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New Member
Mar 16, 2011
Hi I'm new to this forum. I'm so glad this forum is out here is cyberspace. :)

A counselor I have been seeing has been encouraging me to become an alpha female. I never really felt right about it. I'm a Christian, and I just don't feel good about this advice. I did some research about alphas and it was hard to find Christian advice about it. I told my couselor that I don't respect people that strive to be alpha and I think that advice has "holes" in it. What if someone becomes an alpha and they start to get everything they want... then another alpha steps in?.... How does that work? Then do they get competitive against each other and still feel sooo unhappy inside. I want to tell my couselor that what I want to strive for is inner peace. I don't want to dominate anyone or think I'm the smartest or best looking person in the room, etc. I just want to be me and be able to respect myself and others. I also don't think that we were all put on this earth to compete against each other. I think it's okay to compete in a healthy way like running a race or working hard at work. I don't feel right about disrespecting anyone to get my way on things. What do you guys all think of this? Do you think that teaching someone to be an alpha is biblical?

Thank you for your insights!


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Hi mommyof1!


I've never heard of an Alpha female so I had to check it up.

A counselor I have been seeing has been encouraging me to become an alpha female. I never really felt right about it. I'm a Christian, and I just don't feel good about this advice. I did some research about alphas and it was hard to find Christian advice about it. I told my couselor that I don't respect people that strive to be alpha and I think that advice has "holes" in it. What if someone becomes an alpha and they start to get everything they want... then another alpha steps in?.... How does that work? Then do they get competitive against each other and still feel sooo unhappy inside. I want to tell my couselor that what I want to strive for is inner peace. I don't want to dominate anyone or think I'm the smartest or best looking person in the room, etc. I just want to be me and be able to respect myself and others. I also don't think that we were all put on this earth to compete against each other. I think it's okay to compete in a healthy way like running a race or working hard at work. I don't feel right about disrespecting anyone to get my way on things. What do you guys all think of this? Do you think that teaching someone to be an alpha is biblical?

An Alpha female to me, is like being a carnal Christian...someone who does not come under authority to anyone and someone you are not...I think that you should be yourself and be comfortable with who you are...and you sound wonderful and smart. :p

Jesus has accepted you just the way you are [warts and all] and as we go through the process of sanctification, we become more like him...why would we ever want to become a prideful, arrogant, manipulative, worldly female. ewww!

I know that some men like women like that...but they just ain't worth knowing.

Bless ya!:)
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Soldiers United 4 Christ
Feb 3, 2011
Dallas Tx
welcome to the board, being independent is fine but 'alpha' seems like a pride thing to me.. just be you.


New Member
Mar 5, 2011
Agreed. Just be you.

I agree with Disciple, alpha sounds prideful. I agree that you should be competitive in certain areas like running a race, working hard at work, or trying to become first chair in an orchestra, but there are areas where you need to be submissive as well.

Eph 5:25-33 --- 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” 32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

Romans 13:1 --- Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.


New Member
Jan 1, 2011
What do you guys all think of this?

It can be fun to make a bold sweeping statement. Everyone who has spent years taking "true/false" tests is almost reflexively wary of the validity of such statements. I like to say that "All psychology is wrong". This usually triggers skepticism.

When I say that since there is no psychological theory of human behavior that includes the concept of sin, there is no psychological theory of human behavior that can ever hope to adequately understand human behavior much less offer useful remedies, a least Christians occasionally begin to see a basis for such a sweeping statement.

Humans are not pack animals like dogs and the concept of alpha anything is as false as any of the other usual garbage that passes like a fad and is peddled throughout the psychological community.

The idea that your personality can be selected like something from a menu or that you have to force yourself to be different to be happy is ludicrous. What your counselor is really saying is that your personality is defective and once you become a different person your life will be better. It sounds like the only thing defective is your counselor's understanding.

In Ephesians we are told that growing into Christ-likeness helps us withstand "every wind of doctrine". I would suggest getting godly Christian counsel. This is not as easy as it sounds. You may have to be in prayer for quite some time asking Jesus to help you find an older wiser Christian who clearly shows the light and love of Jesus in their life. You could then ask this person if you might meet once a week in order that you also could learn to know Jesus as well as they do.

