Extremes - A life lesson

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New Member
May 20, 2013
Conflict – in every family to some degree or another there has been conflict. It’s an unpleasant subject, and yet we find the instruction of James Epistle is teaching us how to handle conflict, both personally and in the church, which is rather remarkable!

The reason I find it remarkable, is because it is inevitable that conflict will arise in our lives. And while this morning’s thoughts are not entirely on this subject, we cannot deny that conflict has been and is yet coming…In fact, God specifically allows conflict to occur in the lives of His saints because He is glorified in its resolution.

This morning I would like us to look at extremes and then focus our attention on what it means to live the Spirit of the Truth in love. Hopefully this will bring us to our Lord and Master in fellowship together this morning.

As we know James was a pillar in the Jerusalem ecclesia for over 30 (to 40) years. He endured continual adversity, the like today we could hardly fathom. We know the Jerusalem ecclesia began with great spiritual fervour and strength, full of zeal for the Gospel of God; however within 40 years it was but a shell of its former self…thankfully this also was God directed.

Back then there were groups of believers who wanted to shackle young Christian babes with the Law of Moses, particularly the rite of circumcision. And so persistent was this party they travelled throughout all Asia Minor undermining the work of the Gospel and quite frankly it was a headache for Paul and the Apostles in their work. Some even argue this was his thorn in the flesh. They certainly were irritants of an ungodly kind and they made it difficult for them to produce fruits to the Glory of God.

Actually, when we can go back into James day there were also two distinct groups of people in society.

The Epicurean & the Stoics

The Epicurean’s which began in 307 BC they believed in self-indulgence and the pursuit of pleasure formed their focal point and philosophy. It was a life dedicated to minimizing pain, anxiety and suffering. We might see this today as liberalism.

However, the Stoics were about self-depravation and ascetic practices, the type of extreme disciplines found in reaching clarity of mind and thought.

But what of today? How are we coping in this modern world? My observations in the Faith, as short lived as they are; reveal are two extremes which seem to speak so perfectly to our human psyche.

By no means am I a physiologist, far from it! But it appears within our nature we desire to go to either one of these extremes. And if we opened this discussion up this morning, I am sure we could highlight these extremes in religious communities all-round the earth…it’s ever been the human reality and it is my view these two extremes will be found in the Body of Christ prior to his coming. (whatever that body looks like to you!)

Even today in politics, we have the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party; no part of human society goes untouched from these two extremes – from its governance to its poorest inhabitants they are all drawn to one extreme or another.

In my earlier life, I leant towards the Epicurean, or Liberal practices, so we find within us a tendency to drift to either one of these spectrums. I think in part it has to do with your environment; our character or personality – maybe as a result of our family background or ecclesial background – culture – the type of spiritual training we received as children.

Both extremes are a result of carnal thinking – at both extremes the philosophy is to promote self. Take the circumcision party who justified their religious teaching through works – As the Apostle Paul taught concerning himself - “his righteousness was in himself” Phil 3:9

The other promotes self through seeking to please the lusts of our nature – self-indulgence – actually tomorrows reading in James will pick this up concerning the rich:

Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. (Jas 5:5)

Both the liberal and conservative can live in pleasure or ease – the rich Pharisee enjoyed many pleasures in secret and many of the poorer labourers were oppressed under these people – two extremes once more!
  1. Those who deny themselves nothing (Rich)
  2. Those who are denying themselves all the time (Poor)
The language here is like a sheep fattening themselves up not realising the butcher is on his way! And that butcher was Jesus Christ leading the Roman Army into Jerusalem for 9 long months of fighting until they ended up eating themselves (Ad70 - James 5:7NET).

A woeful state of affairs is coming and we haven’t time to enjoy the many pleasures of this world.

A wise brother once said “we enjoy pleasures which our Master never did”

This being said, is it easy to see the principles of Judaism in the ecclesia? A conservative believer can appear to be religious and pious; they can make great stands for truth! – preserving purity at all cost – can we so easily identify with the strict law keeper/giver?

