Evidence for the Genesis Flood

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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2021
United States
This was posted by me on another site; I promised a poster here, that I would present it:

Global Flood evidence:

***1.Vast herds of grazing animals, apparently millions of them, discovered within the permafrost (called muck fields by some, due to the mud mixed in from previous melting), in the Alaskan and Yukon regions. In the Siberian permafrost, a few have been discovered upright, with food (some which only grows in temperate climates) discovered still unchewed in their mouths, like the Berezovka Mammoth. (They died instantly, not from a slow-moving ice age!)

http://www.amendez.com/Noahs Ark Articles/NAS Worldwide Mammal Massacre.pdf

The question is raised — and properly so: “How could a Global Flood cause such freezing temperatures?” Keep in mind, the water was from two sources: the “waters above”, and the “waters below”, aka, the “vast springs” underneath Earth’s surface. The location of the waters above came from the atmosphere....the troposphere?...the mesosphere?...the stratosphere? The Bible doesn’t say, it is silent. (Maybe from all five.) But the waters existing above the Earth prior to the Flood, resulted in milder temperatures, and somewhat warmer.... similar to a greenhouse effect, worldwide. (That’s why Adam & Eve could go naked, and be very comfortable.) Yes, the Bible indicates there were seasons, but apparently mild ones.

All of that drastically changed, with the break in this vapor(?) / ice (?) canopy! Temperatures would drop suddenly!

***2.This project, completed by physics students of the University of Leicester, provides an interesting conclusion:
‘Noah’s Ark would have floated’.

And this one:
Could Noah’s Ark Float? In Theory, Yes | Science | Smithsonian

Further information:
Noah’s Ark was the focus of a major 1993 scientific study headed by Dr. Seok Hong at the world-class ship research center KRISO, based in Daejeon, South Korea. Dr. Hong’s team compared twelve hulls of different proportions to discover which design was most practical. No hull shape was found to significantly outperform the 4,300-year-old biblical design. In fact, the Ark’s careful balance is easily lost if the proportions are modified, rendering the vessel either unstable, prone to fracture, or dangerously uncomfortable.
The research team found that the proportions of Noah’s Ark carefully balanced the conflicting demands of stability (resistance to capsizing), comfort (“seakeeping”), and strength. In fact, the Ark has the same proportions as a modern cargo ship.

The study also confirmed that the Ark could handle waves as high as 100 ft (30 m). Dr. Hong is now director general of the facility and claims “life came from the sea,” obviously not the words of a creationist on a mission to promote the worldwide Flood. Endorsing the seaworthiness of Noah’s Ark obviously did not damage Dr. Hong’s credibility.

Dr. Seok Won Hong was principal research scientist when he headed up the Noah’s Ark investigation. In May 2005 Dr. Hong was appointed director general of MOERI (formerly KRISO). Dr. Hong earned a B.S. degree in naval architecture from Seoul National University and a Ph.D. degree in applied mechanics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Thinking Outside the Box: Size and Shape of the Ark

***3.Coupled with that, the dimensions of the Ark, a 6-to-1 ratio of length to width, and 10-to-1 ratio of length to height, are exactly what is needed for a non-powered vessel of that size to maintain stability! Only in the last 2 centuries have ship builders recognized that these proportions are perfect for non-powered barge-like ships to be seaworthy. This is powerful evidence supporting a literal interpretation: How could Moses have known, in recording the event, that Noah was given such ideal dimensions? Fortunate guessing?

***4.The numerous Flood legends (exceeding 250, one anthropologist says near 1,000), that share many similarities, some strikingly so, that indicates a common source.

***5.Furthermore, the Bible indicates, in Psalms 104, that the Flood was the cause of Earth’s mountains reaching such great heights. (With the underground waters spewing upward, the land would, by necessity, settle downward.) This would mean the high mountainous ranges we have today, like the Alps, the Himalayas, the Andes, and others, did not exist before the Flood; they are relatively young in formation. Some were even underwater prior to the Flood — see #6. (Not that the rocks are young, but that the features they form, are new, geologically speaking. What do we see? We observe crisp, well-defined features! If these mountains were millions of years old, we would see weathered, rounded features, due to the extreme wind and other erosion forces that they constantly endure. But we don’t! (This evidence is the easiest of all the geological facts to see...yet to me the most overlooked.)

