Evidence for the Genesis Flood

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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Not all the dissolved water is in larva and volcanic activity, causing earthquakes would cause split in the earth where disolv3d water could be released as well as volcanic eruptions suppling the dust particles for steam to condense around.
Dissolved water (vapor or steam) would dissipate long before it reached the surface. Water boil's to a permeable gas @ 212 degrees F. It dissipates and does not stay in lava. Steam has to cool in order to condense around particulates to form water droplets. And steam dissipates very quickly and would not have enough pressure to reach to the heights needed to condense and form rain. it would cool too quickly and condense back down to the earth for almost all of it.
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Windmill Charge

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2017
United Kingdom
Dissolved water (vapor or steam) would dissipate long before it reached the surface. Water boil's to a permeable gas @ 212 degrees F. It dissipates and does not stay in lava. Steam has to cool in order to condense around particulates to form water droplets. And steam dissipates very quickly and would not have enough pressure to reach to the heights needed to condense and form rain. it would cool too quickly and condense back down to the earth for almost all of it.
Yet geologist inform us that there is water dissolved in rocks under great pressure.
A volcanic induced earthquake that caused the splits forming the tectonic plates could be deep enough to release that water.
That same volcanic activity would release the enormous quantities of volcanic rock seen around the world, put aerosol particles miles high in the atmosphere, as seen by the Icelandic volcano a few years back that affect European flights.
The two activities would not necessarily occur in the same place.

Windmill Charge

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2017
United Kingdom
I agree.. the fountains of the great deep (water) it is different than Hot lava hitting the ocean floor and causing a bunch of rain. We have lava hitting the ocean floor now. and its surface.. I do not see how the amount of rain that flooded the earth could come from this
For there to be 40 days of constant rain, there would need to be an enormous amount of steam, water vapour being projected into the atmosphere.
40 days of rain to produce up
To half a mile deep world wide flood. Those fountains/springs would have been enormous and probably also pouring water out at ground level as the internal pressure dropped.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
For there to be 40 days of constant rain, there would need to be an enormous amount of steam, water vapour being projected into the atmosphere.
40 days of rain to produce up
To half a mile deep world wide flood. Those fountains/springs would have been enormous and probably also pouring water out at ground level as the internal pressure dropped.
Russia and another group ( I can't remember who) was performing a deep drilling operation. 10 Miles down they found alof of water. this was not just normal water, it was heavy water (H202) Before this science did not believe water could survive that deep underground. That the pressure would force it up cracks.

the fact there is still water deep in the great deep. has to make you wonder how much water was their before the flood.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Yet geologist inform us that there is water dissolved in rocks under great pressure.
A volcanic induced earthquake that caused the splits forming the tectonic plates could be deep enough to release that water.
If the water does not come in contact with teh moltenb rock we call lava or magma. If it does, it instantaneously boils to steam and dissipates.

However if the tectonic activity allows the deep waters to escape before itr comes in contact with molten rock- we can have massive water flows depending on quantity
That same volcanic activity would release the enormous quantities of volcanic rock seen around the world, put aerosol particles miles high in the atmosphere, as seen by the Icelandic volcano a few years back that affect European flights.
The two activities would not necessarily occur in the same place.
Well it would release magma which when cooled would become pyroclastic sedimentary rocks. And if you have a global action like in Genesis 6 you would have multiple volcanoes and explosion of fissures and underground reservoirs.

Windmill Charge

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2017
United Kingdom
Well it would release magma which when cooled would become pyroclastic sedimentary rocks. And if you have a global action like in Genesis 6 you would have multiple volcanoes and explosion of fissures and underground reservoirs.
What do you think happen when the flood started?
The fossil evidence is for a warm planet covered with evefgitation, of floating forest in shallow seas, abundant animal life which was catastrophically buried in sediment.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
What do you think happen when the flood started?
The fossil evidence is for a warm planet covered with evefgitation, of floating forest in shallow seas, abundant animal life which was catastrophically buried in sediment.
Absolutely! That is why we have our massive oil, coal and gas fields!

And the flood also made teh massive sedimentary layers we see today. Mt. St. Helens proved sedimentary layers can form rapidly and ot over millions of years.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2021
United States
I noticed this reply a while back, and I was going to let it slide, but I decided to respond:

Although I respect the poster's faith…
Really, I don’t think you do, because then you proceeded to try and tear it down.
Notice, I said try….
The mammoth evidence actually points to multiple local extinction events over thousands of years, not one catastrophic flood.
Actually, the dating techniques used wouldn’t be accurate…
One source of the Flood’s waters were the “waters above”, ie., the canopy. These suspended waters would throw off any accuracy of dating, because they would by necessity dissipate and dilute the Sun’s cosmic rays hitting the Earth’s surface, thereby affecting radioisotope decay. I think i addressed this in the OP.
The "food in mouth" claims have been largely debunked - decomposition begins immediately after death.
“Largely” debunked? (This could be a misleading statement.) Largely debunked, because not every mammoth that’s been found, had food in its mouth?

