"

That's a more complicated question, and the answer to is it in two parts.

Firstly, and speaking only for myself, I don't care. You can believe what you like. Whether you're a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jew, Sikh, Wiccan, or even a Satanist or a follower of David Icke who believes that the world is secretly controlled by a cabal of shapeshifting lizard people from another dimension. Whatever your beliefs, as long as they don't affect me then go ahead and knock yourself out. Believe whatever makes you happy.

However, there comes a point where other people's beliefs - particularly those of Christians, since they're the most populous religious group around here - do start to affect me and people I care about. That point is where those people try to make the rest of us conform to their beliefs through force of law even though we don't share those beliefs.

As I say, this is particularly true of Christians. That's not to say that other religious groups don't also try to enforce their beliefs through law - Sharia is a good example of this. But I don't live in a country ruled by Sharia law and don't know anyone who lives in a country ruled by Sharia law, so it doesn't directly affect me or those I care about. That doesn't mean that it's not a concern, of course. But it does mean that it's not got the same importance to me as people who are trying to insert their religious doctrines into law here - and these people are Christians.

When Christians call for a ban on same-sex marriage, that affects me and the people I care about.
When Christians call for science lessons to be replaced with religious indoctrination, that affects me and the people I care about.
When Christians call for religious litmus tests as a prerequisite for holding public office, that affects me and the people I care about.
When Christians call for people with physical developmental mishaps to be shamed, humiliated, and put at risk of assault, that affects me and the people I care about.
When Christians call for the banning of some types of scientific research, that affects me and the people I care about.
When Christians call for a ban on people of another religion entering a country, that affects me and the people I care about.
When Christians call for the banning of reproductive health care techniques, that affects me and the people I care about.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not ranting and raving about this stuff. Most of these calls thankfully come to nothing, and we're not in that much danger of looming Theocracy quite just yet. But we do need to be vigilant and oppose these calls when they crop up. With a few exceptions I'm merely irritated by these sorts of calls rather than angered by them (although I do know people who are more personally affected by this sort of thing and who are angry, and rightly so).

As I say, I'm not against Christianity. I'm not against Christians behaving in a manner in line with their beliefs. As long as that behaviour does not hurt other people.

To use one of the things on my list as an example, I don't care that many (but not all) Christian beliefs include a belief that homosexuality is somehow immoral. I don't share that belief; but if Christians have that belief it doesn't bother me. Why would it? People can believe whatever makes them happy. However, when Christians act on that belief to discriminate against homosexual people, that's when an unpleasant belief crosses the line into an immoral act, and that's when I do start to care. If you happen to believe that homosexuality is wrong, don't engage in it. It's as simple as that. But don't try to impose that belief on others.

As I say, that's one example. The same can be said for the other things on the list. Do you believe that the Earth is only 6,000 years old because that's what you interpret your Bible as saying? That's fine by me, but don't try to stop children learning proper science by replacing it with your religious belief. Don't like contraception or abortions? It's fine by me if you choose not to use either; but don't try to stop other people using them.

And while part of stopping Christians (or any other religious group - but as I say, Christians are the most populous and influential around here) from imposing their beliefs on others is mostly done at the ballot box and in the courts, there is a lot to be said for engaging in dialogue at the personal level too like we are doing here.

That's not to say I'm here as some kind of crusading activist. Far from it. I'm just trying to point out that atheists do have reason to care what Christians believe and to be interested in such discussion. You might think that your beliefs don't affect us, but they do when you (and this is a very generic you - I'm not accusing you personally of this) try to impose them on us.

I could go on at length about things like the asymmetric views on morality that exacerbate the problem, but this is enough (some would say too much) for a one post already.

Your second point is interesting. I've never actually heard a christia n call for the teaching of science to be replaced with religious indoctrination...I've heard many say all views should be taught. And honestly, in the U.S., You don't hear of a teacher teaching science having their livelihood threatened for doing so - you hear of a teacher presenting the view of creationism being the one having their livelihood threatened if they present the view. So...You should think a little more on your second point.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
I have a question no atheist has ever been able the answer.

Law of cause and effect says for every effect there is cause. Science also says all things have a beginning and and an end.

So what caused the and existence of space, matter and energy?

Forget time, because that is simply the rate of decay.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I was bored so I was idly looking through some threads in the Apologetics section when I came upon Questions for an Atheist. Of course, being an atheist I can't actually post in that section, but I was very amused by the link to a list of "Clever questions atheists can't answer"

Since I thought it would be amusing (and did I mention I'm bored?) I thought I'd go through and answer them. While most of them are just ridiculous or non-sequiturs, some of them might provoke some interesting conversation...

