"Hope of Glory

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
"Hope of Glory"

1.) Christ is Your Hope of Glory, and ...
2.) Christ is THE Hope of Glory.

You've read these verses.....these phrases in the verse?
Arn't they Beautiful?

So, i wanted to show you how to see them, in a different light.


"Hope" in the secular sense of the word, regarding the definition, means, to hold on to a belief , for bad or for good.
This can be thought of as a WISH.

Examples of the "secular sense" of the word...

I hope it rains.
I hope tomorrow is better
I hope they find a cure for Cancer.
I hope all goes well.

Now, the Spiritual application....the NT idea of "Hope" is completely different.
Look at this phrase......"Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things , HOPED for"...
So, that is a different idea of Hope.....as this is explaining that Faith and Hope, are united as REAL, as substantive....as literally EXITING as a LIVING spiritual property.

The bottom line regarding the Spiritual Application of Hope, is to realize that Hope exists AS Jesus.
He Himself is Literally Hope.
He is OUR Hope.

Now look also at the phrase.... "THE Hope of Glory"..

What does this mean?
It means that Glory has a REAL Hope.
And what is "Glory"?
Glory is Heaven. Glory is where God Lives and Christ is waiting and the dead Saints have gone, and where all the HOST OF HEAVEN are currently praising God.
That's "Glory". Its a Place, its a Eternal Place.
And this Place, has a Hope. And His name is Jesus. He is Glory's Hope. He is the Hope of Heaven, who came here to Give us Hope.
This Hope is Himself.
"Christ in you, the HOPE... of Glory".
So, Christ, is both
the Hope of Heaven, and Hope Itself, and He is Your Hope.

And how is that?
Because This Hope, is your means to get into Glory and live there, and be accepted there..
That is your hope, and Christ is THE Hope who will make this Happen for you if you are born again.
If you are not, you have no hope, and you are this..... John 3:36
This is why He is in you..... As by being in you, you have the Hope, who Is Christ, who is the Resurrection and the Life, and you are 'IN CHRIST", who is Hope.
This is why you will go to Heaven.
If Jesus the Hope is not in you, then you will go to Hell, where there is no hope found., ever.

Now lets look at how the Host of Heaven react(s) to THEIR HOPE, who IS Christ, everytime someone is born again, = as that is the constant hope of Heaven...
The constant HOPE of Heaven, is that unbelievers become Believers, and that the Lost will be Found by the HOPE who is Jesus, who literally came down from Heaven to give us Hope from the Cross.

So, everytime this Hope, who is Christ, becomes someone's "Hope of Glory", (Born Again) your NT says that the Angel's rejoice.
All Heaven, all who are in GLORY= celebrates each new Soul that is now become a part of the eternal Spiritual family of God, because the Hope of Heaven, who is Jesus The Christ, has become THEIR ETERNAL Hope.
"Christ IN YOU = THE HOPE.....of Glory.
And this Hope, is Eternal Life, which IS, Jesus, our Living Hope.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
I would only add to that what Jesus said in Matthew 7:23, Matthew 13:41-42, and Luke 13:1-5,


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I would only add to that what Jesus said in Matthew 7:23, Matthew 13:41-42, and Luke 13:1-5,

The heretic has no understanding of...>"rightly divide the word".
This is why you post, endlessly, your subverted theology that defines you as a Cross Rejector.
A Cross rejector, is someone who teaches and believes that the finished work of Jesus on the Cross, is not really finished. That they have to finish it.
Thats you.
Thats you in 200 + posts you've sent to me.

Listen carefully,... when you study the bible, specifically the NT, always remember to discern if what Jesus said to the JEWS, before He was Slain on the CROSS....and rose again, .....does this work doctrinally as What Paul Teaches, that Jesus taught Him after Paul became the Gentile Apostle.

You have no understanding of this at all, and that is why you post horrible theology that is self saving Grace Rejecting subversion= post after post.

You can't even seem to post anything related to my Threads, at this point.
You just run to them and post your "i can lose my salvation" verses that you dont understand.
You are a prime example of a person whose faith was destroyed by the Epistle to the Hebrews.
You only are able to see verses, that to you, teach you, that you have to save yourself from Hell.
This is what Hebrews does to people who ran into it, got lost in it, and never found their way back.
That's you.