Well of course not.
The ark calculations are interesting but miss crucial engineering challenges - waste management, food storage, structural integrity under wave stress, etc. The Korean study focused only on basic flotation physics.
The ark calculations “miss crucial engineering challenges”?!

Come on!

All the Ark needed, was to float!
It didn’t need power, or even a rudder.

Yes, the waters were without a doubt more turbulent than at any time, before or since, on Earth!
But Jehovah God directed these events. Doesn’t the Bible tell us this? Yes it does.
He could have protected them on a toothpick, if He had wanted.
Regarding flood myths - yes, they're widespread this actually supports the theory that ancient peoples developed similar stories to explain local flooding events. The human brain naturally seeks patterns and explanations for natural disasters.
No, no. Some of these cultures that have Flood myths, like the Masai in Africa, etc., live in arid climates… they’ve never experienced floods.

Such common threads in legends usually denote a genuine event shared among their ancestors.
The mountain formation theory contradicts basic plate tectonics and geological evidence.
No, it doesn’t. Only when you tie the Noachian Flood to a Young Earth theology. IMO, Young Earth Theology is bull-pucky.

I’ve noticed that many secular geologists, in order to debunk the Genesis Flood, try to tie the Event to a Young-Earth model… by discrediting one (YEC), they can automatically discard the other.

But the Flood’s historicity, doesn’t require YEC theology to be validated… it stands on its own.

To try and wed the two concepts together, is disingenuous at best.
We have clear dating showing the Himalayas formed over millions of years through continental collision.
Yes, the Himalayan strata are very old. But the features they form, are crisp and well-defined.

If you can’t fly to them, Google the pics. They’re young. It’s obvious!
The features we observe - of the Himalayas, the Rockies, the Alps, and others - do not exhibit “millions of years” of weathering, ie., rounded stumps.
The Chinese character etymology is a common misconception - historical linguistics shows the character evolved from simpler pictographs unrelated to Noah's story.
Then why are so many Chinese people, once they are shown & learn those details, are accepting the Biblical account? Not every one, of course, but quite a few! And the number is growing….
I believe Genesis contains powerful spiritual truth reading it as literal history misses its deeper meaning.
Then what’s the “deeper meaning”? Any event that is based in reality, with genuine roots, is always deeper in meaning than a similar fable!

Jesus’ statement at Matthew 24:37-39…
For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. 38 For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, 39 and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.
Why would Jesus use a fake event, to compare it with His real return?
If the Flood was just allegorical, then His words have real meaning.
The Church has long held that scientific evidence and faith can coexist without forcing literal interpretations of ancient texts.
You mean “the Church” that has been disobeying Christ since its inception, joining in the world’s wars & killing their brothers instead of ‘loving’ them? - John 13:34; John 15:12,14.

Please also read 1 John 5:19 & Revelation 12:9, and notice who’s controlling the world.

Take care, my cousin.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
This was posted by me on another site; I promised a poster here, that I would present it:

Global Flood evidence:

***1.Vast herds of grazing animals, apparently millions of them, discovered within the permafrost (called muck fields by some, due to the mud mixed in from previous melting), in the Alaskan and Yukon regions. In the Siberian permafrost, a few have been discovered upright, with food (some which only grows in temperate climates) discovered still unchewed in their mouths, like the Berezovka Mammoth. (They died instantly, not from a slow-moving ice age!)

http://www.amendez.com/Noahs Ark Articles/NAS Worldwide Mammal Massacre.pdf

The question is raised — and properly so: “How could a Global Flood cause such freezing temperatures?” Keep in mind, the water was from two sources: the “waters above”, and the “waters below”, aka, the “vast springs” underneath Earth’s surface. The location of the waters above came from the atmosphere....the troposphere?...the mesosphere?...the stratosphere? The Bible doesn’t say, it is silent. (Maybe from all five.) But the waters existing above the Earth prior to the Flood, resulted in milder temperatures, and somewhat warmer.... similar to a greenhouse effect, worldwide. (That’s why Adam & Eve could go naked, and be very comfortable.) Yes, the Bible indicates there were seasons, but apparently mild ones.

All of that drastically changed, with the break in this vapor(?) / ice (?) canopy! Temperatures would drop suddenly!

***2.This project, completed by physics students of the University of Leicester, provides an interesting conclusion:
‘Noah’s Ark would have floated’.

And this one:
Could Noah’s Ark Float? In Theory, Yes | Science | Smithsonian

Further information:
Noah’s Ark was the focus of a major 1993 scientific study headed by Dr. Seok Hong at the world-class ship research center KRISO, based in Daejeon, South Korea. Dr. Hong’s team compared twelve hulls of different proportions to discover which design was most practical. No hull shape was found to significantly outperform the 4,300-year-old biblical design. In fact, the Ark’s careful balance is easily lost if the proportions are modified, rendering the vessel either unstable, prone to fracture, or dangerously uncomfortable.
The research team found that the proportions of Noah’s Ark carefully balanced the conflicting demands of stability (resistance to capsizing), comfort (“seakeeping”), and strength. In fact, the Ark has the same proportions as a modern cargo ship.