***6.[related to #5]The marine creatures discovered on the tops of many mountain ranges, even on Mt. Everest — gigantic clams, some measuring 5 feet or more across, found in the closed position, indicating (again) that these creatures experienced a catastrophic event, leading to their quick death. (Clams in natural death, die w/ their shells open.) All remain exposed....if they’re millions of years old, why aren’t they eroded, also? Because these particular ones died at the Flood!!

***7.Where did all the water go? Apparently, it’s still here, at the Earth. If we again take into account what Psalms 104reveals — that it was the Flood that caused our current topography, the very high mountains and low valleys, then the Earth’s terrain was somewhat smoother than now. (And Genesis tells us, the highest mountain was covered by around 22 ft. of the water.) It’s been determined that if the Earth was smoothed out like a billiard ball, the present water in all the ocean and lake basins would cover the planet to a depth of 2.5 miles! More than enough.....yet, scientists have discovered even more water in the Earth’s mantle, estimated to be almost 10 times as much as exists on our surface! So, that presents no obstacle!

***8.The Chinese character for "boat" comprises three radically different symbols: 'vessel', 'mouth' (representing a person), and the number ''8”. Why is this significant? Because there were 8 people who survived the Flood in the Ark. Some ancient Semitic person thought the Flood Event was worthy enough, to incorporate it into their language, helping others to remember the Chinese word for boat. They didn't have a Bible to get the idea from, and I doubt Moses knew any Chinese people, to get his writing from!

Are you of the mindset that, when reading about God causing a global Flood, you don’t think He’d use His power throughout other aspects of the event? Or afterwards? Let’s see what the Genesis account reveals: Hebrought the waters above and below to Earth’s surface....He gave Noah instructions on building the Ark, providing those ideal proportions....He brought the animals to Noah (No, Noah didn’t have to go get them, as some dishonestly purport.)....and He closed the door. Only those w/ closed minds would assume (want to, maybe?) that God’s power stopped there. Is He somehow incapable of protecting the occupants in the Ark, or the plant life underneath the waters? Does Jehovah God have to reveal / explain every aspect involved? If He brought the animal to Noah, is it too much of a stretch to believe that Jehovah redistributed them to their former locations after the Flood?

Jehovah God is not required to explain anything more to us....what we do know and what we’ve found - the evidence - is enough to build faith in the account.

Another indirect line of evidence, as to why God would cause such a global catastrophe, are the Greek, Roman, Hindu, Norse, etc., myths describing “gods” interacting w/ humans, having relations w/ women, and producing offspring. (Since most all myths have some kernel of truth, this common narrative between them, of gods having sex w/ human females & bearing children, must be it.) It parallels Genesis 6:1-4, and ties in nicely with Peter’s words at 2 Peter 2:4, and Jude’s discussion at Jude 1:6. This explains a great deal as to why Jehovah had to step in, to thwart the eventual subjugation of the human race into sex slavery. But these “myths” - Greek, Hindu, Norse, etc - created after the event, have kept it living in the collective mind of the human race.

I can continue with more.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2021
United States
@Skovand , sorry it took a while, but the *above* is what I promised.

Hope your day is a good one, my cousin.
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2022
United States
No problem, it will take me time to go through them but these are all pretty common claims. Some relevant and some not so much like could a boat float like that.

But the first one is disproved in several ways.

1. Water coming from underground, like our modern geysers would be superheated. For enough to even cover 1 mile of the whole earth would have to come from several miles deep and this water would have been so hot, everything would have boiled alive and been blasted apart by steam.

2. Even if just a few feet of water was a barrier around the earth the temperature would not be mild, it would be super hot. So got that it would be like a magnifying glass over ants. You definitely could not have walked around outside naked, and may not even survive if you lived deep in the caves of the earth.

3. While many animals have been found killed by flood, such of these areas happened for different reasons and at different times. But nothing there indicates a global flood even within a few hundreds years of each flood incident. Take the mammoth you mentioned with buttercups still in its mouth and stomach. It also had a broken leg. What’s believed to have happened is the animal unfortunately feel from the side of a cliff into a snow filled bank. Part of the animal had already rotted away. The thicker parts with streaky fat was preserved.

