Genuine concerns about Biden admin way beyond simple party biases.

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
This is very concerning and more impeachable than anything Trump did.
Biden is a very wicked man (along with Kamala Harris). His primary goal is to destroy America at any price, and each of his executive orders is designed for that purpose. Therefore any Christian who voted for him is partaker of his evil deeds.

To make matters worse, and even more unacceptable, he is in the White House as the result of a major crime for, which no one is being held accountable. Had you defrauded you neighbor of even $100, you would have been arrested. But a whole nation has been defrauded of their rightful president, and no one has done anything. So now a thief is robbing America of everything that is right and good, and digging a hell for the USA. There is only one solution, and lets hope someone has the good sense to use it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Biden is a Traitor if this report is true. And I don't doubt it is. The Liberals are warmongers. Always have been. War = $$$$$! For Biden and his special interest owners.
However, this, even for a man losing his mind, is over the top. The problem is, and this is very likely why The Steal and its $ponsor$ robbed the American voters so as to install a money hungry traitor into highest office as well as packed the Congress with Demoncrats to take the majority in both houses. Because once it made news that our commander and thief brokered this Treason, it would be nigh on impossible to impeach him due to the stacking of the Congress with Demoncrats.

Imagine what's next when Traitor and his owners are this brazenly public this early on! It hasn't even been a full month he's illegally occupied our White House. And he has more than 3 years to go.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
This is very concerning and more impeachable than anything Trump did.

Biden kills pipelines at home but promotes them for the Taliban

Pro-Islam. I'm going to keep saying this because it always seems to go under the radar with a lot of people, but the Obama administration was PRO-ISLAM, and by that I mean radical Islam. Biden is showing all the signs that he will be no different. They want the death of Christianity, and Islam is the most convenient weapon on the planet to accomplish it with.

From the article:

"Put aside environmental arguments and consider profit. Freedom House’s latest Freedom in the World report ranks Turkmenistan as among the world’s worst offenders, below even North Korea in terms of freedom and civil liberties." In other words, let's funnel as much money as possible to people who like cutting Christian's heads off.

Great plan, LoL. I hate to start fights with people who think this might be coming from some sort of resentment over the 2020 election (trust me, it's done and over now), but I have to chalk up those who preferred the current President over the previous one to a lack of true familiarity with American politics. Why favor someone with a vulgar mouth but highly Pro-Christian stances on the world stage over someone with wonderful manners but who immediately starts supporting Islamic Jihad?

Makes no sense to me, other than simple naïveté.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Pro-Islam. I'm going to keep saying this because it always seems to go under the radar with a lot of people, but the Obama administration was PRO-ISLAM, and by that I mean radical Islam. Biden is showing all the signs that he will be no different. They want the death of Christianity, and Islam is the most convenient weapon on the planet to accomplish it with.
That was one pair made in Hell. Biden, a to the quick Racist, and a Taqiya Muslim in chief. And still, given all that, they left office free of handcuffs.
And JB shall again.

From the article:

"Put aside environmental arguments and consider profit. Freedom House’s latest Freedom in the World report ranks Turkmenistan as among the world’s worst offenders, below even North Korea in terms of freedom and civil liberties." In other words, let's funnel as much money as possible to people who like cutting Christian's heads off.
Of course! Biden will sell out America for the right price. Which is why of all the Demoncrats up for highest office, the one losing his mind daily was determined to be the cream of the crop. Because the one thing about the others apparently is, they wouldn't do that! But Biden would. Now the Big Man will be able to let his son make even more dirty money on daddy's coat tails.

Great plan, LoL. I hate to start fights with people who think this might be coming from some sort of resentment over the 2020 election (trust me, it's done and over now), but I have to chalk up those who preferred the current President over the previous one to a lack of true familiarity with American politics. Why favor someone with a vulgar mouth but highly Pro-Christian stances on the world stage over someone with wonderful manners but who immediately starts supporting Islamic Jihad?