32. Where did everything come from if there is no God?

I don't know.

Agree with you, you don't know.

Glory to God,


Active Member
Jul 19, 2019
United Kingdom
atheists can't account for truth without God and they can't account for morals without God, all they have is subjectivity!!

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Atheist, like Christians, can answer any question, but when push comes to shove, no one knows nothing for sure. Its all about what a person chooses to believe. For instance;

"32. Where did everything come from if there is no God?
I don't know." That's a question Atheist can't answer, but Christians can. It doesn't mean we're right, but we have an answer that's right for us.

"9. Do you know that Jesus loves you?
Since he's been dead for a couple of thousand years I severely doubt that."
Christians believe he's alive, and no Atheist can prove otherwise since his tomb is empty.

Like Christians, your stating your opinion, which is based on what you've chosen to believe. Many of the questions you've posed are answered with another question, which is no answer. And none of the answers are factual or based on definitive evidence.
Honestly, some of those questions are bad questions, some irrelevant and not mature, some useless and silly. I wouldn't even call this line of questioning sophomoric - no, these questions are from some high school kid of little knowledge.
I tried writing a thesis on refuting the TOE and it only worked on one atheist, may be two. Apologetics is not the way to Christ, although dismantling the TOE helps to maybe cause less resistantce; faith comes by the Word. No one can come to God unless he draws them first. Since they are spiritually blind to God and who they are and where they came from, a thousand unanswered questions will not draw them. Faith itself is a gift, so arguments about Evolution or the Intellegent Design won't enlighten you. You may begin to question the logic but you are still unable to experience God.
We really don't have to go to the origins to discover God. The Bible says man is without excuse. The power to convert and open your eyes comes from The Gospel. But also, " ... what may be known about God is plain. For since the creation of the world, His invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." Rom. 1:19-20
Invisible attributes ... nature ... where? Love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, gentleness, patience, faith, hope and self control are His invisible attributes. We can see these in what has been physically made as well:
Beauty of design, order, complexity, function, how every organism is uniquely provided for in the eco-system that works as if interdependent on all its moving parts.
Still arguing Creation vs. Evolution is not a winning game for either party.
IF you really want to know God, you simply must comebto him in himility, like a child, drop all the preconceptions, doubts and just ask Him, "If you are real, show me".
Then start with the New Testament and ask Him ( that's right, ask this imaginary person that the rest of us believe in) to help you understand His Word. Remember pride and arrogance will keep you from God, either drop it or don't bother!
Last edited:

Need Jesus Daily

New Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Atheist, like Christians, can answer any question, but when push comes to shove, no one knows nothing for sure. Its all about what a person chooses to believe. For instance;

"32. Where did everything come from if there is no God?
I don't know." That's a question Atheist can't answer, but Christians can. It doesn't mean we're right, but we have an answer that's right for us.

"9. Do you know that Jesus loves you?
Since he's been dead for a couple of thousand years I severely doubt that."
Christians believe he's alive, and no Atheist can prove otherwise since his tomb is empty.

Like Christians, your stating your opinion, which is based on what you've chosen to believe. Many of the questions you've posed are answered with another question, which is no answer. And none of the answers are factual or based on definitive evidence.

We KNOW God tells the truth and He IS real simply by Bible prophecy. God says that in His Word, He will tell us the end from the beginning (i.e., predict the future for us) so that when it comes to pass, we know He told us already, and we will know that He alone is God. Israel coming back as a people group into their Biblical homeland after being displaced for thousands of years. Re-instating their original language of Hebrew. Not losing their customs and traditions after being displaced for thousands of years. It's never been done by any other people group in history, ever. Yet, God specifically told us that Israel would return to its land and live in prosperity like never before and be the envy of its neighbors. It's in Ezekiel somewhere around 37. Israel's "Dry Bones" live again. If that came true, isn't is surely possible that the entire Bible is true and what we've been indoctrinated with in worldly logic is false? Willing to bet your eternity on what you've been told by other men? Read the Bible and take it for real. Ask Jesus to forgive your sins -- admit you're a sinner. Repent and beg Him into your life. I guarantee He will come in to you. He said "Ask, seek, and knock". Ask, and you will receive. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. It's getting pretty late in the game to completely deny God's existence since the rapture is about to go down. Read Ezekiel 38 and 39 -- we are right there. Another prophecy fulfilled..., who could have predicted that Russia (Rosh) would be perched on Israel's border and wanting to strike Israel for its treasures. When did Israel ever have treasures that Russia could have ever wanted ever before in the history of Russia? NJ Life Coach for Christians.