Fair Warning Readers...


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
"Hope of Glory"

1.) Christ is Your Hope of Glory, and ...
2.) Christ is THE Hope of Glory.

You've read these verses.....these phrases in the verse?
Arn't they Beautiful?

So, i wanted to show you how to see them, in a different light.


"Hope" in the secular sense of the word, regarding the definition, means, to hold on to a belief , for bad or for good.
This can be thought of as a WISH.

Examples of the "secular sense" of the word...

I hope it rains.
I hope tomorrow is better
I hope they find a cure for Cancer.
I hope all goes well.

Now, the Spiritual application....the NT idea of "Hope" is completely different.
Look at this phrase......"Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things , HOPED for"...
So, that is a different idea of Hope.....as this is explaining that Faith and Hope, are united as REAL, as substantive....as literally EXITING as a LIVING spiritual property.

The bottom line regarding the Spiritual Application of Hope, is to realize that Hope exists AS Jesus.
He Himself is Literally Hope.
He is OUR Hope.

Now look also at the phrase.... "THE Hope of Glory"..

What does this mean?
It means that Glory has a REAL Hope.
And what is "Glory"?
Glory is Heaven. Glory is where God Lives and Christ is waiting and the dead Saints have gone, and where all the HOST OF HEAVEN are currently praising God.
That's "Glory". Its a Place, its a Eternal Place.
And this Place, has a Hope. And His name is Jesus. He is Glory's Hope. He is the Hope of Heaven, who came here to Give us Hope.
This Hope is Himself.
"Christ in you, the HOPE... of Glory".
So, Christ, is both
the Hope of Heaven, and Hope Itself, and He is Your Hope.

And how is that?
Because This Hope, is your means to get into Glory and live there, and be accepted there..
That is your hope, and Christ is THE Hope who will make this Happen for you if you are born again.
If you are not, you have no hope, and you are this..... John 3:36
This is why He is in you..... As by being in you, you have the Hope, who Is Christ, who is the Resurrection and the Life, and you are 'IN CHRIST", who is Hope.
This is why you will go to Heaven.
If Jesus the Hope is not in you, then you will go to Hell, where there is no hope found., ever.

How lets look at how the Host of Heaven react(s) to THEIR HOPE, who IS Christ, everytime someone is born again, = as that is the constant hope of Heaven...
The constant HOPE of Heaven, is that unbelievers become Believers, and that the Lost will be Found by the HOPE who is Jesus, who literally came down from Heaven to give us Hope from the Cross.

So, everytime this Hope, who is Christ, becomes someone's "Hope of Glory", (Born Again) your NT says that the Angel's rejoice.
All Heaven, all who are in GLORY= celebrates each new Soul that is now become a part of the eternal Spiritual family of God, because the Hope of Heaven, who is Jesus The Christ, has become THEIR ETERNAL Hope.
"Christ IN YOU = THE HOPE.....of Glory.
And this Hope, is Eternal Life, which IS, Jesus, our Living Hope.
Excellent I would only add this one thing is all.

Colossians 1:27
To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Excellent I would only add this one thing is all.

Colossians 1:27
To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.


Let me paraphrase the verse a bit..

Christ, who Himself IS Eternal Life, is IN every Believer.
Christ who Himself IS The Resurrection and the Life, is joined to us, Spiritually, as we are "in Christ". And so, wherever Christ is, the born again ARE.......wherever Christ exists = is where the born again will always, and for all eternity, be found.

"As Christ IS.....so are the BORN AGAIN.....in this WORLD".
That is right NOW.

We the born again, are BORN INTO GOD, Himself.
We are there right now, born again Spiritually..."In Christ"......And as soon as we leave our Body by death, or by Rapture, we will LITERALLY be where we already EXIST as Born Again.

The verse in Ephesians that says.......WE are "seated in Heavenly Places IN CHRIST".....is NOT SYMBOLIC.
The Kingdom of God, is NOT SYMBOLIC.
We are THERE, right now....inside this Spiritual Kingdom of LIGHT = even while we are in a earthen temple looking at a screen.
Our FEET are on the earth, but our Born Again Spirit is "In CHRIST", "ONE" with God and Christ.....since the instant we were born again.