Makes no sense to me, other than simple naïveté.
Most people who hate(d) President Trump were led to hate him because they weren't smart enough to turn from the Leftist yellow journalism programming of MSNBC and CNN.
We know them by their jargon. Particularly the absurd slur, "Orange man....." .
Now, their party has, "Traitor man", sitting in a seat he stole! A man who defends abortion even after the baby is born alive!
We lost a Christian, who brought back America's economy and made history in doing that over any other President in our history, for a Traitor, serial Felon,lapsed Catholic denied communion by his church due to his pro-baby-murder stance, Demoncrat named Joe!

Their Orange man would die before he'd sell out America! Now, their Traitor man sits in President Trump's seat after over 34 thousand illegals in Arizona illegally cast a vote for him, and countless children did too! And all that is suppose to be under the bridge and no longer able to be corrected by law. Because Joey's owners knew enough to buy judges in key states, and saved a fortune having to buy just one SCOTUS sell out. The chief justice who's mentally unfit to even be there. Oh, but he is. Just like the others who are unfit to serve, are!

Our government, courts, including SCOTUS, have been made a punch line by our nations enemies. And because they had the money to buy the jokes in office!
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
And he has more than 3 years to go.
Only if patriots stand by and do nothing. Biden should not be allowed another day in the White House. Both he and Kamala Harris need to be removed immediately by any and all means.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Biden is a very wicked man (along with Kamala Harris). His primary goal is to destroy America at any price, and each of his executive orders is designed for that purpose. Therefore any Christian who voted for him is partaker of his evil deeds.

To make matters worse, and even more unacceptable, he is in the White House as the result of a major crime for, which no one is being held accountable. Had you defrauded you neighbor of even $100, you would have been arrested. But a whole nation has been defrauded of their rightful president, and no one has done anything. So now a thief is robbing America of everything that is right and good, and digging a hell for the USA. There is only one solution, and lets hope someone has the good sense to use it.
What do you think the Israelites said about Nebuchadnezzar when they lost all sovereignty. Maybe God said, suck it up?
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
The majority of Democrat citizens...have been asleep...
Their Democrat Party no longer Exists.
Their Representatives are Marxist Communists.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
And those who can extract JB from our White House legally are overwhelmed by the majority party being his own party in Congress. They're not going to oust their own when they've waited these 4 years to feast on what they were promised when they thought HRC was going to take the office in 2016.
And Roberts of SCOTUS proved he was bought and paid for when he went into a screaming fit behind chamber doors when Trump's rightful case for election fraud was brought to the court. One doesn't have to have the money to buy 9 justices when they can simply purchase the chief one. When he forbids a case to go forward, it doesn't go forward.
And that's a man who is another mentally unfit to serve his office. Literally. Brain damage, spells where he passes out cold, no one sees it coming till he's hit the floor. He's had brain surgery too. But there he is Chief unfit Justice of the only court in America with the power to tell presidents what to do. Or, in the case of President Trump's second election being robbed from him, what they cannot do! (Seek justice for high treason and sedition and multiple felonies against we the people and a fair and free election).

Do you think BHO is the shadow president? Being JB isn't mentally fit to serve? Could be why he pushed KH on JB for VP.
Would definitely go a long way to explain the bold and open act of Treason with regard to the Taliban and JB's assurance of a pipeline for the enemies of America in the Levant.

Speaking of Traitor Muslim BHO. Anyone remember all those reports about white armed men gaining access to the White House when BHO was there? One allegedly rode in the elevator with BHO. (That didn't actually happen). One guy jumped the White House fence and made a run for the front door of the residence before being tackled by the SS.
Did we ever hear of an update as to their respective trials?
I don't recall any news of that nature.
I'm wondering if those were all false stories feeding the white America racist narrative that was being cultivated both before and after his selection into office. That was the time when the racist phrase invented in 1988 by racist author Peggy McIntosh really started to enter our society; White privilege.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Genuine concerns about Biden admin way beyond simple party biases.

•There is no Biden Administration in the USA.

•There is a "Communist Front Administration" operating in DC "under the Guise" of the Democratic Party of the USA.