Could Satan Ever Be Omnipresent? Yes He Is Right Now!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2021
futurum, ubi non sunt atheus troglodytae
United States

God doesn't lie, and that serpent of old (Satan) only lies!!

So even the thought: that both would be telling the truth shows a problem with discernment of spirits!!

Look closer at what that snake was telling EVE:

Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’?” The woman said to the serpent, “From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.’” The serpent said to the woman, “You surely will not die!

That snake said she wound not die, though God had said she would. She did eat and that resulted in her later dying!! That snake lied!!!!!
Did he?
Did Eve or Adam drop dead after eating of the forbidden tree?

Adam and Eve were not immortal.
They were going to die before eating of the tree. We know this because in Genesis we are told God banished them from the garden to insure they did not then eat of the tree of life.

But that snake old was crafty about how he went about it. He was crafty even though he was in the garden, so any conclusion you might come up with about it not being possible for that lying crafty snake to be there is just a wrong conclusion, simply because he was there and lied in a crafty way to Eve.
The serpent said Eve would not die if she ate of the tree. They did not die.

Now that snake supported the lie by trying to tell Eve she would be like God, because she would know good and evil. Well, maybe she might be like God in the sense that she started to have an idea that both good (God) and evil (that snake) existed, but that did not make her like God in that she was not going to die, like that crafty snake was telling her.
It was God who said Adam and Eve had become like "us", knowing good and evil.
God reiterated what the serpent had said about that.

Now here is the problem we face today. Because they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, we too know that there is good and evil, which is to say we know the both God (and only God is good) and Satan (that evil snake of old who promotes evil to this day) exist!! That knowledge doesn't mean we have the ability to discern good from evil very well. That is a gift from the Holy Spirit. And we know the Spirit of God talks to our spirit so that we can find the Word of God we preach in our heart and sometimes in our mouth. Of course, as mentioned, the Holy Spirit is not the only spirit. We battle with the dark forces of this world, so we battle with a huge force of evil spirits who fell because they too bought in the lies of that snake.

So like Paul suggested, we need to take all thoughts captive to Jesus Christ. That would include any thought about whether that snake lies or not, and thoughts like whether that snake is omni-present like God is. If we are not humbling and earnestly seeking our Lord Jesus Christ and taking the thoughts we get to Him, how are we going to get discernment correct. We might know that good and evil exist because that tree was eaten from, but it wasn't a tree of discernment of spirit only a tree that gave us the knowledge of good and evil. Basically, Eve and Adam listened to the words that came from that old snake (Satan) and ate despite the fact that God told them not too, and that is how they found out that both good and evil is about, even if you find yourself in a very nice garden.
Isaiah 45.
Which came first?
The fall? Or the war in heaven?

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Did he?
Did Eve or Adam drop dead after eating of the forbidden tree?

Adam and Eve were not immortal.
They were going to die before eating of the tree. We know this because in Genesis we are told God banished them from the garden to insure they did not then eat of the tree of life.

The serpent said Eve would not die if she ate of the tree. They did not die.

It was God who said Adam and Eve had become like "us", knowing good and evil.
God reiterated what the serpent had said about that.

Isaiah 45.
Which came first?
The fall? Or the war in heaven?
This speaks of spiritual death . Not physical . So adam , eve did die in the day they ate thereof .
Just as we were all dead ourselves , till the true connection Back to GOD was given us in Christ JESUS .


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2021
futurum, ubi non sunt atheus troglodytae
United States
This speaks of spiritual death . Not physical . So adam , eve did die in the day they ate thereof .
Just as we were all dead ourselves , till the true connection Back to GOD was given us in Christ JESUS .
I think if we are born spiritually dead, it is God's doing since all life comes from God and his will.

If we were spiritually dead we would not come to a point where we seek God. Because God would not be comprehensible because God is spirit and is worshipped in spirit.

If the retort to that observation arrives in some way as, this is why God calls his elect to himself, that we who are spiritually dead may be made alive through that contact, that then makes God to also be the adversary to redemption.

Because those whom he foreknew he then called to himself, and changed their God given nature in order that they respond.
Conversely, those whom he does not change are, by his foreknowledge and foreordination, will, born to live spiritually dead . That they die condemned because he did not enter their dead human nature and change it, that they be made alive through and in him.
After, in the beginning. his will separated us from him because our species were set up to fall in the garden.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Satan wants to be like Jesus so bad he can't stand it! He has figured out how to be omnipresent in these last days! Cell Phones, Big Brother, AI...don't be deceived in not realizing this! Brothers and Sisters we are at war with spiritual darkness! Satan has been waiting for humans to cross the door of technology! Satan has finally found his Omnipresence! Let's pray tonight for a spirtual EMP by the Lord of Host, Jesus Christ! That will be our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ thank you!!!!

Praise the name of Jesus!!
Interesting, never thought of it that way. Since angels can only be at once place at a time, he would need help. But the 200 million angels that followed him, report to him with lightning speed.
But yes, the Mark of the Beast, an encoded chip in a vaccine that everyone is taking (which btw may now or soon include Luciferase and nano-technology), an ID accessible to locate by 5G technology. Bill Gates has certainly assisted Satan in his mission. Who knows, he might make him his AC? Advanced technology is not as good for us as we all thought!

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
If Satan is omnipresent that makes him equal with God.
And we know that is not true my dear sister .
It is true that satan has much power . But He and all the demons combinded cannot withstand one word from GOD .
They all cowered on this earth . A thousand demons trembled when JESUS showed up . A THOUSAND .
OH DONT cast us , OH DONT , they were terrified sister of HIM .
But let no man or woman be high minded . They could rip us to shreds in a blink , IF WE HAD NOT JESUS CHRIST .
HE is our hope . So on that note would you like to know what TIME it is , ITS LORD PRAISING TIME .
JESUS CHRIST . Put those hands up , sister , put them up and just praise the glorious LORD .
There simply is no such thing as too much praise and thanksgiving unto the LORD .

