Jesus said, If the Son shall make you free, you shall be indeed, John 8:36
If you are following Calvinism, a cult, or any kind of a religion, you are not free. Instead, you are in bondage to that religion, whatever it is. Have you not noticed that the early church did not have a name? No one could say I belong to the Catholic church, or I am a Pentecostal. The minute that you put a label on yourself you are bound by that religion.
Jesus makes us free from all religions, this is why he said, "If the Son has made you free, you shall be free indeed" John 8:36. How does Jesus make us free from all religions? Jesus was the new Adam and the representative of the human race. Everything that Jesus was and everything that Jesus did, he did in our name and on our behalf. We can now say that, "We are complete in him" Colossians 2:10.
Jesus did not follow after Judaism. Nor did Jesus follow after any religion. Jesus was totally and completely free from laws rules and religion. Jesus full filled every Jot and title of the Law for us, This is why Paul said, "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believes" Romans 10:4. Paul could have said, "Christ is the end of all religions" All that the law demanded was fulfilled by Jesus Christ, having fulfilled it, he abolished it, Ephesians 2:15.
If we are "Complete in Jesus Christ" Then why have you embraced a religion? God only accepted one man into heaven, it was not a Calvinist, nor was it a Catholic. It was our representative, Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "Many will say to me on that day (judgment day) "Lord, Lord, didn't I"? Matthew 7:21-23. Didn't I Join the Catholic church. Didn't I become a Calvinist. Didn't I, Didn't I, Didn't I. They didn't have faith in Christ, they had faith in themselves and in their religion.
Jesus in our name and on our behalf atoned for our sins and the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2. Not John Calvin, Not the Pope. Not some man that was a sinner. God required that our representative be without sin. Is your Calvinist representative without sin? Is the pope without sin? What if your representative was wrong, will you follow him into hell? Many will.
Jesus has made us free by doing for us that which we cannot do for ourselves. Can you fulfill all that the law demands? Will John Calvin fulfill the law for you? Can your holy man (the Pope) fulfill the law for you? God demands perfection. Is your savior John Calvin perfect, how about the pope? You have rejected your perfect representative Jesus Christ and have embraced heretics to save you. The Son is not going to make you free because you have embraced the doctrine of heretics to save you.
If you are following Calvinism, a cult, or any kind of a religion, you are not free. Instead, you are in bondage to that religion, whatever it is. Have you not noticed that the early church did not have a name? No one could say I belong to the Catholic church, or I am a Pentecostal. The minute that you put a label on yourself you are bound by that religion.
Jesus makes us free from all religions, this is why he said, "If the Son has made you free, you shall be free indeed" John 8:36. How does Jesus make us free from all religions? Jesus was the new Adam and the representative of the human race. Everything that Jesus was and everything that Jesus did, he did in our name and on our behalf. We can now say that, "We are complete in him" Colossians 2:10.
Jesus did not follow after Judaism. Nor did Jesus follow after any religion. Jesus was totally and completely free from laws rules and religion. Jesus full filled every Jot and title of the Law for us, This is why Paul said, "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believes" Romans 10:4. Paul could have said, "Christ is the end of all religions" All that the law demanded was fulfilled by Jesus Christ, having fulfilled it, he abolished it, Ephesians 2:15.
If we are "Complete in Jesus Christ" Then why have you embraced a religion? God only accepted one man into heaven, it was not a Calvinist, nor was it a Catholic. It was our representative, Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "Many will say to me on that day (judgment day) "Lord, Lord, didn't I"? Matthew 7:21-23. Didn't I Join the Catholic church. Didn't I become a Calvinist. Didn't I, Didn't I, Didn't I. They didn't have faith in Christ, they had faith in themselves and in their religion.
Jesus in our name and on our behalf atoned for our sins and the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2. Not John Calvin, Not the Pope. Not some man that was a sinner. God required that our representative be without sin. Is your Calvinist representative without sin? Is the pope without sin? What if your representative was wrong, will you follow him into hell? Many will.
Jesus has made us free by doing for us that which we cannot do for ourselves. Can you fulfill all that the law demands? Will John Calvin fulfill the law for you? Can your holy man (the Pope) fulfill the law for you? God demands perfection. Is your savior John Calvin perfect, how about the pope? You have rejected your perfect representative Jesus Christ and have embraced heretics to save you. The Son is not going to make you free because you have embraced the doctrine of heretics to save you.