As for the rest, I’ll go into more detail over the next few days and cite all the sources.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2021
United States
No problem, it will take me time to go through them but these are all pretty common claims. Some relevant and some not so much like could a boat float like that.

But the first one is disproved in several ways.

1. Water coming from underground, like our modern geysers would be superheated. For enough to even cover 1 mile of the whole earth would have to come from several miles deep and this water would have been so hot, everything would have boiled alive and been blasted apart by steam.

2. Even if just a few feet of water was a barrier around the earth the temperature would not be mild, it would be super hot. So got that it would be like a magnifying glass over ants. You definitely could not have walked around outside naked, and may not even survive if you lived deep in the caves of the earth.

3. While many animals have been found killed by flood, such of these areas happened for different reasons and at different times. But nothing there indicates a global flood even within a few hundreds years of each flood incident. Take the mammoth you mentioned with buttercups still in its mouth and stomach. It also had a broken leg. What’s believed to have happened is the animal unfortunately feel from the side of a cliff into a snow filled bank. Part of the animal had already rotted away. The thicker parts with streaky fat was preserved.

As for the rest, I’ll go into more detail over the next few days and cite all the sources.
Keep in mind, you can’t look at the Flood through a naturalistic lens. (Otherwise, you’d expect Earth’s vegetation to be ruined…. It wasn’t.) It was a supernatural event, as the Bible clearly describes.

Is that “pulling the God / Magic card”? No, I don’t think so. It’s just that we need to look at the evidence we do see.
Some of the evidence we observe, just can’t be interpreted any other feasible way, or caused by any other known source.
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2022
United States
Keep in mind, you can’t look at the Flood through a naturalistic lens. (Otherwise, you’d expect Earth’s vegetation to be ruined…. It wasn’t.) It was a supernatural event, as the Bible clearly describes.

Is that “pulling the God / Magic card”? No, I don’t think so. It’s just looking at the evidence we do see.
Some of the evidence we observe, just can’t be interpreted any other feasible way, or caused by any other known source.
I disagree. I do look at it through a purely naturalistic way. I don’t fill gaps in with magic. To me it always seems like people like to argue naturalistically…. Such as the mammoth….. but when it’s refuted or undermined people go into directions such as magic/supernatural to gloss over the inconsistency and contradictions.

Take the “break in the firmament” causing massive cooldown. Just like with today, concerning global climate change, some areas cool down and some heat up, taking hundreds of thousands of years until stabilization begins to drop with global changes.

So “naturalistically” here seems to be synonymous with scientifically. It seems like I’m being told…. Can’t try to understand this scientifically…. Because magic is involved. Meaning the scientific proof is not actually there. That then means the proof comes from how we feel and interpret Genesis 6-9. Well that is just as easy. Genesis 6-9 is a myth. It’s not written like a historical account. It’s written like fiction.

It’s copying the general Mesopotamian folklore. The epic of Gilgamesh is similar. When try to argue that these similarities imply a kernel of truth but it seems to be more of a literary thing. The details, while contains some similar concepts are also drastically different. Just like how comic book superheros are developed. Lots of similarities, lots of influencing one another, with creators of the content growing up fans of it, influenced by everything they read and adapting and reimagining it.

When we see a popular tale that seems to have no actual scientific or historical evidence to support it concretely, what is left is that it’s a story. Someone told a vampire story, which was influenced by ghouls and ghost stories. But someone created the modern vampire. Then others adapted that being into their stories. It’s evolved overtime. Until recently it was mostly a semi romantic self hating creature who struggled with its existence and falling in love with a human. It’s beginning to backtrack more into a murderous, inhuman being. This Xmas a Nosferatu film is coming out.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
1. Water coming from underground, like our modern geysers would be superheated. For enough to even cover 1 mile of the whole earth would have to come from several miles deep and this water would have been so hot, everything would have boiled alive and been blasted apart by steam
This would be incorrect. Just look at the massive Ogalala Aquifer that waters most of the grain belt in the US.