Christianity is supposed to be about relationships. Ours with Jesus and with each other. Today so many churches follow after the world and its classrooms and even worldly philosophies, that it is difficult to find anyone that is really living for Jesus. Satan has engineered his world to draw everyone after pride which blinds us to truth. Jesus wants us to be humble which opens our eyes to truth.


Soldiers United 4 Christ
Feb 3, 2011
Dallas Tx
I think you should stop seeing that counselor.. We have received the holy counselor, Gods Spirit.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 31, 2010
United States
I think you should stop seeing that counselor.. We have received the holy counselor, Gods Spirit.

Quality posts from fellow board members. If I would add anything here it would be for prayer and spiritual guidance. Our Pentecostal churches in our area got started 100 years ago with weekly home prayer meetings. When the prayer meetings got big enough they would begin a church. I think that having friends meet at the home for bible study and prayer are great things in the Christians life.

Effective prayers...

1. Seek first the kingdom of God. (Matthew 6:33)
2. Identify a need (John 16:24)
3. Take those needs to the Father in prayer in Jesus name! (John 14:13)
4. Believe for the things you are asking for. (Mark 11:24)
5. Have patience and wait on the Lord. "In your patience possess ye your souls." (Luke 21:19)
6. Develop a spiritual sense and have an ear for what the Spirit is saying. (Rev 3:22)
7. Follow up. Ask your friends how they are doing. Listen! (James 1:19)
8. You may want to try fasting for those particularly tough needs! (Matthew 17:21) (Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.)

The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:- Romans 8:16

I just don't know enough about Alpha to make any judgments here. However you said... I never really felt right about it. If the direction you are in is one inspired by the Holy Spirit you will feel right about it!


New Member
Mar 16, 2011
Wow thank you so much!! This was exactly what I was looking for.

I've been feeling so confused. I reached a point in my therapy where I need God now. I know I needed him before but didn't realize how much. This counselor does have a lot of good in him despite some of his weird advice. He has helped me come to where I am now... questioning about where I'm supposed to go now.

I do not agree with the alpha advice he has given me. I always felt like it was competitive and deceiving. I want to be truthful with my friends and help them to love themselves. I don't think being an alpha is going to get me to that goal. I think alpha actually pushes people away... they feel intimidated by me. I think I have changed my therapist's thinking in some ways based on the way I think about things. I'm proud that I stayed true to myself and I think that goes a long way since I don't think he believes in God. Maybe he will find his way to God too. :)

I needed to take this journey though to understand life more and what my purpose is on earth. It is definitely time to switch to a Christian counselor. I tried finding one in my area with a PhD but I haven't had any luck yet? Any suggestions of where I could find a PhD Christian counselor... maybe there is a directory at church or some kind of a Christian phone book.

Thanks again.

I feel so much better after I read all of your comments.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 31, 2010
United States
Wow thank you so much!! This was exactly what I was looking for.

I've been feeling so confused. I reached a point in my therapy where I need God now. I know I needed him before but didn't realize how much. This counselor does have a lot of good in him despite some of his weird advice. He has helped me come to where I am now... questioning about where I'm supposed to go now.

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

Do you really need therapy? When the Holy Spirit enters your heart those confused feelings will melt away! Take all those feelings of yours and give them to Jesus!

I just love Isaiah 9:6... Praise be to the name of Jesus Christ! Pardon me while I shout!



New Member
Mar 16, 2011
Yes I do need it. I've gone to church on a regular basis and read the Bible.... I never gotten to the place I'm at today by going to Church. I needed guidance about the world, working in a toxic work environment, dealing with people who are extremely insecure, etc. I needed some skills to become confident in myself. I do think that knowing God can save someone, but if you're not a place to hear the words, therapy is a great option. There are some really awesome people out there who chose therapy as their profession. No matter what, bottom line.. they are helping people. If they don't know God, they aren't giving the most perfect advice, but the bottom line is that they are there to help.

My journey with my therapist has brought me closer to God. I've learned to respect myself and my opinions and I've learned to tell my therapist that I didn't respect him teaching me to become an alpha. I wouldn't have been able to do that if it weren't for him. He has taught me to be comfortable in my own skin. When I first arrived there two years ago, I was definitely sad, anxious, depressed, lonely, sooo lost. I thank God that he was there. God is working through him and maybe he needed to meet me to realize it.

