Gods Commandments and the 613 mitzvot (commandments of Moses)

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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
That is making an unjustified assumption that the Law of Moses is not Go's general law for mankind, implied from the beginning when of made man in His own image after His likeness.
Plainly put the Law of Moses clearly was *not* implied from the beginning when God made Man in His own image! The Law came much later!
I don't see any motivation that God would have for giving laws to Israel that did not teach how to be in the image of His character, but rather that is the whole point of the Mosaic Law.
I explained all this in my previous post. What was good under the time of the Law was no longer required when the time of the Law no longer existed. It served a good purpose in showing what God was like. But it was linked to ceremonies that was time-dependent. Once full redemption had been made by Christ, righteousness was no longer linked to redemptive ceremonies that never could provide final redemption.
Gentiles are able to partake of the New Covenant, which involves God putting the Mosaic Law in our minds and writing it on our hearts (Jeremiah 31:33).
That is not the definition of the New Covenant. Jer 31 spoke of the time when national Israel will accept the New Covenant of Christ. This passage did not define the New Covenant as a Gentile version of observing the Law of Moses! ;)
The Mosaic Covenant is eternal (Exodus 31:14-17, Leviticus 24:8)...
You are mis-reading what the perpetuity of the Law was intended to convey to Israel. It was designed to show the intractable nature of the Law, in condemning all human works apart from the redemption of Christ. It illustrated Christ's righteousness in comparison with imperfect humanity, which keeps us all from Eternal Life until it was made available by Christ himself.

The longevity of the Law was always predestined to end in Israel's failure, as we read in the latter part of Deuteronomy. It was "eternal" insofar as God's moral requirements are eternal, whether under that system or under a new system.

But the Law was never intended to apply once final redemption from sin had been obtained by Christ. Jer 31 plainly teaches that the "eternal Law" would ultimately be fulfilled by a brand new version of that Law, dismissing the Law as such entirely.

"This will not by like that Covenant," the passage says (paraphrased). It will not be by the Law of Moses that God's Law will ultimately be fulfilled.
Again, the law of sin and death is not the Law of Moses.
I believe the Scriptures say the exact opposite of this. The Law of Moses is clearly in mind when Paul refers to the "Law of Sin and Death!"

Paul elsewhere describes the Law of Moses as the source of human condemnation. It called for Israel to be righteous, but even so Israel's righteousness was shown to be in serious need of redemption.

This was the disqualifying element under the Law--any sin in the believer, any sin in the observer of the Law. Men could be justified as righteous under the Law, but only on a temporary basis. Ultimately, they were disqualified by their shortcomings and were disqualified from Eternal Life. Christ alone could redeem them.
In Matthew 23:23, Jesus said that faith is one of the weightier matters of the Mosaic Law, so faith is not a way of serving God that is an alternative to obeying the Mosaic Law, but rather it is obeying it in the right manner.
I'll never say that Faith is the opposite of the Law unless we are comparing the means of obtaining Eternal Life. Faith obtains Eternal Life by reference to Christ as its object. The Law, as a system, is Self-Atoning, and is delegitimized by the contamination of the human observer of that system.

Faith operated under the Law, and achieves a temporary righteousness, sufficient to have kept Israel in relationship with God and in favor with God. But Faith could never obtain Eternal Life until Christ completed the objective of Faith, which looked beyond the Law and its condemnation of human sin.
Christ set a sinless example of how to walk in obedience to the Mosaic Law and we are told to follow his example (1 Peter 2:21-22) and that those who are in Christ are obligated to walk in the same way he walked (1 John 2:6).
We cannot walk in a "sinless" way like Jesus did--not as long as we are part of the Old Creation. We can only partake in *his* sinless nature. We can only produce his sinless righteousness as a character attribute in our own human, imperfect way. We show his love and kindness, even as we also show flawed human character defects.