This now brings us closer to the heart of our exhortation this morning.

We need to be regularly on guard that we are not upholding law, rather than being edified in principle.

For how do we know when we will stand before the Lord Jesus Christ and be judged by these Scripture’s?

James knew the judge (personally); he was his half-brother and his example of patient toward the circumcision party was rather Christ-Like? He could have cut them out of the ecclesia, but his approach was one of “long suffering and patience”. He was able to take the spirit of the truth and practice it with every person he came into contact. Such Attributes as forbearing is essential as Brothers and Sisters in Christ and I think we would be surprised how often we need to bare one another burdens. James was a man who took time to teach wisdom – education was James mindset.

But it was not learning for the sake of gaining knowledge but to change the heart and imitate Christ – true bondservants only desire to please their master and James was exemplarily in this regard,

Now what if I told you in the end, James was overrun by the powerful force of Judaism? So strong a force were they in the end swept him away and many like him!

I don’t know if you have given any thought, but in Acts 11 James would have seen the patience of Peter in dealing with the persistent circumcision party.

In Gal 2:9 he huddled with Paul and they talked together about the principles of justification by faith.

In Acts chapter 12 he acted as a father to the ecclesia while the Apostles were being sent to other parts of the world.

In Acts 15 he took the weight of the chairmanship of the Jerusalem conference and ended up asking for forbearance from both sides, allowing for each party to mature in the Gospel in the hope of unity.

In Acts 21 he tried to defuse the situation which would divide the body of Christ.

The Wisdom here in Jame’s Epistle was actually implemented in community life – I think we forget these teachings are practiced right here.

How relevant is James today? Well the Spirits of Madness is rife in the world today – there is not one believer in this city not affected by human rights, which stems out of equality; fraternity and liberty. These modes of thinking are best suited to affluent nations where lifestyle is liberal values are the intent of the heart. What if believers in the Brotherhood end up hating each other because the love of many has waxed cold, because sin is abounding everywhere? And we begin to take on a mind of Censoriousness – meaning that we begin to critique our B&S rather than follow James example of education with forbearance.

We will need men like James to provide stability, but ensure we are all still rowing to the city of Capernaum.

There is a phrase believers love to use; it rolls off the tongue so smoothly and in some quarters it’s warn out; and that is “living the truth” – “that person is not living the truth” but have we taught them? A gentle rebuke in love? To do this as James will soon teach is to live the Spirit of the truth. Because the Spirit of the Truth is the Spirit of our Father and the Spirit of our loving Master who is our Great Teacher.

Come over to James chapter 5:19 NET

5:19 My brothers and sisters, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone turns him back, 5:20 he/she should know that the one who turns a sinner back from his wandering path will save that person’s soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.

See how James approach is one of being gentle? It’s all about recovering the lost gently, which can only be achieved through prayer, meekness and reverence – and consistency. Can you see within these verses a friendly bond being sought, a cooperation to work together in building one another up. In our communities right now we have those who appear at either extremes of the liberalism and conservatism spectrum – we have younger believers who are not reading their Bibles daily, or as often as our Father commands, and therefore they can add little to the body of Christ.

We also have numerous parents whose children have grown up and they are also preoccupied with holidays and building assets. In contrast there are few who are spiritually zealous for the things of God….so yes we will struggle to produce fruits – more than ever this little home needs to huddle together and increase its teaching in love…only then will you guide yourselves from being deceived by the thinking which is now in the world.

Our body will never be as focused on the Word of God as Heavenly Father requires of us! We all understand this right? But knowing this does not mean we give up! We must continue steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine in fellowship and in breaking bread and prayers – we all must find the Spirit of James here in Chapter 1:19-21

1:19 Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters! Let every person be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger. 1:20 For human anger does not accomplish God’s righteousness. 1:21 So put away all filth and evil excess and humbly welcome the message implanted within you, which is able to save your souls.

How do we practice listening?
How do we humbly take in the message which will eventually save us?
How can we learn to control our emotions?
How can we save sinners?