It's time to move on now. I realize that and thank you all for your comments.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Sounds like you got the answer you needed. I am just wondering, what is an Alpha female? I am a counselor and I have never heard that phrase applied to humans before. Is it possible that your counselor is simply suggesting that you trust your instincts? Or learn when to say no? One of the hardest things about counseling is that it is so easy to miscommunicate - even when you are sitting face to face. I am not saying that you need to continue receiving services from this counselor, but some clarification might be helpful before you move on.


Joshua David

New Member
Feb 10, 2011
Hello mommyof1,

Like the other posters here, I would suggest that you seek a Christian councilor. There are plenty of them out there if you look. As someone who have gone to 2 or 3 different councilors in my lifetime, I can tell you that it was a good decision to see them, but you must be careful in who you choose to see. The councilor that you are seeing now, is speaking from a worldly view if he truly wants you to become an 'alpha female'. Becoming an alpha female means that you put yourself first in all things. We need to put God first in all things, and doing so means that sometimes we have to put other people's wants ahead of our own. Being an 'alpha' female is counterproductive with your walk with God. Now, I do not know anything about your situation or about your councilor, and I don't know why he gave you the advice he gave you. Maybe he thinks that you are struggling with letting other people walk all over you, or take advantage of you. Maybe he thinks that there is an issue with your self-esteem.

What ever the case may be, a Christian councilor would approach these areas from a biblical perspective. For instance, if you are having a problem with people taking advantage of you, then they may approach that by talking about love, and sometimes the most loving thing we can do is to stop enabling people with their poor decisions. Remember, we are expected to help people out when they need help, but having someone constantly take advantage of you, and having you constantly 'clean up their mess' is not loving, and will end up hurting them in the long run. Sometimes people have to hit rock bottom before they change.

If there is an issue with self-esteem, then a Christian councilor may talk about why you are so special. There is one thing that makes you special, but that one thing makes all the difference. You are a child of the King. The maker of Heaven and Earth created you, knows you, and loves you. He paid a terrible price just so you could spend eternity together. Wow... let that sink in for a minute. You are adopted into the family of God. You are the apple of his eye, his chosen treasure, and his beloved. You are special.

I hope this helps..

God bless you.

Joshua David
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Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Hello mommyof1,

Like the other posters here, I would suggest that you seek a Christian councilor. There are plenty of them out there if you look. As someone who have gone to 2 or 3 different councilors in my lifetime, I can tell you that it was a good decision to see them, but you must be careful in who you choose to see. The councilor that you are seeing now, is speaking from a worldly view if he truly wants you to become an 'alpha female'. Becoming an alpha female means that you put yourself first in all things. We need to put God first in all things, and doing so means that sometimes we have to put other people's wants ahead of our own. Being an 'alpha' female is counterproductive with your walk with God. Now, I do not know anything about your situation or about your councilor, and I don't know why he gave you the advice he gave you. Maybe he thinks that you are struggling with letting other people walk all over you, or take advantage of you. Maybe he thinks that there is an issue with your self-esteem.

What ever the case may be, a Christian councilor would approach these areas from a biblical perspective. For instance, if you are having a problem with people taking advantage of you, then they may approach that by talking about love, and sometimes the most loving thing we can do is to stop enabling people with their poor decisions. Remember, we are expected to help people out when they need help, but having someone constantly take advantage of you, and having you constantly 'clean up their mess' is not loving, and will end up hurting them in the long run. Sometimes people have to hit rock bottom before they change.

If there is an issue with self-esteem, then a Christian councilor may talk about why you are so special. There is one thing that makes you special, but that one thing makes all the difference. You are a child of the King. The maker of Heaven and Earth created you, knows you, and loves you. He paid a terrible price just so you could spend eternity together. Wow... let that sink in for a minute. You are adopted into the family of God. You are the apple of his eye, his chosen treasure, and his beloved. You are special.

I hope this helps..

God bless you.

Joshua David

Well said JD!