The Law was never meant to show that Israel could walk in a "sinless" way! On the contrary, it showed that all Israel required atonement for sin. They were all contaminated with sin even as they obeyed the rituals of the Law.
The fact that Jesus gave himself to pay the penalty for our sins should make us want to go and sin no more, not consider ourselves to be free to do what God has revealed to be sin through His law.
To "sin no more" refers to our general commitment to living a righteous life. It does not refer to a determination to be "sinless."
The Greek word "dogma" is never used by the Bible to refer to the Mosaic Law, so again Colossians 2:14 does not refer to the Mosaic Law being nailed to the cross.
I disagree. The Law and its condemnation of human sin is what Jesus nailed to the tree when he himself was nailed to the tree. Jesus represented the Law and its condemnation of all humanity. Nailing himself to the cross indicated that the path to Eternal Life comes through resurrection, and not by the Law itself.

Beyond this I think we're just going to disagree on what Paul and the New Testament Scriptures mean when they indicate Christ stands apart from the Law of Moses as the source of our justification. Have a nice day.


Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
That sounds like some traditions from somebody, that is not scriptural...
It's all there at its fundamental level. You just need to learn to see past the literal surface of scripture. Not many people can do this and alot of the esoteric meanings behind the scriptures have been lost.

I'm more than happy to help you with your interpretation and teach you the necessary symboligy that's included within the Bible.

I'm not being arrogant and I don't think that I know everything, it's just a simple kind offer. I have done much much study on the Bible and alot of area's that surround it.

Wick Stick

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2023
United States
It's all there at its fundamental level. You just need to learn to see past the literal surface of scripture. Not many people can do this and alot of the esoteric meanings behind the scriptures have been lost.

I'm more than happy to help you with your interpretation and teach you the necessary symboligy that's included within the Bible.

I'm not being arrogant and I don't think that I know everything, it's just a simple kind offer. I have done much much study on the Bible and alot of area's that surround it.
Imagine a large auditorium. There are only 3 people sitting in the audience, but there are 1,000 teachers on the stage trying to talk over each other. Got that image?

Ok, now put down a pin and label it "YOU ARE HERE."

I don't mean to be unkind, but you really ought to know where you are, and whether your audience is here (mostly not). This place is more "iron sharpens iron" than "mission-field."


Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
Imagine a large auditorium. There are only 3 people sitting in the audience, but there are 1,000 teachers on the stage trying to talk over each other. Got that image?

Ok, now put down a pin and label it "YOU ARE HERE."

I don't mean to be unkind, but you really ought to know where you are, and whether your audience is here (mostly not). This place is more "iron sharpens iron" than "mission-field."
I simply gave an offer. That was it. I do not expect a reply.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
It's all there at its fundamental level. You just need to learn to see past the literal surface of scripture. Not many people can do this and alot of the esoteric meanings behind the scriptures have been lost.

I'm more than happy to help you with your interpretation and teach you the necessary symboligy that's included within the Bible.

I'm not being arrogant and I don't think that I know everything, it's just a simple kind offer. I have done much much study on the Bible and alot of area's that surround it.
Not in Gods Word it is not there, looks more of from the Kabbalah...


Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
God's Word has it covered, we stray when we bring in private interpretation...
Interpretation is always private. There wasn't a manual included with the bible unfortunately.

There are widely accepted Interpretations and there are not so accepted Interpretations.

Let's hope yours are right for your sake.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
Interpretation is always private. There wasn't a manual included with the bible unfortunately.

There are widely accepted Interpretations and there are not so accepted Interpretations.

Let's hope yours are right for your sake.
Yes, but 'esoteric' is just code of the 'enlightened ones' or mystics such as the Gnostics or the Pagan Greeks teachings...to say nothing of the Kabbalah. Which we have clearly been warned on ..

1 Timothy 4:1
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;


Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
God's Word has it covered, we stray when we bring in private interpretation...
Interpretation is always private. There wasn't a manual included with the bible unfortunately.

There are widely accepted Interpretations and there are not so accepted Interpretations.

Let's hope yours are right for your sake
Yes, but 'esoteric' is just code of the 'enlightened ones' or mystics such as the Gnostics or the Pagan Greeks teachings...to say nothing of the Kabbalah. Which we have clearly been warned on ..

1 Timothy 4:1
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
No that is not what the word esoteric means. Esoteric means "within" or "internal" and is a reference to knowledge. Exoteric means "external" knowledge and we can align with with "places in time" or history.