And there is global evidences of water openings where pressurized water would have poured out in volume. Howe Caverns, Crystal caverns and the many other caverns that have vast caves where water would have been stored are just a few examples.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
2. Even if just a few feet of water was a barrier around the earth the temperature would not be mild, it would be super hot. So got that it would be like a magnifying glass over ants. You definitely could not have walked around outside naked, and may not even survive if you lived deep in the caves of the earth.
That also would be incorrect. first we do not know the height where the water or vapor canopy was. Second if it was sufficiently thick enough , it would have blocked not magnified extra heat. We do know that the earth was a vast lush paradise and we do have the scientific evidence that shows all areas of the earth had paradise times.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
3. While many animals have been found killed by flood, such of these areas happened for different reasons and at different times. But nothing there indicates a global flood even within a few hundreds years of each flood incident. Take the mammoth you mentioned with buttercups still in its mouth and stomach. It also had a broken leg. What’s believed to have happened is the animal unfortunately feel from the side of a cliff into a snow filled bank. Part of the animal had already rotted away. The thicker parts with streaky fat was preserved.
And the different flood theories at differing times is all based on teh failed radiometric and carbon form of dating objects.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
1. Water coming from underground, like our modern geysers would be superheated. For enough to even cover 1 mile of the whole earth would have to come from several miles deep and this water would have been so hot, everything would have boiled alive and been blasted apart by steam.
The antedeluvian earth was vasrtly different than the present day earth. Based on the Scripture and geological evidence:
1. It was Pangaea
2. There were no massive mountains

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
When we see a popular tale that seems to have no actual scientific or historical evidence to support it concretely, what is left is that it’s a story. Someone told a vampire story, which was influenced by ghouls and ghost stories. But someone created the modern vampire. Then others adapted that being into their stories. It’s evolved overtime. Until recently it was mostly a semi romantic self hating creature who struggled with its existence and falling in love with a human. It’s beginning to backtrack more into a murderous, inhuman being. This Xmas a Nosferatu film is coming out.
But the flood has much sceintific evidence to show it real.


This is an organization with men with varying degrees in all the major fields of science. Some award winning and some even chairs at fully accredited secular schools. They have several books, hundreds of manuscripts and legions of articles giving the scientific evidence that supports the Noahic Flood.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
here is a possible explanation. it concerns the frozen mammoths.

it can be found here frozen mammoths

SUMMARY: Muddy water from the fountains of the great deep jetted above the atmosphere where it froze into extremely cold hail. Within hours, mammoths, which could not have lived in today’s Arctic climates or at Arctic latitudes, were buried alive and quickly frozen as some of this muddy hail fell back to Earth in a gigantic hail storm. (As Endnote 84 on page 154 explains, latitudes changed soon after the flood.) Past attempts to explain the frozen mammoths ignored many established facts.
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Windmill Charge

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2017
United Kingdom
Evidence for the flood Matt 24:37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

Is Jesus a liar?

Where did the water come from?
Genesis7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month—on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. 12 And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights.

Look at volcano eruptions, they throw particles miles up into the atmosphere by the power of dissolved water in the larva being released.

The springs or fountains of the deep would have sent steam and water vapour miles into the atmosphere where it condensed and fall as rain.
People in the locality of this fountains would be at risk of being scalded by the steam, or burnt by the release of molten larva.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Evidence for the flood Matt 24:37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

Is Jesus a liar?

Where did the water come from?
Genesis7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month—on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. 12 And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights.

Look at volcano eruptions, they throw particles miles up into the atmosphere by the power of dissolved water in the larva being released.

The springs or fountains of the deep would have sent steam and water vapour miles into the atmosphere where it condensed and fall as rain.
People in the locality of this fountains would be at risk of being scalded by the steam, or burnt by the release of molten larva.
Gen 7: 10 And it came to pass after seven days that the waters of the flood were on the earth. 11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. 12 And the rain was on the earth forty days and forty nights.

Rain came from two sources. The canopy of the earth. and the fountains of the great deep.

A new theory is the fountains were the water that is found 10 Miles under the crust of the earth.. this came out with explosive force when the earth surface cracked or "broke open"

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Evidence for the flood Matt 24:37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

Is Jesus a liar?

Where did the water come from?
Genesis7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month—on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. 12 And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights.

Look at volcano eruptions, they throw particles miles up into the atmosphere by the power of dissolved water in the larva being released.