Readers, you dont hear what im teaching you from your pulpits, so, its good for you to hear it, so that you can think on this revelation and let it settle your Faith.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
You can't even seem to post anything related to my Threads, at this point.
You just run to them and post your "i can lose my salvation" verses that you dont understand.

For one thing, I do not believe that I can lose my salvation...so the verses that I am posting are not intended to say what you think they say.

I believe that when we come to the knowledge of Christ, we will abide in Him...and "sin not" (1 John 3:6) for ever (1 John 2:17).

This is eternal security for the one who has been regenerated and renewed...transformed from the inside out by the power of the word, the blood, and the Holy Ghost....because they have been integrally changed in their nature, they will continue in His goodness (Romans 11:20-22).

You are a prime example of a person whose faith was destroyed by the Epistle to the Hebrews.

My faith is very much intact, thank you very much...

You only are able to see verses, that to you, teach you, that you have to save yourself from Hell.

If not from hell, we are to save ourselves from this untoward generation (Acts of the Apostles 2:40).

Other than that, I know that Jesus has saved me from hell....by turning me away from my iniquities (Matthew 1:21, Acts of the Apostles 3:26).


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Mat 7:23, And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Mat 13:41, The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;
Mat 13:42, And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Luk 13:1,
There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.
Luk 13:2, And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things?
Luk 13:3, I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
Luk 13:4, Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?
Luk 13:5, I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
For one thing, I do not believe that I can lose my salvation...so the verses that I am posting are not intended to say what you think they say.
I believe that when we come to the knowledge of Christ, we will abide in Him...and "sin not" (1 John 3:6) for ever (1 John 2:17).
This is eternal security for the one who has been regenerated and renewed...transformed from the inside out by the power of the word, the blood, and the Holy Ghost....because they have been integrally changed in their nature, they will continue in His goodness (Romans 11:20-22).
My faith is very much intact, thank you very much...

As ive told you 40 times, at least, in at least that many Threads, you always combine being good with staying saved.
You always blend living right, with Salvation as HOW it works.

This blend of yours, this hybrid Legalism, offends the Cross, and Denies Christ full Credit due Him alone for saving us and Keeping us saved.

You do not believe that Jesus The Christ, keeps you saved.
You believe that as long as you cling to your faith, then your faith will keep you saved.
you believe that as long as you abide, then your abiding is the savior and you are still saved.

Nowhere do you ever completely agree that Christ alone who saved you, is the only reason you are saved, and the only reason you STAY saved.

You are this Legalist.

"behold, of course Christ is our salvation, as long as we .........keep..........doing...........my........list.

Your list, is your Savior.
Christ is not found on any Legalist's list.
Believe it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
You do not believe that Jesus The Christ, keeps you saved.

That is a lie.

Nowhere do you ever completely agree that Christ alone who saved you, is the only reason you are saved, and the only reason you STAY saved.

Another lie.
It is my connection to Jesus (see John 15:1-8, 1 John 3:6, 1 John 2:17) that keeps me saved.

I do not keep myself saved; but the indwelling Holy Ghost motivates me to continue in His goodness...

Rom 11:20, Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:
Rom 11:21, For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.
Rom 11:22, Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
As ive told you 40 times, at least, in at least that many Threads, you always combine being good with staying saved.
You always blend living right, with Salvation as HOW it works.

This blend of yours, this hybrid Legalism, offends the Cross, and Denies Christ full Credit due Him alone for saving us and Keeping us saved.
Then perhaps I am not very ably presenting my pov.

Let me say that there are two sides of the coin...and that I often try to present the other side of the coin to what you preach in order that there might be a balance and so that people will not get the impression that grace is a license for immorality. You would do well to qualify your statements so that people don't get such an impression.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
That is a lie.
Another lie.
Rom 11:22, Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.

Notice that you say im lying, when im proving that you believe that you can lose your salvation. (be cut off)
You then post a verse that you are trying to twist, to prove why YOU can lose your salvation.

So, its theologicl sanity to say you dont believe you can lose your salvation, then you post a verse to try to prove that you can lose your salvation. ??
Not quite.