Be Blessed :)


New Member
Oct 19, 2010
Hi I'm new to this forum. I'm so glad this forum is out here is cyberspace. :)

A counselor I have been seeing has been encouraging me to become an alpha female. I never really felt right about it. I'm a Christian, and I just don't feel good about this advice. I did some research about alphas and it was hard to find Christian advice about it. I told my couselor that I don't respect people that strive to be alpha and I think that advice has "holes" in it. What if someone becomes an alpha and they start to get everything they want... then another alpha steps in?.... How does that work? Then do they get competitive against each other and still feel sooo unhappy inside. I want to tell my couselor that what I want to strive for is inner peace. I don't want to dominate anyone or think I'm the smartest or best looking person in the room, etc. I just want to be me and be able to respect myself and others. I also don't think that we were all put on this earth to compete against each other. I think it's okay to compete in a healthy way like running a race or working hard at work. I don't feel right about disrespecting anyone to get my way on things. What do you guys all think of this? Do you think that teaching someone to be an alpha is biblical?

Thank you for your insights!

I work with a lot of individuals and I am sure that this will get trounced on here because this is not a good place to necessarily be to get sound Christian advice. HOWEVER I will tell you what I know and teach. First off if you are seeking a relationship before you get into one get yourself free from baggage of your past what ever it might be. A relationship will be no healthier than the least healthy person in it.

Everything in life is based on relationships. Relation ships with others, with ourselves, and relationship with God the Father.

A good relationship with all of the above brings true happiness and a bad relationship with any of the above will destroy you.

Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment of all? His answer was, Love the Lord your God with basically your entire being. Then he said the second unto it is to love your neighbor as yourself.
You can't love your neighbor until you first love yourself. You can't love God till you love your neighbor.

Getting rid of this baggage in life is to learn to forgive those that have hurt you in your past.

Then after that is accomplished repent for hurting those that you might have hurt. Then if there are other things in life that you have done that have painful memories in them repent for them as well. Once you do that you will feel good about and start loving yourself.

After that is accomplished I highly recommend you sit down and examine the ways you have compared things that might have brought on jealousy and envy and repent for that.

After that examine any issues you have from rejection and repent for allowing this to dominate you because many times we allow ourselves to get into idolatry over this. Putting other people's opinions of us above God's opinion of us is idolatry.

Then examine fears in your life. Take those fears and repent for them because fear is sin. It is the opposite of faith.

After that examine occultism in your life and repent of any that you might have.......

If you follow those procedures to get yourself healed you will be light years ahead of the game to get into a relationship.

I don't know what you are paying that counselor but it is too much.

NO RELATIONSHIP with ANY PERSON can complete you. If you are not happy before you get into a relationship, you are not going to be happy after you do.

Hope that helps.


New Member
Mar 16, 2011
Alpha no doubt refers to the hierarchy in a given group. Such as in societies of wolves, a pair of alphas arise, a male and female, which dominate the group. However:
Matthew 20:26 Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant.

I know this philosophy you speak of, and it is contrary to the teachings of Christ. We are not animals, though that is what the world respects and teaches, all the way to insisting we evolved from apes etc. It’s amazing that in how one can delve deeply into many of these worlds philosophies and realize that they are based upon and replace God with animals/beasts, and so they worship.

Disclaimer: Don’t take this as a personal attack against you, it’s not at all. I’m presenting a truth about a deadly poison. It’s like a drug that we become dependant on, one that makes us feel good and that we react alarmingly when someone tries to pull it away from us, making us feel defensive. So it’s not you, but the poison that I’m pointing at, a deadly poison no less dangerous than heroin. End of disclaimer.

Psychology was once universally rejected by the church, up until around the mid 20’th century as many began to follow the progressive movements, essentially falling away from the faith. This is the doctrines of demons, moving people away from God, not closer. It may feel closer, but such as a drug, it can give us a feeling of euphoria that only masks the problem, leads us into bondage, while the real solution (and there really is one) is compromised and even fully removed in time. I’m not alone in this evaluation, I’m a trained Christian counselor (biblical counseling) and know of a massive host of Christian teachers, authors and counselors that are in absolute alarm by the way psychology has become so accepted by many Christian congregations let alone us individual Christians. Melding this psychology with the bible is wrong. Christian counselors with phd’s are teaching heresy, trying to serve two masters, combining scripture with humanism.