The springs or fountains of the deep would have sent steam and water vapour miles into the atmosphere where it condensed and fall as rain.
People in the locality of this fountains would be at risk of being scalded by the steam, or burnt by the release of molten larva.
Once again as for the water, it would depend on how much pressure the water was under if it could travel miles in the atmosphere (that would be an unfathomable pressure. When flood gates are opened on dams (resembling the fountains of the deep opening), that water erupts with in credible pressures, but it doesn't travel miles. It also depends how close to a n underground hot spot to determine temperature. Depth does not necessitate heatr here.

As for the sluice gates of heaven opneing?

Rain only forms when there are particles in the atmosphere for water vapor to condense on and form droplets. whe the drop is heavy enbough it falls as rain. So the volcanic activity was first necessary to throw millions or billions of tones or particulate matter in the atmosphere to destroy the water (vapor) canopy surrounding th eearth.

also there is no residual water in lava- water cannot survive theintense heat of molten rock it would have all dissolved as gases long long ago.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Once again as for the water, it would depend on how much pressure the water was under if it could travel miles in the atmosphere (that would be an unfathomable pressure. When flood gates are opened on dams (resembling the fountains of the deep opening), that water erupts with in credible pressures, but it doesn't travel miles. It also depends how close to a n underground hot spot to determine temperature. Depth does not necessitate heatr here.

Like the hydroplate theory of ten miles underground.. I do believe that could push water and earth and anything with it into the autmosphere.. quite easily
As for the sluice gates of heaven opneing?

Rain only forms when there are particles in the atmosphere for water vapor to condense on and form droplets. whe the drop is heavy enbough it falls as rain. So the volcanic activity was first necessary to throw millions or billions of tones or particulate matter in the atmosphere to destroy the water (vapor) canopy surrounding th eearth.

also there is no residual water in lava- water cannot survive theintense heat of molten rock it would have all dissolved as gases long long ago.
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Jun 19, 2024
This was posted by me on another site; I promised a poster here, that I would present it:

Global Flood evidence:

***1.Vast herds of grazing animals, apparently millions of them, discovered within the permafrost (called muck fields by some, due to the mud mixed in from previous melting), in the Alaskan and Yukon regions. In the Siberian permafrost, a few have been discovered upright, with food (some which only grows in temperate climates) discovered still unchewed in their mouths, like the Berezovka Mammoth. (They died instantly, not from a slow-moving ice age!)

http://www.amendez.com/Noahs Ark Articles/NAS Worldwide Mammal Massacre.pdf

The question is raised — and properly so: “How could a Global Flood cause such freezing temperatures?” Keep in mind, the water was from two sources: the “waters above”, and the “waters below”, aka, the “vast springs” underneath Earth’s surface. The location of the waters above came from the atmosphere....the troposphere?...the mesosphere?...the stratosphere? The Bible doesn’t say, it is silent. (Maybe from all five.) But the waters existing above the Earth prior to the Flood, resulted in milder temperatures, and somewhat warmer.... similar to a greenhouse effect, worldwide. (That’s why Adam & Eve could go naked, and be very comfortable.) Yes, the Bible indicates there were seasons, but apparently mild ones.

All of that drastically changed, with the break in this vapor(?) / ice (?) canopy! Temperatures would drop suddenly!

***2.This project, completed by physics students of the University of Leicester, provides an interesting conclusion:
‘Noah’s Ark would have floated’.

And this one:
Could Noah’s Ark Float? In Theory, Yes | Science | Smithsonian

Further information:
Noah’s Ark was the focus of a major 1993 scientific study headed by Dr. Seok Hong at the world-class ship research center KRISO, based in Daejeon, South Korea. Dr. Hong’s team compared twelve hulls of different proportions to discover which design was most practical. No hull shape was found to significantly outperform the 4,300-year-old biblical design. In fact, the Ark’s careful balance is easily lost if the proportions are modified, rendering the vessel either unstable, prone to fracture, or dangerously uncomfortable.
The research team found that the proportions of Noah’s Ark carefully balanced the conflicting demands of stability (resistance to capsizing), comfort (“seakeeping”), and strength. In fact, the Ark has the same proportions as a modern cargo ship.