The study also confirmed that the Ark could handle waves as high as 100 ft (30 m). Dr. Hong is now director general of the facility and claims “life came from the sea,” obviously not the words of a creationist on a mission to promote the worldwide Flood. Endorsing the seaworthiness of Noah’s Ark obviously did not damage Dr. Hong’s credibility.

Dr. Seok Won Hong was principal research scientist when he headed up the Noah’s Ark investigation. In May 2005 Dr. Hong was appointed director general of MOERI (formerly KRISO). Dr. Hong earned a B.S. degree in naval architecture from Seoul National University and a Ph.D. degree in applied mechanics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Thinking Outside the Box: Size and Shape of the Ark

***3.Coupled with that, the dimensions of the Ark, a 6-to-1 ratio of length to width, and 10-to-1 ratio of length to height, are exactly what is needed for a non-powered vessel of that size to maintain stability! Only in the last 2 centuries have ship builders recognized that these proportions are perfect for non-powered barge-like ships to be seaworthy. This is powerful evidence supporting a literal interpretation: How could Moses have known, in recording the event, that Noah was given such ideal dimensions? Fortunate guessing?

***4.The numerous Flood legends (exceeding 250, one anthropologist says near 1,000), that share many similarities, some strikingly so, that indicates a common source.

***5.Furthermore, the Bible indicates, in Psalms 104, that the Flood was the cause of Earth’s mountains reaching such great heights. (With the underground waters spewing upward, the land would, by necessity, settle downward.) This would mean the high mountainous ranges we have today, like the Alps, the Himalayas, the Andes, and others, did not exist before the Flood; they are relatively young in formation. Some were even underwater prior to the Flood — see #6. (Not that the rocks are young, but that the features they form, are new, geologically speaking. What do we see? We observe crisp, well-defined features! If these mountains were millions of years old, we would see weathered, rounded features, due to the extreme wind and other erosion forces that they constantly endure. But we don’t! (This evidence is the easiest of all the geological facts to see...yet to me the most overlooked.)

***6.[related to #5]The marine creatures discovered on the tops of many mountain ranges, even on Mt. Everest — gigantic clams, some measuring 5 feet or more across, found in the closed position, indicating (again) that these creatures experienced a catastrophic event, leading to their quick death. (Clams in natural death, die w/ their shells open.) All remain exposed....if they’re millions of years old, why aren’t they eroded, also? Because these particular ones died at the Flood!!

***7.Where did all the water go? Apparently, it’s still here, at the Earth. If we again take into account what Psalms 104reveals — that it was the Flood that caused our current topography, the very high mountains and low valleys, then the Earth’s terrain was somewhat smoother than now. (And Genesis tells us, the highest mountain was covered by around 22 ft. of the water.) It’s been determined that if the Earth was smoothed out like a billiard ball, the present water in all the ocean and lake basins would cover the planet to a depth of 2.5 miles! More than enough.....yet, scientists have discovered even more water in the Earth’s mantle, estimated to be almost 10 times as much as exists on our surface! So, that presents no obstacle!

***8.The Chinese character for "boat" comprises three radically different symbols: 'vessel', 'mouth' (representing a person), and the number ''8”. Why is this significant? Because there were 8 people who survived the Flood in the Ark. Some ancient Semitic person thought the Flood Event was worthy enough, to incorporate it into their language, helping others to remember the Chinese word for boat. They didn't have a Bible to get the idea from, and I doubt Moses knew any Chinese people, to get his writing from!

Are you of the mindset that, when reading about God causing a global Flood, you don’t think He’d use His power throughout other aspects of the event? Or afterwards? Let’s see what the Genesis account reveals: Hebrought the waters above and below to Earth’s surface....He gave Noah instructions on building the Ark, providing those ideal proportions....He brought the animals to Noah (No, Noah didn’t have to go get them, as some dishonestly purport.)....and He closed the door. Only those w/ closed minds would assume (want to, maybe?) that God’s power stopped there. Is He somehow incapable of protecting the occupants in the Ark, or the plant life underneath the waters? Does Jehovah God have to reveal / explain every aspect involved? If He brought the animal to Noah, is it too much of a stretch to believe that Jehovah redistributed them to their former locations after the Flood?

Jehovah God is not required to explain anything more to us....what we do know and what we’ve found - the evidence - is enough to build faith in the account.

Another indirect line of evidence, as to why God would cause such a global catastrophe, are the Greek, Roman, Hindu, Norse, etc., myths describing “gods” interacting w/ humans, having relations w/ women, and producing offspring. (Since most all myths have some kernel of truth, this common narrative between them, of gods having sex w/ human females & bearing children, must be it.) It parallels Genesis 6:1-4, and ties in nicely with Peter’s words at 2 Peter 2:4, and Jude’s discussion at Jude 1:6. This explains a great deal as to why Jehovah had to step in, to thwart the eventual subjugation of the human race into sex slavery. But these “myths” - Greek, Hindu, Norse, etc - created after the event, have kept it living in the collective mind of the human race.

I can continue with more.
They are finding more evidence it seems every day, as if they had it, but kept it under wraps, very strange...
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