So when we take things "litteraly", "physically" or modern day "scientifically". We would call this exoteric because it is based within the physicle word and is external from ourselves along with being easy to understand.

Esoteric is the knowledge of the unseen laws that require "eyes to see" and is generally related to spiritual things, the human psyche etc.

The reason esoteric gets its deffinition of "not understood by the masses" is because the majority of people do not have eyes to see and have no understanding of their inner self. They cannot see passed the exoteric layer of the scripture.

The bible is very esoteric in nature. It's all about spiritual Laws AND not many people understand it correctly because they take it litteraly. They see it for its exoteric cover story.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
Interpretation is always private. There wasn't a manual included with the bible unfortunately.

There are widely accepted Interpretations and there are not so accepted Interpretations.

Let's hope yours are right for your sake

No that is not what the word esoteric means. Esoteric means "within" or "internal" and is a reference to knowledge. Exoteric means "external" knowledge and we can align with with "places in time" or history.

So when we take things "litteraly", "physically" or modern day "scientifically". We would call this exoteric because it is based within the physicle word and is external from ourselves along with being easy to understand.

Esoteric is the knowledge of the unseen laws that require "eyes to see" and is generally related to spiritual things, the human psyche etc.

The reason esoteric gets its deffinition of "not understood by the masses" is because the majority of people do not have eyes to see and have no understanding of their inner self. They cannot see passed the exoteric layer of the scripture.

The bible is very esoteric in nature. It's all about spiritual Laws AND not many people understand it correctly because they take it litteraly. They see it for its exoteric cover story.
Thats why we have the Holy Spirit to guide us into the truth in Gods Word...

John 16:13
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.


Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
Thats why we have the Holy Spirit to guide us into the truth in Gods Word...

John 16:13
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
Yes but remember not everyone embodies the Holy Spirit. In fact not many people do. Just because somone decides to become a Christian one day does not mean they are instantly in touch with the Holy Spirit.

It takes hard work. High levels of introspection and the de-calcification of one's own ego.

So yes the Holy Spirit is there to guide us, but only when one has reached a certain level of conscience within their own soul. When their soul is no longer of this world and has re aquired the divine spark.

A salvation prayer does not make this happen. Being baptised does not make this happen. Hard work, knowlage of self and high levels of introspection makes this happen.

So, this is why when dealing with the majority and their interpretations that they widely vary. Because everyone is at a different level of intuitive understanding. An important thing to note is that the "worldly self", the ego, takes things litteraly because it lacks the intuitive understanding to interpret the spiritual allegory. The ego holds value in the literal, physicle world. Material things. And struggles to make a connection with things of unseen nature.

I'm not in any way referring to you or your ability to interpret scripture but more to Christians in general.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
Yes but remember not everyone embodies the Holy Spirit. In fact not many people do. Just because somone decides to become a Christian one day does not mean they are instantly in touch with the Holy Spirit.

It takes hard work. High levels of introspection and the de-calcification of one's own ego.

So yes the Holy Spirit is there to guide us, but only when one has reached a certain level of conscience within their own soul. When their soul is no longer of this world and has re aquired the divine spark.

A salvation prayer does not make this happen. Being baptised does not make this happen. Hard work, knowlage of self and high levels of introspection makes this happen.

So, this is why when dealing with the majority and their interpretations that they widely vary. Because everyone is at a different level of intuitive understanding. An important thing to note is that the "worldly self", the ego, takes things litteraly because it lacks the intuitive understanding to interpret the spiritual allegory. The ego holds value in the literal, physicle world. Material things. And struggles to make a connection with things of unseen nature.

I'm not in any way referring to you or your ability to interpret scripture but more to Christians in general.
Well you have to read the words of Christ and discern...
John 3:8
The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.


Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
Well you have to read the words of Christ and discern...
John 3:8
The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
Yes, and the key words here are being "born of the spirit". As much as people claim that they are, not everyone is.

Being born of spirit is the moment of Salvation. Salvation is freedom. And being free is being like the wind. We become the embodiment of faith.