The study also confirmed that the Ark could handle waves as high as 100 ft (30 m). Dr. Hong is now director general of the facility and claims “life came from the sea,” obviously not the words of a creationist on a mission to promote the worldwide Flood. Endorsing the seaworthiness of Noah’s Ark obviously did not damage Dr. Hong’s credibility.

Dr. Seok Won Hong was principal research scientist when he headed up the Noah’s Ark investigation. In May 2005 Dr. Hong was appointed director general of MOERI (formerly KRISO). Dr. Hong earned a B.S. degree in naval architecture from Seoul National University and a Ph.D. degree in applied mechanics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Thinking Outside the Box: Size and Shape of the Ark

***5.Furthermore, the Bible indicates, in Psalms 104, that the Flood was the cause of Earth’s mountains reaching such great heights. (With the underground waters spewing upward, the land would, by necessity, settle downward.) This would mean the high mountainous ranges we have today, like the Alps, the Himalayas, the Andes, and others, did not exist before the Flood; they are relatively young in formation. Some were even underwater prior to the Flood — see #6. (Not that the rocks are young, but that the features they form, are new, geologically speaking. What do we see? We observe crisp, well-defined features! If these mountains were millions of years old, we would see weathered, rounded features, due to the extreme wind and other erosion forces that they constantly endure. But we don’t! (This evidence is the easiest of all the geological facts to see...yet to me the most overlooked.)

***7.Where did all the water go? Apparently, it’s still here, at the Earth. If we again take into account what Psalms 104reveals — that it was the Flood that caused our current topography, the very high mountains and low valleys, then the Earth’s terrain was somewhat smoother than now. (And Genesis tells us, the highest mountain was covered by around 22 ft. of the water.) It’s been determined that if the Earth was smoothed out like a billiard ball, the present water in all the ocean and lake basins would cover the planet to a depth of 2.5 miles! More than enough.....yet, scientists have discovered even more water in the Earth’s mantle, estimated to be almost 10 times as much as exists on our surface! So, that presents no obstacle!

Are you of the mindset that, when reading about God causing a global Flood, you don’t think He’d use His power throughout other aspects of the event? Or afterwards? Let’s see what the Genesis account reveals: Hebrought the waters above and below to Earth’s surface....He gave Noah instructions on building the Ark, providing those ideal proportions....He brought the animals to Noah (No, Noah didn’t have to go get them, as some dishonestly purport.)....and He closed the door. Only those w/ closed minds would assume (want to, maybe?) that God’s power stopped there. Is He somehow incapable of protecting the occupants in the Ark, or the plant life underneath the waters? Does Jehovah God have to reveal / explain every aspect involved? If He brought the animal to Noah, is it too much of a stretch to believe that Jehovah redistributed them to their former locations after the Flood?
I find this post fascinating. Although I respect the poster's faith, I need to point out some issues:

The mammoth evidence actually points to multiple local extinction events over thousands of years, not one catastrophic flood. The "food in mouth" claims have been largely debunked - decomposition begins immediately after death.

The ark calculations are interesting but miss crucial engineering challenges - waste management, food storage, structural integrity under wave stress, etc. The Korean study focused only on basic flotation physics.

Regarding flood myths - yes, they're widespread this actually supports the theory that ancient peoples developed similar stories to explain local flooding events. The human brain naturally seeks patterns and explanations for natural disasters.

The mountain formation theory contradicts basic plate tectonics and geological evidence. We have clear dating showing the Himalayas formed over millions of years through continental collision.

The Chinese character etymology is a common misconception - historical linguistics shows the character evolved from simpler pictographs unrelated to Noah's story.

I believe Genesis contains powerful spiritual truth reading it as literal history misses its deeper meaning. The Church has long held that scientific evidence and faith can coexist without forcing literal interpretations of ancient texts.

Just my perspective, friends. Happy to discuss further.

Windmill Charge

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2017
United Kingdom
Gen 7: 10 And it came to pass after seven days that the waters of the flood were on the earth. 11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. 12 And the rain was on the earth forty days and forty nights.

Rain came from two sources. The canopy of the earth. and the fountains of the great deep.