You think, and some others......that im really being hard on you.

What this is all about, is that people like you, go un-modded while you continue to be a tool of darkness who can really ruin the faith of a New Believer.
So, i have to try to highlight you and call you out, because you so harmful to a new Christian, and i see it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Notice that you say im lying, when im proving that you believe that you can lose your salvation. (be cut off)
You then post a verse that you are trying to twist, to prove why YOU can lose your salvation.

So, its theologicl sanity to say you dont believe you can lose your salvation, then you post a verse to try to prove that you can lose your salvation. ??
Not quite.

You think, and some others......that im really being hard on you.
But its not personal.
What this is all about, is that people like you, go un-modded while you continue to be a tool of darkness who can really ruin the faith of a New Believer.
So, i have to try to highlight you and call you out, because you so harmful to a new Christian, and i see it.

I don't think that those verses teach that one can lose their salvation...

If you do...and also do not believe that one can lose their salvation, then you have a deeper problem of not believing that the Bible is authoritative. You need to memorize 2 Timothy 3:16, I'd gather.

And I believe that you are the false teacher here; who would ruin the faith of a new believer. I know that there are others here who believe as you do; in spite of the fact that you deny indwelling sin and this means that you are deceiving yourself and the truth is not in you (1 John 1:8).


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I don't think that those verses teach that one can lose their salvation...

If you do...and also do not believe that one can lose their salvation,

Thats a good dodge, but its not going to help you.

You are a person who told us that you sin and confess.
So, you believe that you will always do this, and that is why you always have, since you were born again.
Also, you believe that if you dont confess and repent of your latest sin, you will die and go to hell, if you dont confess and repent of it, before you die.
Isn't that right?

So, now... define "cut off" that you used, in the Context of the New Testament, dealing with Believers, who are born again.

And let me give you another one, since you are here today to shine your Legalism on my Threads.....as usual.

Do you believe that a born again person, can backslide? And if they do, are they still saved?

And if you say that a born again person can't backslide, then you are completely out of touch with real Christians and their Christianity.

I'll be back to deal with you more later.
For now i have to go.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
A man can come to a place where he does not backslide any more (Hosea 14:4, Hebrews 10:14 (kjv)).

If anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous (notice it says "if" not "when").

And yes, 1 John 1:9 is a promise to us that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

It is not to say that I am not walking in a life of victory and therefore need to lay hold of that promise every day.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
So, now... define "cut off" that you used, in the Context of the New Testament, dealing with Believers, who are born again.
The one who abideth in Christ "sinneth not" (1 John 3:6) for ever (1 John 2:17).

See also Hebrews 10:14 (kjv).


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
It is not to say that I am not walking in a life of victory and therefore need to lay hold of that promise every day.

Im trying to help you.
Ive spent more time here with you than with anyone else.

Its not ok to dodge the fact that you just said that a Christian cannot sin, yet, for the first 3 months i was here, you said you sinned, and confessed, and repented, and not just a little
So, during these many times in your life that you were not "abiding in Jesus" and were sinning.....were you still saved?
Thats a yes or no answer.
Try it.

Also you can't honestly say now, that a CHristian can't sin, when you preach we all must confess our sin, which is what you told us for months.
And now once again, you are telling us that we can run to 1st John and find forgiveness for sin, after you just wrote that a Christian cannot sin.
Think on that.

And next, when you say the believer can be "cut off".........you need to explain how this is not related to losing YOUR salvation.

Lastly......i asked you if a Christian Backslider will go to heaven. (only a Christian can Backslide since the Cross was Raised)......

Be careful how you answer, as if you say...>"well, if they repent of that sin".......as you just told us that a Christian can't sin.
So, be careful now as your wild and irresponsible use of the Bible, is shining very brightly for all to see, again.

talk to you later.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
In those days I was attempting to save myself according to 1 Timothy 4:16...and since then have been saved through Ezekiel 33:11-20 and a few other passages.

If I were to sin again, (notice I said "if" not "when") I have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous...and 1 John 1:9 does indeed stand as a promise by which I can be restored to a walk of holiness.