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
No, it doesn't.

Which came first? The fall? Or, the war in heaven?
Because the answer to that illuminates the identity of the serpent in Eden. :)


Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’?” The woman said to the serpent, “From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.’” The serpent said to the woman, “You surely will not die!

Ok - we see the serpent, who is crafty, talking to Eve in the garden, saying she would not die, but it lead to men and women (her) starting to die. So that snake lied - Of course if you don't want to believe God and the Scriptures then you can say is doesn't, but what are you posting on a Christian site for?

As for the indentity of the serpent:

Rev 20:2 And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years;

Well that is revealed in Revaluation, in case we have not figured it out before.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
But yes, the Mark of the Beast, an encoded chip in a vaccine
I am no friend nor advocate for the vaccine, but please, don't go off the deep end here. The mark of the beast is not a chip in any vaccine. A vaccine can be forced... Authorities can hold you down and jab your arm at a moments notice. God is not going to condemn you for a decision made by others.
The mark of the beast is a voluntary decision of conscience that marks the individual as a loyal follower to either the commandments of God or the Commandments of man. It is all about worship. Loyalty. Who your God is. Whose authority do you submit to. It isn't about medical health... Financial decisions... It's about spiritual willingness to surrender to God's authority. Such a decision cannot be made for you cannot be forced, coerced. And the beast and his mark is opposed to God's authority and have already set up a system of Christian governance counterfeiting the truth. It is your choice... Not man's... Who your Boss is. Your acceptance of either will dictate what mark you receive. The mark of the beast. Or the seal of God.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
I am no friend nor advocate for the vaccine, but please, don't go off the deep end here. The mark of the beast is not a chip in any vaccine. A vaccine can be forced... Authorities can hold you down and jab your arm at a moments notice. God is not going to condemn you for a decision made by others.
The mark of the beast is a voluntary decision of conscience that marks the individual as a loyal follower to either the commandments of God or the Commandments of man. It is all about worship. Loyalty. Who your God is. Whose authority do you submit to. It isn't about medical health... Financial decisions... It's about spiritual willingness to surrender to God's authority. Such a decision cannot be made for you cannot be forced, coerced. And the beast and his mark is opposed to God's authority and have already set up a system of Christian governance counterfeiting the truth. It is your choice... Not man's... Who your Boss is. Your acceptance of either will dictate what mark you receive. The mark of the beast. Or the seal of God.
2 years ago I would agree to everything you said here. I still am skeptical about this vaccine. People are taking it for health reasons.
However, this whole pandemic has been politically motivated. Lies have surrounded it with confusing messages from CDC and Fauci from the beginning, "The masks are ineffective", "The masks are effective", pros and cons about lockdowns effectiveness, doubts about the accuracy of the tests itself, the science and research about the vaccine, "We need herd immunity" and we've actually reached that a month ago but ... The goal posts keep changing.
Off the deep end? The world has been under this dark canopy of LIES and CONTROL and FEAR- exactly how Satan would control the world.
WHO is controlling the world. And who are the individual who are calling then shots behind WHO? When in history has this ever happened when the entire world is locked down, fear, controlled?
Now the science behind the vaccine has not been adequately tested. Some doctors claim it is not a vaccine, but genetic therapy. Other doctirs claim there is no sample of Covid-19 that can be found. CDC cannot present one.
What has been discovered is that Luciferase and nano-technology is or shortly will be used as a vaccine ID.
People who have taken the vaccine are actually now genetically modified organisms.. There is suspicion that this genetic therapy changes your DNA to have an adverse reaction to the next Covid virus that comes along, making your own body attack itself, and also cause sterization. This very well could be a radical and evil attempt to depopulate the world. ???
Luceriferase? Look it up. I really think we are in the Great Tribulation period. Most countries are in bad shape. America is not - yet and if this Covid-19 all disappears soon and life gets back to normal, then you can say I went off the deep end.
But if they release another virus and all the people who have been vaccinated start dying, they will then blame it on the new more deadly virus, when in fact it may be their destructive genetic therapy you willingly got in line to take.
I have a bad feeling, a feeling that evil, a diabolical scheme is in the works and I will not take the vaccine.
Doesn't it seem like this is right out of the Bible? Pestilence ... "You can't buy or sell unless you have the mark"? That is the next phase. Now they've dropped the mask wearing for only people who have been vaccinated. Who knows who has or hasn't been? That's just it. Now many who aren't vaccinated will also take off the mask since no one is asking for proof - yet. All they need now is many cases of non-vaccinated people who violated the mask rules, infected others, plaster that all over the news and then the proof of vaccine becomes a mandate. An alledegly more deadly virus would push for the permanent mandate and now Lucerferase is used. (If it already hasn't been).
GOD sends out a strong delusion during the Great Tribulation that they believe the lie. What lie? This Medicine is good for you? Unknown genetic therapy and technology that is good for you?
The Antichrist is not religious, he is an atheist (against God). He may be a Tech genius, someone who has all the answers to the future, problems of the world, solutions and may be one of the richest men, with vast influence already is not hard to fathom. Bill Gates has done lots for the world. The world already trusts him. He is an atheist. He believes in Eugenics, population control (He believes the world should have about 500 million)..he has invested $10 billion in vaccine development, delivery and other technologies. This is not off the deep end - check it out. In a sense, people are taking his mark. And eventually you will not be able to buy or sell unless you have it.