"If the present trend continues, Bible teaching will be totally eliminated from Christian radio stations as well as from TV and the pulpit. This is not a wild statement made in an emotional moment of concern. Bible teaching is being moved to the back burner of broadcasting, while so-called Christian psychology is put up front as Bible solutions to life's problems." (J. Vernon McGee, "Psycho-Religion-The New Pied Piper," Through The Bible Radio Newsletter, Nov., 1986).

What you need to do is flee from it. Two years of being thought in these ways has soaked your mind with a worldly teaching, bending your thoughts like a pretzel, causing confusion, and even possibly turning you away from those that offer the presentation of sound doctrines, to those that combine the poison with scripture. As a teaching that wholly leads to bondage, that is it’s effect and what it was designed to do.

We are to soak our mind with God’s untainted word, being washed in His understanding, His direction, and especially by His grace. So to start you really need to lift this up in prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ, asking Him for His guidance while repenting of these teachings. The initial question was correct, if indeed you felt the concern of it, than that is the Holy Spirit gently nudging you to repent of it. He will never force someone to comply, but is gentle and will work with you to get beyond this, as long as you don’t turn your back on Him as can happen and as some do. In time, if we ignore the alarms He sends, they fade out on our end as we simply choose not to listen. So you need to ask God to shed light on this matter, and look for his guidance, because He will surely provide it over the coming days, months and years even, as long as we are willing to search and listen.

And before you think I don’t understand what you went through, I’m a child abuse survivor, that then was forced through much of my childhood (by non-Christian parents) to see these therapists. Really, it only made things worse, until I became a born again Christian at the age of 12. Much of the damage was instantly healed, receiving the new heart of Christ within and all, but I still needed to be washed in the Word of God and come to an understanding/healing (it’s a process of sanctification) about not only the abuse but the poison that the therapist put into my mind over a many of years.

So I don’t live as a victim, I don’t spend my days focused on self (as the bible does not teach self- but the opposite). And though I may still be a completely imperfect person (as we all are), I do have the grace and knowledge by God to function in service to His kingdom, which is what we were created for, not “self-”. There is no “self-” teaching in the bible, no self-esteem, self-adequacy, self-help, no self-affirmation, no self-[anything] only reliance wholly upon God, and there is nothing that can replace that, especially not psychology which is nothing but pure poison.

In closing (really it is short, there is much to this but you need to take the first steps) here is a most excellent audio message about this subject. This is by one of my counseling teachers I had in college, actually my favorite teacher on the subject, and he really gives some solid information about this issue. It’s called the psychologizing of the faith by Bob Hoekstra. It’s about an hour long and well worth the listen.
Direct link to the audio: psychologizing of the faith
Taken from this page: Seminars

So I hope you didn’t move on too quickly, I would have posted this sooner but have been waiting for authorization (been around just never registered). But I suspect you may get nudged back to check for anymore replies at some point. Have any questions about my reply or the audio message, feel free to ask. May the Lord be your guiding light.

btw, in your topic title, what did dating have to do with it?


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
well now that we've gone from alpha through omega, I guess that about wraps things up.....


New Member
Mar 16, 2011
well now that we've gone from alpha through omega, I guess that about wraps things up.....
I often go by Omega. Other sites and games I have omega in my user name as well as have a DNS with Omega in the name. That's not a problem, is it? Not sure why the response... confused


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I often go by Omega. Other sites and games I have omega in my user name as well as have a DNS with Omega in the name. That's not a problem, is it? Not sure why the response... confused

Sorry...I just thought it was funny - no harm intended - welcome to the board :)



New Member
Mar 16, 2011
Okay... I appreciate the help. You guys/gals have every right to be entitled to your opinion, but we're getting off topic here. All I wanted to know was if Alpha was something biblical, not whether or not counseling was biblical.

Thank you.


New Member
Oct 19, 2010
Okay... I appreciate the help. You guys/gals have every right to be entitled to your opinion, but we're getting off topic here. All I wanted to know was if Alpha was something biblical, not whether or not counseling was biblical.

Thank you.

NOPE ALPHA is not Biblical. Basically counseling that gets you too far from repentance and forgiveness is something to be leery of as well. Those two things apply the blood of Christ to your situations in life and set you free. Being ALPHA means dominance. Also repentance or forgiving one's self are two of the faster ways of repairing one's self esteem.

Be blessed.