But I am not going to presume upon the Lord that I will be able to lay a hold of it if I willfully sin; because I understand how Ezekiel 33:11-20, and Hebrews 10:26-31, applies...

Also, I am not the one who is saying that a born again Christian cannot sin...but rather, I am merely repeating the words of the Bible...

I will say that if I am born of God, that I cannot sin...I suppose that time will tell as to whether I am really born of God...

And if I fall, I will get back up again...and will seek the Lord for the blessing of becoming born of Him.

I know that the scripture (in this case, 1 John 3:9) does not lie.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
So, during these many times in your life that you were not "abiding in Jesus" and were sinning.....were you still saved?
Thats a yes or no answer.
Try it.
The answer is, I don't really know.

Because I continued to have the gift of tongues.

But I know that my life was not the life of a believer who was "born of God".


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The answer is, I don't really know.
Because I continued to have the gift of tongues.
But I know that my life was not the life of a believer who was "born of God".

Slowly, you are coming to see your own fallacy, IS MY HOPE.

Here is the thing, justbyfaith... there is no ending being born again.
You can never stop it. You can't end God's BIRTH, inside a Believer's Spirit.
Legalist will hair-lip hell and rant hell bent for leather trying to prove that you can go to hell while being born again.
This proves that God's Salvation does not keep some people from being total fools, unable to let go of their self righteousness.

The Devil's lie, one of them, is that you can stop being Born again... (lose your salvation)
Millions of believers are conned and spiritually darkened inside, because they have been deceived by the Father of Lies.

Here is the reality...
Our sin is on Christ, and He died, and its Gone.
We are no longer under the same spiritual dominion, that USE TO factually declare our sin as "sin".
If you want that one, then go back into the Old Testament and DIE THERE, as that is where the Law had dominion.
The NEW Testament, has resolved this "dominion of the Law", deathtrap.
Now, we are delivered from the LAW, and INTO GRACE.
THis Grace, is our new Dominion. Its new rules, its new titles.

Under the law we were a sinner.
Under Grace we are a Saint and a SON.
Under the Law we were DAMNED.
Under Grace we are a "new Creation", "ONE" With God, and HAVE NOW ETERNAL LIFE.

Paul RE-DEFINES what use to be known under the law as SIN<= as "works of the Flesh".

Why? because our FLESH is our DEAD old Adamic MAN, that our New Creation Born again SPIRIT< is STUCK inside, till we get a New Body.
So, our old man, was dealt with on the Cross.
WE are NOT the Old Man any longer, we are "new creations IN CHRIST">
We are IN HIM.
INSIDE HIM and GOD, Spiritually, Born again INTO GOD's SPIRIT.... and they= are IN our "born again" "new Creation". (inside us).

So, that is were we exist now, and that place is "incorruptible" and is not affected by what deeds we do, that are carnally committed.
We are IN The Kingdom of God....Spiritually Born again INTO IT< and there is no SIN THERE....and that is where we EXIST.

Roman's 4:8 does not say you wont sin, it says that what use to be sin, is no longer charged to you, when you do it.
Why not?
Because GOD's Son, has been KILLED for them ALL.

That is God's Grace. Its our Redemption...... Its GOD's GIFT to us, = Salvation.

And why does this reality NOT CAUSE you to sin more? While if you think you are a sinner, you WILL sin more.

Well, that is Spiritual Reality, and it does not PLAY WELL inside a self righteous's person's Carnal Mind.
The carnal minded self righteous Legalist, hears that their sin is gone, Judgement is gone, and they think...."oh, that can't be right, as that will cause a person to SIN MORE".
And this Devil's FOOL, is the one that is sinning and confessing and repenting, found writing Threads about OSAS.... who can't believe that the Grace of God, when understood correctly, is not A LICENSE TO SIN......ITS A POWER TO STOP SINNING.
But until you come into RIGHT BELIEVING about this, and get this REVELATION.....the self righteous nut will continue to sin, confess, repent, and not be able to stop.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Indeed, @Behold,

We have a new identity in Christ that we are righteous in Him even when we blow it (Romans 4:5).

Now that you have this unshakable identity, go and live like your new identity (1 John 3:7, Romans 5:19, Matthew 5:6).
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