A new theory is the fountains were the water that is found 10 Miles under the crust of the earth.. this came out with explosive force when the earth surface cracked or "broke open"
Once again as for the water, it would depend on how much pressure the water was under if it could travel miles in the atmosphere (that would be an unfathomable pressure. When flood gates are opened on dams (resembling the fountains of the deep opening), that water erupts with in credible pressures, but it doesn't travel miles. It also depends how close to a n underground hot spot to determine temperature. Depth does not necessitate heatr here.

As for the sluice gates of heaven opneing?

Rain only forms when there are particles in the atmosphere for water vapor to condense on and form droplets. whe the drop is heavy enbough it falls as rain. So the volcanic activity was first necessary to throw millions or billions of tones or particulate matter in the atmosphere to destroy the water (vapor) canopy surrounding th eearth.

also there is no residual water in lava- water cannot survive theintense heat of molten rock it would have all dissolved as gases long long ago.

Once again as for the water, it would depend on how much pressure the water was under if it could travel miles in the atmosphere (that would be an unfathomable pressure. When flood gates are opened on dams (resembling the fountains of the deep opening), that water erupts with in credible pressures, but it doesn't travel miles. It also depends how close to a n underground hot spot to determine temperature. Depth does not necessitate heatr here.

As for the sluice gates of heaven opneing?

Rain only forms when there are particles in the atmosphere for water vapor to condense on and form droplets. whe the drop is heavy enbough it falls as rain. So the volcanic activity was first necessary to throw millions or billions of tones or particulate matter in the atmosphere to destroy the water (vapor) canopy surrounding th eearth.

also there is no residual water in lava- water cannot survive theintense heat of molten rock it would have all dissolved as gases long long ago.
Not all the dissolved water is in larva and volcanic activity, causing earthquakes would cause split in the earth where disolv3d water could be released as well as volcanic eruptions suppling the dust particles for steam to condense around.

Windmill Charge

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2017
United Kingdom
I find this post fascinating. Although I respect the poster's faith, I need to point out some issues:

The mammoth evidence actually points to multiple local extinction events over thousands of years, not one catastrophic flood. The "food in mouth" claims have been largely debunked - decomposition begins immediately after death.

The ark calculations are interesting but miss crucial engineering challenges - waste management, food storage, structural integrity under wave stress, etc. The Korean study focused only on basic flotation physics.

Regarding flood myths - yes, they're widespread this actually supports the theory that ancient peoples developed similar stories to explain local flooding events. The human brain naturally seeks patterns and explanations for natural disasters.

The mountain formation theory contradicts basic plate tectonics and geological evidence. We have clear dating showing the Himalayas formed over millions of years through continental collision.

The Chinese character etymology is a common misconception - historical linguistics shows the character evolved from simpler pictographs unrelated to Noah's story.

I believe Genesis contains powerful spiritual truth reading it as literal history misses its deeper meaning. The Church has long held that scientific evidence and faith can coexist without forcing literal interpretations of ancient texts.

Just my perspective, friends. Happy to discuss further.

These issues have been discussed many times and sites like creation.com and answersingenesis have plenty of articles about the flood, how it could have formed, the effects it would have on the earth, how the waters subsided and again eddects.
Articles on how many animals, how could they be fed, watered, cleaned out etc.as well as articles on tectonic plates.

The primary issue is that Jesus spoke about Noah, as a real perso . So do we believe the bible and Jesus or what those who want nothing to do with God teach.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Not all the dissolved water is in larva and volcanic activity, causing earthquakes would cause split in the earth where disolv3d water could be released as well as volcanic eruptions suppling the dust particles for steam to condense around.
I agree.. the fountains of the great deep (water) it is different than Hot lava hitting the ocean floor and causing a bunch of rain. We have lava hitting the ocean floor now. and its surface.. I do not see how the amount of rain that flooded the earth could come from this

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
I find this post fascinating. Although I respect the poster's faith, I need to point out some issues:

The mammoth evidence actually points to multiple local extinction events over thousands of years, not one catastrophic flood. The "food in mouth" claims have been largely debunked - decomposition begins immediately after death.
they were debunked?

Actually what you are talking about "a large extinction event" would most likely be the flood.

they determined that the air temp would have to drop 150 of degrees for this to happen (it is not just mammoths. they have fish still swimming in schools. Fish that has another fish it was eaten still in its mouth)

what even could cause the tempt to drop 150 degrees rapidly. to cause this immediate freezing.