A close friend has been:
  • Spoken of poorly in some quarters of our body.
  • His Mum died, His wife left him and his youngest son was diagnosed with a terminal illness all within 3 months
  • He is still enduring
  • Few have pursued him or his friendship
  • He can be arrogance – yes but now workable and pliable in the Lord
  • But God is working through him mightily
Look at James chapter 4:12

4:10 Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will exalt you.
Or He will humble you!

4:11 Do not speak against one another, brothers and sisters. He who speaks against a fellow believer or judges a fellow believer speaks against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but its judge. 4:12 But there is only one who is lawgiver and judge – the one who is able to save and destroy. On the other hand, who are you to judge your neighbor?

What do you think James meant when he said “He who speaks against a fellow believer or judges a fellow believer speaks against the law and judges the law.

How can we speak evil against the Law? (Pause) Lev 19:18

Because the Law said “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”…how many times have we judge the Law as being wrong?

I believe our judgment will consider these wrong doings and weigh them accordingly.

See how we can bring into question the very Law of God by one selfish act? We can question God Himself as to his very motives for writing this law, when we by our actions judge unfairly another brother or sister. And if we continue to hold personal grudges or opinions of other people James would rightly say “You do not know the Spirit of the Law”. If only the Spirit of truth was so alive in us I think we would be adding to our number – I think we would genuinely have care for each other and be fostering millennial relationships.

It dawned on men recently there are many lonely in our midst. Those who rarely get touched in a loving way.

Rather than criticizing someone, try and embrace that person? See how much humility it takes in our society to embrace another believer like this.

You see quite often those who are the hardest in terms of their upholding of doctrine and practice are often (not always) the most untouchable and do not handle criticisms well.

I embraced a brother who was my elder once – I doubt he had ever been hugged by another brother and you know – it felt uncomfortable, but I did not let go of that man. What followed was rather amazing, he wrote me a letter and gave me a considerable collection of books to add to my library.

You will notice how I have taken us from two extremes to what it means to truly love your neighbor as yourself.

We can be unyielding and inflexible and one who does not change but take a look at What James says:

For the one who obeys the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it. 2:11 For he who said, “Do not commit adultery,” also said, “Do not murder.” Now if you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a violator of the law. 2:12 Speak and act as those who will be judged by a law that gives freedom. 2:13 For judgment is merciless for the one who has shown no mercy. But mercy triumphs over judgment.

This section would have to be a precious in our eyes.

Mercy triumphs over judgment

Mercy rejoices over judgment

You see the Spirit of James was all about learning about our falling short – where am I inconsistent in my daily life? If we know a day of Judgment is coming, regardless of what that looks like to you – its judgment and its coming where we shall give a personal account and it will not matter what our opinions have been on this or that – but how we have responded to God’s abundant mercy. When we stand before our judge who by the way is full of grace and truth; that

Word made flesh who is now Spirit and Life.

In that day, how important will it be to you that Mercy triumphs over judgment?

Why do we think God’s judgment does not come first? Why would mercy the basis for our Father thinking?

Because Gods character is “essentially” positive.

Have you ever been in a position where you know something intelligently but the reality of that knowledge is yet to be fully appreciated in us?

Well here it is I believe. God’s name Yahweh Elohim “I will be whom I will be” I will be manifested in a company of mighty ones” do you know He doesn’t want any of us to perish – it’s his desire and while it is His desire and even if it’s the faintest desire in us He will work in us to finish what He started. He is a positive God our Father!

So confess your sins (faults) to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great effectiveness

See the exhortation – don’t criticise – but confess – if these things are increased among this small group I promise your fruits will increase tenfold because I know our Heavenly Father delights in such matter of the heart.

And if you so decide to do this thing this week – after you have prayed try to criticise them before another?

This is the Spirit of truth.

Lets us now in the Spirit of that truth remember our loving Master – let us take to ourselves the Spirit in James and set our hearts to practice them with each other that we are found to be truly knitted and woven together in Love.
